Alarm Response Management Cic A Not-For-Profit Organisation

About Alarm Response Management Cic A Not-For-Profit Organisation

Setting standards.

Alarm Response Management Cic A Not-For-Profit Organisation Description

Our mission. . .

ARMGB provide a low-cost home alarm product with a community patrol service. In addition, we can provide reassurance to older and vulnerable persons and those suffering from age related memory loss. For those members who go missing from home due to age related memory loss we can provide a search and rescue service. This service is additional to standard membership and we have devices that can be rented or purchased to track your loved ones.

ARMGB exist as a not-for-profit organisation to improve the quality of life of our members by reinvesting surplus funds back in to the community to reduce crime and antisocial behaviour.

We will work with other agencies and charities to ensure we provide the best service we can to every member. We are not the police, nor are we trying to replace them.



What have we been saying for such a long time?


Please check to see if you are able to help in the search for those listed.
The link:-
...…/in-t he-east-midlands.html
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It seems a claimed former senior Police Officer has attempted to bring us down.
Odd that he won't come to us directly. If he reads this it's his invitation to do so.
Remember, we don't do this for profit, we do it transparently for the safety of the community.
... Best wishes.
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ARMGB CIC is a community safety operation.
We do not operate for a profit.
Everyone else engaged to make your community safer will profit from your insecurity.


ARMGB CIC is looking to work with K Graves Safety Serviced Ltd and finds a common safety aim.
We hope to further develop our existing link to bring benefits to the rural community which includes the Elderly and Vulnerable.
ARMGB CIC works in the public interest for community safety.


Rural crime is in the news again and for the wrong reasons.
ARMGB CIC is a syndicate of retired Police Officers who aren't simply disappearing into the sunset.
We're active where the traditional presence used to be and using our experience to make a real difference to security and safety.
... We co-ordinate to reduce and eliminate trouble in ways which definitely work!
We make a difference to your home or business by preventing losses in the first place!
Get in touch to see how we can do that for you.
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This Thursday's community meeting has to be postponed unfortunately. More soon.


Government cuts to the police “may have encouraged” violent offenders and have “likely contributed” to a rise in serious violent crime, leaked Home Office documents have revealed.
The documents cast doubt on claims by the home secretary, Amber Rudd, on Sunday that cuts to the police were not to blame for rising violence.
... The Home Office said it would not comment on leaked documents.
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We have been the subject of malicious posts and complaints by those wanting to undermine what we want to do for our community. We welcome constructive feedback, and will always endeavour to explain what we do and why. Every one of those who have done so have hidden behind false Facebook profiles or anonymous complaints to statutory agencies - which we have cooperated with every time. We find that conduct sad. Unfortunately, but necessary, we took time to respond to their pos...ts irrespective of their questions or comments. From this point, we will only respond to Facebook profiles that are genuine, you know the ones: they show family and friends. We appreciate some of us keep our profiles hidden for good reason, but it doesn't take much working out to see fake profiles. Thank you for your continued support. Patrick, Stew and the team
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Corporate Social Responsibility Policy.
ARMGB CIC is a non profit Community Interest Company.
We do not operate as a traditional business and our articles of association prohibit profit being made. Any cash surplus must be returned to the community and interest is sought from charities and community groups wishing to benefit. We are interested in hearing from those aiming to assist children, the infirm, the elderly and those with developing community safety projects. Such p...rojects or groups need not be a registered charity but be structured to allow the transparent management of funding.
We do not seek to compete with any commercial security operator but will not dismiss their community safety input. We recognise such firms need to profit whilst we do not.
We do not fit, install or maintain security systems and do not seek to pass alarm activations using Unique Reference Numbers to any emergency service via dedicated telephone numbers. All such information is only passed as a witnessed and confirmed incident using the 999 system.
We are not a security guarding service, we are a community safety Community Interest Company with Security Industry Association (SIA) trained and licensed staff.
We are not the Police. We are former Police Officers and believe we can influence quality of life issues using our training and experience.
We invite constructive comment to assist on going development of this dynamic and evolving policy.
Alarm Response Management GB
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ARMGB CIC is a syndicate of retired cops and your taxes paid huge sums to train us and develop our skill set. Those skills do not just disappear on retirement so we've been building community safety projects since 2007 and applying those skills which resulted in significant reductions in crime.
A key factor is in not operating as a business.
We're a Community Interest Company (CIC) and similar to (but not exactly like) a charity and this isn't a job but a vocation.
... Our background is well documented with Police reports detailing how we provided huge reductions in crime. We've done that in several locations and are now looking to assist the Ashfield community and that could begin at the next meeting at 7pm on 7th Of June at the Cricketer's pub at Nuncargate.
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After fair warning we have yet again started blocking those with what can only be considered fake profiles. It is clear that one or two are from so called professional security companies that want us out of the area.
We are happy to justify what we do and why, and we understand there are going to be critics who, for personal or troll reasons, want to undermine our work.
We share information with our police and local government contacts to help build an intelligence picture o...f what we see and hear.
Policing uses this information to develop tactical and problem profiles so they can resource the problem effectively. We only give a picture of what we do to keep our customers updated.
As with all things in the business world, we will have our critics and those who just don't get what we are doing and the reasons we do it.
We are not going away. We are growing. Like minded people see the benefit. Those who put personal gain and profit first will always find a way to try and undermine us.
Keep safe.
Patrick, Stew and the team.
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Fuel theft is once again something we've been able to reduce.
Patrols were able to deal with those intent on removing large values of red diesel. Offenders appear organised and capable of removing large amounts from remote rural locations.
No Police available!

User ial/posts/1672711636109766
Forget politics and let's ask ourselves how long it'll be before these increases in crime are the case locally. It's too late acting after the event. Act now!


Telegraph: Police are failing to properly investigate two thirds of burglaries as forces struggle to cope with the rising tide of crime on Britain's streets.
In the last two years the number of unsolved domestic burglaries has risen from 47 per cent to 64 per cent - while in some areas nine out of ten cases are written off without any action.
... After years of decline, burglary has suddenly seen a sharp upturn with more than 400,000 crimes recorded last year - around half of which took place at people's homes.
But despite the surge in offences, many forces have stopped routinely attending burglaries in person, opting instead to deal with victims on the phone.
Is this what we all pay our taxes for, to be left unsupported when the worst happens?
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If you catch a burglar breaking into your home, what are you allowed to do?
The law says:
You can use reasonable force to protect yourself or others if a crime is taking place inside your home.
... What does this mean in practice?
It means you can protect yourself “in the heat of the moment”, including by using an object as a weapon. You are also allowed to stop an intruder running off, for example by tackling them to the ground.
How does the law define 'reasonable force'?
There’s no specific definition of this term - it depends on the circumstances. If you only do what you honestly think is necessary at the time, this provides strong evidence that you acted within the law.
So why was the farmer Tony Martin jailed?
Tony Martin shot dead a teenage burglar in 1999. He was convicted of murder and jailed for life in April 2000 for killing 16 year-old Fred Barras and seriously injuring his accomplice, Brendon Fearon, then 28. The sentence was later reduced to manslaughter.
His conviction came after prosecutors argued he had lain in wait for the burglars and shot them in cold blood.
And Munir Hussain?
Munir Hussain attacked an intruder with a cricket bat after the lives of his family were threatened by knife-wielding burglars in their home in High Wycombe, Bucks, in 2008. He was jailed along with his brother Tokeer after being found guilty of causing grievous bodily harm with intent. Lord Chief Justice Lord Judge, who reduced Munir’s sentence in 2010, explained: "This trial had nothing to do with the right of the householder to defend themselves or their families or their homes. The burglary was over and the burglars had gone. No one was in any further danger from them."
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More about Alarm Response Management Cic A Not-For-Profit Organisation

Alarm Response Management Cic A Not-For-Profit Organisation is located at Hill House, Main Street, LE14 3BZ Melton Mowbray
01553763441 / 07958328656 / 07500945254