
About Biker-Buzz

BikerBuzz THE Ultimate Geo-locating Guide and Game for bikers.

Biker-Buzz Description

What if life was better, more enjoyable, because every place you went to was what you hoped for.

What if every time you went some place new you had the inside information like a local had told you the score.

What if when you got there, you discovered your mates had turned up too.

What if just by going you were playing a game, that awarded you points and then rewarded you for getting them.

No more “What ifs” BikerBuzz is coming and will be doing all that and more. A guide for bikers with a twist we don’t write it, you and your peers do. So you know it’s relevant, you can change it, you can rate it. You get points for going places and doing things because BikerBuzz turns the world into your playground. Find new places, do new things. BikerBuzz intends to help you make your life more of the adventure that you want it to be. Extending your reach into the unknown and giving you the confidence to explore that much further. Go the extra mile. We do : -)

All in your pocket when you go out and on the web when you're in : -)