Core Matters Yoga Flow

Monday: -
Tuesday: 17:15 - 18:15
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Core Matters Yoga Flow

Yoga Connecting to the Core of Body & Being for Life With More Flow. Classes in Delapre / Far Cotton.
Post or message for info & Like if you like.

Core Matters Yoga Flow Description

Yoga Connecting to the Core of Body & Being for Life With More Flow. Daytime & Evening Classes in Delapre / Far Cotton.
Post or message for info & Like if you like.



It's been a while since I've been in touch as it's been time to get in touch with Yoga and so I thought I'd share with you a great definition of what Yoga is.


Kirtan gathering Saturday 15th late afternoon in a beautiful part of the county for only £5. I have space for 4 to travel with me. Message for details if you fancy some Yogic chanting where individual voices unite for a most powerful experience.Kirtan gathering Saturday 15th late afternoon in a beautiful part of the county for only £5. I have space for 4 to travel with me. Message for details if you fancy some Yogic chanting where individual voices unite for a most powerful experience.


During my initial Yoga teacher training a decade ago I couldn't do arm balances or even understand their purpose. Though I understood Asana, or posture work, as preparation for the body to sit at ease with the breath, meditate and unite with the universal consciousness I wondered what the point was in learning to balance on your hands.
The purpose became apparent with the learning of a type of stress that was beneficial. Having been always aware of the dangers of stress to b...ody and mind, I was surprised to learn there was a type of positive stress which is experienced when we learn and develop new skills. I've certainly experienced eustress as I've developed my ability to balance on my hands and it is why I encourage those to come to class to try something they cannot do easily.
Yes, I know that Yoga Asana should ultimately feel easy, but to develop we sometimes have to push ourselves out of our comfort zone. I pushed myself out of my comfort zone last year to promote my own classes and though still a little uncomfortable, it is something that I will continue to work on as I love my Tuesday classes at the Delapre Community Rooms meeting regular clients who want to learn and develop.
It may take a while for arm balances to feel easy but the eustress experienced makes the effort worthwhile.
If you would like to experience eustress there are still spaces for both the 1715 & 1830 sessions which run on a 6 week booking for £42 starting Tuesday 4th September so please message for further details or to book your space.
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Another transitional moment in Asana where the observation of movement of body and breath trains us to observe the movement of the mind. No classes tomorrow with the new course beginning 4th September where we'll consider what we're moving towards.


This is the complete picture (both feet included) that was shrunk to fit into the advert for the new course. It's not a posture for beginners and not one we've done yet in a year at the Rooms other than the supine version. The picture was chosen as it shows the concentration etched on to my face and not to show off my physical prowess which has taken a decade to develop. It's all about the journey and not the destination.
Thank you Martin at


Classes have been running at the Delapre Community Rooms, on Tuesday evenings for a year at 1715 & 1830 and there's space for you whether you're looking to begin your Yoga practice or enhance it.
Core Matters Yoga Flow is a method with the focus on the transition into, rather than the final destination or picture perfect posture by working with YOUR anatomy.
The method does require Concentration which, perhaps seemingly paradoxically, provides the Relaxation aspect that many people to Yoga.
Balance on two feet and then one when you're ready whilst taking a break from thinking about everything else you need to balance in life.
Classes are payable by bank transfer before the 4th September A 6 session course untll 9th October is £42. Depending on availability, single classes are £10
Message to request bank transfer details and take the opportunity to let me know of any back or joint issues you may have.
Your space on the mat (bring your own or borrow) is booked when payment is received and your suitability for the practice assessed.
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This is how I roll most mornings, though I do keep my boots on my feet and bum off the ground in winter.
Today I recorded by propping the camera phone against a log and continued with yesterday’s al fresco session and class that followed at 8pm and at 27 ◦
Too hot for any standing as the Core Matters method creates heat particularly when transitioning between standing postures, we spent an hour on sides, backs and bottoms, and Yogis young and old, experienced and not, work...ed towards Sundial.
Although I look around frequently in the video, not a soul passed me in all the time I was there with Milo enjoying the shade of Lings Wood.
I really did enjoy my time as you will see. Surely that is the point of Yoga – to experience joy.
Wishing you all joy,
Ellie xx
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Madonna knew that a Holiday was just one day out of life. 45 minutes away from home because the beach is just too far for one day's holiday if home is Northampton. And no, there's nothing wrong with your sound.


