Lochside Academy - Targeted Support

About Lochside Academy - Targeted Support

This page aims to keep parents, carers and pupils informed on ASN and Targeted Support at Lochside Academy.

Lochside Academy - Targeted Support Description

Supporting Learners at Kincorth Academy

Universal Support is given to all of our Learners from class teachers, their register teacher and the PT Pupil Support for their House. House Teachers register attendance daily and hold learning conversations with their pupils. The PT Pupil Support teaches PSE and meets pupils individually to provide support and guidance.

Targeted Support is planned through weekly house meetings chaired by the House DHT and attended by PT Pupil Support, PT SfL, the House SFL Teacher & the Educational Psychologist.

Targeted Support from the SFL Department is based on the 5 Roles of the SfL Teacher :

1. Consultancy

Consultancy can take place in many forms: from simply giving advice to working collaboratively with individuals or departments. Effective learning and teaching strategies may be discussed and developed and suitable resources identified and made available.

2. Co-operative teaching
At times SfL teachers teach alongside class teachers in the classroom. Clear aims are set out beforehand and subsequently reviewed. The benefits of co-operative teaching include: providing direct support to and monitoring the progress of all pupils in class; developing classroom strategies with the subject teacher and assisting in recording and assessment.

3. Direct Tuition
Sometimes it is helpful for pupils, individually or in small groups, to work out of class with a member of SfL staff. Also blocks of support may be given to larger groups of pupils to focus on development of specific skills.

4. Services to individual pupils
The SfL Department collates information on individual pupils and is involved in further investigation should the need arise. It has responsibility for ensuring that information on individual pupils is appropriately disseminated both in school and to external agencies.

5. Staff Development
The SfL Department contributes to staff development in a variety of ways: through the sharing of insight, experience and resources; the presentation of in-service sessions; offering guidance on materials, equipment and approaches; commenting on guidelines and briefing documents and by disseminating information from courses attended.

None of these roles is carried out in isolation and each interacts with the others.

Minimum Effective Intervention

The school firmly believes that it is essential to ensure pupils have the right support at the right time. Support is regularly reviewed through house meetings and formal review meetings to ensure that the pupils are able to be as independent as possible.



Friday's S2 group scaled the wall and mastered the bmx course at Transition Xtreme. Mrs Smith said they were amazing and a credit to the school.


Some skiing pics from the Snowsports Festival. Kids had fun learning a new activity and represented Lochside Academy well.


Some photos from the Snowsports Festival. Lots of smiles!


The Out & About Group had fun learning about insects and habitats from the Rangers at Duthie Park.


Mary, Anne, Vince & Nelson were pleased with Lochside Academy's donation to Guide Dogs for £157. This money will buy 4 harnesses for Guide Dogs and will pay vets bills and buy dog food. Well DONE!


The AFC top draw happened to day. Mrs Gordon was drawn out twice but insisted on a redraw! Mrs Trodden went on to win! A nice farewell for her as she leaves Lochside Academy tomorrow to start a new job closer to home. We'll let you know final total raised for Guide Dogs. Thanks to all pupils and staff who supported this cause.


One of our amazing pupils has organised a bake sale for Epilepsy Awareness. Wear something purple to show support today.... Purple nails!


This may be of interest to some of our parents and pupils.


Pupils are going to sell tickets during register time for Guide Dogs. For your chance to win a framed and signed AFC shirt. Tickets cost 25p each or buy 5 at the bargain price of £1! Winner will be announced on 28th March.


We had a very informative talk from Mary & Anna today and some special visitors - Vince & Nelson. We will be raffling off a signed and framed AFC football shirt in aid of Guide Dogs for the Blind. Watch this space and find out when tickets go on sale for this very worthy charity.


Well done to Mrs McNeil for supporting MeToo.


Out & About Group visit to the Zoology building.


Some good advice to help improve sleep.


Some great action shots with the Out & About Group at the bowling alley this afternoon.


Ms Rapley & Ms Cuthill took a group out to the Haar Rock Cafe for hot drinks. A great welcome was given to the group. Thank you very much!


Out & About Group had an interesting afternoon at the Ta Kheru exhibition today. Some of the group learned about mummification earlier today and were able to make use of prior learning to support others in the group.

More about Lochside Academy - Targeted Support

Lochside Academy - Targeted Support is located at Lochside Academy, Wellington Circle, Altens, Aberdeen, AB12 3JG Aberdeen