Bumble Babysitting

Point Of Interest
5 star rating

About Bumble Babysitting

Hello, I’m Holly! Do you need to go to work, do the shopping or just need some easy childcare?

£6 an hour and £7 after midnight, send me a message : )



Please please please remember this!!


To say thank you to everyone for your support this year, I‚Äôm running a competition for 2 FREE hours!!ūü§© winner will be announced on January 1st, all you have to do it comment your favourite yellow emoji and share this post!!‚≠źÔłŹūüźĪūüź•ūüĆľ‚ėÄÔłŹūüćčūüďíūüź Ěūüíõ


This is such a great idea!! Any of my parents that shop in ASDA should ask about these!‚≠źÔłŹūüźĚūüíõ


Hiya bumbles, I‚Äôm giving myself a few weeks off to spend time with my family and celebrate my birthday and nyes!!ūü§© I hope you all have make some great memories and I look forward to hearing all about them in the new year!!ūü§©ūüéĄūüźĚūüíõ


Surprised the girls with going to see the unicornsūü§ó and all the other Christmas bitsūüéĄūü§©ūüźĚūüíõ @ Downtown Garden Centre


We have successfully sewn a gingerbread man Christmas decoration!!ūü§©ūüéĄūüźĚūüíõ


We‚Äôve started Christmas early and have watched nativity 1 and 2 whilst cuddled up on the sofaūü§©ūüéĄūüéĀūüźĚūüíõ


Our motto that we live byūü§©ūü§© #play #dream #explore #create #children #mondaymotivation


We love our new templateūü§© thank you @primroseandbee you‚Äôre buzzing brilliantūüėĆūüźĚūüíõ #granthambusiness #sundayfunday #loveit


Afternoon with my sister todayūü§© Here she is sitting in a box (which she surprisingly loves to do) colouring!! Great way to keep the kids busy and it also contains all the messūü§óūüźĚūüíõ


I love this little quoteūü§© love taking the kids out on exciting adventures rather than sitting and watching tv all day‚ú®ūüźĚūüíõ


This is what I think everydayūü§© I love what I do and I hope I‚Äôm having an impact on your children‚Äôs lives!ūüźĚūüíõ


A chilly one this morning with Jack, it‚Äôs definitely feeling wintery‚ĚĄÔłŹūüźĚūüíõ


Wowee, what a busy week it has been! I‚Äôve had my first university interview this week and have been offered a placeūü§©thank you so much to my little bumbles for showing me everyday why I am going into this professionūüźĚūüíõ


Me, Mair and David have had a nice chilled day making animals with lollipop sticks! Then we made special worlds for them to live inūüėć now we‚Äôre chilling out before swimmingūü§™


Absolutely amazing fun filled day with Mair and David! We went to White Post Farm and had so much funūü§©
We saw all the Halloween decorations, sat in some tractorsūüöú, held a snakeūüźć, slid down the big slide, fed the goats at the top of goat mountainūüźź, made friends with all the goats!! Saw loads of animals (including a very smelly goat), then we got to hold a baby chick, a mouse and a guinea pigūüėć We went go karting and even milked a cowūüźĄ
Brilliant dayūü§©ūüźĚūüíõ


Busy first day of the half term!
We made jojo bows and then went and played in the parkūü§© I even played football! Then this evening we went to karate! Me, Miar and David are looking forward to visiting the farm tomorrow!ūüźįūüźĒūüźĎūüźĄūüźĚ


Me, Emily and Aimee enjoyed an end of term treat and had some sweets and went to our favourite park! Hope you all have a lovely and relaxed half termūü§©ūüíõ


I know a few of you bumble parents have your own businesses or have been talking about starting one!‚≠źÔłŹ
Here‚Äôs the lovely designer that did my logo and leafletūü§© I may be biased as it‚Äôs my mum but she does an amazing job! Go and have a look, she‚Äôs just started on her own againūüźĚūüíõ


Holly is my afterschool sitter, my 2 girls 7&9 adore her she really is part of our family now

I would not hesitant to recommend Holly to other parents out there

More about Bumble Babysitting
