Kelly Buchan: Nutritionist & Mindset Coach

About Kelly Buchan: Nutritionist & Mindset Coach

I will NOT write you a diet plan, tell you what to eat [& what not to eat] , or punish you in the gym. I WILL help save you from our diet-obsessed culture.



Quick update 😊


Hello wonderful people 🤗
So the survey below is part of a friend’s MSc Nutrition project, looking at the use of diet apps, which I’m sure most of us have used at some point... Or maybe not? 🤔 If you could spare a few mins to complete this, it would not only be very much appreciated, but also a big contribution to a growing area of research.
Whilst on the subject, please feel free to leave your comments below. This will be something I will be addressing myself at a later date... 😉
Thank you!
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Was investigating what I use all my data on and came across this. 1 hour per week. 8.5 mins per day. What does yours look like?!


Don't you think it's sad that we actually live in a world where people feel it's necessary to do these things? The woman in this video is completely fine the way she is, yet she feels the need to change or cover up parts of herself... for what? For who? These "beauty hacks" will not solve any problems, only exacerbate existing ones.


Alex was one of my lecturers at University, who primarily researches appetite control. This article is a great overview of how our appetite changes as we age (y)


Vegan hotpot and hazelnut cheesecake by Little Buddha Beauty and Bakes at The Old Auction Room Strichen! I got a bit excited about the cheesecake before snapping it. Go get yerself some before 8 - if there’s any left. 👌


This campaign has been released as a backlash to Protein World’s original of a toned woman with the slogan “Are you beach body ready?”. The banner advertised their products for weight loss.
Personally, I can’t believe ‘beach body ready’ is even a thing. We all have a body and we can all go to the beach, therefore we have always been ready. Just remember the suncream.
Your body is NOT a commodity.


Who is all going to the food and drink fair in Strichen on Monday? 🙋🏻‍♀️


Basically implying that you have to be a young super strong stud muffin who has their shit together, with lots of cash and friends to live life to the max.
My answer: I would flush them all down the toilet and continue to live my life the way it is, worrying (if at all) about things that are actually important.
Y’all need to stop living a life written by someone else. Be your fkn self.
... P.s. Happiness is a state of mind. Get used to it.
Amen. Have a nice fulfilling Sat!
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Possibly the best life advice you will ever get.


Apologies for all the swearing in this, but he is SO spot on. 33s onwards 👌


There are so many factors in life that affect your diet - it's not just about what you do as an individual. Your mental health, your social network; your socioeconomic, environmental and cultural conditions are all important. Your personal trainer doesn't account for that. Those health advocates you follow on instagram don't understand that. Nutrition is NOT a simple science - we still have so much to learn. If you want valuable advice, please go to someone who is qualified: a registered dietitian or nutritionist.


SCENARIO: It’s after 12am. I’m awake and hungry. Should I eat? [Familiar battle? Post to follow].


Apologies for this one being so late, but I will be posting one every Wednesday, so feel free to subscribe to my channel to ensure you don't miss any 👀. Thoughts, feelings, opinions and personal experiences welcome - just post in the comments below 👍 If anyone would like me to cover anything specific, give me a shout! 😁


What do you guys n’ gals make of this? My thoughts will follow...


Which social media platform do you use most often? 🤔 If you also use twitter, please comment 🐤! Thank you 👍


IF YOU FIND YOURSELF BLOATED WITH GAS, instead of cutting food items from your diet, answer this: do you use onion and garlic? If so, how much? They are two of the biggest causes of gas. The reason being is that everyone malabsorbs them, because we do not possess the enzyme to break them down. They are then fermented by our gut bacteria, which results in the awful gas. Now, I’m not suggesting you cut them out - I’d never recommend cutting foods/groups out of your diet unless’s absolutely necessary/for moral reasons. But maybe consider cutting back slightly to see if it helps, as out of all the potential culprits, they are the easiest to reduce. OR, try an alternative, like Mr. Asafoetida here. It is a commonly used spice in Indian cooking, and mimics the taste of onion and garlic. I add it to my mince mostly and find it definitely makes a difference 👌 If you try it or have another alternative, let me know what you think/what it is. Feel free to post a pic/tag me in anything you add it to! Inspiration is always welcome! #ibs #bloated #binthediet
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I’d have done the same thing! Ignorance, impatience and insensitivity gets you nowhere fast in life.


Let’s play a game. Comment 🖍 with two words that you think of 💭when you see or even hear ‘nutrition’ and ‘fitness’. But instead of doing it quickly, give yourself a sec to think about what they both mean to you 🤔. I will follow up with a post on this...

More about Kelly Buchan: Nutritionist & Mindset Coach

07850 484 795