和 Japanese Cafe An-An

Monday: 11:30 - 14:30
Tuesday: 11:30 - 14:30
Wednesday: 11:30 - 14:30
Thursday: 11:30 - 14:30
Friday: 11:30 - 14:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About 和 Japanese Cafe An-An

Tasty Japanese style lunch in a small hut.
Service can be slow, but value for money guaranteed!

和 Japanese Cafe An-An Description

Homemade Japanese lunches and traditional sweets, Wagashi.

(I advice to order Sushi in advance, as it takes longer than 20 mins. )

It's run by house wives so opening hours is very limited. Please check opening hours here or on blog before popping in!

Phone number is only for opening hours.
Please leave a text message in out side of opening hours.
Sorry for inconvenience.



Today only? Strawberry Icecream Mochi is available! really soft and easy to melt. so it is only for eat in...


ńø«Ńü«ÕēŹŃüĀŃüäŃüōŃüåŃüśŃüĪŃéģŃüå’╝üÕāŹŃü ÅĶ╗ŖŃüīŃüÖŃüÉŃüØŃüōŃü¦ŌĆ”Ńé½ŃāāŃé│ŃüäŃüä ŃüäŃüä’╝üĶ╗ŖŃü¦µØźŃéŗŃü«Ńü»ķøŻŃüŚŃüäŃüæŃ ü®ŃĆüŃéÅŃüÅŃéÅŃüÅŃüŚŃüŠŃüÖŃĆé big constuction going on. Huge machinaries! its not easy to come to my cafe by car but they are working really hard and quick. it will b as normal on Thursday or Friday.


Thank you very much for those of you came to Brighton and Hove Japanese Club Open Day! it was really fun and happy day I could see so many people!!!
Sorry that my sweets sold out at 2:30... ( which was just in about 2 and half hours after opening the event!!!) Believe me, I did try to make as much as possible.
I enjoyed the performance of Mr. Joji Hirota, the Japanese Drum master. Very powerful performance and he doesn't show his age at all!
... I am looking forward to take part in the next one already. Big congratulations to Brighton and Hove Japanese Club 20th Anniversary!!!
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Only Japanese for now... English will come soon.


The first event of big sales of this year is done at Japanese School in Cryodon today. Sold about 400 sweets... Now it's time to write the monthly newsletter...
Next Sunday, 10th February, another large event is coming in Brighton (please check the last newsletter if you don't know about it!). Another 400-500 needs to be made... again.
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Ńā®ŃāāŃāĢŃā½Ńü¦┬Ż50ńøĖÕĮōŃü«ÕĢåÕōüÕĮōŃü¤Ń éŖŃüŠŃüÖŃĆé ŃéĖŃā¦Ńā╝ŃéĖŃüĢŃéōŃü«Õż¬ķ╝ōŃééń┤ĀµÖ┤ŃéēŃü ŚŃü¦ŃüÖŃĆé µś»ķØ×ŃĆüŃü£Ńü▓ŃĆüŃüōŃü«µ®¤õ╝ÜŃü½Ńü®ŃüåŃü ×’╝ü’╝ü’╝ü
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English... well, I hope you can understand my English... I just want to tell how exciting for this event.... and I am making hundreds of sweets for it!!! and this link is in Japanese ->https://an-an-brighton-jp.blogspot.c om/2019/01/20.html


the second shop floor for the cafe an-an is fixed. now we are waiting for the key! i am ging to reveal some more photos. you can guess where it would be. if you already know, please dont mention here yet!
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The English translation is up now. https://an-an-brighton-en.blogspot.com/ŌĆ ”/january-sweets-andŌĆ”


Happpy New Year! Thanks for all your support towards an-an. Cafe an-an is open as usual from today. I made some New Year's sweets, too. I am looking foward to seeIng your happy faces in 2019!
µśÄŃüæŃüŠŃüŚŃü”ŃüŖŃéüŃü¦Ńü©ŃüåŃüöŃü¢ŃüäŃü ŠŃüÖŃĆ鵜©Õ╣┤ŃééŃü¤ŃüÅŃüĢŃéōŃü«ŃüŖÕ«óŃüĢ ŃéōŃü½µØźŃü”ŃüäŃü¤ŃüĀŃüŹŃĆüŃü©Ńü”Ńé鵟ĮŃ üŚŃüäÕ╣┤Ńü©Ńü¬ŃéŖŃüŠŃüŚŃü¤ŃĆé’╝Æ’╝É’╝æ’╝ ÖÕ╣┤ŃééÕ░ÅŃüĢŃü¬Ńé½ŃāĢŃé¦ŃéÆńÜåŃüĢŃéōŃü« ń¼æķĪöŃü¦ŃüäŃüŻŃü▒ŃüäŃü½Ńü¦ŃüŹŃéŗŃéłŃüåķ ĀæÕ╝ĄŃéŖŃüŠŃüÖŃü«Ńü¦ŃĆüŃéłŃéŹŃüŚŃüÅŃüŖķĪ śŃüäŃüŚŃüŠŃüÖŃĆé Ńé½ŃāĢŃé¦ŃüéŃéōÕ║ĄŃü»µ£¼µŚźŃéłŃéŖķĆÜÕĖĖÕ¢ ȵźŁŃü©Ńü¬ŃéŖŃüŠŃüÖŃĆéŃüŖµŁŻµ£łŃü«ÕÆīĶÅō ÕŁÉŃééńö©µäÅŃü¦ŃüŹŃüŠŃüŚŃü¤’╝üńÜ嵦śŃü«Ń üŖĶČŖŃüŚŃéÆŃüŖÕŠģŃüĪŃüŚŃü”ŃüŖŃéŖŃüŠŃüÖŃĆ é