Yoga and Pilates for weight loss?
I’m often asked about the effectiveness of Yoga for weight loss and my quick answer, whilst I patted my belly was: “depends on your diet”.
I consider myself very lucky in that I’ve never really cared that much about my weight, but now that I’ve lost some so easily I would like to expand upon on my quick answer.
... Yoga and Pilates are known for strengthening and lengthening muscles but neither discipline was designed to aid weight loss.
Yoga evolved in India several millennia ago and although Joseph Pilates developed his method relatively recently, it was long before 63% of the UK population was considered over-weight according to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development.
I could say my weight loss is down to the effective method of Yoga that I teach but that would be disingenuous; however neither is it due to calorie counting or more exercise, but by limiting the hours that I eat each day to 8 or under.
Yoga and Pilates, and particularly the method I teach, is great for the spine, joints, muscle tone and core strength, and is therefore a great complement to, or can be practised instead of, other types exercise. Hatha Yoga and Pilates are categorised on gym timetables as Mind/Body disciplines meaning that movement is synchronised with the breath. Awareness is the link between breath and movement and awareness of our eating habits are vital for weight management regardless of how much we pound the pavement or treadmill.
I am looking to increase the number of classes I teach from the Delapre Rooms in September, but until then I can offer some one-to-ones in your own space or at a secluded al fresco location in the NN3 area. We can develop a programme to meet your individual needs whilst discussing adjusting your eating times if weight loss is part of your plan for transformation.
Classes continue through the summer on Tuesday evenings at the Delapre Rooms with the new course starting this Tuesday, 17th July at 1715 & 1830 until August 21st. No classes immediately after the Bank Holiday, with the next course beginning on the 4th September. Please message if you have any questions or to book your space on the mat.
Ellie xx
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Tonight we'll be joined by something that functions exactly as it did in the early 70's.
Whether you were around in the early 70's or not, it's likely you could improve your funtional fitness and absolutely possible that you could alieviate pain with regular attendance at a Core Matters class with its balance of Yoga's focus on lengthening and the Pilates association with core strengthening.
Come join us tonight or the next 2 Tuesdays for a complementary session. Whether you've joined me before but can't commit to regular sessions or you're interested in joining the next course, come roll out your mat on me. Please message if you're able to join me and I'll guarantee you'll feel better for it.


