Brocks Hill Country Park

About Brocks Hill Country Park

The Country Park and Centre provide opportunities for everyone to explore and learn about the natural environment.

Brocks Hill Country Park Description

Brocks Hill Centre is set within the 30 hectare country park. Wildlife habitats include woodland, meadows, ponds and community orchard, which are all laid out with access friendly paths.

The site has an accredited Green Flag award and Country Park Accreditation standard. A dedicated team help visitors explore the natural environment and take part in regular activities and events for all.

Play areas inspired by the natural environment and den building area provide a popular family focus. Additional elements include sculptures and orienteering courses around the Country Park.

Brocks Hill hosts popular holiday and school activities, as well as natural history training days and events that encourage a reconnection to the natural world.

Volunteers help manage the natural environment and the site team run popular employee volunteer and conservation volunteer days.

The Centre incorporates a café, gift shop and toilets, as well as a hall and meeting room overlooking the Country Park, which are available for hire. Free car parking means it is a popular location for a great day out!

This page is the latest news from the site, details of events and images that celebrate the work at Brocks Hill Country Park


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A very seasonal photo to head our Facebook page. I have used a beautiful photograph from the northern end of our site overlooking the two ponds.


WE WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR. Everyone at Brocks Hill Country Park and Centre would like to wish you all a very merry Christmas and good wishes for 2018. If you eat too much chocolate or Christmas pudding throughout the festive season then come for a brisk walk around the Country Park and get that healthy fresh air back in your lungs and those inches off your tummies.


BREAKING NEWS ABOUT CENTRE OPENING There has been a revision of times for when Brocks Hill Centre will be open again. Tomorrow we still close at 4:00 p.m. The Centre will be open again on 2 January 2018. THE CAFE WILL BE OPEN AGAIN ON 15 JANUARY 2018.


Closing Brocks Hill Centre for refurbishment. The Brocks Hill building and cafe will be closed from 4.00 p.m. on Friday 15th December and will reopen at 10.00 a.m. on Thursday 28th December. Please note that facilities at Parklands Leisure Centre ... will be open to park users during that time. The Country Park is open access at all times. For further information about developments, please visit Latest news
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It is always terrible to hear about a missing dog. Maybe you have seen Lila. If so please get in touch.


The Christmas Family Craft Fair is well under way at Parklands Leisure Centre. There is still time before it closes at 3:30 p.m. to pick up some cracking and unique pressies for one and all. There are many raffle prizes still to be won and Father Christmas is waiting to wish all the children a very Merry Christmas.


Christmas bells can be heard ringing aloud as we welcome Father Christmas to Parklands Leisure Centre this Saturday, 25 November. He will be visiting from 10:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. He will be joined by a whole host of seasonal stalls at our Christmas Family Craft Fair. With room for a few more stalls there is lots to choose from. So why not come along and enjoy this family event.


Well the leaves might have fallen from most of the trees but the beauty of Brocks Hill Country Park in the blustery autumn is still plain to see. An amazing seasonal day. Thank you again to the DeMontfort Rotary club for this view into the unknown. Who knows what might be hiding just out of sight. What do any of you young ones think might be there?


Earlier closing at Brocks Hill. Now that we are officially in the winter months Brocks Hill Centre will be closing at 4:00 p.m. We will still be opening at 10:00a.m. so you still have plenty of time to join us on these beautiful autumnal days.


Food Fayre here at Brocks Hill today. Why not come on down to Brocks Hill to join us and the Friends of Brocks Hill for the annual Food Fayre. It is running until 3:00p.m. There are honey, jams and chutneys; vegan and vegitarian delights; a whole host of chocolates and fudges; honey and apple tasting; apples from Brocks Hill Community Orchard; make your own dinner place mat for the children; delicious pies both sweet and savoury; potty master gardeners; knitted treats. So get your coats on and come along. I have just sampled a vegitatiran energy bar - I'm now ready to go.


We are open for business. Yippee. There are drop in led crafts up until 12:00 p.m. today. The self led crafts are available all the time throughout the holiday. They can be purchased at reception at prices from between 50p and £4.00. Friday there will be more more drop in led crafts from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. BE AWARE THE ROAD BETWEEN WIGSTON AND OADBY IS STILL CLOSED FOLLOWING THE WATER PIPE BURST.... See you soon.
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BROCKS HILL CENTRE IS CLOSED TODAY. We are sorry to announce that we have had to take the decision to close the Centre today. There is a burst water main on the road between Oadby and Wigston leaving us with no water at this point. Please be aware that the road has had to be closed causing disruption in the area. The Country Park is still open to everyone and there are toilet and cafe facilities available at Parklands Leisure Centre. We will keep you updated as the day progresses.


With Harvest going on all around us our minds are certainly thinking of food. Keep focused on that and let me tell you about our Food Fayre coming up on Sunday 22 October. It will have a whole range of stalls, activities and information stands. It is one of the successful events that the Friends of Brocks Hill put on in the Centre to raise funds to support the Country Park. Great examples of how their money is spent on projects, can be seen around the Country Park in many forms, the most recent being our new glorious slug bench.


There was no time to sleep on the job when we had a workshop on dream catchers during the summer. Did you know that the Native Americans were the originators of the dream catcher? They are created so that when hung over the bed the good dreams pass through the web but the bad dreams get stuck. As the sun comes up the next morning they are then disappear, are taken away by the sunlight. These are just a few of the wonderful ones that the children made.


Cafe times have changed at Brocks Hill. Now that summer is over and the autumn is moving through there are some amended times for the cafe. From this point on the cafe will be closing at 4:00 p.m. every day of the week and on Bank Holidays. Brocks Hill Centre will still be open until 5:00 p.m. during week days.

More about Brocks Hill Country Park

Brocks Hill Country Park is located at Washbrook Lane, Oadby, Leicester., LE2 5JJ Leicester, United Kingdom