Bramwell'S Tearoom

About Bramwell'S Tearoom

FIley's original tearoom



Just created a new cake for you. Hope you'll pop in tomorrow to try it. Passionfruit & Coconut. Bet it doesn't last long.


Looks like austerity has started already-very quiet all day & nobody spending.


2010 film mis-quoke "Sunnyside is a p[ace of ruin and despair, ruled by an evil cake who smells of strawberries" Yesterdays free tea & cake was won by Mel Gibson for being such a Braveheart. Who's going to claim today's.


1995 film mis-quoke "They may take our cake, but they'll never take our freedom" Free tea & cake for the correct quote.


One from 87 for Wednesday "Cake, for lack of a better word, is good" Same again first to tell me which film this mis-quoke is from can have free tea & cake. Tracey Thomas Roberts is the lucky recipient of Tuesday's freebie.


Tuesday's Mis-quoke "You're gonna need a bigger cake" Free tea & cake for first one to tell me which film this mis-quoke comes from.


Bramwells Bank Holiday Mis-quoke -"I love the smell of cake in the morning" First 3 who can identify this mis-quoke get free tea & cake.


"I ate his liver with some fava beans & a nice Bramwells cake." Free tea & cake for first one to pop in & tell me where this misquote is from.


Cakes.You want cakes I'll give you cakes like you've never seen. Free tea & cake to first person to pop in & tell me which character said this(nearly)


Ed Sheeran had just walked past! And at the moment Paul Hollywood is having lobster bisque on table8.


Getting ready for a busy weekend thanks to Paul Hudson promoting FILEY on the weather forecast.


Just been cleaned out of cakes so we are going home.Back on Monday with fresh stock. Thanks for your custom.


Gone very quiet now..cakes have gone well..not many left now

More about Bramwell'S Tearoom

Bramwell'S Tearoom is located at 33 Belle Vue St, YO149H Filey