Intrepid Training

Monday: 09:00 - 19:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 19:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 19:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 19:00
Friday: 09:00 - 19:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 19:00
Sunday: -

About Intrepid Training

We have a passion for helping and motivating anyone to be the best they can be.

Intrepid Training Description

Training with Intrepid Training is about being bold, taking control of your lifestyle and becoming the best version of yourself.

If you are shy of fitness, unsure of where to start or are looking to take your performance to the next level - we are the trainers for you.

We like to be a little different. The very definition of 'Intrepid Training' relates exactly to what we aspire to give our clients when they train with us; Fearless, unafraid, unflinching.



When you order a soda water with fruit at The Craftsman Company Aberdeen and they go the extra mile to make your day.
There is literally nowhere in #Aberdeen we would rather spend our “office time” than here.
Is that the whispers of a new website in the background?
... #Secrets #ComingSoon #WatchThisSpace #Fresh #Crisp #FitFam #Appreciation #Foodie #BuyLocal #WhatsOn #PersonalTrainer #Health #Nutrition #HydrateOrDiedrate
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Cycle of Behavioural Change: What Stage are you at? What about those around you?
PRE CONTEMPLATION: You aren't aware there's an issue, you're not thinking about changing, it isn't on your radar.
...Continue Reading


🐫 Hump Day feel like Mump Day? 😑
Do you ever have one of those days where you're just not sure what you want to do, if anything? Best piece of advice we've received on this: Just do something. Don't overthink it, just push the button and get it done. 💪
Even when you don't feel like doing a huge old bunch of tasks on the list, or full workout; could you start with one task or one piece of your workout? 🏋️
... Today I don't care about my hair, makeup, full workout schedule, the rest of life, I will simply stick in my headphones and row. 🚣
Tomorrow I will be back to my fighting fit self. Simple, in and out, job done, still better than sitting on the sofa.
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Do you have a song or playlist that motivates you? Or that you love to workout to?
We are both ridiculously motivated by music and have different playlists depending on the activities we're doing. We even swap over who has control of the bluetooth speaker to whichever one of us is in the shower at the time. Because if you haven't Karaoked, have you even showered?
We listen to podcasts to learn and improve. We listen to music to help us focus ans study. We even cook an...d clean to music - our neighbour has often commented that she knows when we're tidying due to the music being played.
Strength & Conditioning: Dean: Anything angry. Mel: Rap and Hip Hop.
Cardio: Dean: House music. Mel: Progressive Trance & House: Above and Beyond, Armin Van Buuren, Tiesto.
Concentrating: Dean: Ska Punk. Mel: Grunge, Folk, Ska, Reggae, 90s R&B.
Feel free to follow a collection of our workout sounds, or even add you favourites:…/1114597718/p laylist/2CnWdcZqrtQY…
Have you songs that you recommend? What gets you moving? Drop us a comment or DM, we'd love to add your random suggestions to our playlist!
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Client Close Up - KATIE'S #intrepidtransformation
Last week Katie 'completed' her one to one PT with us. What a journey......but we can genuinely say that we've made a lifelong friend with this one.
She first started with us a year ago, training 3 mornings a week and quickly became a client that we both looked forward to training. Her fitness has made leaps and bounds whilst her resilience towards more intense sessions just grew and grew.
... Katie came to love functional and outdoor sessions. Her amazing box jumping form was viewed by nearly 11,000 people on the Pure Gym insta page alone, only receiving compliments and not a single negative comment (I'm sure we can all appreciate how astounding that is in a world of social media trolls).
