Community Care Jobs

About Community Care Jobs

If you work or want to work in the community care sector or an employer looking to fill a vacancy then this page is for you!

Community Care Jobs Description

Community Care Work can be very stressful for employers and employees alike.
Employer- Staff ringing in sick daily and having to make sure a care worker gets to your clients house no matter what. Having to investigate every issue that is raised so CQC or local contractors don't raise concerns. Having to explain why staff didn't turn up on time or at all, Having to juggle all employees requests for time off, holidays and unexpected leave without having employed too many staff that no one gets less hours than they need? All of this to be done within budget and ensuring the highest quality of service?
Employee- Always being asked to work on your day off, having to nip to the office, that's nowhere near your house between your split shift for a meeting or to fill out reports, working way more or way less hours than you've been promised, cancelling your plans with family because you've been called in to help, giving the level of care that only a nurse could do if you worked in a hospital without the hourly pay of a nurse, fed up of not being recognised for not phoning in sick and doing everything you should and more?

Any of the above sound familiar?

Trying to find the balance of good employers /employees is a difficult one, that's why we are here! We are here for both job seekers and employers to find exactly what they are looking for.


Send your post for approval, along with your company name and location through a Private Message for our records. Posts will not be granted if both are not done.


This is not a forum for complaints, moans and groans. You can air your views with our friends over at Association of Care Assistants and Support Workers if you need advice etc, this is just if you're looking for work.

Any posts deemed derogatory or offensive will not be approved.

Feel free to message for advice or further details

Happy Hunting!