Arcane Ecology

About Arcane Ecology

Colours and shapes by Gaia
Speed and direction by bloke



No till - lumps of wood, hay, plants, stones & compost straight over the previous surface.
Let’s see how it goes!


A big massive garden is the place to be!


The vision comes alive soon...


This all grows completely on its own with no interference & for a nominal service charge it can be set up & directed by myself on a more permanent basis anywhere at all! Keep or create a nirvana alive with intricate plant organisms delicious and/or decorative for any current or aspirational landlord allied with the Gaian mind in service to their customer/clients/residents...
Pictured here are at least 3 gooseberries, over five strawberries, a mysterious broccoli, thyme, much ...sage, and bulbs to someday blossom & tempt the mightiest shieldbug into weeks of sugary residence.
We must work with all organisms such as these in order to remediate our climate. How do we provide that in everyday public places?
By keeping on doing more than what has been done before! Roadside plant decoration bears little resemblance to any rainforest.
The problem with enforcing native biodiversity is that diversity itself is repressed: which is bad as an already scarce factor in contemporary conservation.
Yet the gift of biodiversity can be preserved in one way by the indiscriminate propagation of seeds. Collect a big box of all different seeds, sow, & add to it! Polycultures are necessary& required beyond our reckoning as mere farming creatures
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The chicken does not resent the eggshell for without which it would not have been protected.
And so goes last year’s plant sink...


Bombinating plant caretakers


It may be here. It may be worse than we fear. That doesn’t mean to passively accept what is going on...
The hardest part is maintaining resistance to diminished biodiversity, to build upon a garden bubble filled with multitudes of life. That is my mission for next growing season


"The quick fix mindset behind geoengineering must be transformed to one that seeks a humble partnership with nature if we are to address climate change"…/we-need-r egenerative-farming-…


Logo by the brilliant Maurílio Barreto.
This encapsulates the intangible esoteric qualities of nature itself. It is my every intention to summon & propagate these as a gardener in an ecology properly thought of as a mystical experience, and not as a machine with separate components. Each living thing builds upon others, especially plants.
The star represents many things, including the cycling of previously living composted nutrients into new forms of life. This regenerative process happens all the time and with a little thought to it can create spaces where its wonder is fully exploited.


Reclaim a corner of space for growing and see if the plants don’t cheer you up some!


Do you have a pile of old scabby bricks? Repurpose them into a new area for plants and get your environment lit by the garden!


Alchemical symbolism for an alchemical craft


Fitting a bath to form a pond and gather rainwater off a roof to establish a self-catering greenhouse made out of pallets & repurposed 5 or 6mm secondary glazing. Oh, and a small bed extension made in an hour - it was dark when I finished it.
Amazing the raw materials people have to pay to get rid of these days! And the things you can turn it into...

More about Arcane Ecology