Cutting Edge Fitness



*mental barriers*
Me - "karolina, what is your max dumbell press for 10 reps?"
Karolina - " 6kg"
... Me - " ok here's 10kg, do 10 reps "
13 reps were done.
90% of the time the mind fails before the muscle.
P.s video was filmed later doing tricep push downs :-)
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" I wish I looked like him / her"
- you don't really, because if you did then you would.
You would work and diet as hard as him or her.


When you begin to see changes it makes all the grind worth while.
Still sitting at around 146kg but dropping body fat :-)
Make sure your personal trainer lives and breathes the industry and that they also practise what they preach.


If you turn up for a session with your "PT" and they say
"Right, we are training glutes today"
You should probably find a different PT.


When you have to prep 2kg of chicken for meals tomorrow it's best to get the bbq lit up even in a thunderstorm.


Hypertrophy training.
Strength taking a hit due to diet and training each muscle 3 x a week.
Kicked off today with a 200kg rest pause bench set.
... RP sets are a brilliant way to break through a plateau.
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I have been asked a few times now why I don't do one off sessions or one off nutrition plans.
I am a "personal" trainer not a generic trainer.
I build relationships with clients and learn how their bodies react to different exercises and diets. It is an incredibly dynamic process. And each one of them has access to 24 hour support.
... Diets and training programmes constantly need adjusted to ensure progression.
Every single one of my clients is a representation of me as a trainer so I leave no stone unturned when it comes to them achieving their goals.
I don't even charge extra for nutrition plans, its all part of the package!
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"I just dont have time to cook"
This took the best part of 5 mins.
Any more exuses?


Want a six pack and stronger core?
Forget sit ups,
Try this plank adaptation as demonstrated by Katie :-)


I am terrible with technology so i asked my client to send me a before and after picture of her progress.
Metabolism was manipulated effectively and she is now on more food than she was at her heaviest!


This is what happens when clients stick to the game plan.
Maria is one of my hardest working clients outside the gym in terms of sticking to diet.
She hit a plateau last week. We switched up the diet and managed to shift another 5lbs this week.


Something that winds me up today is society’s acceptance of mediocrity.
Be in it to win it or don’t take part at all.
Be relentless in achieving your goals. I’m not saying you have to be an elite athlete but don’t accept anything less than success, even if your goal is to do 10 sit ups.
... My clients know I push them hard and accept nothing but 100% commitment or I just won’t work with them.
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Its fantastic when your clients keep hustlin and grinding even when they need to go offshore.
My client Dan follows instructions to the letter and as you can see looks incredible!


I am ruthless in the pursuit of my own fitness goals. I have given myself a task to achieve and will not stop until i am there.
I strive to install the same work ethic into every single one of my clients. We leave no stone unturned.
Tony down - 1.5 stone in little over a month... Maria - down 5lbs in a week with her new diet Keith - set 3 new pbs this month Martin - core stability through the roof Yarson - down 7lbs in 2 weeks.
That's just to name a few of my beginners. Not one of them has had more than 2 sessions so far.
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Gutted we never took a "before" shot.
But this is Tony now having lost 1.5 stone in 5 weeks.
Follow instructions and the results will follow.


By far my favourite meal of the day.
High fat, high protein, no carbs
7th meal of the day and still hungry.
... Metabolism on fire.
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Spend the last 2 weeks manipulating my metabolism and building the foundation to implement my new diet to coincide with the DC training program.
The manipulation was done by increasing calories but timing their consumption effectively.
Sitting at 150kg with the aim to add lean muscle tissue.
... What's your goal and how will you achieve it?
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I keep hearing exuses from people as to why they can't achieve their goals.
This is a picture of me after having lost 40kg after spending a long time in ICU.
This picture on the left was taken 5 minutes after I was told I would never be able to enter a gym again and if I did it could have catastrophic consequences.
... 5 months later I took the picture on the right set the Scottish bench record .
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This is the reason I do this job, a message posted in my client group.
I love helping people. Although what I have learned is that the challenges are not always physical. Helping somebody become more confident is hugely rewarding.
In this case Sams shoulder has been keeping her up at nights for years. She had tried everything. We managed to fix it within half an hour giving us time to pump so iron afterwards.


