Balance Hypnosis

Monday: 08:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 20:00
Friday: 08:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 12:00
Sunday: -

About Balance Hypnosis

Clinical Hypnotherapy in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. NLP Practitioner, Life Coach and Hypnosis Expert in The Media

Balance Hypnosis Description

Balance Hypnotherapy Nottingham are experts in helping our clients make positive change so that they can remove limiting beliefs and reach their goals. If you are looking for hypnotherapy in Nottinghamshire or online hypnosis we can help.

Our clinics specialise in weight loss hypnotherapy, gastric band hypnosis, confidence coaching and anxiety reduction. Our work has featured in The Daily Mail, The Sun and The Daily Mirror.



Another successful Drink Less Program finished with a client. Instead of drinking a bottle of wine a night they now have three alcohol days free a week and can be satisfied with just one glass on the remaining evenings. Plus as an added bonus their anxiety has significantly reduced.
If you have a drinking habit that is starting to get out of control or use alcohol as a way of coping with stress give us a call. Our drink less programs have a great success rate in addressing the root cause of a problem and allowing our clients to lead a healthier lifestyle.


At Balance Hypnosis we deal with all forms of anxiety including OCD. If you have problems with OCD and compulsions such as cleaning or checking give us a call as hypnotherapy can be a powerful tool in helping to calm symptoms.


A new study has now totally busted the myth that having a nightly glass of wine is good for your health. In fact it showed that those people who do drink nightly have a 20% increased chance of a premature death.
Our drink less program is designed to help our clients take control of their drinking habits so that they are happier and healthier. Don't allow yourself to become a statistic!…/Drinking- daily-glass-wine-NOT…


Ever heard of bruxism? Basically it is grinding or clenching your teeth and it can cause serious dental problems as well as disturbing your sleep. Our latest success story is a client who just finished their sessions with us today who has found that the clenching has been totally eliminated. What a result and no more spending on mouth guards at £80 per time!


Great results with a client last night who finished four sessions with us and now has no anxiety. This was after a lifetime of health anxiety. All resolved in four hours after years of medication, doctors visits and stress and worry.
Got a problem with anxiety? Give us a call and see how we can help you to alter the way you feel.


Interesting phone call from a person this morning wanting help for his wife however she didn't want hypnotherapy and could we help. My response was the very reason we succeed where others fail is because of hypnosis not despite of it. Our ability to reach hidden parts of the mind that other therapies cannot makes us unique. This is not a scary thing just a way of helping our clients to put together a jigsaw puzzle that has been bothering them often for many many years.
In this case we turned the client down as we didn't believe we could create the result they wanted without using our methods. We are confident in who we are and what we offer and never pretend to have expertise in areas that we don't.


Got a problem with sugar? Then try our sugar addiction hypnosis audio download or come in and see us at the clinic to break the habit.


Busy clinic today and it appears that stop smoking is the popular topic today. Stoptober is only around the corner so if you are ready to quit and need help give us a call. We run a two session program to help our clients quit.


Sugar can be as addictive to some people as drugs. A real sugar addict will crave sugar to the point of eating little else. We have seen clients with rotting teeth and illness because of their addiction. Why not stop your cravings with some hypnosis to help or try our self-hypnosis download to help at home.


Are you thinking of quitting the habit in Stoptober? We help our clients change their smoking habit with a two session program to help up your motivation and make you dislike the cigarettes more.
We only accept people for this program who have booked themselves and who actively are ready to quit. Ready to change your life?…/Latest-st op-smoking-campaign-…


Have you tried to resolve your problem and got nowhere? The interesting thing about hypnotherapists is that we solve problems when other professionals have got nowhere.
Many of our clients have come in to see us with anxiety. They will have seen their doctor, been sent away with tablets and find that five years later they still have the problem.
Or we will see a client who has been trying to get a good nights sleep for years. They will have tried sleeping tablets, changing th...eir bed time routine but they will still have insomnia.
Or a binge eater comes into our clinic who has been overeating for years in secret. They feel miserable, anxious and alone. They will have tried every diet going but their problem only gets worse.
What makes us different? With hypnosis we are looking at the root cause of the problem. We spend time with our clients getting to understand the real issues and then helping our clients to overcome them. This is something that your local doctor just simply doesn't have time to do.
If you have a problem and want to try a totally different approach then give us a call. We don't promise miracles but we have a very high success rate in helping others make positive change when everyone else has given up!
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Just finished working with a client who had been seeing another therapist in another part of the country. This woman had seen him four or five times and repeated the same session over and over. She even gave him an audio with exactly the same message on it. What an absolute con!
Please never go to cheap inexperienced hypnotherapists as this is what you get. Poor results and money for old rope. An experienced therapist can transform your life ask yourself what that is worth to you.


Very busy day at the clinic today. Just some of the new clients that we have booked in include stop smoking for cannabis, help for alcohol, therapy for erectile dysfunction and help for overeating. Hypnosis can be hugely helpful for a huge range of problems as it gets to the heart of the problem which is difficult to do otherwise. So if you can't see your particular problem on our website it doesn't mean that we can't deal with it. Just give us a call and we'll be happy to assess whether we can help.


Are you planning to do sober October? Interesting article in the Guardian explaining why one month does not make up for excessive drinking in the rest of the year. This is why we developed our drink less programs to help our clients have regular alcohol free days each week.…/alcohol-f ree-months-are-all-t…


Lovely session just finished with one of my clients. She used to be a binge eater and food had controlled her life since she was a child. Today she came in and reported that all the old behaviours had stopped. Even though she is under a huge amount of stress at the moment. This is the first time this has ever happened even though she had been to see a bunch of therapists in the past.
We know that our form of hypnosis makes a difference because we are able to get information from our clients that traditional therapists can't. This is what makes us extremely successful with a large number of clients. Why not get our free cheat sheet to start you on your journey to resolving issues with binge eating. ating-august-18/


Is a lack of confidence holding you back? Low confidence and self-esteem can impact your relationships, job prospects and your earning power. Our confidence coaching sessions have been designed to help our clients overcome obstacles to their success so they live the life they deserve.


Interesting article about insomnia and how one sleep clinic is tackling the problem. I would agree that insomnia is generally related to anxiety or an underlying worry although last week we saw someone who had a problem because of misophonia an issue related to noise.
CBT can work well for insomnia but five weeks seems like a hell of a long time. We have found that we can help 80%of our clients in as little as two one hour sessions. Literally a lifetime of insomnia vanishes.... The remainder need some more indepth work to address the root causes.
The only thing our clients need to do is follow our protocol to the letter. This is the one thing that we can't force them to do so results will of course be variable in the people who insist they know best.
Want to find out more then simply give us a call and book your sessions.…/14/finall y-a-cure-for-insomnia
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I was only working with a client who had a stutter last week. In their case it started due to anxiety related to their father. Find out the reason why the person has the problem and resolve that and the problem starts to go away.

More about Balance Hypnosis

01636 650 521
Monday: 08:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 20:00
Friday: 08:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 12:00
Sunday: -