Centre For Citizenship, Civil Society And Rule Of Law

About Centre For Citizenship, Civil Society And Rule Of Law

CISRUL is an inter-disciplinary research group interested in key concepts of the modern polity, based at Aberdeen University.



Right now: 2nd day of CISRUL's Conceptualizing "Political" Workshop, with thought-provoking keynotes from Timothy Fitzgerald, Shelley Budgeon, and Oliver Marchart. Up next: the PhD summer school at the Burn


Congratulations, Hanifi! We look forward to welcoming you back to CISRUL in September. https://cisrul.blog/…/hanifi-baris-awar ded-leverhulme-fell…/


We're excited to announce a new Call for Papers: https://cisrul.blog/…/cfp-decolonising- political-concepts-…/


https://cisrul.blog/seminarsande…/conce ptualizing-political/


We are absolutely delighted to announce that one of our PhD students, Eve Hayes de Kalaf has passed her Doctoral Viva without corrections! She will be joining the School of Law and Social Justice at the University of Liverpool as a postdoc in December. Congratulations on all counts, Dr. Hayes de Kalaf!!


Searching for some inspiration for the upcoming week by looking back at some good memories from this year's Radical Democratic Citizenship conference!


All welcome!


We left an empty chair for our keynote speaker and PhD graduate Dr Hanifi Bariş at our Radical Democratic Citizenship conference at the University of Aberdeen today. This is in protest of his continued incarceration and in defence of the right to academic freedom #FreeHanifi #HanifiyeÖzgürlük


Dear #FreeHanifi supporter,
Thank you for continuing to help us in our efforts to free our friend and colleague Dr Hanifi Bariş from prison in Turkey. We are overwhelmed by the level of support we have received so far.
If you would like to receive regular updates on campaign developments, please join the #Free Hanifi Facebook and Twitter accounts. Details below:
... Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/433508947 128873/
Twitter: @freehanifi
In the meantime, please continue to share details of this petition and encourage as many people as you can to sign as you can: https://chn.ge/2KREwSj #FreeHanifi #HanifiyeÖzgürlük
Thank you once again for your amazing support. You have been fantastic.
In solidarity,
The #FreeHanifi Team https://www.change.org/p/turkish-governme nt-we-d…/u/23019248
See More


Some news on Hanifi's case, including a letter we received from him! Please share widely and continue to encourage people to sign and share the petition at https://chn.ge/2KREwSj ! #FreeHanifi #HanifiyeÖzgürlük


Our esteemed colleague, friend and University of Aberdeen PhD graduate and lawyer Dr Hanifi Barış was arrested on Wednesday. He is currently being detained in a Turkish prison charged with "posting items of criminal content" on his social media pages. Here at Centre for Citizenship, Civil Society and Rule of Law we are extremely concerned about this situation and are campaigning tirelessly for his immediate release. Please read and sign our online petition and share as widely as possible with your networks. We thank you all for your solidarity #FreeHanifi #HanifiyeÖzgürlük


Currently underway in the Old Senate Room: Alejandra Mancilla is delivering an excellent paper interrogating "The Right of Necessity" - the topic of her recent monograph. Points under discussion revolve around the question of whether or not if under "certain conditions, a chronically deprived agent has a right of necessity to take, use, and/or occupy the material resources required to guarantee her self-preservation"?

More about Centre For Citizenship, Civil Society And Rule Of Law

Centre For Citizenship, Civil Society And Rule Of Law is located at University of Aberdeen, AB24 3UB Aberdeen
01224 272543