First session with Montana today,
She is mad!
This is her final set of her drop set after smashing legs. She was complaining about it being too hard then starts laughing when she does it!
... Love it!
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known nick for years now and glad he finally put all his knowledge and know how into helping others. i’m so glad i signed up as needed that kick start again and by god i got it. first session with nick the other night and the sheer determination i had at the end was just what i needed to get my mindset back in the gym. highly recommend nick to anyone with any sort of goals they want to achieve�


Training with nick was the best decision I have made he continues to push me and keep me motivated . When I first started going to the gym I always felt like I had no energy but with nicks help I now no exactly the right nutrition to help me gain lean muscle. I have never felt stronger !!


Training going good so far for my title fight nicks training me hard ✨🥊 can’t wait to see what shape I’m in in 6 weeks time. And training on for further fights. Awesome coach for boxers looking for strength and conditioning 💪🏻✨🥊


Great personal trainer, always willing to go the extra mile to make sure you achieve your goals. Ive made every excuse not to go back to the gym because I like being fat, I'm glad he gave me that push and encouragement to get back into it.


First session with nick tonight and it was fab! Feeling so motivated already and can’t wait for next session and to see how well I can do both within my visible body goal and my strength.

Felt very nervous going but Nick is great for making that quickly go away and making you feel comfortable.

Can’t wait for next time (even though I am going to be sore in the morning) chuffed I signed up!��


known nick for years now and glad he finally put all his knowledge and know how into helping others. i’m so glad i signed up as needed that kick start again and by god i got it. first session with nick the other night and the sheer determination i had at the end was just what i needed to get my mindset back in the gym. highly recommend nick to anyone with any sort of goals they want to achieve�


Training with nick was the best decision I have made he continues to push me and keep me motivated . When I first started going to the gym I always felt like I had no energy but with nicks help I now no exactly the right nutrition to help me gain lean muscle. I have never felt stronger !!


Training going good so far for my title fight nicks training me hard ✨🥊 can’t wait to see what shape I’m in in 6 weeks time. And training on for further fights. Awesome coach for boxers looking for strength and conditioning 💪🏻✨🥊


Great personal trainer, always willing to go the extra mile to make sure you achieve your goals. Ive made every excuse not to go back to the gym because I like being fat, I'm glad he gave me that push and encouragement to get back into it.


First session with nick tonight and it was fab! Feeling so motivated already and can’t wait for next session and to see how well I can do both within my visible body goal and my strength.

Felt very nervous going but Nick is great for making that quickly go away and making you feel comfortable.

Can’t wait for next time (even though I am going to be sore in the morning) chuffed I signed up!��


known nick for years now and glad he finally put all his knowledge and know how into helping others. i’m so glad i signed up as needed that kick start again and by god i got it. first session with nick the other night and the sheer determination i had at the end was just what i needed to get my mindset back in the gym. highly recommend nick to anyone with any sort of goals they want to achieve�


Training with nick was the best decision I have made he continues to push me and keep me motivated . When I first started going to the gym I always felt like I had no energy but with nicks help I now no exactly the right nutrition to help me gain lean muscle. I have never felt stronger !!


Training going good so far for my title fight nicks training me hard ✨🥊 can’t wait to see what shape I’m in in 6 weeks time. And training on for further fights. Awesome coach for boxers looking for strength and conditioning 💪🏻✨🥊


Great personal trainer, always willing to go the extra mile to make sure you achieve your goals. Ive made every excuse not to go back to the gym because I like being fat, I'm glad he gave me that push and encouragement to get back into it.


First session with nick tonight and it was fab! Feeling so motivated already and can’t wait for next session and to see how well I can do both within my visible body goal and my strength.

Felt very nervous going but Nick is great for making that quickly go away and making you feel comfortable.

Can’t wait for next time (even though I am going to be sore in the morning) chuffed I signed up!��

More about Cutting Edge Fitness

Cutting Edge Fitness is located at Aberdeen, Aberdeen