Friends Of Fyvie Church


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A Prayer to Use on Sunday 22nd March 2020 at 7pm
Light a candle in your window
Lord Jesus Christ
... You are the Light of the World I light this candle in my window to remind my neighbours and to remind myself that the light shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot extinguish it
I light this candle in my heart, to remind me that you told us to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul and mind and to love our neighbour as we love ourselves may that love light up all that I think and say and do
I light this candle in my mind to strengthen my purpose to follow you and not to give in to despair may its light show up where the shadows tempt me to give up so that I may resist with all my heart , soul and mind
I light this candle in my soul to remind me that you hear the song of every heart lifted to you in praise and supplication help me to celebrate the good that is still here, beyond my window the bright sun on the water, the birds flitting through the trees the air that we are blessed to breathe in our gardens and wherever we walk the moon and the stars that light th darkness.
I light this candle in my conscience to remind me of all who need my prayers our Prime Minister and MPs, First minister and MSPs all the leaders and workers of the NHS, the police, the Ambulance Service, The FireBrigade and the Armed Forces, those who work in the council front line services, all who are working to keep the rest of us safe may their work be blessed
I light this candle in hope of a cure for COVID 19 and I pray for all those researching that cure and working on a vaccine in the faith that you will bless their work with success and put an end to all our fears
I light this candle to face down all darkness in the faith that carries us all through the valley of the shadow into the light. May it live in our hearts on the journey through and may we know the blessing of your shepherding all this we pray in your Holy Name who taught us to say together,
Our Father, Who art in Heaven Hallowed be Thy name Thy Kingdom come THy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. Leade us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for Thine is the Kingdom, the power and the glory Forever Amen.
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Please remember there will be no Church Service tomorrow.


Our Minister, Rev Alison Jaffrey, has set up a new Facebook page to communicate with you all in person.


Hello Everyone, Following advice from the Church of Scotland headquarters we will not be holding any services of worship for the duration of the Coronavirus crisis. Even writing that sentence is painful because worship is one of the things which sustains us in difficult times. I know it is not the same, but I will be posting a link to the prayers and sermon every Sunday from now on. I would also encourage you to keep on praying for our ...neighbours and our congregation and this whole world of worry. I would like to reiterate what I said in church last Sunday. I will be here on the end of the phone or email to talk and listen. If you need a visit and the benefit would outweigh the risk to your health, I will be there. Please pray for our brothers and sisters in the local nursing homes who are no longer receiving visitors and for all the medical and caring staff who will be working so hard and carrying so much responsibility for all of us. I encourage you to phone each other, to FaceTime and to keep in touch with your neighbours in this way so that we do not lose our sense of community . We may not have balconies to sing from like the Italians but we can encourage one another and remind each other that we are not alone. Where we go God goes and where we stay, God stays Love, Alison x
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UPDATE - The coffee Morning on Saturday 29th March has been cancelled, the Lent Study Group will also postpone their meetings at the moment and the Presbytery Conference on 21st March and the Woman’s Group on the 25th have been cancelled. Next Sunday, Mother’s Day, 22nd March we are planning to have a Thanksgiving Songs of Praise. We have a big Church and there is plenty room for you to come along a sit one/two meters away from your neighbour. There will be teas and coffee from 11am before the service but Jeans baking will have to be put on hold in the meantime. The Church accounts will also be available next Sunday. If/when the over 70’s are told to stay at home and you know of anyone who is need of messages, collection of prescriptions etc please contact any Elder, Carole on 891225 or message this page.


It was a pleasure to welcome Folk Singer Alastair McDonald, his wife Anne and grandsons Fergus and Jamie to see our beautiful Church this afternoon.


Fair trade goods available this Sunday at the monthly stall


The Lent Study group will meet tomorrow Tuesday 3rd February in Rothienorman Church at 7.30pm. For further information please contact Rev Alison Jaffrey on 01651 891961


Saturday 29th February Coffee Morning in Glebe House 10am - 11.30am. All Welcome


Many thanks to all who came along on such a windy night to the concert in aid of Alzheimer's. Catherine and Karen on the flutes were accompanied by Shelagh on the piano and provided a wonderful evening of classical music. Over £200 was raised. Teas and coffee were served after the concert which gave the audience and musicians a chance to mingle.


The beautiful flowers in the Church. The flower committee is just one of the committees within our Church. We have recently added a new list in the vestibule for names to be added for help keeping the outside steps tidy before the Sunday Services. If you can help in any way please add your name to the list or message here for details.


If you missed Catherine and her friends in December, they are coming back on 22nd February. Donations are welcome for Alzheimer’s Scotland.


Just a reminder that we will be back in the Church during February unless the weather turns wintry.


Our Minister, Rev Alison Jaffrey, will be a holding a new Communicants class soon and will be delighted to chat with anyone who is thinking about or who would like to join the Church. She can be contacted on 01651 891961


Many thanks to Steven Eddie who came along to play at the first of our monthly coffee mornings. Thanks also to those who provided cakes and helped in any way and to everybody who came along. The next one will be on Saturday 29th February.


On Saturday 25th January there will be a coffee morning in Glebe House from 10 - 12 with Scottish Music to celebrate Burns day.

More about Friends Of Fyvie Church

Friends Of Fyvie Church is located at AB53 8PB Fyvie