Belsar'S Hill

About Belsar'S Hill

Belsar's Hill is a hillfort near Willingham, Cambridgeshire. DescriptionBelsar's Hill is an oval-shaped area, 265-220m, enclosing 6acre. At the time of its construction, it would have constituted an island of firm soil surrounded by waterlogged fens. The defences are believed to have consisted of a single 10-15m wide, 1. 5m ditch, and a rampart on a 2-4m high bank. The hill was situated along the Aldreth Causeway, and is transected by a 19th century track, believed to be a redirection of the original Causeway. HistoryThe location of the fortification, on the boundary between the tribal lands of the Iceni and Catuvellauni, and a similarity to other Iron Age hillforts such as Arbury Banks or Wandlebury, suggests an Iron Age provenance. It is believed that the structure was reoccupied during the Norman Conquest. During this time period the Norman forces were combating a local revolt under Hereward the Wake, and the hillfort would have been strategically located on the Aldreth Causway, the main road to Ely. A postulated name of "Belassise", from the Old French "bel assis" (meaning well seated /placed), also suggests a Norman link. An alternative suggested etymology, stemming from the Norman general named "Belasius", also suggests Norman involvement. The importance of this location in the defence of Ely has led some to suggest that the ringfort may have been the Castle of Aldreth.

Belsar'S Hill Description

Belsar's Hill is a hillfort near Willingham, Cambridgeshire. DescriptionBelsar's Hill is an oval-shaped area, 265-220m, enclosing 6acre. At the time of its construction, it would have constituted an island of firm soil surrounded by waterlogged fens. The defences are believed to have consisted of a single 10-15m wide, 1. 5m ditch, and a rampart on a 2-4m high bank. The hill was situated along the Aldreth Causeway, and is transected by a 19th century track, believed to be a redirection of the original Causeway. HistoryThe location of the fortification, on the boundary between the tribal lands of the Iceni and Catuvellauni, and a similarity to other Iron Age hillforts such as Arbury Banks or Wandlebury, suggests an Iron Age provenance. It is believed that the structure was reoccupied during the Norman Conquest. During this time period the Norman forces were combating a local revolt under Hereward the Wake, and the hillfort would have been strategically located on the Aldreth Causway, the main road to Ely. A postulated name of "Belassise", from the Old French "bel assis" (meaning well seated /placed), also suggests a Norman link. An alternative suggested etymology, stemming from the Norman general named "Belasius", also suggests Norman involvement. The importance of this location in the defence of Ely has led some to suggest that the ringfort may have been the Castle of Aldreth.

More about Belsar'S Hill

Belsar'S Hill is located at Willingham, Cambridgeshire