Deserve-The Healthy Way Of Life

About Deserve-The Healthy Way Of Life

Holistic Wellness

Deserve-The Healthy Way Of Life Description

We are Noemi and Istvan Takacs, Co Founders of Deserve-the healthy way of life. We are on a life long mission to help everyday people just like you cast a vision and design your life.
We believe every day is meant to be lived by serving others, spending time with those you love most, eating the best superfoods on the planet, creating a fit and healthy body, and meeting like-minded people all while having tons of fun and creating a life-long legacy.



Who‚Äôs up for a free workout? 5 Bonnacord Terrace , Junction Church‚Äôs auditorium. Every Wednesday from 6:30pm-child friendlyūü•≥ Let‚Äôs build a healthy community together!


There is no such thing as an over night success. You need to invest in yourself, your business and build up strong relationships for long term success. You have to push your ego under the water and murder your lower self with taking action. Master skills, master your message and brand yourself. It takes time and dedication but being broke and miserable is taking time and dedication as well. The rest is your choice. Think about it.


What are the benefits of drinking water?
*Increases Brain Power and Provides Energy. *Promotes Healthy Weight Management and Weight Loss. *Flush Out Toxins.... *Improves Your Complexion. *Maintains Regularity. *Boosts Immune System. *Prevents Headaches. *Prevents Cramps and Sprains.
I have 1,5-2 gallons a day !
I love to add some organic lemon juice or out organic hydrate, so I actually enjoy drinking that much. Also I am filtering the water. Are you drinking enough?
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Legend in action!!! #rightnutrition #rightmindset


Are you making progress or are you making excuses? Fall forward. Success is a choice, but you need to make that choice every day. Think about it. #successmindset #success #fallforward


Did you know, that your body needs certain amount of protein, carbs,fat,vitamin,fibre,minerals and trace minerals? Also you need pro-and prebiotics and digestive enzymes. If you are unable to eat enough nutrients every day, your body just can not be satisfied and can’t work properly. Period. #dosage #backed #with #science


The true story about how mankind put themselves out of business as spices by 2080ūü§∑ūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ Evidence based science ūüß™


Today we went to the shop to see how much would it cost to buy it every single day and how does it look like to buy enough spinach to have our daily iron intake and enough nutrients just for one day.We need vitamins and minerals beside protein, carbs and good fat every single day in a certain amount, if we are not having it, our body can not be satisfied, and can‚Äôt work properly. Based on the UCLA‚Äôs research 1 bowlsūü•£ of spinach‚ÄôsūüćÉ(from 1953 )nutrition is equivalent today wit...h 43 bowls ūü•£of spinachūüćÉ. Other researchers stated you need to eat 12 apple ūüćé , 9 orange ūüćä and so on...for the same nutrition as our grandparents had just eating one of them ‚ėĚūüŹĽ So if you are tired, have weight problems, inflammations , muscle mass loss, hormonal imbalance, digestive issues, weak immune system, feel under motivated,etc... than you are not having enough nutrition in your diet. Evidence based science ūüß™ #facts #cleaneatingfairytalebusted
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Look at this LEGEND!!! Transformation on its way!!! So excited for you!!! ūü§©ūü§©ūü§©


11 day body blitz results are coming in, who’s up for the next one.......


Good Morning! When I wake up ūü§© just to find that message ūüíĆon my phoneūüďĪ , the feeling is priceless!!! #feedback #transformationtuesday


Why ‚Äúdiets‚ÄĚ don‚Äôt work, and TheNutrition Rebalancing DIFFERENCE...
Our Cleansing and Fat Burning system is about Nutrient Densityūüíô
A bowl of cereal may have 300 calories but its nutritional value is‚¨áÔłŹminimal. An IsaLean¬ģ Shake has only 240 calories but contains the equivalent of 2000 calories of nutrition.
... Your body gets exactly what it needs for optimalūüí™ūüŹľperformance, with no empty calories! This far exceedsūüöÄthe nutrition typical diets provide!
Our system involves "Nutritional Rebalancing." Your body‚̧ԳŹfunctions on nutrients, notūüöęcalories.
Unlike a DIET, which RESTRICTSūüöęCalories and Nutrients, we floods your body with maximum amounts of nutrients with the lowest‚¨áÔłŹpossible caloric value.
This is also known as‚¨ÜÔłŹHIGH-DENSITY NUTRITION, which simply means MORE‚¨ÜÔłŹNUTRITION per calorie.
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TRANSFORMATION TUESDAY: Casper‚Äôs story: A lot of people make goals about how they want to look... But that will cause you to FIZZLE OUT FAST as you compare yourself constantly to others, because you‚Äôre not emotionally connected to anything personal. ‚†Ä ūüėĪMy Old Mindset: How do I want to look to other people! ūü§óMy New Mindset: How do I want to LOOK & FEEL FOR ME! ... You are free to rediscover and reinvent yourself any time you like, especially if you were like me, suffering from being: ūüôąOverweight ūüźĶConstantly tired ūüôäSugar cravings ūüôČHeadaches ūüôąBad sleeping patterns ūüźĶTotally misaligned. And when you‚Äôre ready, you will do it for you. It‚Äôs that simple. ‚†Ä ‚†Ä The root of my transformation was a self-worth thing which is why this journey has meant so much to me. It‚Äôs because I finally got tired of saying I wasn‚Äôt worth the effort to live in a healthy lifestyle and have a body I loved with a simple nutritional system. ‚†Ä When you‚Äôre ready to keep your promises to yourself, nothing will stop you....Not even yourself. You‚Äôll step into the strongest version of yourself that you‚Äôve ever known. Trust me, it feels sooo amazing.
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ūü§ď One of the key factors in the formation of CELLULITE is toxin accumulation. ūüÜė The body protects itself by storing toxins >>inside of fat.<< Our body is designed to protect itself, so as toxic exposure increases, the fat cells are utilized to accommodate more toxins.....ūüė≤ūüė≤ fat cells grow so more can ‚Äúfit‚ÄĚ in. The body does this to protect its vital organs from chemicals. ūüĆü The good news is that clean diet, intermittent and detoxification can shrink fat cells by up too 400%. Even BETTER is fasting ALSO encourages autophagy which is KEY in cancer prevention‚ÄľÔłŹ‚≠źÔłŹ
ūüėė Even if you are at your goal weight, a monthly detox (or modified daily or weekly cleanse) targets toxins and helps prevents your fat cells from enlarging and provides soooo many health benefits.
‚̧ԳŹÔłŹ What I love is that ANYONE can do this! We have a natural holistic solution.
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My 3 top reasons counting calories, syns and points DON'T work
How many times have you heard (or said yourself) I'm going to join X this week and I'm going to make it work this time!
Says a lot doesn't it?
...Continue Reading


At last I’ve found the key to success - it’s more straight forward than I thought.... #secretsauce


Did you know? #SpringFacts

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