Battle Of Britain Memorial Flight (Official)

About Battle Of Britain Memorial Flight (Official)

The official Facebook account of the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight. Based at RAF Coningsby (@RAFConingsby) which is also home to @RAFTyphoon.

Battle Of Britain Memorial Flight (Official) Description

Welcome to the official RAF BBMF facebook page, this page contains everything you need to stay in the know when it comes to the RAF BBMF with pictures of the majestic aircraft, detailed, up-to-date information and so much more. Meet and make friends with like minded people while enjoying the benefits this page has to offer, don't forget to visit throughout the year as this page is never inactive!

Support the BBMF by joining our official club at www.

The BBMF also have a twitter feed which can be found here:

L - Lancaster S - Spitfire H - Hurricane D - Dakota C - Chipmunk



Happy Birthday to our lovely friend Archie McInnes 99yrs young today. Archie came to BBMF a couple of weeks ago and shared his story, jumped in a hurricane and also managed to get into the current typhoon!


Good Morning,
It is the families day at RAF Coningsby today a day when the station gets to thank you to the families that support our service men and women. There will be quite a bit of flying going on and out hangar is packed Chris our Ops Assistant has taken a photo so you can zoom in and have a sneaky look around as our closed to everyone today.
... Have a great day
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COMPETITION: Win a Dambusters Avro Lancaster Airfix kit! Enter by completing our online entry form by 31 July (this Tuesday):…/competitio n-–-win-dambusters-a…


Here is the flying programme up until Sunday. Let’s hope the thunderstorms don’t affect it. The aircrew will then have a few days to rest and see their families before starting all over again on Saturday 11th August.


Good Afternoon,
Last night we were informed that wonderful friend Sqn Ldr Geoffrey Wellum DFC had sadly passed away on Wednesday. A dear friend of the Flight Geoffrey was always charming company and will be missed greatly. We shall be dedicating all our weekends activities to his memory. Lest We Forget.
Sqn Ldr Geoffrey Wellum joined the RAF August 1939.
... He was posted to 92 Sqn in May 1940 flying Spitfires. At the tender age of 18 he was the youngest pilot to have taken part in the Battle of Britain.
February 1942 saw him posted to 65 Sqn at Debden a month later becoming a Flight Commander.
Geoffrey went onto to lead eight of the first Spitfires into Malta launching of HMS Eagle with 144 Sqn in August ‘42.
On his return to the UK in 1943 he became a test pilot at Gloucester Airport. As war came to an end he was a gunnery instructor at Sutton Bridge. Staying with the RAF until 1960.
Photos of Geoffrey with P7350 our Battle of Britain Spitfire that wears his colours taken by Craig Sluman. P7350 Air to air by John Dibbs - The Plane Picture Company
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MEMBERS’ BALLOT – This month you could win a Spitfire Pen made from an original propeller (worth £170). Make sure you’re included in the draw by joining our club at
The winner of the last ballot prize was: Adam Chester from Essex. Adam won the internal tour of BBMF Lancaster PA474 – congratulations!


How to take off in a Hurricane with only 1 arm. The inestimably charming and modest Archie McInnes, Battle of Britain pilot who lost his arm when he was shot down in North Africa. He returned to flying duties after he recovered. We were absolutely delighted to spend the day with this humble man.


BBMF won the King Hussein Memorial Sword for Best Overall Flying Demonstration at RIAT - we’re thrilled!


Good evening,
Crank the volume up for this one! Taken by one of our ground crew Cpl Chris Rooker The Royal International Air Tattoo . The Trenchard Plus Display
... Diane
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Good morning,
I hope that you are enjoying the start of the weekend. The weather is still wonderful in Lincolnshire (long may it last!) Saw this photo on social media and had to share..... captured over Parliament Square, Winston Churchill watching as we fly over London to celebrate #RAF100. Thank you to the person who took this it could of been one of hundreds stood in that area. So can’t give credit to an exact person. But strong possibility it is EPA
... Enjoy your day Diane
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We were saddened yesterday to learn that Wg Cdr Tom Neil DFC*, AFC passed away on 11th July. A true gentleman, hero and one of the few British fighter aces. He will missed by many people. Here is just a little on his service career.
Tom joined the RAFVR in 1938 aged 18 and was called up for service at the outbreak of war. Once his flying training was complete he was posted to 249Sqn and flew hurricanes throughout the Battle of Britain flying 141 combat missions during the Ba...ttle.
May 1941 saw him go to Malta with 249 Sqn taking part in the Battle of Malta until his return to the UK at the beginning of 1942. He served on 81Sqn and 56OTU before becoming Officer Commanding of 41 Sqn.
Whilst attached with the USAAF - 100th Fighter Wing he took part in the Invasion of Normandy and remained with them until they reached the German Border. He was awarded the US Bronze medal during this tour.
Post war Tom spent four years as a service test pilot flying a staggering 100 different aircraft types. He left the RAF in 1964.
Tom is pictured below with our Hurricane LF363 which is currently wearing his codes during the Battle of Britain. Photo courtesy of Johnny Cracknell.
Blue skies Sir - it was an honour to have met you.
Lest We Forget
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Here’s the schedule from today until Monday. Weather and serviceability may play a part as ever, but I think the crowds at RIAT are in for a treat.


