Dtcc Banchory Rides

About Dtcc Banchory Rides

Public page to post details of Banchory based DTCC (and guests! ) training and social rides.



No organised ride tonight, but no harm turning up at 6pm just in case anyone else fancies a spin too. Lights/waterproofs might be a good idea.
No guarantees it'll be dry. :)


No organised plan for a ride tonight - I'm doing MTB and trail maintenance for Deeside SXC round, and David D can't make it either.
I think there should be a few riders, so feel free to turn up and see :-).


No organised ride tonight but feel free to turn up and see who else appears!


Alternative Tuesday night MTB ride. Meet Scolty car park 17:30. Should be around 2 hrs.
I'm going up Scolty tonight with Jody Hall for some MTB action if anyone fancies a change. It'll be a fair bit of climbing and some medium techy descents. Not crazy black stuff, but challenging on a hardtail type stuff, better on a bigger travel full sus. For reference, I'll be on a hardtail and therefore struggling my way down some of it 😀.
Route plan here: www.strava.com/activities/2331219430

More about Dtcc Banchory Rides