She excelled during outdoor training sessions and just dealt with whatever we chucked at her: Joining in during some Roller Derby fitness training sessions we run for Granite City Brawlers - Roller Derby . Being shown the basics of Rock Climbing from Mel at Transition Extreme Sports Ltd. . Coming to the stables for the day and running alongside Mel hacking through the woods on horseback or next to Mel's bike with Ziggydog at the Beach. We also looked at and coached her with her nutrition, something which can be difficult for anyone in their final year of Uni.
Now she's finished with University of Aberdeen, she'll be able to prioritise planning her nutrition. We genuinely can't wait to spend the summer dragging Katie along to random activities whilst listening to her fantastically dark sense of humour in action (we're all going to hell). We're thinking outdoor rowing next, since her form is now frickin awesome on the Concept2, Inc. indoor rowers. Have a scroll to see what Katie said about training with us. Read her full testimonial at
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Man we've had such a good week! Even though it's been cold, the generally sunnier weather has brought about more bike rides, outdoor training, varied dog walking routes and everyone just seems cheerier and up for more random activity outwith their sessions. Keep tagging us, we love to see what you're all up to!
Highlights included @naturesintentions getting more comfortable running for distance without us there and getting faster by 2 mins in ...this week's parkrun. @jessicajane96 completing her introduction to Olympic Lifting and happily practicing some of the basics. @kitkatismee completing PT with us feeling stronger, more confident and capable - Dean and her being thick as theives in the video as ever, I asked for a 15 second video of her doing activity to show you and got....well, you'll see. @r.b.k.j starting to look noticeably different upon reviewing this week's footage. A fun paired session for Kate and @pudsey101. Some awesome ankle strength gains being made by @emsliecaroline to make her altogether more balanced and stable (resulting in Mel no longer having nightmares of twisted or broken ankles for her). We welcomed @nicolashearer_ to team Intrepid and quickly took a liking to her dark humour and ability to pick up movement patterns really quickly. We made some headway looking at the difference between horseriding positions and squat with @lornamclean88 who is coming on really well during her bright early morning sessions - (see you at @hayfieldridingclub soon where you can keep teaching me the opposite). And of course, dissertations getting handed in with hugs and high fives being launched at us from all angles - excited to see what summer brings.
But the main thing we've been hearing about all week is the MAY DAY bank holiday tomorrow! Also known as Aberdeen's biggest hangover day! Is this just an Aberdeen thing or is May Day one massive piss up in every city? Genuine Question!
Anyways, for those of you hiding under the duvet with Beer Fear tomorrow, remember, a good balance is always possible no matter the weather, bank balance or blood alcohol level. Leave yourself a jug of water next to bed before going out and figure out what you're going to be munching for your hangover in advance. I swear by a good stodgy Fish Finger and Beans sandwich, a Berocca and either sweating out hangovers by running, or evading them by sleeping all day but that's just me.
See you on the other side! Mel x
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Remember that fun is as important as work. Rest days are just as important as training days.
... So whether or not you're switching your alarm off or getting up to watch the sunrise whilst listening to a podcast on how to be a better hippy. Out training, relaxing in a beer garden with your mates or Netflixing to your heart's content (our latest rest day recommendations are: Love, Death & Robots, Suits, Umbrella Academy & House of Cards) - enjoy it!
Give your body and mind what it needs.
After a crazy working week, I’ll be doing a lot of Yoga and using my Calm app to help me unwind. I really believe in listening to the body and this week I feel like I’m looking forward to a couple of days of chill with our pets.
Do you have any rest day recommendations for us?
#namafuckingste #frommyhearttoyours #restdayrecommendations
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Fancying playing some volleyball tomorrow lunch time?
Would anyone like to do something WILD and come try a new sport? No need to be a pro or anything - it’s an open invite.
PM Dean for details 😃 🏐


