
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Absafe

We are Absafe, the north-east of Scotland's only charity dedicated to health and safety education.

Absafe Description

Road Safety; child safety and accident prevention; personal safety; crime reduction.



Please take a look This is one of the reasons Absafe educates in an interactive way, fun, inclusiveness, imagination If you are interest in learning more about Absafe please visit our website at http://www.absafe.org.uk
https://www.ted.com/…/sir_ken_robinson_ do_schools_kill_crea…


Morning Of you would like to get in touch for a chat or a catch up let me know, I hope all our brilliant Volenteer's are keeping safe and well, we are missing you all. Stay safe


COVID-19 Checklist The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service has put together a Fire Safety Checklist for householders who may encounter COVID-19 CLICK ON THE LINK FOR MORE INFORMATION http://www.absafe.org.uk/news


Thank you Julia Stringer for bringing this one to our attention x
RNLI are launching a Water Safety Wednesday - Home schooling resource to find out more click on the link below:
https://rnli.org/…/water-safety-wednesd ay-home-schooling-re…


Thank you to #TSB for this information.
Be extra vigilant. Scammers are taking advantage of the coronavirus situation.
With the ongoing coronavirus (Covid-19) situation, criminals are playing on people’s confusion to try new scams. Many claim to offer services and products relating to Covid-19, to trick innocent customers into parting with personal information and their money. So here are some tips to help you avoid becoming a victim.
... Scams to look out for:
Purchase scams - offer protective equipment, sanitising products and other desirable goods for sale, that you will never receive. Be careful paying for anything via bank transfer and only buy goods from reputable companies that you know and trust.
Smishing - is sending text messages that appear to come from a trustworthy source like the UK government or even your own doctor which try to steal personal or financial information. If you doubt the text’s authenticity, don't click links. Visit www.gov.uk to check any information given. Verify an organisation’s phone number from their website or from old printed correspondence.
Phishing - is sending emails which try to make you divulge sensitive personal or financial information. They may appear to be Covid-19 tax refunds, reimbursements from travel bookings, safety advice via email and even donation requests. Fraudsters will try to make you click on links that aren't safe. So think before you click. If in doubt, then don't click. And don’t open any attachments from senders that you don’t know. If you’re still worried, talk to family, friends or someone else you trust.
Vishing - is unsolicited phone calls. Always be suspicious of ‘cold-callers’. Don’t be afraid to challenge them or hang up if you can’t verify the caller. Banks, police etc. will never ask for security information, so never give out personal details. If you’re concerned, call the organisation back on the number listed on their website, ideally on a different phone as criminals can sometimes keep the line open. Or if it’s your bank, use the number on the back of your card.
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Whilst we are all at home keeping everyone safe, just some kindly reminders HEAT ALARMS Every kitchen should have one as they detect heat and give you early warning and can avoid nuisance false alarms by cooking. They can also be used in Garages, rooms where boilers are but you may need more than one if the room is a bigger size. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES... switch off a the power source Switch off and don't cover portable heaters Do not charge your mobile devices overnight or on your bed. Close all doors to prevent any spread of smoke and fire Make sure the main keys are to hand so you can get out of you need to. FIRE ESCAPE PLAN Plan how you are going to get out in a fire Practice whilst you are all at home Ensure you have options for an exit route It has been shown that children do not wake as readily as Adults On the sound of the alarm.
These simple steps can help put anymore pressure on emergency services, save lives and prevent injury for more information please visit Firescotland.gov.uk #absafe #safety #community #communityengagement #aberdeen
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Another fantastic share from, Judith McDonald, for all you home schooling at the moment.


One of our volunteers posted this one, thank you Judith McDonald, hope you don’t mind us sharing it 😘


We have emailed local Councillors to let them know we have a facility here at Absafe that could be used for the community in the next month free of charge. This could be for a food bank, community need or extra space for NHS or other care support groups. Please contact our CEO Louise if we can be of any help 07748654105


This week is Children's Mental Health Week 2020 3rd - 9th of February, we at Absafe are committed to supporting the Mental Wellbeing of the children in Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire and the surrounding areas in the North East of Scotland.
Please help us raise the importance of supporting the mental health health and wellbeing by spreading this years theme of '...find your brave...'.
At Absafe our dedicated team work with over 200 schools and over 2000 children and young people... educating them through interactive learning to support mental wellbeing.
#findyourbrave #childrensmentalhealthweek #absafe #workinglocallyforthecommunity #supportingourchildrenthrougheducation #safespace
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Absafe are excited to announce that our new CEO, Louise Richardson, starts today!
We are delighted that Louise is joining the Absafe family to help us on our journey, making our local communities safer and promoting good health, safety and well-being, working with our local schools, community groups and sponsors ❤️
As Louise starts, Kim Woolner finishes. Our thanks go to Kim, who has been fulfilling the role of Interim CEO for the past few months, continuing the good work th...at we do, but she is not going too far as she rejoins the Absafe Board from February.
Please join us in welcoming Louise. I am sure she will be in touch with you soon to introduce herself, and we are excited to see what the future will bring. Exciting times ahead!!
#absafe #newceo #excitingtimes #healthandsafety #healthsafetyandwellbeing
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Winter is typically the peak season for colds, flu and virus outbreaks, and in light of the Coronavirus outbreak, it further highlights the necessity for good personal hygiene. Viruses are transmitted easily and can spread rapidly, endangering lives, especially more vulnerable people.
It is no secret that good hand washing plays a critical role in infection prevention and the spread of illness; hands are the main pathway of germ transmission.
Practicing good hygiene also help...s you to feel good about yourself, which is important for mental health and well-being.
Here at Absafe, we always promote good hygiene, in order that the children understand this and so that they are able to protect themselves and those around them.
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Fantastic attendance today at the Aberdeen University Psychology Networking Event 2020
University of Aberdeen thank you so much for for inviting us and for our attendance certificates 😊


Families are being warned not to 'chance it' after an RAC report revealed that a number of people are not using car seats for children. Research carried out for the RAC Shop revealed more than a fifth (22 per cent) of parents and grandparents admit to not always using a child car seat when driving with children.
Sophie Steane, RAC Shop spokesperson, who commissioned the study, said: “Having the right car seat for your baby or child is essential. Our findings show that many pa...rents and grandparents have taken risks by not using the proper seats.
We back the report from the RAC, these actions are putting lives at risk and we would urge families not to 'chance it' when it comes to children and road safety here in Aberdeen/Shire. No matter how short the journey is lets continue to make positive safety decisions!
Click on the link here for further information: https://www.eveningexpress.co.uk/…/fift h-of-parents-and-gr…/
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This is Burns Night 2020! 🎉
A perfect chance to discuss the dangers surrounding Burns & Scalds (haha). It often comes as a surprise to parents just how easily a young child can badly burn themselves. Because their skin is more delicate than an adult’s, a baby or toddler is more at risk from serious burns.
Recent data from the The Children’s Burns Trust, the NHS services treat more than 30 babies and toddlers with a hot drink burn every day. That's over 10,000 babies and todd...lers a year! 95% of all childhood burns and scalds happen at home, a cup of tea could be the most dangerous thing in your lounge!
What to do in an emergency from a Burn or Scald:
COOL for 20 minutes under cool running water, CALL 999 OR 111 or your GP for advice, COVER the burn loosely with cling film.
For Further safety tips to prevent Burns & Scalds, click on the link below:
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More about Absafe

Absafe is located at The Safe, 26 Corunna Road, Bridge of Don, AB23 8DU Aberdeen
01224 823157
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -