Amanda Wanowski Very Human Solutions

About Amanda Wanowski Very Human Solutions

Very Human Solutions. Hypnotherapy, Integral Eye Movement Therapy (IEMT)



This message is too important not to post.
If the voice in your head is angry or mean or just beating the shit out of you everyday
Then it’s time to rewrite the story
... If I can do it so can you..
Remember someone put it there ...
Let’s get back to you, your voice.
Rewrite the story and start loving yourself again ...
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The moment this photo was snapped is crystal clear in my mind. It popped into my newsfeed this morning...It’s 7 years old now.
It was the middle of the day 3 of our 4 surgical tables where going with shot gun and frag casualties.
I had not long before picked up what was left of a detonator from the floor. Part of a device used to cause catastrophic harm to anyone who got close.
... Mark Larond took the picture, a an incredible ethnographer and adventurer who was studying how our teams worked in these types of environments.
I had lots of incredible conversations with him. Even his deep exposure from the edges left unseen scars. I know because we’ve spoken since.
I had been there two weeks and had another 4 months ahead of me through the summer fighting season. “Season” That actually makes me laugh seeing it like that now.. !
I couldn’t have began to prepare myself for what I would see feel or experienced no matter how much training I had.
It would be an instrumental part of my life that would set me off on a path way to heal myself from PTSD.
Coming back from those dark years ignited a part of me that was completely dormant and in return I have gone on to study learn and apply my experience to helping humans come back from the emotional brink.
Making the invisible visible. The unseen scars run deep, they are not always spoken about because they can be hidden or remain covered by a smile, make up, exercise, humour or withdrawal hiding away, even self destructive and anti social behaviour..
I get it though when your feelings or lack of them dominate you, your senses your outward experience of the world it doesn’t feel so good. In fact it doesn’t feel at all ...
The good news is as I see the eyes of that girl in that picture. I know there is hope. I know it’s possible really possible to heal from the things we see, hear, feel and experience even the things that cause vast and enduring pain.
It’s possible, part of it for us as humans in our beautiful vulnerable fragility is that we will experience pain in our lifes. Together as communities and the wonderful sparkling humans we are. We can take on the mantle to be the listening ear or smile at a stranger. Even have the courage to say “can I help”.
You can make a difference everyday just by being extraordinary.
Kindness is absolutely free.
Love costs nothing and you have an unlimited supply.
I came back it was a long and dark 6 years ..
I promise you with all my heart you can too.
Amanda x
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Rolling with the punches baby...
Do you get to see the bonus and turbo awesome content ????
Are you missing out? You might be!
... Would you like to seee the goooood stuff?
Exciting, uplifting, inspiring, life changing, mind maxing, soul satisfying content ...
If you want Turbo gud stuff come and hang out in Rising Strong ...
Link to Group üëáüëáüëáüëá 05839
No mind, body or soul gets left behind ... We are going up up up ... Talking real life stuff that can make a difference in minutes, to your mind, body and soul.
Sunday was Q time and what a Live it turned into .... üî•
After the chit chat on Sunday night in the Live Video ..I remembered how important it is to give that inner light warrior some love..
We all have that internal go to that can walk in and help us to sort through the heaviest of heavy head melting stuff.
If you didn’t catch it ... It’s the latest video on the feed.
So many of you have reported back what a difference having those inner talks can make..
Even within hours of seeing the vid many of you where Journaling, manifesting and walking into meetings or confrontational situations in much more empowering ways.
I can be nothing but proud.. high tens all round ... 🙌🏼
I’ve been told how some of you are even doing those inner work on the walks back from the school run. Turbo Multitasking 💥
#ninja #mindlightwarrior #amazing #mummaskillz
Remember if you know someone that needs some Breakthrough Vibes in their life ...
Load them in to the group baby !!! Just hit add member ... If you think they will get something from Che Rising Strong ... Then I can ask for no better recommendation üòÅ
Link to Group üëáüëáüëáüëáüëáüëá 05839
If you have questions ping them in 🤓
I’ll do my absolute best to answer and bring you content that is uplifting, inspiring, impactful but mostly it should put a smile on your face and give you a lightning bolt to implement into your life.
Change happens quickly at Breakthrough ⚡️
Mind body and soul it’s always go go go...🔥
The slow down has its place, when it comes to breaking through, my style is always fast paced ..
So keep handling those energy vampires and bad vibes, you’re all over it..
Amanda x
And just in case you missed it
Link to Group 05839
#mind #overcome #real #life #owningit #highvibes #turbosmiles #livevids #amazinghumans #riseup #live #best #life #wingwoman #turbo #fast #life #change
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Flipping tyres V Mental Health ...
My story x


Every now and then I hear about a long standing injury or niggle that is holding back someone from doing what they love.
The one today caught my attention because I couldn’t comprehend how a soft tissue injury would warrant 14 weeks of rest. It wasn’t a tear or fracture ...
But it was causing a lot of pain and distress. It was holding this person back from their way of getting out of their head.
...Continue Reading


As the day comes to a close in the Breakthrough Hub.
I think of those who think they are unloved.
Let me tell you this as you drift to sleep.
... It’s always there waiting the love you keep hidden deep. The hug you dream of, the life too. I know you keep it out of view.
Use your imagination build it all up. Don’t ever stop, it has nothing to do with luck.
Write the words down set it all free.
Don’t think for a second it’s not for me.
It’s right there inside, if you change your view.
I know you might not feel it, but its all in there for you.
Once the tap is on, be prepared and to get set. It’s going to come flooding and you’ll get get get..
There’s no such thing as a last drop. This I know for sure. It just won’t stop.
So just in case you need it. Here’s something from me to you.
A giant blanket hug And just so you know ...Breakthrough loves you.
Night you amazing, incredible, beautiful humans xxx
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Oldie but a gooden ... I wrote this a year ago a friend and inspiration was awesome enough to remind me yesterday.
It’s rehashed a touch so you can see how a tiny bit of information drove me to attempt life enhancing work for me and others.
The outcomes where wonderful, laughter and tear filled. Worth every single moment I spent worrying about things that would never come to pass....
Continue Reading


‘Biophilia’ is the term used to describe a LOVE of LIFE and LIVING things, though it more specifically refers to the connection humans feel with NATURE, and their basic, biological need to remain in CLOSE contact with it.
This pretty much describes me... Interestingly I’ve been trying to imagine how you bring an indoor space together, that is composed in an immersive way of the elements that bring calm to humans instinctively.
Then I discover there is an actual word to it would you believe!
I love learning a new word ... especially one that solves problems.
First used by the psychologist, Erich Fromm in his 1964 work, The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness.
The term has evolved from simply meaning “the passionate love of life and all that is alive”, and is now more commonly associated with interior design.
This is because incorporating biophilic design in the home and work space can have a positive effect on a human’s productivity, mood, and health.
All win win win in my book!
Research has shown that introducing plants to a working space can lower feelings of tension and anxiety by around 37%,
Over a third just to hang with some greenery ...
Sheffield in the spring would bloom into these incredible green corridors lining the roads where I once lived ... it was an instant mood turbo charge.
While another study concluded that the performance of students improved when plants were brought into the classroom.
Just love this ... 👆👆👆👆
Not only that, but plants in hospitals have been shown to speed up patients’ recovery times.
This I also love but sadly know they are removed because of infection control
If as humans we have to remove ourself from the environments we naturally thrive in.
Then maybe building and incorporating them into our daily life’s could be a step towards rehumanising and gaining connection back to the environments we love.
Ultimately time outdoors is the gold standard.
As lifes become more urbanised driven by technology and electronic instant demand.
Its useful to look at ways to reconnect and reestablish calm in our busy minds and worlds x
If you want more content and Breakthrough wonder vibes come on over to the The Breakthrough Project Rising Strong Group... It’s where serotonin goes to feel good 😉
Link üëáüëáüëáüëáüëáüëáüëáüëáüëáüëá üëáüëá 05839
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I get asked how and why Breakthrough came to be, it was my breakthrough that really set it all off... This is a clip of my journey ... some of my major lows and how they moved me to highs ...


I sit in front of you with your I don’t knows and wonder? When did class rooms becomes places of fear, and faces like thunder. Hiding behind bad behaviour and sneers. Because ultimately that will cover the tears. You can’t see how incredible you are. The flashes of creativity the kindness it’s there. The wonderful little boy sat on a chair. [ 185 more words ]…/t eens-breakthrough-t…/


I’m always going to champion the soul shaking, life changing, heart healing weapon ...
Even when what we do is very much in the same dimension and world of work.
I know brilliance when I see it and if its good enough for me ... well it’s rude not to share the sweeties right? Georgie Kirwan-Ferreira is doing something extraordinary can you really let yourself miss out?
... Get some of this life changing popping candy in your ears and let me know how it goes üòò
Seriously GET some of this in your life’s for a serious life upgrade and RELAXATION turbo charge from the comfort of your own sleeping sanctuary... easy wins for your mind, body and soul... ⚡️✨💥
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Got into some heady hypnotherapy yesterday. @mellow_mumma is running some insanely FREE awesome sessions in her FB group at the moment. 9397
I was lucky enough to have the time to let my consciousness get out the way with a voice like silk at the helm.. and let my imagination dance.
I couldn’t meditate at all for years to sit still to quite my mind to experience the fast slow down. I COULD NOT do it.
No matter how hard I tried it was fraught. And then I experienced a type of hypnosis that blew the doors open on my imagination like an atomic bomb.
I could write and draw like never before, the more I did the more I felt. The edges of my world began stretching, expanding and with that my feelings, thoughts and emotions went along for the ride too.
I healed from grief, heartbreak experiences of war and human destruction. What I know now your ability to heal, grow and expand is limitless.
Unlike me who spent years working on my own; there are now incredible visionary sources out there making it possible for you to heal, learn, grow, flow through powerful, extraordinary, beautiful illuminating work with the subconscious mind in lightning speed.
Get over to her insta or facebookgroup to find out more. 9397
#thebreakthroughproject #neveralone #openyourmind #forwards #innerverse #alwaysproud #hypnotherapyworks #heartwright #AW #healers #writers #hedonistichealing #danceinthelight #sunsets #stars #mindmatters #overcome #bettereveryday
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Let the battles rage on... The journey to who you become its always ongoing. Somedays you might be in the big fight.
Have faith in you. It will all work out. You will come through what ever it is. You will be different and so will your world.
It doesn’t always make sense conflict and confusion might be the order of the day. So be it.
... The centre of the storm there is alway silence and when the tornado touches down everything always goes up.
Just like that it can be gone in a whirl wind of up ward force. Hold on to life, don’t give up, it will get better.
#getbetter #writing #thebreakthroughproject #dustyboots #re-emerges #phoenix #riseup #mentalhealth #innerfight #heal #woundedwarrior #greatestjourney #beyondcourage #humansfirst #motivated #neveralone #turbofriend #heartasbigasmoon #awakened #AW
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FU Heartbreak ... Even that sucker can’t hold a person down when they come to The Breakthrough Project.
I love my Job... I built it from the ashes of all I came through. Every tear, desolate moment and hellish experience eventually gave me wings to project myself to an extraordinary future.
The day I learnt that change happens and it happens fast and I began to heal at lightning speed.
... I never looked back. I’ve been helping people online from all over the world and face to face ever since. In 120 minutes people are literally coming back to life.
After months and years of Depression, PTSD, Fear, Heartbreak, Loss, grief. None of those emotions and experiences can withstand whats happening in the heart of Breakthrough.
Because when it lifts, and it does ... Life not only becomes vibrant bright and exciting again ... Your world literally looks and feels different.
The grit, resilience and love I get to see reminds me to keep going. Not one day has passed where I don’t think how lucky I am.
Change happens quickly I know I’ve been there. And I’ll be there for you too.
#live #thebreakthroughproject #lifeofdreams #adventure #laugh #hug #heal #hypnotherapy #PTSD #depression #heartbreak #loss #grief #changehappens l#subconcioustraveler #neverstop #uplifted #hearthealinghuman #soulcomesback #feels #highvibing
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Amanda talking ..Post Traumatic Stress ‘PTSD’ ... How you can help a friend ..
What it is and what it absolutely is not...
What it looks like..
... How to spot it in yourself or others ...
Often individuals think this only happens to people who have been in accidents ...
It can happen when the experience is out of the normal any an individual.
If your experiencing any of this reach out ..
Amanda x
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Breakthrough talking ..Post Traumatic Stress ‘PTSD’ ... How you can help a friend ..
What it is and what it absolutely is not...
What it looks like..
... How to spot it in yourself or others ...
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To see the world through another’s eyes is always a privilege.
I thought of another beautiful human gone in the night.
When I think of those in the silent fight ... I just want to be able to turn on the light x
... The Breakthrough Project is here ... You are never alone. Reach out if you need to. No one needs to feel alone. X
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Awake....I don’t alway get the elusive perfect nights sleep. The ones I am so capable of having. The deep sleep where I drift wrapped up in soft clouds floating into kaleidoscopic dream worlds.
Occasionally I get a stark reminder that PTSD it’s going to take me down paths I have no ambition to venture along. That my mind is powerful and capable of more than I realise.
As a hash and vivid flashback consumed my field of view last night. I felt the frustration boil up in my b...ody. I can’t change that I’ve had those experiences.
I can change how I react to them. 1. Change my body position. I was in bed so had curled into a small fleshy ball. Unconsciously protecting myself from the outside when it was the movie with in I was trying to escape. I moved position
2. locate a deep known sense. My heart beat, it was racing in my chest. I focused on feeling it as it began to slow.
3 A memory I felt safe in. A hand over my heart and a voice asking “are you ok?” I am ok. The moment had been taken control of.
Where as I would loose days, weeks and even months. Now its minutes and hours.
Its frustrating but I learn every time a detail a strategy that might help another.
My mind is incredible my imagination vivid and the speed at which I’m learning is nothing I’ve ever known. It took me to Breakthrough, seek help and find strategies to get out of the internal prison I was in.
The flip side what I’ve learnt has helped others get out of pain, return to the jobs of their dreams and even conceive babies when infertility was the word dominating their world.
This morning I’m awake and very much present. x
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Change happens don’t wait for the world to tell you are ready.
Get in the Rising Strong Group if you are ready to come back, wake up and live the life that’s waiting for you 05839
#thebreakthroughproject #PTSD #mindmatters #veteran #rock2recovery #overcome #bedhead #awaken #pillowtalk #sleepsinclouds #riseup #betterevryday #holdon #awaken
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Wanna break a habit might want to watch this first.
Morning musings with Mand and Malley What came up ... flip flunking loads!!!
... Habit breaking and how I’m doing it... Why I want to learn to breathe and how 5 year olds are learning this first at school!
How doing anything for others can raise your vibe ...
When I said Limbic for any neuronaughts out there I meant LYMPH system #early spot the mistake I did it twice!!!
How hydration matters to mood and how to really give yourself a head start on your day.
If you like what I’m doing and want to share the kindness give the post a like and share
If you want extra turbo goodness go join the Breakthrough Project Rising Strong Group 05839
If you want soul sucking, uninspiring, boring interaction It absolutely isn’t the place for you.
If you want to hang out with real humans, who have overcome all manner of üí©...
Who’s stories are just like yours...
Who support one another are willing to listen inspire and show how they love life and the people around them...
The maybe it’s a place for you? 05839
Don’t push the link I mean what’s the worst that you might miss out on 🤔😉😘
Ice popping Fist bumps it’s to warm for blanket hugs..
Amanda xxx
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Getting to see and witness the most incredible stories of recovery and change. I now have to warn people once we start change happens. It is not a possibility. It is an absolute certainty. #breakthrough #soar #ignite #recover #comeback #holdOn #change


Well I want to say that I feel MAGICAL after my first session with Amanda. It’s amazing what you can do in 2 hours. What I CAN DO in 2 hours.

I’ve been having vocal tension for a good few months and all I can say is now I feel open and I’m just going to sing my heart out. I feel inspired and strong. After the 2 hour session my voice is rich and present!

Thank you Amanda, this is something I’ll always take with me as I now have the tools, well I’ve always had them, I just now know how to use them!

Amazing Amanda - You’re a wonderful & powerful human who really has helped me so much already. I feel the breakthrough, the power, the strength and I’ve got this ����


Updated review: My first sessions with Amanda were amazing, they helped me to totally transform my life, they put a stop to me just existing, i was able to find gratitude for all of the amazing parts of my life. I finally cleared issues that had been giving me nightmares and triggering anxiety for over a decade. With Amanda’s advice and amazing support i have also been able to transform my sons behaviour, that was causing disruption in school. A few simple changes, and a lot of positivity he is a completely changed child, making exceptional progress.

I have since returned to Amanda for help with a 4year history of back pain, lots of conventional treatments have failed to improve my pain, surgery is not an option due to my age. Faced with years dependant on painkillers i looked for another option, outside the box. Less than 2hours of face to face treatment, was brought my pain score down to 0, i have a full range of movement back. I feel amazing!


This is from my husband who has had problems with an extremely painful thigh for weeks.He had difficulty in walking ." Thank you Amanda - you are amazing! I am almost free from pain for the first time in 8 weeks and playing golf!"


The break through project is extraordinary. My son was born very early at 29 weeks. He suffered numerous problems at birth and the weeks following at on point needing resuscitation. I have been telling doctors since he was 9 months old that he Cry's too much that something is wrong. No one would even acknowledge a problem or they have said things like "he has you under the thumb, just let him cry it out". He has been a grumpy old man since he was 3lbs. Amanda paid us a visit and not only immediately acknowledged my mothers intuition as being correct but also gave my son a treatment to ease his symptoms that are making him miserable. Since his treatment I have noticed such a difference he's no longer crying most of the time. Its was a rare day that he would not wake up crying but he now wakes up quiet and content. He hasn't had nearly as many tantrums and they are now what I would consider a normal 2 year old tantrum it doesn't go on and on for hours like it used to. I highly recommend Amanda, she's not only helped me massively with my trauma but has now helped my son as well.


Sometimes amazing people come into our lives for a purpose, I truly believe that Amanda is one of those people. My 15 year old son had been dealing with lots of issues surrounding feelings of anger and was struggling to understand why he felt that way. After working with Amanda via an online chat he has a better understanding of how to deal with his feelings and why he was so angry. Amanda worked with him for 2 hours and he was so much calmer and relaxed a completely different boy.

Words cannot describe how grateful we are for the support and knowledge that Amanda has given to us. ÔøΩ


Really opened my mind to how deep some problems can stem from. Amanda is very friendly and caring which made it comfortable to settle in. Her will to help others amazed me and if you've tried everything else like I have then give the breakthrough project a try, even if you don't think it directly links to any problem, as you may find out it actually does!


My 10 month old has had a runny nose for 8 weeks after a cold. Doctor told me there was little to be done as it hadn't gone to her chest. Within a few minutes with Amanda, it stopped! My little one was happy and relaxed throughout, she just though it was playing. Thank you.


Last night Amanda took me through an introduction session and I was TOTALLY blown away. I have been running on empty for so long and this morning I woke with the biggest smile on my face at 0530. My daughter immediately noticed a difference in me. I have literally floated through today feeling so light and free from the constant anxieties and adrenal fatigue that have been with me for the past 6 years.

Amanda is one of the most wonderful, caring, kind and dedicated people I have been honoured to meet and work with. An exceptional lady with the most amazing drive to helping people out of pain.

Thank you so much Amanda. I know now that I can be a better me than ever before :)


I would just like to share with you a little story. I had major thyroid surgery a few years ago and post -op, I had no voice and the scar tissue was really tight and uncomfortable. I tried using creams (for the scar -not my voice) and that didn't work. Psycholigically I felt the lowest of lows-I never told anybody how I felt-I had a family and I needed to be there to support them. I was also holding down a full time childcare position and had to be there for my children. Especially my key children! Outwardly I was the same Jackie I'd always been but inside was a whole different kettle of fish. Amanda Wanowski and I became friends when they moved in next door to us. One day she asked me how I was feeling and felt my scar tissue. She did something magic for me that day, she manipulated my scar tissue, my throat, my head and talked me through what she was doing. Once she had finished I felt like a different person, like I had come out from the dark-I am not kidding. This lady has something so wonderful and so powerful, the ability to turn peoples' lives around-if you are willing to listen and respond. I have an amazing friend and confidante in Amanda. I trust implicitly what she does is in my best interests. She really is an extraordinary lady. Thankyou Amanda, for listening and ultimately repairing my tight scar tissue and emotional state.


I started working with Amanda after seeing all the great work she was doing with unlocking people's potential and improving their health. Amanda is so great, from the beginning she made feel at ease. Unsure of what to expect I was amazed at the session we had. The effects have been immediate, improved mental clarity, focus is better, and even feeling tensions in the body have started to melt away as well as the quality of my sleep is better. Blown away at the effect of the first session and can't wait for the the next.


I started seeing Amanda after I got diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and I had hit rock bottom. Amanda has honestly changed my life and I couldn’t be more grateful. I had been taking all different tablets to try and help and nothing was working. I had deep rooted emotions that was causing me horrendous pain. After a couple of sessions with Amanda the difference was incredible. Amanda was there every step of the way and now I am not on any medication, fit and healthy and back to work. I have my life back thanks to the Amanda and the Breakthrough Project.


I recently had a breakthrough session with Amanda via Skype and it was amazing, I can't recommend the sessions more highly.

We uncovered quite a few blockages that have now been cleared and I can move forwards in the direction I wish too, without events of the past holding me back. Onwards and Upwards :)


I really enjoyed the session with Amanda and was surprised at what came up. The process is very gentle but also goes deep, and can be applied to any area of your life. Amanda is completely non-judgemental, committed and passionate about her work. All this translates into a phenomenal session focussed on getting you the results you want.


I had a session with Amanda and to be truthful I really didn't know how it would go or what to say! I came struggling to think of 5 things to come up with and within minutes of talking to me Amanda had managed to get so much out of me by her carefully worded questions I was amazed.

I have always known I'm a complex character and have issues and have always seen these as negative things and maybe been embarrassed by them I guess. For this reason I have always been hard on myself so life hasn't been the easiest in some situations.

However....Amanda has made me realise that the little girl who struggled for a variety of reasons and incidents made me who I am today so actually I'm loving my complexity and seriously understanding myself so much more and allowing myself to have the self belief and self worth that was missing. More importantly I now realise why it was there and I had every reason to feel that way but I have now let it go ÔøΩ

I can't thank her enough and would encourage everyone to allow Amanda to help you unravel some of the thoughts in your head which may have become a barrier to you in many ways. Don't think about it just do it ÔøΩ


I had a session with Amanda about a month ago and I have to say I feel absolutely dynamite now. After our session I thought I felt a little different but was unsure, but now I am suddenly bouncing around at work like a lunatic, full of beans and enthusiasm again. I had some new clients start about a month ago and they thought I was on drugs after the changes kicked in, but I said 'No, this is what I always used to be like!' ÔøΩ

Highly recommended. Amazing lady doing amazing work!


Had a brilliant session with Amanda! She's passionate, knowledgable, kind and patient. Left me feeling good, and some old patterns have started to shift ÔøΩ Can't wait to see what else can be achieved. ÔøΩ

More about Amanda Wanowski Very Human Solutions
