Bhavesh Chohan

About Bhavesh Chohan

Personal Trainer /Sports Massage Therapist

Bhavesh Chohan Description

Bhavesh has spent the last 6 years working in the fitness industry. In this time he has established and continues to build a reputation around his results based coaching.

Prior to this he came from a sporting background and has had a lifelong battle with his own weight, overcoming this he now wishes to help others do the same.

His passion and desire to change somebody's life is the drive factor behind his success within in the industry and continuation.

With this page he wishes to be able to educate, motivate, and inspire as many people to live a better lifestyle whilst achieving their health & fitness goals



Shinal came to with the goal of being confident in time for her Wedding & said these specific words ‚ÄėBhav I want my abs out‚Äô
For Shinal, Personal Training helped her with more than just getting results...
... It was a place for her to focus on herself, escape the stresses of planning, work and family.
Sure the journey wasn’t plain sailing, but that’s where the guidance and support of my personal training came in.
To navigate around the obstacles that were put in front of us and still stay on course to deliver the outcome
As you can see Shinal achieved what we set out to and now has memories and pictures that will last a lifetime knowing she did her absolute to be in the best shape for her big day!
Do you have milestone you want to look and feel and feel for? A holiday, birthday, or is it about time you focused on yourself and get your confidence back?
Get in touch today!
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So the obligatory #TransformationTuesday...
I want to share on something that a before and after pictures don’t show...
... For Sangita it was reversing and unraveling years of failed attempts, bad relationships with food as-well as habits and behaviours
We worked together for around a year, in that time we found a manageable approach to her Health- Fitness - Lifestyle goals!
Sure the results were at a slower rate but there was much more to it for Sangita!
I’ll let her tell you in her own words...
But remember let’s not forget the benefits in health markers and much deeper routed issues that go beyond just the physical changes you see
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The way we look and feel in my opinion has a direct impact on the outlook and quality of our lives
... So imagine feeling and achieving the way you really want to be…
It comes down to a personal choice.
Do you want to continue to feel the way you are?
Are you happy to let it continue to be put to the side… and let things getting harder and worse?
Or it is enough is enough?
It‚Äôs Monday, a fresh week, a fresh month, a new chapter let‚Äôs make things happen! ūüí™ūüŹĹ
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Shout out to my client Priya who has been hard at work over the last few months in preparation of her big day this coming weekend!
Priya came to me wanting to build her confidence and get in shape for her Wedding.
In the time that we‚Äôve been working together we have been able to reduce her weight down to her ‚Äúhappy weight‚ÄĚ which she was previously over 4 years ago!
... In that time we‚Äôve also been able to get rid of 11.5‚ÄĚ around her waist & hips alone! Meaning having a good problem with even more dress alterations!
Not only did her journey support her to achieve what she set out but also manage her stresses during this important time in her life.
Don’t think it was plain sailing or straight forward we initially had a slow start but once the ball began to roll the results started to come. We had to be efficient and effective with time and nutrition the key here was being committed and disciplined. Personal training provided Priya with accountability, support and guidance required for her to be successful.
Wishing her and Nikesh all the best for the big day and forever after!
Want help achieving your health and fitness dreams? Get in touch and let's make it happen!
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Meera came wanting to get in shape for her big day...In the process of working with me not only were we able to get in to outfits 4 months prior to the big day but we overcame ALL her symptoms of PCOS!
Check out a snap shot of Meera’s very own testimonial


When embarking on a fitness journey it’s important to realise that miracles won’t happen overnight
Years of slowing gain body fat will need an approach that takes off the layers whilst taking into account habits, behaviours and lifestyle choices…
Don’t be the one who says after one meal or one workout why isn’t it shifting… be patient it takes consistency
... As a guide use 0.5-1Kg a week as an average now divide that by the amount of weight you wish to loose now add another 12 weeks.
Sure you can make aggressive changes and achieve results in way shorter time but I can assure you there will be a swing back of some sort.
Make a start but make it sensible!
Want professional guidance then get in touch
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Personal Training with Bhavesh will:
-Improve your overall Health & Wellness -Improve your Self Confidence -Get you feeling Fitter, Happier and Stronger... -Educate you throughout your journey with Nutrition, Training, Mindset and Lifestyle management -Make permanent changes to your life -Change your body shape and get the results you want
Take the next steps towards achieving the results you’ve always wanted!
Head over to start your journey!
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I’m sure you’ve heard it before?
Your friend stopped eating carbs after 6pm and the weight just flew off?
... But why you ask?
Let me tell you the facts!
Your friend stopped eating foods like pasta, pies, rice, pitta, naan, bread, potato, rotli etc in there evening meals (they by reducing the amount of calories)
Your friend also had to stop eating the cakes, ice-cream, popcorn and biscuits that they used to have after dinner (thereby once again reducing the total amount of calories consumed)
What happened was your friend created a calorie deficit by placing a restriction in the form of a rule which helped create that
The calories in any food not just carbs don’t change because of the time of day!
In the western diet a large amount of calories do come from carbs particularly in the evening. So that’s why placing control in the amount in it’s self will most likely lead to a reduction in weight
Remember it doesn’t matter what time of day you eat or how many meals you consume by the total amount of calories across a 24hour time frame or weekly consumption
What ever change you make remember to make ones that you can continue to keep for ever that way your results will last forever!
Want to work together? Get in touch today!
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Remember this when it comes to changing your Health, Fitness & Lifestyle.
The knock on effect to your life when you have a better functioning body and mind!
... ‚ÄėOne reason people resist change is because they focus on what they have to give up instead of what they have to gain‚Äô - Rick
Let’s overcome your fears and make sustainable changes to your health, happiness & confidence!
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FIT AT 50? #MoreLike60 ūüėú
So here’s a little flashback to 3 years ago where my client came to in search of getting rid of her knee pain!
After some assessments it was clear her posterior chain needed work and given her age some serious strength was needed for her quality of life, longevity and to reduce her risk of injury!
... We set out with my approach of weight training 3 days a week, some basic changes to her diet and incorporated 2 supplements (Omega 3 & Whey protein)
Safe to say within a matter of just 12 weeks we was able to get rid of her knee pain, add muscle and strength all whilst dropping her body fat down!
We worked together for a total of 12 months where we continued to improve on overall strength and fitness!
Remember age just a number and there really isn‚Äôt any excuse when you want it bad enough! ūüí™ūüŹĹ
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Hina- ‚ÄúI‚Äôm a lifting mum‚ÄĚ Week 7 & 8 Roundup
Over the last 8 weeks, I have noticed a constant improvement in my form and strength, which has greatly improved my knowledge of how to exercise and it’s also massively improved the quality of my life!
I no longer feel back pain (which was a big priority to me), picking up my 3 year old never felt easier and now everyday tasks seem such a breeze.
... I now fully understand the reason behind Bhav’s practice of training 3 times a week, it’s only when you fully immerse yourself in the process that you get to experience all the benefits of his approach.
The great thing about Bhav is that he’s so easy to talk to and makes learning about fitness and making lifestyle choices a manageable process. Everything I’m doing now is laying down the foundation for a new lifestyle.
In the last 8 weeks I have noticed a big change in my body- I'm getting fitter, stronger and leaner by the week! One other thing is that the type of food I actually now enjoy, although I have craved foods like ‚Äúchilli paneer‚ÄĚ once I‚Äôve had it, I realised it didn‚Äôt actually live up to the expectations of what I thought I wanted.
Previously during monthly cycles, I would use it as an excuse of not to train but now I know that I can! More importantly, I now know how and what to adjust to my training and nutrition to accommodate. Sure I feel tired but working with Bhav has really helped me understand my body
My friends and family have been equally supportive and understanding of my journey- Making them aware and getting them on board has really helped!
Highlight- I would say managing to integrate a routine and structure for fitness into a busy lifestyle has to be a big highlight for me thus far!
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Thought for Thursday‚Ķūü§Ē
Buying fancy things in your life that only deprecate in time doesn’t add value to your life.
Investing in your health will allow your life to appreciate in value over time
... ‚̧ԳŹ if you agree
Happiness | Confidence | Strength | Fitness | Wealth
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Exercise IS your medicine ūüíä . . . .... To fully enjoy life to the fullest we all should have a general level of fitness to carry out everyday duties with ease and without pain.
Having any health condition(s) can be improved (if not reversed) by having a good level of health and fitness. It’s by having a good approach to your nutrition and factoring exercise In to your life
The major focus these days has shifted to just the aesthetics but remember there‚Äôs more to fitness than what meets the eye! ūüí™ūüŹĹ
‚¨áÔłŹBlood pressure & HR ‚¨áÔłŹDiabetes ‚¨áÔłŹDepression ‚¨áÔłŹAnxiety ‚¨áÔłŹPsychological Stress ‚¨áÔłŹPain ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚Ä Ē‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ‚ÄĒ ‚¨ÜÔłŹConcentration ‚¨ÜÔłŹMood ‚¨ÜÔłŹConfidence ‚¨ÜÔłŹSelf- Esteem ‚¨ÜÔłŹEnergy ‚¨ÜÔłŹSleep
Is time for you take your dose of Exercise? ūüíä
Get in touch if you need help with your prescription ūüôĆūüŹĹūüíČ
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ūü߆ Mental health awareness week ūü߆
Did you know Sports Massage has been shown to aid relaxation and provide stress relief thereby improving mental state!
Please raise awareness by liking, sharing and commenting on this post!
... Get in touch to book in and share to someone who needs some TLC
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Losing weight despite the simple maths of calories in Vs calorie out, implementing the action to change can be difficult.
When people yo-yo for years with their weight, they simply haven’t created new habits and behaviours to support the effort they’ve previously gone through.
Usually, it’s a short term fix which results in this lack of long term sustainability.
... When focusing on losing weight don’t have the expectation to find it again! - Now that requires a long term plan, taking into account the breaking of new habits and the formation of new ones that will allow you to feel amazing all the time.
Be sensible and be realistic on your approach!
If you can’t wait to stop or can’t see yourself doing it for the foreseeable future then stop and re-evaluate. 
There is a perfect approach for all of us, we’ve just got to create it!
Want my help in finding the solution for you? Then I look forward to your DM
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Azz’s transformation journey not only changed her physically and mentally but it resulted in her stopping all medication and reversed all her health conditions!!
Imagine living a life without pain & drugs whilst being confident and happy within your own skin!
Remember good nutrition & exercise will always be our medicine!


... Healthier
No more hiding behind baggy clothes
A whole new meaning LIFE
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More about Bhavesh Chohan

Bhavesh Chohan is located at Wigston Road, Oadby, LE2 5QG Leicester, United Kingdom