Tune in to see Flt Lt Davey give a live tour of the Lancaster


With regard to the decision not to fly today it must be kept in mind that the safety of the crew and the aircraft is paramount. Much too precious to take any kind of risk!! We all love them and we would not want anything to happen just to save a few hours of disappointment.


Well done BBMF on your ongoing love, support and care of our great old military planes. Can’t wait to come see you fly again.. today I took a chance to go and see the Lancaster. I knew the risks. As it was very clear that there was a high probability that she wouldn’t fly because of the winds. I was STILL able to pay my respects to the the hero’s who flew the dambusters raid as THAT was what it was about. Not just to watch a plane go threw the dam


There are a number of reasons why the powers that be made the decision not to fly today. It is not for us to reason why it did not, or even to have an opinion as to why they should of flown. I for one respect their decision and look forward to seeing her fly this year. The guy's n gal's at BBMF do not take theses decisions lightly and do a fantastic job.. Tonight I will raise a glass to their professionalism and also to The Dambusters.. " Per ardua ad astra "


Thank you so much for allowing me to sit where my great grandfather would have once sat as a rear gunner on the Lancaster when you flew into Brize today. Words could not describe how much today’s memories mean to both myself and my family. Thank you x


Thank you for your efforts today to try and get the lanc down through the dam .

Unlike most I actually appreciate your efforts and try to visit and support your cause annually . I’m very much aware that the you can’t predict the weather have no control over operational aircraft .

Keep up the good work

Lest we forget


Such an amazing sight and so low. We all wait in anticipation as to which position you will arrive from. Following the touching opening speech by our local ATC Squadron leader, this was the icing on the cake. Thank you


My Husband and I visited on Thursday 28th June. Our guide Alan was amazing! So informative and his love for the Aircraft shone through! We were the only 2 people on the 12pm tour which gave us plenty of opportunities to ask Alan questions which he answered patiently and he gave us plenty of information about the Aircraft and when or if it was used battle etc. Such a lovely man, we loved every minute! Thank you Alan for giving us a fantastic tour.


It's such a pleasure seeing these aircraft fly ... what makes the experience more complete are the people that make it happen, all the way from admin, ground crew to aircrew. They're very helpful and I love watching the aircrew interact with their supporters when they come back from a display.

Thank you



I'm from Denmark and in 2017 I managed to get my wife driving me around "bomber land" for a week. We stayed at The Petwood Hotel for many days and we visited all the famous airfields and - off course - had a great tour around the BBMF facilities and aircraft. Never forget!


I am so grateful that the BBMF took the opportunity to fly Mr Johnson when they had the chance, the flypasts are all about honouring the men who took part in the raid and remembering those who made the ultimate sacrifice. Its absolutely wonderful that the last surviving member of the crews that took part was able to make his own pilgrimage and I cant think of a more suitable way to do it. The weather is always a factor when flying historic aircraft in the United Kingdom and the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight deserve nothing but praise and respect for the decision to cancel on the grounds of safety yesterday and to fly when they had the chance today. For once this wasn't all about the public getting the best view it was about honouring those who served. Thank you.


All the staff at Coningsby and on the flight should be proud of what they do . I have been with a dambusters son all week and he wanted to see you fly over the dam . I see lots of silly comments from people saying they stood there a few hours waiting and wasted Thier time . He travelled 20 hours on a plane to come and see her and would rather she be safe . The BBMF make me proud to be British. Some of the comments on here don't.


A team of dedicated and highly professional volunteers keep this living museum and memorial to the brave men and women of our history alive. They lovingly care for and maintain some very old, rare and iconic aircraft so they can still fly and provide millions with with sheer joy, excitement and a sense of history. A visit to the BBMF hangar is a joy to behold. The guides are very knowledgable and obviously very passionate about what they do. You can see the RAF engineers lovingly working on the aircraft. If you are lucky, as I have been on one occasion you may see one of the aircraft flying. The BBMF is a visit you must make at least once in your lifetime.