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There is the second chapter of Cafe an-an starting soon. ­¤śāŌĆ”MaybeŌĆ”There is the second chapter of Cafe an-an starting soon. ­¤śāŌĆ”MaybeŌĆ”


also wrote my blog here -> https://an-an-brighton-en.blogspot.com/ŌĆ ”/mottainai-is-climaŌĆ”


For the English translation, please go toŌåÆŃĆĆhttps://an-an-brighton-en.blogspo t.com/ŌĆ”/december-sweets-anŌĆ”


Namayasai's Organic Japanese vegetable delivery is coming this Thursday, 6th December. This is probably the last one this year. If you would like to have one, please let me know.
ń¦üŃééŃĆüŃü¬ŃüŠŃéäŃüĢŃüäŃüĢŃéōŃü«µśźĶÅŖŃü »ńŠÄÕæ│ŃüŚŃüÅŃüŻŃü”ńö¤Ńü¦ŃāÉŃā¬ŃāÉŃā¬ķŻ¤ Ńü╣Ńü”ŃüŠŃüÖŃĆéŃé¬Ńā½Ńé¼ŃāŗŃāāŃé»Ńü¬Ńü«Ń ü¦ŃĆüÕ«ēÕ┐āŃü¦ŃüÖŃüŚŃĆéÕŠīõĖĆÕø×Ńü«ŃüŖķć ÄĶÅ£Ńā£ŃāāŃé»Ńé╣ŃĆüŃü¬ŃéōŃü©ŃüŗÕģłµŚźŃü« ķø¬Ńü«Õ«│ŃüŗŃéēÕŠ®µ┤╗ŃüŚŃü”ŃüÅŃéīŃéīŃü░Ń üäŃüäŃü«Ńü¦ŃüÖŃüīŌĆ”ŃĆé
The detail this time is;... Daikon (lots in), negi (increased quantity), karami-daikon (maybe), gobo, pickled daikon
If the weather from now on will be warm and sunny there may be a leaf veg (shungiku/komatsuna/karashina/wasabina) to be added. If not weŌĆÖll put lots of daikon and negi so that the bag will be a bargain pack!
Please order here or on cafe"s phone by Monday 3rd December.
See More


What a hidden gem

Well worth a visit



Went for lunch with my wife. I'll be back to work my way through the menu.


Went earlier today for lunch, lovely little cafe that took us back to being in Japan for our honeymoon. A must go for lovers of AUTHENTIC Japanese food.


We enjoyed authentic Japanese food. Lovely food, lovely people, we had a great time. The cafe was so cozy. I did not want to leave.


Very nice and welcoming atmosphere. I had an excellent strawberry mochi, and a very nice green tea. thanks :)


Their beef and potato korokke was the best! The food was home made and fresh. Very good prices for an extremely quality meal!


The food is cooked fresh and always tastes good. The staff are really friendly and the menu is great value for money. Boundary road's hidden gem!


Thank-you so much for our very enjoyable lunch today. The food is freshly cooked and so tasty and good value for money. The chicken gyoza are the best I have ever tasted! I am so looking forward to trying the great looking wagashi I bought. The fact that on a rainy, miserable Tuesday lunchtime you had a steady stream of customers speaks for itself. Highly recommend to anyone who like me loves Japanese food!


Really nice food and best lunch I have ever! Lovely and very good price :)


My second home. Lovely food, nice and cosy atmosphere, great prices :)!


Lovely lunch today you looked after us well!


I love the food here - plenty for vegans and vegetarians and lovely staff. I can't go too long before having one of their tofu katsu curries!


I love having lunch at an-an and in particular love their special events. We had Japanese afternoon tea today and it was absolutely delicious! Everything is cooked fresh and the mochi are almost too beautiful to eat. The flavours are exceptional. Noriko has real talent. Highly recommended!


Fantastic home made Sushi ’┐Į today I tried too, I truly recommend this great place.


Excellent coffees and snacks. Looking forward to going back for the vegetarian gyoza! Thank you Noriko!


Delicious food & a very friendly welcome from staff :) Would recommend!


Best Chicken Katsu IŌĆÖve ever had and IŌĆÖve eaten a lot of Katsu. The girls in there were so sweet too. New lunch spot ’┐Į

More about 和 Japanese Cafe An-An

和 Japanese Cafe An-An is located at 27 Boundary Road, BN3 4EF Hove
Monday: 11:30 - 14:30
Tuesday: 11:30 - 14:30
Wednesday: 11:30 - 14:30
Thursday: 11:30 - 14:30
Friday: 11:30 - 14:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -