Horseback Uk

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Horseback Uk

HorseBack UK aims to inspire recovery, regains self-esteem and promote positive change in an individual. Using horsemanship and outdoor activities we deliver nationally recognised and accredited personal development programmes.

Horseback Uk Description

HorseBack UK is a Scotland-based charity that uses horsemanship to inspire recovery, regain self-esteem and provide a sense of purpose and community to the wounded, injured and sick of the military community.



A fantastic couple of days spent with Justin Colquhoun and Brooke Toholka. A massive amount learnt for both humans and horses and especially one special little princess Bodi who had an unexpected first ride. We look forward to seeing you back in the spring.


Massive thanks to Ian Wren and all at Hercules Den


We were extremely excited to be one of the chosen charities at The Shoot yesterday. The Shoot Charitable Trust was set up 17 years ago and has raised a total of £2.94 million for charity. Thanks to everyone involved. We couldn't leave without a photo of Jock with Nick Nairn and some of the Scottish Rugby Team


Very excited that Jason Hare will be speaking at the Lorinery Conference In November. They have been great supporters of HorseBack in the past indeed providing the funds for us to buy both Deano and Rooster who are now proudly called Master and Loriner.


Today we received a fantastic email from SSgt Halton who is based out in Northern Ireland with 651 Squadron, 5 Regiment Army Air Corps. He informed us that last Thursday a small team of four runners completed a 26 mile route through the Mourne Mountains in just 10 hours. The route saw them climb seven of the highest peaks and battle poor visibility and strong winds. A two man support team led by himself, covered almost 15 miles throughout the day carrying much needed water an...d other supplies up and down to various checkpoints ready for the runners to pass through.
The fundraising has gone brilliantly. They set a goal of £500 and as of this morning the donations received now total £560 (£640 with gift aid).
From us all here, thank you very much chaps for your hard work and endeavours. Very well done on completing the route and raising a fantastic amount for the charity.
This picture was taken as the team headed up the Mourne Wall on one of the accents.
Thank you to the gentlemen of the Army Air Corps
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Today is the Cairn O'Mount challenge, always a great day in the HorseBack calendar. It's one of the toughest ways our supporters choose to raise money for us. They take a sponsored cycle ride from the gates of HorseBack to the centre of Arbroath. That's fifty miles over some pretty serious mountains. As always, we take our hats off in salute to all the dauntless riders.
Oh, and today , for added degree of difficulty, they will be riding through a thunderstorm.
Good luck, everyone.


Great start to a new Phase 1. The horses are certainly feeling pretty relaxed.


Today at HorseBack UK sees the completion of the new SQA accredited Level 4 “Personal Development through Horsemanship” Phase 3 Course. This week completed by our friends from Racing Welfare. This course is run to the same spec as our military veteran courses and includes two mentors from the Racing Industry that have themselves gone through the 3 Phase Course. This third element and week is designed to ‘prove’ everything taught on the previous stages and to bolster and reass...ure lessons learnt from previous days and weeks. There is obviously a lot of hands on with the horses and a fantastic long ride out into the hills and mountains of the Cairngorm National Park, there is also map reading, route planning, packing, unpacking, kit issue, loading and unloading horses, a water conservation tasking, setting up a camp, living out doors, cooking outdoors, bushcraft and so a keen emphasis therefore on Team Work. The course is designed by nature to challenge, request and facilitate team work, high levels of communication, responsibility, determination, motivation and good old guts and gumption. And these are all measured on the course naturally, it’s a level 4 after all. But what we witness is strength, honour, courage, honesty and camaraderie but most importantly people having fun. Talking openly, trusting in each other and enjoying new friendships that will undoubtedly last a life time for many.
A family. A HorseBack Family.
Well done to our Racing Welfare Course, congratulations. They were simply awesome, inspiring and proper troopers this week. We are all very proud of what they have accomplished and hope you are too. Please join us in welcoming them into the fold.
Enjoy the pictures everyone out there and have a great weekend.
Credit and big thank you to a long standing friend of and supporter of HBUK (from the early beginnings) Fay Vincent FMV Photography for the outstanding images.
Cheers Ops
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Today we have to thank our friends from AUOTC who managed to clear the whole hill field of ragwort. A horrible job but one well done.


