Benn Walford



Awesome coaching last night with Napa G Bafikele creating + growing his Personal Brand Facebook page, daily branding + marketing routines and story telling. šŸš€šŸ 
Go follow his new Personal Brand page belowšŸ‘‡šŸ¼ Napa G Bafikele


Whether itā€™s a Potenital client, investor or partner you need to provide them with absolute confidence that you can achieve what comes out of your mouth before you can expect to gain their trust and level up!


Whether itā€™s a Potenital client, investor or partner you need to provide them with absolute confidence that you can achieve what comes out of your mouth before you can expect to gain their trust and level up!


I spoke to a future client yesterday and we spoke about the importance of personal branding.
Why do people buy the product/service that you offer rather then simply google searching and picking someone at random and giving them a call?...
Hereā€™s why...
... People buy into people.
If the particular person thatā€™s looking for the product or service you offer stumbles across you and feels they like the message you push out there and can connect to your personality, energy and enthusiasm they will feel 10X more confident buying into your product/service rather then Mr cool šŸ˜Ž dude thatā€™s at the top of google search.
When the person becomes the product, the product is no longer the question the person is.
Have an awesome day guys!
Ps my one-to-one January coaching slots are almost full so jump on the last 3 spaces before itā€™s too late and make an impact with your brand in 2019.
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Underneath anyoneā€™s reasons to want the result theyā€™re after there is a WHY and that why tends to always be attached to an emotion reason.
Reverse engineer the desired result, gain that why and youā€™ll close the deal.


Do you often feel like this when trying to plan your social content to deliver value to your audience ?ā€¦
Donā€™t panic we have all been here, hereā€™s a couple of ways that you can get past that brick wall and stop wanting to pull your hair out.
1. Try not to over complete your strategy,
... (Put pen to paper and write down five very simple pieces of advice that you would give to anybody wanting to get into your niche or attract new clients & investors.)
Youā€™ll soon see 5 turn to 10 and 10 turn to 20 and youā€™ll end up with plenty of value to provide when wanting to put out content!
2. Q&Aā€™s
Do a Q&A, that way your audience give you the questions to answer therefore theyā€™re giving you the valuable content to provide to them, with out you having to think of it yourself.
This is also effective because you know exactly what question they want answering and what they need help with.
Thereā€™s some quick and simple ways on how you can create effective and valuable content for your target audience that they will appreciate.
Hope thatā€™s helped you.
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How do I deliver content if I have nothing to speak about?...
My advice to you would be to stop over complicating it, stop over thinking it. I provided advice to a viewer on my LIVE Q&A last week, personally I felt that my live didnā€™t go as well as I planned it to go, although partly my fault for jumping on a little bit too late. I still got a few questions asked, I proceeded with the live as I thought Iā€™d make the best out of a bad situation and went on to answer the questio...ns, following this my phone then died midway through the live video and as you can imagine I was full of Frustration.
I then put my phone on charge immediately to apologise to my audience for cutting them off while they were asking questions, as soon as my phone turned back on I had received a message from one of the viewers letting me know that One of the questions I had answered around one minute before my phone had died has actually helped him massively.
In the time that I had answered his question and my phone had died he had already implemented the strategy I provided him with, by the time my phone turned back on just 5 minutes later he had already seen an instant result.
I found this was a very basic strategy and almost assumed that everybody knew about it, little did I know I was actually under valuing my own knowledge as Iā€™ve also been able to help other people since then with the same strategy. So donā€™t always assume everybody knows what you know, remember even the most basic value to you, might be very effective to your target audience.
Donā€™t doubt your own knowledge, speak about a subject youā€™re confident on and can speak passionately about, you canā€™t force something that isnā€™t there yet, be natural, be you.
Youā€™ll shock yourself with the knowledge you already have and are currently undermining.
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What came first the person or the brand?
You look up to some influential authorities in property right?...
But what you donā€™t often think about is, did you know about that person before their brand or their brand before the person.
... Majority of the time you were introduced to the person first whether that be through their content online, podcasts, audiobooks, books, Trainings etc.
If youā€™re wanting to become an authority, a thought of leader, the go to person in your niche, create new streams of income and massively grow your property brand.
You need to be focused on growing and leveraging your personal brand.
People buy into people.
Logos donā€™t have a face nor do they have a personality and thatā€™s what your audience are going to connect with.
Exclusive content šŸ‘‰šŸ¼
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I see far too many business owners wanting to attract new clients online yet providing zero value, craving for engagement and posting the generic love, live and laugh quotes.
If you specialise within a niche market for example (property) donā€™t try to be a life coach. (It wonā€™t attract your target audience .)
Those that do this attract everybody and anybody, my advice to you would be to connect with your target audience, provide them with value and educate them with your knowledge on the subject or niche that youā€™re an expert in.


When in business or starting a business thereā€™s so many obstacles people will not tell you youā€™re going to have to face, itā€™s very annoying actually seeing all of these get rich quick e-commerce, digital marketing and drop shipping adā€™s being targeted to young people because being a young businessman myself and having been in business a while now for my age and having started several companies, facing a lot of brick walls and the natural struggles of adversity I can tell you it doesnā€™t matter what you decide to do it is NOT going to be quick and itā€™s NOT going to be easy.
I was actually watching the apprentice just the other night and they had to create a new and diverse comic that was different to any before it, they had to think of a super hero & comic book name and then bring it to life.
My take on this would have been ā€œBIZ KID ADVENTURES.ā€
Biz kid would be a kid of business and educate young readers on value, products & services in exchange for currency etc and also have him face challenges heā€™d need to over come on his BIZ journey in order to become the super hero at the end of the story, as we donā€™t get educated in our school systems on how to start, build and maintain a solid business.
I feel this could be a good start to the next generation understanding whatā€™s needed to really build a successful empire and create long term wealth rather then short term bullsh*t.
Let me know what you think šŸ‘†šŸ¼.
So how do you scale quicker? How do you face less problems? And how do you learn to deal with the problems you do face in the most efficient and effective way?...
Learn from others that have made the mistakes, faced the challenges and got through the other side, learn from the people that are well on their way to where you want to be and educate yourself so you can speed the success process up, learning from other peopleā€™s expertise and experience.
Get yourself a coach/mentor.
Have a great Sunday.
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Never rush the process when building your brand you need to make sure youā€™re setting strong solid foundations before shooting for the stars otherwise you may hit a star and be back on ground zero very very quickly.


My 1-to-1 coaching has recently became a core element of my business and Iā€™ll be honest Iā€™ve never had such amazing reviews sent back to me which I will share if my clients are happy for them to be shared publicly.
I look to help more and more people on their business journey and understand that it can be difficult when your business is heavily focused on closing large deals commonly (property businesses) you can get stuck in the famous rut as to what you do to generate cash ...flow & leads in-between closing deals as itā€™s not just a quick process to close a large deal.
Iā€™m here to put an end to this famous rut and ultimately help you grow your business and your cashflow short term and long term.
Have a great day!
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In the property gamešŸ ?...
Let me help you dominate your niche online.


Do you run a property business?...
Hereā€™s 8 reasons you may be struggling to become king or Queen of your space online.
1. Lack of online cash-flow between larger deals.
... ( going from deal to deal is great but with out cash flow in-between it can make life very difficult plus why would you miss out on such a large unlimited opportunity to create cashflow)
2. Lack of targeted brand awareness.

3. Not having full clarity to who your target audience is.

4. Youā€™re posting content online but itā€™s too generic and doesnā€™t attract your target audience.

5. You donā€™t currently have an audience online.

6. Youā€™re not providing value to build brand credibility if you do have an audience online.

7. You donā€™t know how to monetise on your audience.

8. Building your brand

If you do run a property business Iā€™d love to help with one of the above for free and talk more about your business and the heights you look to reach.
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More about Benn Walford

Benn Walford is located at Burton upon Trent