Enjoyed my day real shame the Lancaster didn't fly but rather see it safe but disappointed we were told no typhoon so we had started to walk away then to hear a raw of engine and just get a glimpse of the typhoon very poor communication


I was one of the few lucky ones who stayed on the hill overlooking the Dam to see the Tornado come up the valley and down again over the dam. One pass not two and about 30 minutes late after being Officially told it wasn't coming. As i discussed with the ITV camera man beside me no one should ever question the operational decision to abort the Lancaster 15mph crosswind limit in 17 to 25 gusting. What isn't great was the Tornado dismal communication and losing 3/400 people off the side of the hill. At least someone had thought about running a plane which was good. My question is however there is only one 75 anniversary date so with the weather forecast, why wasn't the Lancaster relocated to a different airfield where it could have taken off/ landed into wind.


Battle of Britain Memorial Flight (Official) some feedback, I have been reading the comments on here (when you posted the schedule for last weekend) and so many people were asking questions and getting no answers. If you post this kind of info, it is bound to get people excited. We almost changed our entire weekend plans to see the Lancaster at Kidderminster, but decided against it when we saw so much uncertainly about the schedule on this thread. Glad we didn't waste our time as I see it was a no show. Yet you have provided no updates. People will travel a long way to see these planes so if you are going to post a schedule, you also need to follow up if this schedule chnages. Changes are to be expected and we understand mechanical and weather issues are unforseeable, but please can you communicate better with all of us so we know what is going on. Much appreciated.


Why tweet that the Derwent Typhoon flypast was cancelled, only for it to appear a few minutes later? Most people around us packed up and went. Luckily we stayed. Terrible communication and no doubt hundreds of disappointed people, many of whom had travelled a long way.


The organisers of the lancaster flight will have known what the weather was going to be like today so, why not reschedule for yesterday when it was a glorious red hot sunny day. Not good enough in this day and age. No wonder this country is going down the shitter. I understand they can't fly the lanc in this wind what with the age of the aircraft but, come on these people will have been checking the weather report for today for the last week at least. Very very poor.


Yeh sat there waiting like everyone else when a member of staff came out with a suit and a tag, looked down at some ducks who were begging to us for bread and said " they`re the only things that will be flying today" very flippant you might say, very poor Chatsworth, disappointed, but could never be disappointed with our fantastic Air Force, but their communuication a bit crap !


Would of been really good if we had actually got to see it, what a waste of time! I understand why the Lancaster was cancelled due to weather but to then be told a typhoon was coming in it's place so that thousands of people waited on the hillside for a 12.05 fly past which still hadn't come by half past, then for officials to tell everybody typhoon no longer coming so everybody walked away for the typhoon then to fly over everyones heads 5 mins later. Don't understand why communicating is so hard in the day and age of technology! Disappointing is an understatement


With regard to the decision not to fly today it must be kept in mind that the safety of the crew and the aircraft is paramount. Much too precious to take any kind of risk!! We all love them and we would not want anything to happen just to save a few hours of disappointment.


Well done BBMF on your ongoing love, support and care of our great old military planes. Can’t wait to come see you fly again.. today I took a chance to go and see the Lancaster. I knew the risks. As it was very clear that there was a high probability that she wouldn’t fly because of the winds. I was STILL able to pay my respects to the the hero’s who flew the dambusters raid as THAT was what it was about. Not just to watch a plane go threw the dam


There are a number of reasons why the powers that be made the decision not to fly today. It is not for us to reason why it did not, or even to have an opinion as to why they should of flown. I for one respect their decision and look forward to seeing her fly this year. The guy's n gal's at BBMF do not take theses decisions lightly and do a fantastic job.. Tonight I will raise a glass to their professionalism and also to The Dambusters.. " Per ardua ad astra "


Thank you so much for allowing me to sit where my great grandfather would have once sat as a rear gunner on the Lancaster when you flew into Brize today. Words could not describe how much today’s memories mean to both myself and my family. Thank you x


Thank you for your efforts today to try and get the lanc down through the dam .

Unlike most I actually appreciate your efforts and try to visit and support your cause annually . I’m very much aware that the you can’t predict the weather have no control over operational aircraft .

Keep up the good work

Lest we forget


Such an amazing sight and so low. We all wait in anticipation as to which position you will arrive from. Following the touching opening speech by our local ATC Squadron leader, this was the icing on the cake. Thank you


My Husband and I visited on Thursday 28th June. Our guide Alan was amazing! So informative and his love for the Aircraft shone through! We were the only 2 people on the 12pm tour which gave us plenty of opportunities to ask Alan questions which he answered patiently and he gave us plenty of information about the Aircraft and when or if it was used battle etc. Such a lovely man, we loved every minute! Thank you Alan for giving us a fantastic tour.


It's such a pleasure seeing these aircraft fly ... what makes the experience more complete are the people that make it happen, all the way from admin, ground crew to aircrew. They're very helpful and I love watching the aircrew interact with their supporters when they come back from a display.

