Aberdeen Friends Of Israel - United Kingdom

About Aberdeen Friends Of Israel - United Kingdom

Supporting Israel

Standing with the Jewish people

Fighting Antisemitism

Challenging media bias against Israel



Most of the Arabs who fled in 1948 were likely fleeing home, but weren't allowed to re-integrate there. Previous Palestinians were actually Jewish !! - ask the Romans in 135CE. But now that the term is being backdated and used for the population of Palestine, it must always clarify which ethnicity, as they weren't all Arabs as nowadays implies, but were Palestinian Jews, Palestinian Arabs, Palestinian Druze, Palestinian Bedouin Arabs, and whatever else. Current Palestinians,... (Arabs), do not have the history they claim to have, but have loads of Arab history instead in Jordan and all the other Arab nations. (Palestinian is not an ethnicity.) Israel is tiny, and the Arabs didn't want it, only the Jews did, but then the Arabs now wanted it - as if they didn't have enough land and oil.
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Alan Dershowitz on fine form in The Standard: “Let the good people of Britain show the moral backbone of that great country by rejecting Corbyn and the bigotry he has supported.”
https://www.standard.co.uk/…/if-britain -wants-to-show-its-m…


#ProPalestine supporters displaying their intimidation, but doing the #Palestinians no favours, nor respecting #democracy in our nation.


Of all people, possibly Christians should be the ones right up front in supporting the Jewish people. The past can't be erased, but this puts meat on "never again".


#Palestinian officials last month changed the name of a #Belgian-funded school formerly dedicated to a mass-murderer, but gave the same controversial name to two other West Bank schools. Yet the school has not removed controversial elements from its logo, which continues to feature a map depicting Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip as a single territory. Its newest iteration shows a Palestinian flag overlaying all of Israel.


The larger area of Palestine, east of the river, was designated for the Arabs, calling it Transjordan, then officially Jordan in 1946. (Jordan drove out all its Jews, yet Israel gives Arabs and others equal citizenship along with the Jews.)


Perhaps not good foreign ministry policy ??


Far before the #UN was created, and fungible, fair-weathered concepts of “international law” ever existed, Jews were the indigenous people of Judea and Samaria. They had sovereignty or pseudo-sovereignty of that land during - - -
The Kingdom of Israel (1020 to 930 BCE); The northern Kingdom of Israel (930 BCE to 720 BCE);... The southern Kingdom of Judah (930 BCE to 586 BCE); The Yehud under the Neo-Babylonian/Chaldean Empire (586 BCE-539 BCE); The Yehud Medinata under the Persian Achaemenid Empire (539 BCE to 332 BCE); The Hasmonean Dynasty under the Greek Seleucid Empire (164 BCE to 63 BCE) The Hasmonean Dynasty under the Roman Empire (63 BCE to 40 BCE); The Herodian Dynasty under the Roman Empire (37 BCE to 6 BCE); The First Jewish-Roman War (66 CE to 73 CE); The Palestinian Patriarchate under the Roman Empire (80 CE to 425 CE) Full independence from the Roman Empire as a result of the Bar Kokhba Rebellion (132 CE to 135 CE); and Jewish autonomy in Jerusalem under the Persian Sasanian Empire (614-617 CE).
The history of Palestinian Sovereignty in Judea and Samaria - - - In contrast, the Arabs were not indigenous to #Judea and #Samaria. They came from #Arabia to rule over the land through the Arab conquest of Jerusalem in 637 CE. Muslim occupation of Judea and Samaria following 637 CE was conducted from foreign capitals, often by non-Arab (e.g. Sejuk, Ayyubid, Mamluk, Ottoman) dynasties.
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Despite its very rational arguments, the problem with the case against settlements is that it accepts that Jews would be denied the right to live in Judea and Samaria, a land that holds deep historical importance to Jews, even beyond the Bible, as explained Oded Revivi, Mayor of Efrat, in The Jerusalem Post (Efrat is an Israeli settlement in Judea and Samaria, and the capital of Gush Etzion, a group of settlements located in the Judaean Mountains). Opponents of the settlement...s accept very quietly the Arab requirement of a judenrein Judea, as if it is perfectly natural and perfectly acceptable. It is not. In fact, it is a despicable form of bigotry that Jews would be barred from living anywhere in the world, let alone a place like Judea and Samaria that holds huge significance to them. The Arab world has never paid for this crime, and on top of that, it is today supported by the international community in demanding that its crime of ethnic cleansing be allowed to stand indefinitely. At the same time, the international community sees as totally natural that 20% of Israel’s citizens are Arabs with rights equal to Jewish Israelis. The difference between the high ethical standards that Israel upholds and the low ethical standards that the Arab world is allowed to get away with is truly astounding.
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#Israel becoming an independent state in 1948 was the result of the modern #Zionist movement’s effort to secure a safe and secure homeland for #Jews, but #Jewish people had already started returning to Israel a Century before.
The Israeli Declaration of Independence of 1948 summarises Zionism well - “The Land of Israel was the birthplace of the Jewish people. Here their spiritual, religious and political identity was shaped. Here they first attained to statehood, created... cultural values of national and universal significance and gave to the world the eternal Book of Books. After being forcibly exiled from their land, the people kept faith with it throughout their Dispersion and never ceased to pray and hope for their return to it and for the restoration in it of their political freedom.”
If you believe that Jews have a right to live in the land of Israel, you are a Zionist. Why would one not be ??
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The #Druze have identity, acceptance, and belonging in Israel. Mowafaq’s grandfather, Amin Tarif, ensured that when Israel was established, Druze became known as their own people rather than an Islamic sect. Elsewhere in the Middle East, the Druze are known as an Islamic sect although they do not self-define as Islamic. Similar to the Druze, the Jews have been persecuted throughout North Africa and the Middle East, paying non-Muslim taxes (called #jizya) during Muslim rule.


The summer camp run by #CampSunrise for children with cancer in Beit Yehoshua has 20% Arab children. The ones in Beersheba and Ramat Yochanan are nearer 50% Arab. The Jewish and Arab children forget their illnesses and differences and interact – just like kids do. They let the kids just be kids !!


#Israel takes care of #Palestinian children, often better than the Palestinians themselves, free of charge, paid for by the #Israeli taxpayer.


Mr Corbyn's friends, #Hamas, have in their Charter their intention to eliminate Israel and Jews everywhere. Mr #Corbyn certainly does not stoop to that lowest of the low level, but he does seem to question the legitimacy of the existence of Israel, and is possibly implying he would like rid of it as a nation and state. There is no evidence of him challenging Hamas, or the PA, on how they mistreat their own Arab people, nor their shocking attitude towards Israel.


An amazing holiday experience !!


Hardly a week passes without a report about a #Palestinian #journalist complaining about harassment by the #PA or #Hamas. This harassment takes many shapes, such as being summoned for interrogation, detention and verbal abuse. Why are human rights organizations and the international community, who describe themselves as committed to protecting freedom and the rights of the Palestinian people, always silent ?

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