Chris Williamson

About Chris Williamson

Former MP for Derby North. Still fighting for socialism

Chris Williamson Description

Standing up for Derby.

I will try to answer messages sent to this page when possible, but due to commitments please do not expect an immediate response.



Excellent visit to the Crossroads Women's Centre in Camden today. The centre brings together vulnerable and low-income women of all ages and backgrounds to share their experiences and to learn from one another. It was a pleasure to meet the inspirational people behind it!


The Labour Party is an anti-racist party. It is the only party that has stood shoulder-to-shoulder with religious and ethnic minorities in their decades-long fight against racism, discrimination and prejudice in the United Kingdom.
On a personal level, I have been an anti-racist all my life. As a former member of the Anti-Nazi League, I participated in direct action to confront foul anti-Semites in the streets. I reject racism ethically and morally. It has no place in the... Labour Party or in our country.
It pains me greatly, therefore, that anyone should believe that it is my intention to minimise the cancerous and pernicious nature of anti-Semitism. I deeply regret, and apologise for, my recent choice of words when speaking about how the Labour Party has responded to the ongoing fight against anti-Semitism inside of our party. I was trying to stress how much the party has done to tackle anti-Semitism.
Our movement can never be “too apologetic” about racism within our ranks. Whilst it is true that there have been very few cases of anti-Semitism in the Labour Party – something I believe is often forgotten when discussing this issue – it is also true that those few are too many.
It is precisely because of our party’s historic struggle against racism that we have taken it upon ourselves to strengthen our rules, to improve our disciplinary procedures and to redouble our efforts to take on anti-Semites. We have held ourselves to a higher standard than any other political party when it comes to anti-racism – and rightly so.
I am therefore sorry for how I chose to express myself on this issue within our party. This is a fight that I want to be an ally in. In future, I will take it upon myself to be more considered in my remarks, and ensure they reflect the Labour Party’s unswerving and unfaltering commitment to anti-racism and the fight against anti-Semitism.
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The Bank of England is refusing to give $1.2 billion worth of gold back to Venezuela.
The idea Britain can do that, while offering 'help' with a humanitarian crisis, is absurd.


Ian Austin's departure as a Labour MP is certainly no loss. His frequent ill-tempered outbursts were an embarrassment to the Labour Party.
His disdain for grassroots members was palpable as was his contempt for Labour's progressive policy programme that secured the party's biggest increase in vote share since 1945.
The truth is he fought the last election under false pretences, using the Labour brand to get re-elected.
... Another positive thing about his departure is that Labour Party members in Dudley North can now select a candidate who will work with them to fight for Dudley, rather than fighting against them.
For Austin to salvage any shred of credibility he must resign as an MP and fight a by-election in his Dudley North constituency, but in view of his obvious contempt for democracy over the last three and a half years I think he's unlikely to do so.
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Derby Social Club have some great events coming up, including this with Novara Media's James Butler, Marina Prentoulis and yours truly. A Brexit debate like you've never seen it before, apparently!


If you're in Derby, this looks like a great place to discuss what's been happening today.


Derby Social Club have their first Tribune Magazine reading group on Wednesday next week. It’ll be a chance to meet new faces, talk and learn. Join the club!


The British public are tired of war and foreign meddling, Venezuela is no different.
They disdain politicians that let people sleep on streets, while pushing regime change overseas.
So do I. It’s why I’m a socialist.


The full version of my recent interview on Channel 4 News discussing Venezuela. Facts to remember:
✔️ Guaido was never elected to lead anything.
✔️ Venezuela's economy is struggling because of low oil prices and sanctions.
... ✔️ A UN rapporteur has said sanctions could be tantamount to 'crimes against humanity'.
The facts regarding Venezuela, when we are allowed to talk about them, speak for themselves.
This is nothing short of an attempted coup.
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I don’t know what they say in the Gentlemen’s clubs of London, but my constituents are sick of Britain meddling overseas.
They want a war on poverty at home - not poor people abroad.


My worst fear is Venezuela descends into civil war. A possibility our political and media establishment seems eager to ignore.
Britain must stand for international law, not guns and occupation.
Why is our elite so addicted to conflict?
... Share if you agree.
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Fortnightly surgery open to all residents of Derby North


There is only way to bring the country together and build an economy for the many. That’s a general election and a Labour government led by Jeremy Corbyn.
What is more calls for a second referendum are misplaced. Polling suggests it would only help the Tories!


Residents of Derby North are invited along to fortnightly surgery to share their concerns and seek advice.


This Boxing Day, the bloodsports brigade continue indulging in their perverted fox-hunting pastime, flouting the existing law.
The next Labour govt will remove the loopholes from the Hunting Act and will make illegal hunting an imprisonable offence.


Tory policy means 120,000 kids will wake up on Christmas Day without a home.
Meanwhile rough sleeping has increased for seven consecutive years and, last week, a homeless man died a stones throw from parliament.
The only thing that can change all this is a Labour government.
... In 2019 lets make that happen.
Merry Christmas and good will to ALL.
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The privatisation of the Probation Service was an abject failure and contracts were terminated two years early at a cost of hundreds of millions.
Now the govt wants to make the same mistake again.
Why? The only answer is a fanatical obedience to a failed ideology.
... Share if you agree.
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My comments to PoliticsHome today regarding Tony Blair’s repeated interventions into the Brexit debate.

More about Chris Williamson

Chris Williamson is located at 9a Theatre Walk, INTU Centre, DE1 2NG Derby

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