Busy Lingos

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 12:00
Sunday: -

About Busy Lingos

Busy Lingos classes introduce your child to the Spanish language through sensory fun, song, music and play. From baby to preschool and primary. Fun for all! Sign up for updates: https://form. jotform.com/Busylingos /busy-lingos-info



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It’s party time this week! FIESTA!
The last classes of term!
... We will be singing some of our favourite songs from the term, enjoying the colourful toys and props, fun with Lingo puppet, dancing and games!
I can‚Äôt wait to see you all ūüėä
ūüá™ūüáłūüá™ūüáłūüá™ūüáłūüá™ūüáłūüá™ūüáłū üá™ūüáłūüá™ūüáłūüá™ūüáłūüá™ūüáłūüá™ūüáłū üá™ūüáłūüá™ūüáłūüá™ūüáłūüá™ūüáłūüá™ūüáł< br> See More


Melton Mum’s...if you are looking for a nursery place for your child or know somebody who is then this fun family open day at Little Rascals Day Nurseries might be of interest.
A fabulous opportunity to see the nursery setting, ask questions and take part in some free activities including baby massage and Busy Lingos Spanish classes.
More details on the event link below
... Please click or share x
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The look on my face when I‚Äôm asked a random Spanish word in my classes, when I‚Äôve been singing nursery rhymes all morning...trying to switch to grown up brain and think ūü§Ē ūüėā


Lingo Club summer classes for toddler to PRIMARY age.
ūüéČ open now for booking! ūüėÉ
If you would like more info or to put your name down please contact @busylingos
... ūüá™ūüáł‚ėÄÔłŹūüá™ūüáł‚ėÄÔłŹūüá™ūüáł‚ėÄÔł Źūüá™ūüáł‚ėÄÔłŹūüá™ūüáł‚ėÄÔłŹūüá™ūüáł‚ėÄ ÔłŹūüá™ūüáł‚ėÄÔłŹūüá™ūüáł
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Ni√Īos learned about the weather too today. As well as singing we played a game to keep our sun ‚ėÄÔłŹ sol in the sky ūüéą and keep the rain away! (We can but hope)...plus we had fun with some play to encourage colour vocabulary practice and ended with instruments and our Adios song. Well done all! Muy bien!


Fabulous class for the babies this morning! We learned all about the weather ‚Äúel Tiempo‚ÄĚ. We sang about the thunder, rain, sun, snow and rainbows and enjoyed some sensory play to accompany our theme and vocabulary. All ending with a fabulous star time today and lots of happy smiley babies!
‚õą Thunder - trueno ‚ėĒÔłŹ Rain - Lluvia ‚ĚĄÔłŹ Snow - Nieve... ‚ėÄÔłŹ Sun - Sol ūüĆą Rainbow - Arco iris
ūüĎŹ ūüėÉ ūüá™ūüáł ‚ėĒÔłŹ ‚ėÄÔłŹ ‚ĚĄÔłŹ ūüĆą ūüá™ūüáł ūüėÉ ūüĎŹ
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El tiempo ‚ėĒÔłŹ ‚ėÄÔłŹ ūüƨ ‚ĚĄÔłŹ ūüĆą ‚õą The weather
This weeks term classes for babies to preschool are all about the weather this week! Lots of fun songs in English and Spanish, games, sensory play and vocab practice....
... I just wish the rain would ūüé∂ rain, rain, go away, come again another day!
Est√° lloviendo ‚ėĒÔłŹ est√° diluviando! It‚Äôs raining, it‚Äôs pouring...
At Busy Lingos classes it will be full of SOL ūüėé
it‚Äôs the penultimate week of term so I look forward to seeing you all for our last themed class tomorrow before next week‚Äôs Lingo FIESTAS ūü•≥
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FELIZ d√≠a del PADRE ūüíĖ HAPPY Father‚Äôs Day!
To all the daddies, step dads, grandads and father figures here and up above...we love you
ūüíó padre... ūüíó pap√° ūüíó padrastro ūüíó abuelo
A todos los hombres importantes en la vida To all the important men in our lives
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Another wonderful class today at Queniborough Preschool Partnership ! We practiced our greetings... Hola ūüĎč...had a chat with Lingo Puppet and learned some new words and numbers whilst singing some nursery rhymes in English and Spanish.
ūüé∂ Horsey, Horsey / Caballito Caballito ūüźī ūüé∂ Humpty Dumpty ūüé∂ Hickory Dickory Dock ūüēį UNO, DOS, TRES
... Fabulous listening, excellent participation and brilliant singing today Ni√Īos!
Buen trabajo ūüĎćūüŹĽ good job! ūüĎŹ
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We learned lots of Spanish vocabulary today in our themed class about ‚Äúel cuerpo‚ÄĚ. Ni√Īos explored the play items and created their very own giant monster with lots of ojos ūüĎÄ, monster pelo/hair and lots of big teeth/dientes. They also labelled their ‚Äúcara‚ÄĚ face to take home and practice Spanish words. Buen trabajo Ni√Īos! Good job children! ūüĎŹ ūüėÉ


