Castle Of Park

About Castle Of Park

Castle of Park

Castle Of Park Description

This romantic pink castle, the earliest part of which dates from 1530, is the family home of the Campbell Wilsons. Still very much a private home, by the middle of this year there will be a stunning pavilion available in the grounds for weddings and events. Three of the eleven bedrooms are also available for bed and breakfast use, where you can experience life as the Laird or Lady of the Castle.



A very BIG thank you to everyone involved in our first ever open day and to all the couples who came along. 🥂🍰


The rain stayed away just long enough to enjoy another beautiful Friday ceremony hoooraaay !🎈💖🥂💍 congrats to the happy couple !!


Babe in the Wood Media have perfectly captured our very first wedding at the Castle.


The first wedding celebrations ever held at the new Pavilion at Park took place this weekend for the new Mr & Mrs Campbell. Rain was forecast and although it poured down an hour before the guests arrived, the rain held off for the rest of the day. We understand there was a lot of praying for good weather from the mother of the groom all week, and it paid off, thank you Mrs Campbell.
The day went without a hitch, we would like to thank Boda Flowers, Hudsons Catering, Neil Lynch Celebrant, City Limits, Portsoy Ice Cream, Rustic Look Aberdeen, Babe in the woods Photography, Deveron coaches and whoever made Sarah's shoes for contributing to making the day so special, and of course the biggest thank you go to Sarah and Lee themselves for choosing Castle of Park and making our first wedding go so perfectly.


If you are looking for something brand new and unique for your wedding, why not check out our New Pavilion. A purpose built, architecturally stunning building in the grounds of Castle of Park, with accommodation in the Castle during your celebrations. Decoration by Suki at Hudson Flowers - Tableware by Harthill Hospitatlity -


A new member to the Castle Clan


Well this years Swimcamps have started, we have swimmers coming from as far as Russia. Our swimmers are of mixed abilities from those who are training for their first channel relay crossing to a paralympian and a number of seasoned channel swimmers including Kevin Murphy, known as the King of the English Channel and the North Channel.


One of our Peacocks has taken to perching on the castle roof overnight #highflyer #earlymorningwakeup


Our Annual Highland games are on tomorrow, with Dancing and Events starting at 11am. Always a great day out.


Great spring colours framing the new Pavilion.


Glorious morning here at Park, spotted a pine martin and a young roe buck deer at the edge of the woods, both a bit too quick for me to get a photo, but the Peacock and cattle were also out enjoying the sunshine, so took a snap of them instead.


Boat-sitting for the Cetacean Research & Rescue Unit (CRRU)’s RHIB before it goes off to Inverness for a check up ready for the upcoming season. The CRRU is based in Banffshire and dedicated to the welfare, conservation and protection of whales, dolphins and porpoises (cetaceans) especially along our coastline.#CRRU #Dolphins

More about Castle Of Park

Castle Of Park is located at Cornhill, AB452AX Banff, Aberdeenshire, United Kingdom