Thank you



I'm from Denmark and in 2017 I managed to get my wife driving me around "bomber land" for a week. We stayed at The Petwood Hotel for many days and we visited all the famous airfields and - off course - had a great tour around the BBMF facilities and aircraft. Never forget!


I am so grateful that the BBMF took the opportunity to fly Mr Johnson when they had the chance, the flypasts are all about honouring the men who took part in the raid and remembering those who made the ultimate sacrifice. Its absolutely wonderful that the last surviving member of the crews that took part was able to make his own pilgrimage and I cant think of a more suitable way to do it. The weather is always a factor when flying historic aircraft in the United Kingdom and the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight deserve nothing but praise and respect for the decision to cancel on the grounds of safety yesterday and to fly when they had the chance today. For once this wasn't all about the public getting the best view it was about honouring those who served. Thank you.


All the staff at Coningsby and on the flight should be proud of what they do . I have been with a dambusters son all week and he wanted to see you fly over the dam . I see lots of silly comments from people saying they stood there a few hours waiting and wasted Thier time . He travelled 20 hours on a plane to come and see her and would rather she be safe . The BBMF make me proud to be British. Some of the comments on here don't.


A team of dedicated and highly professional volunteers keep this living museum and memorial to the brave men and women of our history alive. They lovingly care for and maintain some very old, rare and iconic aircraft so they can still fly and provide millions with with sheer joy, excitement and a sense of history. A visit to the BBMF hangar is a joy to behold. The guides are very knowledgable and obviously very passionate about what they do. You can see the RAF engineers lovingly working on the aircraft. If you are lucky, as I have been on one occasion you may see one of the aircraft flying. The BBMF is a visit you must make at least once in your lifetime.


Enjoyed my day real shame the Lancaster didn't fly but rather see it safe but disappointed we were told no typhoon so we had started to walk away then to hear a raw of engine and just get a glimpse of the typhoon very poor communication


I was one of the few lucky ones who stayed on the hill overlooking the Dam to see the Tornado come up the valley and down again over the dam. One pass not two and about 30 minutes late after being Officially told it wasn't coming. As i discussed with the ITV camera man beside me no one should ever question the operational decision to abort the Lancaster 15mph crosswind limit in 17 to 25 gusting. What isn't great was the Tornado dismal communication and losing 3/400 people off the side of the hill. At least someone had thought about running a plane which was good. My question is however there is only one 75 anniversary date so with the weather forecast, why wasn't the Lancaster relocated to a different airfield where it could have taken off/ landed into wind.


Battle of Britain Memorial Flight (Official) some feedback, I have been reading the comments on here (when you posted the schedule for last weekend) and so many people were asking questions and getting no answers. If you post this kind of info, it is bound to get people excited. We almost changed our entire weekend plans to see the Lancaster at Kidderminster, but decided against it when we saw so much uncertainly about the schedule on this thread. Glad we didn't waste our time as I see it was a no show. Yet you have provided no updates. People will travel a long way to see these planes so if you are going to post a schedule, you also need to follow up if this schedule chnages. Changes are to be expected and we understand mechanical and weather issues are unforseeable, but please can you communicate better with all of us so we know what is going on. Much appreciated.


Why tweet that the Derwent Typhoon flypast was cancelled, only for it to appear a few minutes later? Most people around us packed up and went. Luckily we stayed. Terrible communication and no doubt hundreds of disappointed people, many of whom had travelled a long way.


The organisers of the lancaster flight will have known what the weather was going to be like today so, why not reschedule for yesterday when it was a glorious red hot sunny day. Not good enough in this day and age. No wonder this country is going down the shitter. I understand they can't fly the lanc in this wind what with the age of the aircraft but, come on these people will have been checking the weather report for today for the last week at least. Very very poor.


Yeh sat there waiting like everyone else when a member of staff came out with a suit and a tag, looked down at some ducks who were begging to us for bread and said " they`re the only things that will be flying today" very flippant you might say, very poor Chatsworth, disappointed, but could never be disappointed with our fantastic Air Force, but their communuication a bit crap !


Would of been really good if we had actually got to see it, what a waste of time! I understand why the Lancaster was cancelled due to weather but to then be told a typhoon was coming in it's place so that thousands of people waited on the hillside for a 12.05 fly past which still hadn't come by half past, then for officials to tell everybody typhoon no longer coming so everybody walked away for the typhoon then to fly over everyones heads 5 mins later. Don't understand why communicating is so hard in the day and age of technology! Disappointing is an understatement

More about Battle Of Britain Memorial Flight (Official)

Battle Of Britain Memorial Flight (Official) is located at RAF BBMF Visitors Centre, Dogdyke Road, LN44 Lincoln, Lincolnshire