Fantastic support from We Remember Them


Our great friends at Fares4Free have been nominated for the National Lottery Awards. They have helped us immensely with supporting and transporting our course participants to get here so please take the time to support them.
Please vote for Fares4Free in the National Lottery Awards at: ct/fares4free


A brilliant week at HorseBack. It's amazing to think that not only do these veterans have life-changing injuries, mental and physical, but that most of them knew little about horses before they arrived. One or two were courageously honest about their nerves at the very thought of getting on a horse. And now look. Absolute respect.


An amazing achievement from the cyclists of the We Remember Them challenge, who are pushing their bodies to the limit to raise money for HorseBack and The British Legion. We can't thank them enough.
If you would like to organise your own challenge, just go to the We Remember Them website and you will find all the information you need. You can join an existing event, or conjure up your own. It's an incredible initiative to mark the hundred years since the end of the First World War and it will continue until November, so you still have time. To everyone who has taken part so far - we salute you.


An absolutely epic challenge for Armed Forces Day. We wish all the dauntless riders the very best of luck.


Some may find this post a little odd and others may completely relate to it. This is Jason Hare's store. To him it is a sacred place with everything neatly stacked and in the right place. To those of us who do not have the same affinity with such a store, to hand someone the keys is an easy thing. Not so Jay. Here he hands the keys to Bobby. Perhaps we should have an after photo!!!


Massive thanks to all those raising money for HorseBack UK today at The Martin Currie Rob Roy Challenge 2018, Our volunteers have done a fantastic job even after a night camping!


A fabulous week with the fantastic four. Well done guys and remember "this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning. See you all again soon.


We are now registered with AmazonSmile which means that 0.5% (1.5% until 29th June) of your purchase cost is donated to the charity. It is really easy to do and could provide essential funding. Please sign up and share.


Well worth it, AMAZING PLACE!!! Well worth flying


This is a wonderful place, with wonderful people and amazing horses.

I cant thank you all enough, my daughter just loves coming here.

Thank you so much


The spirit and community brought together by Horseback UK is immeasurable.

I have just completed my Phase 3 with a fantastic group of people - these people include the beneficeries as well as all the staff.

Thank you.


Outstanding work done by the whole team (human and equine)

Thank you for making such a difference to the veterans who become part of the HorseBack family


Just had an amazing few days thanks to Archie, Whinny and the team. The setting is beautiful kindness flows and the magic happens, my thanks to you all.


Had great time hospitality was 5 star thank for taken my wee girl to see the horses glad to have contributed to the horseback uk


Back here for phase 2 , A brilliant place to be !


An epic week at Horseback UK! Met some amazing an inspirational people with their own stories and journey's. A fantastic set up and a great way to loose and refine yourself with horses and the outdoors!

I even managed to get sun burnt in the North of Scotland for feck sake!!

See you all next month!!!


Amazing place with dedicated people doing truly valuable work


Well worth it, AMAZING PLACE!!! Well worth flying


This is a wonderful place, with wonderful people and amazing horses.

I cant thank you all enough, my daughter just loves coming here.

Thank you so much


The spirit and community brought together by Horseback UK is immeasurable.

I have just completed my Phase 3 with a fantastic group of people - these people include the beneficeries as well as all the staff.

Thank you.


Outstanding work done by the whole team (human and equine)

Thank you for making such a difference to the veterans who become part of the HorseBack family


Just had an amazing few days thanks to Archie, Whinny and the team. The setting is beautiful kindness flows and the magic happens, my thanks to you all.


Had great time hospitality was 5 star thank for taken my wee girl to see the horses glad to have contributed to the horseback uk


Back here for phase 2 , A brilliant place to be !


An epic week at Horseback UK! Met some amazing an inspirational people with their own stories and journey's. A fantastic set up and a great way to loose and refine yourself with horses and the outdoors!

I even managed to get sun burnt in the North of Scotland for feck sake!!

See you all next month!!!


Amazing place with dedicated people doing truly valuable work

More about Horseback Uk

Horseback Uk is located at Ferrar, AB34 5LD Aboyne
01339 880487
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -