Boogie Bounce Stanton By Dale De7

About Boogie Bounce Stanton By Dale De7

You were born to bounce!
The New Sensational Workout to Get Fit, have Fun!



Are you ready to lose those legs tonight girls? рҹҳҒрҹҳҒ (Don't worry the timing on that last track рҹ‘Ңрҹ‘ҢрҹҳӮрҹҳӮ) I'm looking forward to a good old bounce girls see you later!!!!рҹҗёрҹҗёрҹ‘Јрҹ’Әрҹ’ғ Monday= 7.30pm Stanton by dale Tuesday =7pm Long eaton ... Wednesday =7.30pm long eaton Thursday = 7.30pm Stanton by dale;vie w=schedule
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Only a couple of weeks guys and this will be us!!!! Can't wait!!рҹ‘җрҹ‘җрҹҗёрҹ’Әрҹ‘Ј


You know it's a good one when I knock my mic off with excitement!рҹҳӮрҹҳӮ Great class tonight girls thanks for you energy! Your timing was perfect too!рҹ‘Ңрҹ‘Ң You looked amazingрҹҳҚ have a brilliant weekend and I'll see you next week!!рҹҗёрҹҗёрҹ‘Јрҹ’ғрҹ’Әрҹ’—xx


I'm just enjoying the last few hours of my holidayрҹҳҠ Which has been great! But I'm definitely ready to get back bouncing again this week!рҹҗё and with the new track and new conditioning tooрҹҳІрҹ‘Јрҹ’Ә Looking forward to seeing you all рҹ’ғ Booking link belowв¬Үв¬Үв¬Ү Classes:... Monday =7.30pm, Stanton by Dale Tuesday =7pm, Long Eaton Wednesday = 7.30pm, Long Eaton Thursday = 7.30pm;vie w=schedule
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Brilliant classes all week girls thank you for braving the heat and not letting me bounce on my own! рҹҳӮрҹҳӮ I'm away for a week now so enjoy the rest and I will see you on the other side W/C 6th Aug with a new track and new toning!!рҹ’Әрҹ’Әрҹ’ғрҹ‘Јрҹҗёрҹ’—;vie w=schedule


What did you do on the hottest day of the year????рҹҢЎвҳүрҹҢЎвҳү A Boogie Bounce class of course!!!рҹ’Әрҹ’Әрҹ’Ұрҹ’Ұ Well done girls you did amazing in this heat!!! Thank you for a great classрҹҗёрҹ’ғрҹ‘Ј


Last class of the week tonight рҹ’Әcome and get one last bounce in before a week off рҹҳҠ Make sure you bring plenty of water рҹ’Ұ 7.30pm at the seven oaks inn, stanton by dale;vie w =schedule


This is me today after my weekend away and eating everything in sight!!рҹ‘Җрҹ‘Җ Come and help me bounce it away!рҹҳӮрҹҳӮ рҹҗёрҹ’Ұрҹ”Ҙ Monday 7.30pm , Stanton by dale Tuesday 7pm , Long Eaton Wednesday, 7.30pm Long Eaton ... Thursday 7.30pm, Stanton by Dale Remember we have a week off next week so come and get your bounce on in one of the classes рҹҳҠрҹҳҠрҹ’ғрҹ’ғ;vie w=schedule
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Happy Friday!!! Brilliant classes all week girls well done! I hope you all enjoyed your little treat afterwards рҹҚҰрҹҚҰ Have a great weekend and I shall see you next week!!!рҹҗёрҹ‘Јрҹ’Ұ (There are no classes w/c 30th July as I am on holiday!) So make sure you get you bounce on next week рҹҳҒрҹ’ғрҹ”Ҙ Monday= 7.30pm, Stanton by dale ... Tuesday = 7pm Long eaton Wednesday = 7.30pm Long eaton Thursday = 7.30pm Stanton by dale рҹҗё
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Last class of the weekрҹ’ғрҹ’ғ Tonight 7.30pm The seven oaks inn. Grab your matesрҹ‘ӯрҹ‘¬, your waterрҹҢҠ and your socksрҹ‘Ј and come and join the fun.рҹҗё I'm excited! Ready to raise the roof!!рҹ‘җрҹ‘җ ... Spaces still available: See you all there!!;vie w=schedule
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GIRLS, GIRLS,GIRLS!!!! I LOVED IT!!!!!!рҹ’—рҹ’— How many splits and tucks and frogs!рҹҳІрҹҳІ Such a sweaty hot class but so much fun!!! Thanks girls you were amazing!!!рҹ’Ұрҹ’Ұрҹ”Ҙрҹ”ҘрҹҢҹрҹҢҹрҹҗёрҹҗ ё


I'm a Tasty Baby Box! рҹҳӮрҹҳӮрҹҳӮ How about you??рҹҗёрҹҗёрҹҗё


And relax!!! Well done girlsрҹ’— thank you for the great class рҹҗё First week of the new routine done! рҹҳҒ I can't wait till next week already!!! Have a great weekend and I'll see you next week рҹ’Әрҹ’—рҹҗё


I'm looking forward to showing my Thursday crew the new routine! Are you ready???? рҹҗёрҹ’Ә There are still still a few spaces for tonight's class 7.30pm at the seven oaks inn, stanton by dale. An ideal time to join or come back рҹҳүрҹҳҒ We are all learning it together рҹҳҠ;vie w= schedule


And you all deserve a big one!!рҹҳҒрҹҳҒ hope you enjoyed it guys рҹ‘җрҹ‘җрҹ’ғрҹҗёрҹ‘Ј


Are you ready for tonight girls!!! I can't wait!! It's a good one! Can I say it??? (Best one yet!!!) рҹҳҒрҹҳҒ ill let you decide! рҹҳү рҹҳү Don't forget your passports I'm taking you everywhere tonight! рҹӣ«рҹҢҚрҹҗёрҹ’Әрҹ‘Ј Still a couple of spaces left if you want to get booked on рҹҗё see you later!!!!рҹӨ—рҹӨ—рҹӨ—рҹӨ—;vie w=schedule


AND IT'S HERE!!!!!рҹ’Ҙрҹ’ҘTHE NEW ROUTINE!!!рҹ’Ҙрҹ’Ҙ I'm so excited for next weekрҹ’ғ Have you not been for a long time?? Or have you always wanted to come and try a class?? Now is the perfect time for you to come!рҹ‘Ј Brand new routine for us allрҹ’Әрҹҗё... Classes next week:вҳү Monday 7.30pm = Stanton by dale Tuesday 7pm= Long eaton Wednesday 6pm and 7.30pm = Long eaton Thursday 7.30pm = Stanton by dale;vie w=schedule
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We definitely deserve a space in the magic circle!!!рҹ’Ұрҹ’Ұ so sweaty girls but I love it!!!!рҹҗё Have a fab weekend enjoy the sunshine and ill see you next week!!!рҹҗёвҳүрҹҢЎрҹ’—


Who's joining me tonight girls??? last one of the old routine. Are you ready to go out with a bangрҹ’Ҙрҹ’Ҙ Can't wait only 8 hours to go!!!!!!!рҹӨ— рҹӨ—
I still have a couple of spaces if you want to jump on рҹҗёрҹҗё
...;vie w= schedule
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Such a brilliant, fun, sweaty workout! Gemma is a great instructor!


Really enjoyed tonight. Hard work and sure I'll feel it tomorrow! Hoping to come in few weeks


Love, love, love boogie bounce пҝҪ Gemma is a fantastic teacher! Can't wait for next week пҝҪпҝҪ


If u want to tone up,get fit and feel totally at ease in a class this is for you ... going to ache tomorrow but loved this class x


Had our first experience of boogie bounce tonight ... loved it booked for next week x


First time tonight. Total newbie. Absolutely loved it. Not looking forward to the aching in a couple of days but no pain, no game.

Gemma is a brilliant instructor, very clear and encouraging to everyone. Im hooked пҝҪпҝҪ


First session last night and really enjoyed it, fun and teacher was fun to work with, did struggle with the bounce and arm routines and balance but hey it will come and made it funny, feel great today and no injurys, looking forward to going againxx


Been going to classes with Gemma now for a couple of months and love it. Seen a real difference in such a short time. Would highly recommend for a fun workout that really works.


Absolutely love it and gemma is fantastic. I would recommend it to all such a fantastic and fun way to exercise xxx


Such a brilliant, fun, sweaty workout! Gemma is a great instructor!


Really enjoyed tonight. Hard work and sure I'll feel it tomorrow! Hoping to come in few weeks


Love, love, love boogie bounce пҝҪ Gemma is a fantastic teacher! Can't wait for next week пҝҪпҝҪ


If u want to tone up,get fit and feel totally at ease in a class this is for you ... going to ache tomorrow but loved this class x


Had our first experience of boogie bounce tonight ... loved it booked for next week x


First time tonight. Total newbie. Absolutely loved it. Not looking forward to the aching in a couple of days but no pain, no game.

Gemma is a brilliant instructor, very clear and encouraging to everyone. Im hooked пҝҪпҝҪ


First session last night and really enjoyed it, fun and teacher was fun to work with, did struggle with the bounce and arm routines and balance but hey it will come and made it funny, feel great today and no injurys, looking forward to going againxx


Been going to classes with Gemma now for a couple of months and love it. Seen a real difference in such a short time. Would highly recommend for a fun workout that really works.


Absolutely love it and gemma is fantastic. I would recommend it to all such a fantastic and fun way to exercise xxx

More about Boogie Bounce Stanton By Dale De7

Boogie Bounce Stanton By Dale De7 is located at The Seven Oaks Inn, DE7 4QU Ilkeston