FOODIE FRI-YAY. #ThankGodItsFoodieFriday
We love our food and always hate the idea that ‘fitness food‘ has to be boring. This week we went to @chicto show you the type of things that we would order if eating out. When working towards your goals, there's no reason why you can't eat out, within reason - you just have to think logically 'is that what I need right now? Would I be choosing to fuel myself with that if I wasn't out?'.
... Yeah okay, I would have liked to have ordered pancakes with syrup for breakfast - i'd also like to have pancakes with Nutella. Infact, if i'm honest, I'd like to skip the pancakes and go straight to Nutella, or even just chocolate - see where i'm going with this?
It's a mindset: As soon as you stop viewing eating out as a cheat that needs to be grabbed, before the opportunity is taken away again, it'll feel like less of a sacrifice to choose the option most in line with what you actually need. That way, when you actually want to go out for the yummiest option (Hello Baskin Robbins, my love), you can, without it totally screwing the rest of your goals up.
Basically, learn to choose nice options in line with what your body needs: No need to restrict right down to a sad salad, just don't always stick your hand straight in the cookie jar when looking at the menu. That's balance.
Is there anything you'd like us to cover during Foodie Friday's? Feel free to tag places, recipes etc that you‘d like us to try, review or give our opinion on: just tag below.
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🤪 TRY NEW THINGS - PARKRUN (Aberdeen parkrun)
Struggling for a new hobby? Fed up or uninspired with nothing new to do or unsure how to meet new humans (or their dogs)?
We love it when people try new things and know how hard it can be to conjure ideas or confidence to try something when you know nothing about it.
... That's why we've started #NewThingsThursday. Every week we'll give you some ideas that we hope will broaden your horizons.
This week we're keeping our feet on the ground and talking about parkrun! Pictured is @naturesintentions who has recently taken up running as part of her training and is now working towards Race for Life 10k in June. Parkrun is a weekly timed 5km route where you can go at whatever pace suits you! With a designated volunteer at the back, you’ll NEVER be last over the line. If you’re feeling competitive, or want to test your abilities, there are plenty of people that already do this as a hobby to put you through your paces as you secretly try to overtake.
The best bit: parkrun is completely free so you can save your pennies for the snack afterwards.
“Where is it?” You ask. Well, that depends how far you’re willing to travel! Want to go to Japan? Never been to Singapore? What about the good ol’ U-S of A? If you’d rather stay local, you’ll find a parkrun at 9.30am every Saturday at Aberdeen Beach, Hazelhead, Ellon, Stonehaven and in Crathes.
Feeling brave / fancy seeing a familiar or friendly face there? Feel free to give us a shout and we’ll show you the ropes.
#loveparkrun #aberdeenparkrun #healthymindhealthybody
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Today we wished our amazing client Kevin a huge 'Happy Birthday'! 🎂 Kevin's come such a long way since his first PT session and we couldn't be more proud of everything that he’s achieved with us over the last year. Kevin is autistic and so exercising hasn’t come without its challenges. Together we’ve gone from focusing on general balance to prevent falls; learning how to get down stairs, independently, using both legs; to learning how to safely get up and down off of the fl...oor completely unaided. We are now able to run during every session, use lots of varied equipment and Kevin has even taken up swimming! So if you ever see anyone running up the big hill outside the windows of the gym with us, it’s probably Kevin, so give him a high five on the way past! None of this would have been possible without consistency, determination and a really great sense of humour - thank you for all of the fun mornings! We love you Intrepid ’Strong Man’ Kevin! xx
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Do you ever get food Anxiety? So there I was surrounded by a group of people I’m completely comfortable around. 💁🏻‍♀️I’m a pretty confident person these days. I can stand and give talks to groups of people of all abilities, backgrounds, shapes and sizes. 🏋🏻‍♀️I can train teams of confident, athletic, rowdy athletes. 🤸🏻‍♀️I’m a decent cook and regularly coach individuals on nutrition, with some awesome successes under my belt....
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Fallen off the wagon? Exams? Pressure at work? Don't stress
... Working hard doesn't have to stop you working out or eating well. Change the way you think about what your workouts; make lifestyle aids.
The secret here is simplicity.
Simplify your routine; go back to basics. Apply your fitness journey practically; ☝🏼A short run in the morning will wake you up and help you concentrate, without having to get up more than half an hour earlier than usual ✌🏼A workout before bedtime should help you unwind, allowing for a deeper, higher quality sleep
Nutrition can also be simplified; ☝🏼 Some decent easy meal prep from the freezer could help you concentrate for longer. ✌🏼 Small goals such as drinking more water as you study could help your brain to...brain.
If you're stressed or under pressure, the last thing you need is to be pushing yourself to the limit in your exercise routine or nutrition and adding even more stress to your plate - Fuck that.
During times like these, we tend to recommend clients to aim rather for MAINTENANCE than reaching PBs or lots of weight loss. Study Hard : Train Easy - your body and your mind will thank you for it! See you after due date when the real work on yourself begins. Now stop procrastinating on social media and get back to it, you pesky tax dodging student, you! You're nearly there, you've got this!
See you after due date when the real work on yourself begins. Now stop procrastinating on social media and get back to it, you pesky tax dodging student, you! You're nearly there, you've got this!
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This weekend we celebrated Sammy's 23rd Birthday with an awesome Birthday Party and a trip to buy some new hiking boots 😂.
For any of you who have followed her journey so far, you’ll be well aware exactly how much she has achieved so far; 7stone weight loss, and counting, new career to match her new found confidence, and a totally different way of life.
Sammy has gone from being clueless in the gym to being able to run, attend classes and lift weights independently. She’...s a force to be reckoned with and has wholeheartedly given us her trust and truly embraced the ethos of our training; find your intrepid.
Sammy has said herself that it’s strange to think of her progress photos being ‘fat’ photos. Here is a picture of her just last year, verses now. We can't wait to see all that she achieves, but in the meantime we're enjoying the process of working (and laughing) with her.
Mel is also looking forward to makeup lessons from her - Sammy Dey MUA
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Accurate 😂


“There is nothing to do in my city.” “Nothing different happens here.” “I am bored all the time.”
You’d be surprised what different sorts of interests your friends and those around you have, if you would just have that little bit of inquisitive conversation in an intellectual mindset.
... “Boredom is a sign that your mind is avoiding something that is important.”
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💐The thing about true Kindness is it’s infectious and always seems to come back to you. 🌞
🌸Thankyou to our fantastic clients for filling my weekend with gifts, cards, messages, hugs, warm wishes and kindness for my birthday.
☺️What a happy start to the week. ... 🤫No you cannot see my food diary for the weekend: 🎂🍪🍕🎂🥗🎂🍕🍪🎂
Melanie xx @ PureGym Aberdeen Shiprow
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More about Intrepid Training

Intrepid Training is located at AB24 5nn Aberdeen
Monday: 09:00 - 19:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 19:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 19:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 19:00
Friday: 09:00 - 19:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 19:00
Sunday: -