Arab Transformations Project

About Arab Transformations Project

International research project investigating causes of the Arab Uprisings (Arab Spring)

مشروع بحثي دولي يركز على أسباب الربيع العربي

Arab Transformations Project Description

The aim is to study and compare beliefs, values and behaviour relating to political and social transformation in seven Arab countries, through the use of comparative sample surveys. The countries included are Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Jordan, and Iraq.

The project is being led by the University of Aberdeen in Scotland, under the direction of Project Coordinator and Principal Investigator Dr Andrea Teti.

Since January 2011 the Arab World has been undergoing a historical process of rapid and deep change of its political and social structures, similar to the transformations that took place in the Eastern Europe in the late 20th century.

The ArabTrans project will identify the factors, which triggered the political and social transformations in the Arab World since January 2011. Subsequently, the project will also forecast the possible future trajectories of the transformations and chart their impact on the role of the European Union in the region. In addition it will describe and explain the specific role of young people in the Arab Revolutions in all 7 countries.

The project will help to outline and inform various policy options with regard to the political and social change in the Arab countries. It will provide a valuable and unique source of comparative data, building on previous knowledge, which will be of service to the EC, the policy making and the scientific communities.

The project will also help to create a common research area across the European Union’s southern neighbourhood in the south and south-eastern Mediterranean area, where many of these countries have previously not been included in international research programmes.

Other partners in Arab-Trans include:

CREAD (Centre de Recherche en Economie Applique pour le Development Organisation) in Algeria, a national research centre in the public sector which has developed a very strong track record for its excellent research.

The Egyptian Center for Public Opinion Research (Baseera), an independent and nonpartisan organisation for evidence-based public opinion research, established on April, 2012 in the aftermath of the 25 January revolution.

The Independent Institute for Administration and Civil Society Studies (IIACSS) in Jordan, which was formed immediately after the fall of the previous Iraqi regime - its founder Dr Munqith Dagher conducting the first poll in Iraqi history only 20 days after the fall of the regime.

Jordan University, the oldest and largest university in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, with 1400 members of academia and over 37000 students it is also the largest. It has been ranked among most succesful higher education institutions in the Middle East.

MEDA Solutions in Morocco, which specialises in conducting sociological and psychological studies, including a wide range of market research and human resources audits.

Applied Social Science Forum (ASSF) in Tunisia, the main aims of which are to help young researchers in the Arab world, to bridge the gap between social sciences know-how and the marketplace, and to influence policy discussions and debates and enhance the quality of scientific work among the new generations of scholars in the new democratic context.

Dublin City University in Ireland, initially set up to fulfil the national requirement for a highly-trained workforce with skills in the areas of business, science and electronics, computer technology, communications and languages and as an agent for change in its local community.

Analisis Sociologicos Economicos Y Politicos (ASEP) in Spain, a private consulting firm, established in 1982, whose main purpose is social, economic and political researchand wich has - every month since 1986 - carried out a national face-to-face opinion survey.

Instituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale (ISPI), the oldest research centre on international studies in Italy, with long-standing experience in providing policy oriented studies and guidance on international scenarios as well as analyses on international politics and economics.

The University of Vienna was founded by Duke Rudolph IV in 1365. It is the oldest university in the German-speaking world and one of the largest in Central Europe. It aims to sustain a wide range of studies, but at the same time to promote new and innovative fields of research, and to establish new networks between subjects.

The Centre for Survey Methodology (CSM – Conclusion Prim) in Moldova, an SME, which specialises in dealing with all technical and methodological aspects of quantitative and cross-national survey research in the social sciences. Its main task within the proposed project will be to coordinate, implement and conduct nationwide random sample surveys in seven Arab countries, and be responsible for for the training and quality supervision of the fieldwork directors from all seven countries.

More about Arab Transformations Project