FUN FUN FUN for my Beb√©s today learning about the body ‚Äúel cuerpo‚ÄĚ. Lovely songs, actions, some peekaboo games, sensory play and ‚Äúbath time‚ÄĚ...GRACIAS to all today for making it a lovely class...just two more weeks left of term ūüėä ūüõĀ ūüßľ ūüßī ūüĎÄ ūüĖź ūü¶∂ ūüĎā ūüĎĄ ūüėä


LINGO CLUB summer sessions open for booking now!
If you are interested in signing up please contact me...these classes will only run subject to confirmed numbers ūü§ě ūüėä ūüá™ūüáł
ūüĆü WEDNESDAY 31st July 11am ... ūüĆü ¬£6 per child
UPDATE...Wednesday 7th August no longer going ahead. Booking still open for 31st July. Will run subject to numbers
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All about Lingo Ni√Īos... ūüá™ūüáł ūüĎßūüŹĽ ūüá™ūüáł


All about Lingo Beb√©s... ūüá™ūüáł ūüĎ∂ūüŹľ ūüá™ūüáł


ūüėä My ‚Äúfollow on‚ÄĚ Lingo Ni√Īos are doing very well this term in their home based classes. We are exploring Spanish greetings in more detail, learning our numbers up to 20 and practicing our vocabulary to describe ourselves and our feelings. I‚Äôm very pleased they have enjoyed the Lingo Ni√Īos classes so much they wanted to carry on learning after.
It‚Äôs wonderful to see them enjoying learning Spanish and showing a real interest in languages in general. ūüĎŹ buen trabajo ūüĎćūüŹĽ


I’ve got wonderful classes planned tomorrow!
‚ėÄÔłŹ Don‚Äôt worry about the wind and rain outside, it will be full of sunshine and a warm atmosphere at Busy Lingos tomorrow! ‚ėÄÔłŹ
ūüĎßūüŹĽ ūüĎ∂ūüŹľ For my Lingo Beb√©s and Lingo Ni√Īos term classes we have some lovely sensory play, discovery bags and ‚Äúbath time‚ÄĚ for the babies to explore our theme ‚Äúel cuerpo y rutinas‚ÄĚ ‚Äúbody and routines‚ÄĚ... for the older ones we will be playing some games, dancing and making our very own giant monster with lots o...f arms, legs and eyes!
‚̧ԳŹ Spanish ‚̧ԳŹ Busy Lingos
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ūüé∂ CABEZA, HOMBRO, RODILLAS Y PIES....and eyes and ears and mouth and nose...ūüé∂
ūüćĹūüćľūüõĀūüõŹūüöŅūüßľūüĎā ūüĖź ūü¶∂ ūü¶Ķ ūüĎĄ ūüĎÉūüĎĀ
Can you guess what this week is about? We will be learning all about ‚Äúel cuerpo‚ÄĚ - the body and also touching on ‚Äúrutinas diarias‚ÄĚ daily routines.
... Get ready to sing some fabulous songs, and babies will be enjoying some sensory play and games with mummy whilst older toddler-preschool will be creating their own craft and making a giant monster!
See you all Wednesday...hasta miércoles x
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More about Busy Lingos

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 12:00
Sunday: -