Reset Hypnotherapy

About Reset Hypnotherapy

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy

Reset Hypnotherapy Description

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy uses practical, modern and well researched strategies to help people make significant, positive changes in their lives in a relatively short period of time.

Working with Solution Focused Hypnotherapy, we look at what the client wants to achieve rather than on the problem(s) that prompted them to seek change.

The approach focuses on the present and the future and not on the past. The Hypnotherapist asks the client to consider their preferred future, for instance, what would be better if the problem had improved? What would have changed? This enables the client’s possible solutions to become more apparent and worked towards.

Hypnosis itself reduces anxiety and this is done very simply through relaxation and visualisation, allowing the client to focus on the positive aspects of their lives that encourages a shift in perspective.

Through working with the client, Solution Focused Hypnotherapy can help with Confidence and Self Esteem problems. It can also help (if necessary in conjunction with medication) in the treatment of Depression and Anxiety, including Panic Attacks, Agoraphobia and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Minor Phobias such as spiders, water, flying and public speaking can also be minimised.



Many of us go through our lives unconsciously overdoing things without a thought as to why. Too much wine, cake, gossiping or shopping. Working silly hours. Years stuck on prescription medications. Gambling. Gorging on internet porn.
Whilst all of these things may be OK occasionally or in moderation, if you're overdoing it, it's because you're trying to fill your void. Many people don't even know they have a void? If you want to find out if you and how big it is, go without your favorite comforts/distractions for a few days and see what happens. It will say hello.
Your void gets bigger the more you fill it with the wrong things. It's insatiable and it the bigger it gets the more unhealthy and unhappy you'll get.
If you want to shrink your void or make it vanish completely, the starting point is to improve the relationship you have with yourself. We have to get you feeling happy in your soul without trying to fill the void with all the wrong things that will never work.
I know how to help you do this. My void was massive. But now its the size of a 5p :)
If any of this resonates and you feel like you'd like to explore getting your life back on a healthy, productive track instead of a treadmill of deadly distraction and self-destruction then please get in touch.
Email your contact details to
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Solution Focused Hypnotherapy appointments available next week daytime and evenings.
Email your contact details to arrange


The only person who should be in control of your life is you.


People always talk about 'wanting' to do things or change things. They 'want' to lose weight, change career, cut down on drinking, move to a different city, learn how to play piano, find a new partner.
But 'wanting' is just a slightly more presentable version of the totally meaningless "wishing". "I wish I won the lottery, I wish I was slimmer, I wish I wasn't so indecisive".
Wishing and wanting will get you nowhere. At best they give you a clue. A direction of travel. But un...til you make a conscious decision to change, nothing will. Once you fully commit to doing something, you can achieve it.
Maybe it will be baby-steps but it can be done. The mind believes anything we tell it so it's all about changing how we talk to ourselves.
If you'd like to stop 'wanting' and make things actually happen in your life, email me your details to arrange a consultation. Three appointments available this coming week.
You'll be amazed at what you are capable of.
Qualified, fully insured and confidential Solution Focused Hypnotherapy.
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When Malcolm X was sent to jail he knew he could serve his sentence as ‘alive’ time or ‘dead’ time and he taught himself how to read whilst he was incarcerated. Today, stuck in a traffic jam I’m choosing to make it ‘alive’ time and educating myself from the comfort of my car. #livetime #stoicism #learning #study #education #selfconfidence #mentalhealth #meditation #personaldevelopment


So what are you going to do about it?
If you feel ‘stuck’ in a job or career you don’t enjoy, find fulfilling or quite possibly hate, maybe it’s time to do something about it?
... It’s easy to get caught up in cycles of negative thinking and feeling trapped, but the truth is, you have all the answers and all the power you need to make changes and create the life you love. You just need a little help getting ‘unstuck’ and getting the bit between your teeth.
If you’d like to rediscover your self-confidence and make positive progress towards a life you love, please get in touch to arrange an initial consultation.
I am a qualified Solution Focused Hypnotherapist.
I created my ‘preferred future’. With my help, so can you.
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Sometimes life can get on top of us and we get stuck. We need to make decisions but the primitive part of our brain keeps of frozen to the spot.
Hypnotherapy can change how you think and get you unstuck. Get you feeling positive, motivated and confident.
If you'd like to know more please email me -


Everyone's perception of "rich" is different.
Here's Rockafeller on money - "if you feel rich on $10, you're rich. And the other side of that is if there is never enough for you, you will always feel poor and insecure"
'Rich' for me means living an unperturbed life.
... Regardless of what my clients come to see me for, it usually boils down to one desired outcome - peace of mind.
If you'd like to live an unperturbed life - or feel rich on $10 please email me for an appointment. It's all about how you frame things.
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Some good advice here. Although I have to admit, I can't do the hug thing. I'm not from Hug-land. I don't smell though. You probably do! 🤓


The answer is simple. Our primitive brain doesn't like change. It gets stuck in a cycle of negative thinking and it gets used to feeling like that. Homeostasis.
And the mind starts to believe "I'm an anxious person" "I AM my anxiety". But the great news is, you are not. You can turn down the anxiety in your life as simple as turning the gas down on your cooker.
All you have to do is make the decision that you'll no longer go on living a distorted and uncomfortable life.
... If you'd like to let go of your anxiety and start living life to the full, without fear, please contact me to arrange an initial consultation.
----------------------------------------- Solution Focused Hypnotherapy 100% Confidential, qualified and insured -----------------------------------------
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The mind believes what we tell it. It doesn't know the difference between imagination and reality. What are you telling yours?…/mg239319 20-600-how-a-posit…/…


How's your self-talk today? We 'choose' to live from either a positive or negative standpoint. Simple. Not necessarily easy, but simple.
If you need some help changing your self-talk from negative to positive please get in touch.


If you do, it should be easy to answer these 3 questions...
1. What does 'success' mean to you?
2. How will you know when you are 'successful'?
... 3. Are you making good progress towards your understanding of what 'success' is?
Some of us don't give these questions much thought. But we only get one life so it's important we ask ourselves tough questions so that we have a plan/map and know where we are going. And we have to check-in with ourselves regularly to make sure we are on track.
I'd love if you'd post your 3 answers below or if you'd like to ask me anything to help you answer please post below or email me to arrange an appointment.
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1. What does 'success' mean to you?
2. How will you know when you are 'successful'?
3. Are you making good progress towards your understanding of what 'success' is?
... Some of us don't give these questions much thought. But we only get one life so it's important we ask ourselves tough questions so that we have a plan/map and know where we are going. And we have to check-in with ourselves regularly to make sure we are on track.
I'd love if you'd post your 3 answers below or if you'd like to ask me anything to help you answer please post below or email me to arrange an appointment.
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What are you focusing on? What would you like to be different? Would you like help in creating your 'preferred future'?
Solution Focused Hypnotherapy combines talk therapy with hypnotic trance to move you out of anxiety, depression and low self-esteem - giving you the confidence to move towards your preferred future.
Contact me today to arrange an appointment. 100% confidential and insured. Daytime and evening initial consultations available.


Solution Focused Hypnotherapy appointments available next Monday & Tuesday, - daytime and evenings - one Thursday evening slot also.
Email your contact details to arrange


I just wanted to say thank you so much for the hypnotherapy sessions, having never tried hypnotherapy before I would totally recommend it now! My misophonia may never go away but I feel I can cope with it better. With your help I understand more about my anxiety and can now allow my family to understand. I thoroughly enjoyed the hypnosis part of the session and I now regularly meditate most days to bring some calm into my busy life! As you say it's about empowerment and I totally feel that now! Thanks again!


I first went along to see what it was all about as I felt I needed an outlet for emptying the stress bucket filling up in my head.

Gary made me feel at ease from day one.

It’s great to have someone to talk with outside your normal friends group.

Someone who doesn’t have an opinion of what they think you should do which eventually becomes more confusing if you ask more than one person, a friend used to tell me to stop asking so many different people.

Now I talk to Gary and when he induces me into RENs Sleep, which he tells me I go under pretty fast. I tend to dream of things I haven’t thought about for years as far back as childhood.

It’s A very relaxing hour or two every week and something I look forward to. Highly recommended to at least try and see how you feel about it


I can’t recommend Gary’s services enough. I was sceptical when I initially went to Gary to address one issue. I actually conquered a whole lot more. It’s true to say the five initial sessions with Gary turned my life around, brought me some inner peace and calm, and set me up with the tools to cope with some of life’s challenges in a more accomplished and reasoned fashion. I’ve been back for several top up sessions and will continue to do so as and when required. Go for it, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. 👍⭐️


Gary at Reset Hypnotheraphy is a fantastic hypnotherapist – the style he uses of half talk therapy and half hypnotherapy really works well. Having had several years within a business environment under his belt really means that he can understand the stresses and anxieties that running a business entails which was exactly what I was looking for.

I was a bit sceptical before I went as had no experience of Hypnotherapy (apart from those creepy stage hypnotists back in the day) and didn't want to go to an “airy fairy/new age” type hypnotist but Gary is a million miles away from those creepy stage acts and although is easy going and open is certainly not the airy fairy type. He instantly makes you feel very comfortable in talking with him and as a result this allowed me to be very open and honest with him which meant that he could really focus his treatment on what I needed most. His therapy room is calming and relaxing and is perfect for reviewing and improving on your life which he definitely helped me do. Can't recommend him highly enough.

More about Reset Hypnotherapy

Reset Hypnotherapy is located at 397 Great Western Road, Aberdeen, AB10 6NY Aberdeen