Irene Morrans - Heart Centred Business Success Events

About Irene Morrans - Heart Centred Business Success Events

The human factor in all business are our paradigms; their influence on our independent & professional potential. Identify & resolve. Fast paced events.

Irene Morrans - Heart Centred Business Success Events Description

Fast paced, transitional, expect no going back to the 'less than' approach after these 4 hour evening events in Aberdeen city. All 4 events ideally attended as progressive, however can stand alone.

Find your paradigms and their restriction on how you experience your business and personal life. Find your true desire to change the way your life and business world is experienced.

Are your business and personal experience outcomes a correlation of your desires or a disturbance?

Become your own path to promote wellness of: product
wealth consciousness
personal consciousness

Q. Have you reached your juncture?
A. Yes, Absolutely perfect, but my business just
seems to reach a point it does not go beyond.

Its time to release your restrictions to your own approach - to receiving a 'different message' from yourself and putting this 'different message' into a language the universe understands.

~ Language and Business are parallel
~ Finance and Worth are parallel
~ Belief of self and empowerment are parallel

Q. What kind of 'worth' exists within you already that you are telling the universe through your subconscious paradigms?
Q. What kind of 'worth' are you receiving in return?

The heart centred business you desire involves you discovering and resolving your subconscious paradigms.

Be prepared to:
~ Have clarity & change.
~ Realise the reasons you are not quite where you wish to be.
~ Face the possibility of success.
~ Leave each event with awareness of the direct correlation of your paradigms and your previous outcomes and making changes.

4 events each event focused on 2 specific topics; monthly. Time: 18: 30 - 22: 30
Ticket per event £35 (deduction £10 when all 4 events booked at same time)

Dates & Focus of the Month.
Sunday 23rd October 2016 - Paradigms /Wealth Conscious
(Understanding subconscious influence on conscious choice & how those choices often de-rail our progress - Law of Abundance

Sunday 27th November 2016- Identity /Value
(Self worth & retrospective Self value reflected through your Net Worth /Represented Value given for service received - Law of Deserving)

Sunday 18th December 2016 - Networking / Competition
(Your self perception around peer groups /Similar businesses are you seeing them as support or threatening your customer opportunities - Law of Attraction)

Sunday 29th January 2017 - Communication / Public Speaking
(Preparing for success; Presenting your purpose with authenticity / balancing choice of progressing alone or with business associates or employees and harmonious motivation of your employees or business associates - Law of co-operation).

Take charge of you, your paradigms, lift your ceiling and create the life you love. The best part ~ you'll never feel like you are working again!

More about Irene Morrans - Heart Centred Business Success Events

Irene Morrans - Heart Centred Business Success Events is located at Private Sessions - 3 Scotsmill Dr. Blackburn, AB51 Aberdeen