Beneficial Fitness

About Beneficial Fitness

Private personal training studio. Want to feel better, healthier, fitter then ask away. Building up, slimming down and injury rehab all catered for.

Beneficial Fitness Description

Level 2 and level 3 in personal training and nutrition. Reps registered and insured. Here for all types of fitness and nutrition advice. Want to look better, feel better, go faster, live healthier then get in touch.



Getting better with my camera skills, and going to be doing a bit more online. So please message any questions about diet, exercise, health, injuries and pt. With the help of my gorgeous assistant Megan Pearson I'll be able to add videos etc to replies to help more


Snacks everyone's favourite


Because who doesn't like pancake day


The price and the convenience of running is good. Some people love it as well. But make sure you're bringing in other types of exercise for injury prevention and to hit those weight/fat loss goals


New year new you new place. Beautiful building with plenty of room come and have a look


Fruit, what’s the deal? . Fruit contains sugar - glucose and fructose. . Glucose is transported into the blood stream and is the body’s preferred energy source.... . Fructose when eaten is transported to the liver. . If it isn’t used fructose turns to fat. . The riper the fruit the more sugar it contains. . Some fruits contain more sugar than others. . Sugar is sugar and if you over eat it you will gain weight. . Fruit contains huge amounts of vitamins and minerals. . When you eat fruit try to eat it whole. . The process of eating and digesting fruit means the sugar release is slower, this prevents you overloading on sugar. . Fruit juice or smoothies are quickly absorbed so apply portion control. . Vegetables contain the same vitamins and minerals as fruit but with less sugar content. . You definitely shouldn’t cut fruit out of your diet, it’s good for you, just not too much. .
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New year new you?
Nows the time that lots of people start new diets and exercise regimes. You're probably going to work harder than you have in a while. Make sure you work smarter as well. Ask questions.
Don't just do the exercises in your comfort zone, find out what exercises are good for.
... Don't just eat less of bad food or pick a two week diet, make positive sustainable changes.
Don't risk yourself, learn to move well and work around injuries.
Eat better and move better. Plan your time and goals well.
Anyone needs some advice just message. That's what I'm here for
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How it looks compared to how it feels.
More often than not a simple exercise should be the one you're doing. Yes it's fun to do different exercises and we all know a gym show off. Yes sometimes an elaborate movement is needed to hit a certain muscle better. But effort and feeling is what gets you to where you want to be.
The workout I've just done is simple but effective try it for yourself.
... 45 seconds at 80 to 90 percent effort rest for 1.15 Repeat I went for thirty minutes on an assault bike but can be swapped for a rower, body movements, anything you're comfortable and safe with.
If it doesn't burn work harder. Great for fitness and fat burning. Any questions just ask
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The most difficult thing I personally find about the fitness industry is an individual's bad acceptance.
Everybody is different and everyone will face different challenges. It's important to acknowledge these difficulties so we can overcome them, not so we can accept them and use them as an excuse.
... I'm busy. Most people are, make your goals more realistic and your time worthwhile.
Diets don't work for me. Then don't diet stop following a fad diet and make sustainable positive changes.
I've got a chronic injury. Then learn to move better you have a bad back unless you've had it your entire life it can change. Don't just give in and live on painkillers.
I don't know what I'm doing. Then ask don't just look for the answers you want to know either. Get different opinions build your knowledge.
Being fit and healthy is easier for some people, some people do have more time, money, opportunity. But someone out there will have less and will still be pushing towards their goals.
Acknowledge your difficulties and make a plan to build a better you.
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Throughout life your priorities will change, and it's easy to use that as an excuse not to exercise and eat right. You might have less time but it's not impossible.
The more you look after yourself the easier it is to look after others.
... A great example of this is parenthood. Adults all the time tell me they don't have time to exercise, to eat breakfast, to cook, to shop. But always find the time to get their kids to do these things.
We don't accept excuses from our kids, so don't accept them from ourselves.
One person who has recently shown this commitment to change is Amy Amy Selina Rippon. She used to train hard and eat well but since having a child her priorities changed (as they should). It can be eat to give up on fitness goals, but rather than give up she adapted, she evolved. Yes she will have less time and it will be tough. But she will get what she wants.
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Progress not perfection.
These wise words were uttered by the great philosopher Denzel Washington in the The Equalizer. (And maybe other famous people)
Sure it would be brilliant if you have a perfect week but it's difficult for most people to do.
... Aim to make it better than last week. Eat less sugar, eat more vegetables, workout a bit harder, walk to work. Concentrate on what you can achieve and make a conscious effort to better yourself. Every race is made up of many steps.
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More about Beneficial Fitness

Beneficial Fitness is located at Beneficial fitness studio, NG18 1AH Nottingham, United Kingdom