About M I M I S P A C E

Customized timber garden buildings designed and built in Aberdeen.

M I M I S P A C E Description

Garden Buildings



M i m i | N e w s
Hello again. Winter is here... a time for creative thinking, planning, and developing new ideas. We have been planning exciting new projects and products for 2019!!! Watch this space and in the meantime, enjoy a photo of a different type of construction site .... ūüŹóÔłŹūüôąūüéÖ


M i m i | C o n s t r u c t ūüŹóÔłŹ
Our cute little helper ūü϶


https://www.instagram.com/p/BoqxvlADO2S/‚ Ķ


Architecture shapes our lives in so many ways. Here's a few inspiring spaces. The first one is my favourite... a secluded micro house in Mexico ūüĎĆ #WorldArchitectureDay
https://www.facebook.com/1496221847359775 /posts/2118982838417003/


M i m i | W o r k | S p a c e ūüĆĪ
This creative owner describes her studio as 'very peaceful - it's the perfect place for creative thinking and full of insects, too, which is great for inspiration'


M i m i | E x t e r i o r | C o l o u r
Exposed wood is a wonderful material to see all the natural grains and knots, however, we also love black! ūüĖ§ What's your favourite timber exterior colour?


M i m i | I d e a s ūüí°
These corner windows and doors frame the outside giving the illusion that the wall has dissappered leaving you to feel the warmth of being inside, whilst you enjoy the outside ūüĆĪ


M i m i | C o n g r a t u l a t I o n s ūüéą
Congratulations to The Works, Edinburgh, we hope you and your clients are happy with your Mimi Space ‚ú®


H a p p y F r i d a y ūüėé‚ėÄÔłŹūüĆě
The Mimi Space team are enjoying the sunshine in Edinburgh. Who can guess what this garden room will be used for?


14 Inspirational Garden Offices, Studios and Guest Houses......I know my favourite, which one is yours?


‚ú® M i m i | I n s p i r a t i o n ‚ú®
I love this cabin project called "Little House on a Ferry".
If you have a photo or doodle, get in touch. I can help you design your very own dream cabin...
... https://www.dezeen.com/…/little-house-o n-the-ferry-go-…/amp/
See More


The benefits of owning your own garden room allows you to work from home doing what you enjoy!
For all of you who are working from home already or thinking about working from home, feel free to tag your business below ūüĎĆ
Personally, I love the flexibility of being able to work around my family, the peace, especially when I'm snug in my garden office! The best part though is putting on my own playlist ūüé∂
... https://www.sdworx.co.uk/blog/benefits-of -working-from-home
See More


M i m i | K i d s | S p a c e
Creating a space for kids in your garden, not only creates a more relaxed home space, it also frees up indoor space so adults like us enjoy more of our own space. ūüĎĆ


M i m i | S p e c i f i c a t i o n s
This is a very popular question and we are more than happy to discuss your proposed location and advise you. Click below for a brief explanation: https://www.mimispace.co.uk/about


T h a n k | Y o u
Wow 300 followers already! Thank you to everyone for helping us grow ūüĆĪ


M i m i | H o b b y | S p a c e
It's great to enjoy a hobby; even better when you have your own hobby space... right next to your house; with your very own lock... to keep the family out.


M i m i | S a l o n | S p a c e
We are with the lovely Shanna Taylor today who offers hair and beauty treatments, highly recommended from The Mimi Space Team. What service can you provide from the comfort of your home?


E x t e n d | Y o u r | L i v i n g | S p a c e
Mimi Space build can help you extend your living space and maximise your home. We build to any size and any colour.


M i m i | S p a c e | t o | R e l a x
We all need a place to escape from time to time and your very own garden room allows to do just that!

More about M I M I S P A C E
