Stephanie - Wonderfully Fit

About Stephanie - Wonderfully Fit

Let me help you make a change �
Be Confident, Be You�
Make your body the sexiest outfit you own. . . .



Let the postpartum fitness commence 💪🏾🤱🏽💕


💖10 hours pre Valencia ➡️ 3 weeks post Valencia 💖 I’ve done no workouts, not tracked food (eating like a beast because well breastfeeding makes you like that). I don’t know my weight, I don’t care and I probably won’t, only weight I’m focusing on is little Vs - who is a top gainer already! My belly is so wrinkly and jiggly but that’s mum life right there and I’m proud of it having housed two healthy babies! I won’t lie I am missing leg day, the feeling of getting stronger and... fitter will always be one of my faves! Cuddling, nursing and carrying my babies beats that’s anyday though! That’s me now starting to look at eating more nutritious meals, protein intake and I may even get a coach just to keep me accountable! I’ll be posting home workouts and my journey on here and my Facebook page! Excited to get a 🍑 and some guns back, all in good time though! ⭐️GOAL: feel good in my holiday clothes in October or maybe before if I book a cheeky week away with my babies!
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Throwback Thursday - oh how I’ve grown in a year in more ways than size 🤣🤰🏽💪🏾 last year was probably the least “on it” I’d been in years and definitely the best I felt in terms of maintainability! I’ve been so so lucky to have kept so well this pregnancy! I have no doubt eating well and staying active has played a massive role though. Pregnancy isn’t an excuse to abuse your body with unhealthy habits, unnecessary calories and to become inactive for fear of over doing it unless told to take it easy it’s good for you and baby to maintain a level of fitness. Pregnancy for me this time has definitely been more of an emotional struggle for me and looking after myself has been a huge priority physically and mentally. Practicing gratitude has been my thing - saying each day how lucky I am to Be pregnant, have a son already, have a house, a job, a caring support system along with my own health has kept me sane 💖👏🏾 it’s a time to celebrate what the female body can do, get to know yourself, respect your body, eat to fuel it and enjoy treats sensibly - if you want a double decker - have it! What I’ve learned from the past year is that life is about balance, positivity, gratitude and self respect are all needed for a healthy mind and body. You are in control of your life, shit things happen but what’s important is how you react to these situations.
Never a failure always a lesson 💪🏾❤️ be kind to yourself, be confident, be you ❤️💪🏾
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Last chance tomorrow to sign up 💪🏾




Still love a Monday 🤣🤣 fresh week, fresh goals, all round fresh!


🌸Plan Be - Transformation Tuesday - week 1-6 💖💪🏾 smashed it and still plenty more to come from this one 💪🏾💖 mixture of at home and gym workouts - getting it done whilst working and being a mama with a partner working away!!


The Next intake of Plan Be 💖 invest in yourself - healthy mind and body 💪🏾💖


Today’s preggo workout 🤰🏽💖💪🏾 On Mondays we train legs 🍑💪🏾🔥
1 💖Leg press warm up - wide stance (20 reps 3 sets) at bodyweight (65kg) superset with bodyweight calf raises (20 reps) and wide squats (20 reps)
2💖 DB stiff leg Romanian Deadlifts(10-12 reps) superset with DB Goblet Squat (10-12 reps) and plate/DB side bends... 3💖 DB step ups (10-12ea) superset with DB Curtsey lunges (10-12ea) 3 sets
4💖 Glute bridges off bench double and single legged 2 sets reps until failure 🔥🍑
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New Start date being released tomorrow - if you’ve thought of joining before but missed your chance stay tuned for info - as usual it will be a small intake to keep it personal as possible!


Wednesday - Where there’s a will there’s a way
Good Morning!
Hope everyone is ready to seize the day, the positive way.�... Be kind to yourself and others and smile more!!
Nowadays we are all so impatient, we want things yesterday for the most part, waiting for a text back or a phonecall or waiting to get paid or waiting on our takeaways or dinner to cook can feel like a lifetime.
But just like with everything else a certain degree of work has to go into achieving anything.
Want to get paid - need to work for it for days or a whole month, you need to turn up everyday and perform a job.
Want to book a holiday - need to save for it, pay for it and organise hotels, travel, packing - so much preparation.
Want to organise a birthday party or special occasion - need to plan it, pay for it and show up on the day.
Want to look good for a night out - well the preparations maybe begin a week before, dieting the week of, waxing/shaving, exfoliating, moisturising, tanning, hair, make up, you have to invest time and money in preparation then the next day your suffering for it!
Want to have a family or a pet, you have to be responsible for them, feed them, look after them, spend time and money on them, teach them and love them.
Your body surely deserves the exact same preparation, dedication, investment of time and money because you don’t get another body Want get fitter and healthier, want a flat stomach, want a bigger bum, want toned legs and arms, want a sexy back, unfortunately its not a quick fix its an investment.
To achieve a healthier lifestyle, you need to be turning up daily, ready to work for it, organise your days, plan time spent with family/friends to feed your soul and keep your mind happy, eat to fuel your body so it can function efficiently, be active in a way that keeps your heart and mind healthy, celebrate your achievements and set goals.
Where there is a will there is definitely a way and this applies to most things in life, you save for the holiday, prepare for the night out, invest time and money in house/cars, family/friend relationships. If yo u want something in life the outcome will almost always be a direct result of some sort of work/preparation/dedication.
Health is wealth, start seeing it as a priority rather than something of an inconvenience, be grateful that you are able and think of it as a long term investment in you.
Treat yourself, Love yourself and Invest in yourself - you are amazing, unique and don’t forget that - Be Confident, Be YOU!
Tomorrow is the last day to sign up to my 8 week online programme - Plan Be. Make 2019 the year you invest in yourself!
For more information, drop me a message or an email at or check out my website for more information and a little about me.
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The Next intake of Plan Be - my 8 week online nutrition and exercise programme - closes on the 10th of January 💪🏾 for more info get in contact now 🥳 Be Confident Be You in 2019 💗

More about Stephanie - Wonderfully Fit