More Precision Pilates but with the Core Matters' connection to the Deep Core Body as espoused by Tom Myers. The arm movement from an internal rotation encourages a drawing in an up of the abominals - or Uddiyana Bandha which elongates a neutral spine to counter the pain and discomfort of lumber compression.
Tom Myers teaches and advises Pilates and Yoga educaters and says there needs to be a balance between lengthening and strengthening. There is a perception that Yoga is... all about lengthening or stretching and Pilates with strengthening yet both are required for functional fitness. I practise and teach Yoga with adherance to the Pilates' principles of Control, Precision and Concentration or Dharana - one of the 8 limbs of Yoga.
If you've not already joined me on a Tuesday at the rooms, then please feel free to attend for a complementary session over the next 3 Tuesdays ahead of the new course.
Short notice I know, but I'll be hosting a Saturday morning-to-lunchtime Hot Yoga session al fresco next week incorporating Precision Pilates and Intervalled Cardio advice on a way of eating that has transformed my life and waistline. The session will be up to 3 hours depending on how long you want to talk over drinks in a pub garden. Event details to follow but in the meantime enjoy the benefits a supine Precision Pilates and Core Matters' fusion.
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New instructional video and new courses at the Delpare Community Rooms from Tuesday 5th June.
The 2 evening classes have run from this great venue for a year since moving from the Abbey. I enjoy teaching from this tranquil setting with some wonderful clients that can commit to a course of 6 classes or pay a bit more for drop-in. There are still a couple of spaces available at both 1715 & 1830. Please message if you’re interested in joining us and note that if you can only co...mmit to 3,4 or 5 weeks you can pay according to the formula set out in a previous post.
I’m often asked if I can recommend any videos for home practice so I thought it about time I produced my own and this is my first offering – the first time I have spoken to camera. I look forward to recording some more if the good weather continues. I hope you too are enjoying the weather and that you find this instructional video helpful.
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Eight years’ experience of teaching Yoga and Pilates in gyms has informed me how common arthritis is, but my own “lived experience” with recent diagnosis has propelled me to educate myself with regards to diet and supplements. I’ve become evangelical about intermittent fasting, particularly the 16:8 method and my regular class attendees are noticing the results.
I didn’t much fancy relying on Big Pharma and chose to empower myself with knowledge and research solutions. I have... a cupboard full of supplements (rather that than prescriptions) and shown is the selection I take for osteoarthritis.
The improvement in my hip has been incredible and truly liberating. There’s only a couple of Yoga postures where it reveals itself, but other than that my life is not hindered and it wasn’t too long ago when I was hobbling with a stick and in severe pain.
I’ll be sharing my newfound knowledge and experience in future posts, but for now I’d like to make a disclaimer. I am not a Dietician. The status of a Dietician is protected by law whilst anyone can call themselves a Nutritionist. It’s the same for Yoga teachers – people can call themselves a Yoga teacher after an on-line or weekend course or study for months and even years. Other than other teachers, no one has ever asked me about my training…
Wishing you all pain free movement as it makes living a life of joy so much easier.
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Classes as normal this Tuesday after the Bank Holiday.
I am not a natural born mathematician but taught numeracy to adults for 6 years after being inspired during primary school teacher training. My previous lack of mathematical understanding became my strength as a teacher and I enjoyed seeing many "light bulb moments" in my students.
It was teaching numeracy in a men's prison that led to me teaching Yoga. The regular teacher's cover teacher was unavailable and due to the... time needed for CRB (now DBS) clearance my experience of attending a few classes at the gym "qualified" to cover the classes. Wearing the baggiest of clothes and keys on a chain isn't the attire you'd see me in now, but was appropriate for the situation.
I was lucky enough to have a "lifer" with me who had discovered Yoga at the beginning of his sentence in a London prison which attracted some top London teachers - one teacher was the lady that covered the Chakras element on my teacher training course and another was a well regarded teacher trainer under the Sivananda lineage. The man's enthusiasm for Yoga was contagious and I was inspired to train to teach.
The inmates were supported by the Prison Phoenix Trust and their most popular book is a book I can recommend to anyone, on "the inside or on the out" and is available on Amazon for under a couple of quid and will give you an insight into what in inspired and continues to inspire me.
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If you know my personal Facebook page you’ll know my personal statement hints at possible, third party perceivable contradiction between the love I have for Yoga, with the love, and much longer relationship, I have with dance music. I’ll talk more about my “personal” page on another post but for now… those that are not Facebook “friends”, will not know that I should have been dancing today from noon for 8 hours, as one lady celebrates 25 years of DJ- ing by playing for 7 and her support for an hour, as she celebrates the art, and yes that’s what it is, that’s been a huge part of her life for 20 years. The event clashed with an evening event 4 travel hours away and was unfortunately postponed.
If numbers ain’t your thing let me tell you that, unless Anne and Sarah were DJ-ing in their teens, they must now be in their 40s or certainly approaching. Believe me when I say they are as fierce in their 40’s as when they started DJ-ing, and although I don’t share their art, I share the love of music that inspires it, and too consider myself fierce and - within a quarter of a decade - 50. I will talk about being fierce at any age in another post, but for now I’d like to share the 8 hours of music that I am listening to, instead of the tunes selected and mixed by Anne and Sarah that compel me to move in time with, with the passion for life that I’d like to think I could one day share from the Yoga mat.
I Bow to the Universal Creative Evolving Wisdom I Bow to the Divine Teacher Within
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One for the Visual Learners

More about Core Matters Yoga Flow

Core Matters Yoga Flow is located at Delapre Community Rooms, Alton Street, off Main Road, NN4 8EN Northampton, Northamptonshire
Monday: -
Tuesday: 17:15 - 18:15
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -