Derbyshire County Council

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Derbyshire County Council

Latest information from Derbyshire County Council. You can also visit our website www. derbyshire. gov. uk.

Derbyshire County Council Description

Derbyshire County Council



If your #NewYearsResolution is to #quitsmoking then hear from one of our happy ex smokers Liz about her top tips for a successful quit


January might be fast vanishing but are your #NewYearResolutions? It's never too late to make a change - hear from Debbie how she's lost nearly 4 stone with #LiveLifeBetterDerbyshire and without a restrictive diet in sight!!


Small changes can make big differences if you're wanting to manage your weight. Our #LivelifebetterDerbyshire advisor Trudie has another top tip for you.


Get an Action Grant! There's a new round of applications with a deadline of 31 March. They're easy to apply for and you could join the dozens of Derbyshire groups already benefitting from a cash boost. We're supporting a range of community activities from fitness, youth and luncheon clubs to allotments, arts and community safety projects so find out more and apply here!


Another chilly night across most of Derbyshire tonight. We're out gritting the high primary routes in the Peak District now, and will do them again at 8pm along with all primary routes across the county except those in the south east. Wrap up warm if you are out and about!


Still clinging onto those #NewYearResolutions? If #stoppingsmoking was one of them then give us a call on 0800 085 2299 for FREE, local support from #LiveLifeBetterDerbyshire


We're asking people with learning disabilities and autism to help us transform the support we offer them in the future. They've told us they want to lead ordinary lives in their communities - going out, meeting friends, volunteering or getting a job. Find out more here:


If you're ready for a #NewYearNewYou then let us give you a healthy boost with our FREE lifestyles support. Read how we've helped Eileen to lose nearly 4 stone with #LiveLifeBetterDerbyshire - she says our help has been life changing.


We've just had a revised weather forecast in which shows temperatures falling tonight right across the county, so we will also be gritting all primary routes from 9pm tonight. Wrap up warm.


Beautiful sunny day in Derbyshire today, but dropping cold over the high routes in the Peak District overnight. We’ll be out gritting these roads this afternoon and from 4am tomorrow morning. Stay safe everyone.


Do you live in the High Peak or Derbyshire Dales and would like to find out more about volunteering? Drop in to Ashbourne library 10am to 12.30pm on Tue 15 Jan. You don't need to book.


Don’t forget to apply for your child’s primary school place. You’ve only got until Tuesday 15 January


Ready for a fresh start? Our #LiveLifeBetterDerbyshire team are on hand to help you turn those resolutions into actions. Here Trudie & Rachel talk about what makes our #weightmanagement service different to the rest


Could you foster a Derbyshire child? Meet foster carers and find out more at our event on Wednesday 23 January at County Hall in Matlock from 5pm to 7pm


If you've pledged to #stopsmoking this New Year then why not try our FREE stop smoking service #LiveLifeBetterDerbyshire - you're four times more likely to quit for good with professional support.


You might have tried, and failed, in the past to manage your weight - but our #LiveLifeBetterDerbyshire team are on hand to show you why our FREE support is different. #NewYearResolutions


Brrrrr, it's cold out there with temperatures dropping fast in some parts of the county. Don't worry - our teams will be out gritting primary routes where it's needed across the north of the county from 6pm. Stay safe and stay warm.


#ReadyForAFreshStart? If #losingweight is one of your #NewYearResolutions then our #LiveLifeBetterDerbyshire advisors have years of experience that they'd love to share #toptips


Interested in learning a new hobby? There are lots of courses on offer including upholstery, art, yoga and garden mosaic making starting this month through our Adult Community Education Service


Thank you to all the council employees who are working so hard to keep going in such tough situations. The vast majority of us do appreciate it !


On a recent tour of England and Wales ,we stopped in Matlock to take in the sights. As I was driving a 28 foot motorhome, the only car park I could find to accommodate us was in StationYard. The car park was full and overflowing ,and as stated,I was driving the motorhome. To attempt to park in Aaron 8 foot space would have caused an obstruction,so I parked in an empty coach space . We enjoyed looking around Matlock,but on return to the vehicle, found a parking ticket issued by DH152 for parking in a non designated area. Where is the logic in issuing this?????I have paid the £35 and would suggest that more parking be made available for caravans/motorhomes,and employ someone that has some common sense.


Reported a street light on 27th September. Cul de sac top end of it. It's pitch black when my hubbie leaves for work at midnight. I've phoned twice and also emailed for an update. Phone calls... was told different things. Excuses. Cannot believe there is only one guy on the council that does lights and he has been on holiday. Confirmed by the 2nd call there is more than one team that do the lightning. Email today.. it will be done asap. Derbyshire council. Your services are diabolical. Give me the go ahead to collect the bulb and I'll change it myself.


You should be ashamed of yourselves you put my dad's Residential home by two and a half thousand pounds last October and now you've just put up another £1,200 tonight were is all this money supposed to come from it's ridiculous �


You are a waste of space, our children and others have been walking out into the road on hillside Linton for months because you are arguing over responsibility about cutting back an over grown footpath. My wife with our 1yr old in buggy walking in front of speeding cars etc because we cannot use path. It's been reported a million times but obviously children's lives and other pedestrians font matter. Kath Louro seems to be hiding from the complaint and I have full backing from the Parish. I suggest unless you do not want me to have you in court you will get the idiot in charge of Highways to sort it. No bot answers to this please. We want Real human response. Don't mess with childrens lives over a few quid. Pay your boss less and use it more effectively! Worse Council in Uk.


Well Derbyshire County Council you are now £120 better off following my payment of school penalty fines. All I will say is that I hope the money is well spent.... a couple of tips.... maybe ensure my child gets consistent teaching at the school where they attend ( not naming the school publicly) Maybe spend the money and look into the lack of permanent teaching staff. Maybe investigate why year 11 children are attending saturday sessions to be taught the curriculum the school have missed to be able to sit their GCSE. My child learnt a lot more in the week they were taken out of school then a week with supply teachers who don't even know the subject they are teaching!!!!


Thanks for removing the bus service I need to work. You should be ashamed, your mission statement says you're about improving lives well ain't that the biggest lie ever told. The cutting of bus services are leaving thousands with no transport. You will happily give gold card users free travel but you won't subsidise the buses. Whats the point giving free travel with no buses to use it on.


Such a shame DCC pick and choose which small businesses trying to get off the ground they want to support. Found a perfect space, but because my Valeting/ Detailing business is technically motor trade... I’m not welcome. Even though there’s already a mechanics garage and a motorcycle workshop sited there.


Living in a little village and no gritters or snow ploughs have come through even on bus routes its disgusting that we pay all our council tax and we get nothing back.


If there was a zero I would have chosen it! If you don't work, don't contribute to society then you get looked after! If you have worked fir the council for 30 odd years you get refused financial help for an old lady with dementia and Parkinsons and told to "get a loan" absolutely disgusting! Our MP is now involved and I will be going to the papers!


I appear to be getting the runaround after complaining about free central heating my parents who are in their 80's had put in. I'm visiting from Australia to find pipe work done by these cowboys on the outside of the walls over electrical sockets ( which is against building regulations) and left a large hole in the floorboards near the front door, my mum who has dementia & is bent double with oestroporosis has tripped over. Erewash Borough Council was no help & gave me 01629 533190 to call they gave me a number that no longer works but apparently the only one they have 0346 5040501. Any help to put a complaint in to the right department appreciate as I'm getting nowhere.


I am appalled I have to fork out £160 of damage to my car because a huge pothole had already been reported a few days earlier! I think you should make people aware and cone it off so they don’t drive over them and cause this much damage!! Good job I had someone to change the flat tyre while I was at work!!! Was an expensive trip to the shop for a quick bit of lunch! Horrendous service it’s taken 6 weeks to decline claim- thanks!


I am absolutely disgusted and in shock. As a career for a young child with severe autism I often visit new places, today I visited Bakewell where I was extremely surprised to have received a PCN, this is due to the poorly placed, inadequate and lack of signage that was displayed in the Granby Road pay and display car park. I displayed by blue badge very clearly and proceeded, I did not see the sign that displayed very small writing that payment is still needed even with a blue badge. I have never seen this before and do not have this problem when using car parks in the South Yorkshire Council area. When we first arrived I was shocked by how small the disabled bays were, in fact I struggled to get the child's wheelchair from the car and this resulted in an injury to my back as I was concerned I would hit the car next to me with my door, secondly the bays were not accessible from a foot path and very poorly placed as I had to dodge cars that were driving in and out of the car park, because I was thinking about the safety of the child in my care I did not walk closely enough to the pay and display machine for the sign to be noticeable as I assumed I would not be paying. As the disabled bays were the exact same as a regular bay I do not see the point in having them if you still have to pay, it really is a puzzle to me, it is disgusting and I don't know how you can justify treated people that have disabilities in this way. I will be expecting a reply with a serious apology if not more.


Derbyshire county council, you are a let down. Grass cutting and ground maintenance at your properties you own throughout Chesterfield is poor. S41 8EE where Derwent house used to be has some grass and land around it and has been left neglected by Derbyshire County Council. Nit yet cut this year and when I called to complain just get told that they will get around to it soon.


DISPOSAL OF FENCE PANELS. After hearing conflicting stories of problems disposing of damaged fence panels, I loaded six old panels in my van and took them to Glossop tip. Even though the sign clearly states “YES PLEASE

Wood and timber - Offcuts, Fences, Solid Wood Doors and Furniture”, my broken fence panels were refused and I was issued a Waste Rejection Notice! I was told they haven’t taken fence panels for six months, although this was irrelevant to me as I haven’t tried to dispose of any for about 15 years!

I now have a van full of fence panels with no suggestion as to what I’m supposed to do with them. If HPBC or DCC would offer a solution I will happily listen.


DCC are set to put parking meters on the streets of castleton without consulting the residents, businesses or parish council.

I say without consulting parish council, to be fair they begrudgingly sent two of their staff to put their bottoms on some seats in the same room while ignoring public transport concerns, the elderly, the disabled and also general safety for visitors.

They will destroy the conservation zone with parking meters.

For more comment on these poorly planned and I'll thought out proposals, please refer to Twitter @CURB_hopeV_park


Cheers Derbyshire Council for not having the balls to talk to me and discuss my fine you were more than happy to issue to me for going into a bus lane. It was 2am, buses weren't running, I was lost and on my way to retrieve my Damsel in Distress from sadlergate. A taxi driver had given me directions to use the bus lane; signs were not clear. You were quick to respond with the fine, yet everybody on your team has seemed to disappear now I would like to discuss it further. We're from Nottingham and from now on we intend on staying our side of the boarder!



Any chance of telling your bin men that the public do not like being woken at 6.20 on a bank holiday. Like every other Monday the noise wakes the dead. Sort the pot holes and noise out in hadfield plse


Applying for a junior school place not very helpful at all and they decided to apply for a place where I didn’t want my child to go. Surely I should have been asked first!! �


Thank you to all the council employees who are working so hard to keep going in such tough situations. The vast majority of us do appreciate it !


On a recent tour of England and Wales ,we stopped in Matlock to take in the sights. As I was driving a 28 foot motorhome, the only car park I could find to accommodate us was in StationYard. The car park was full and overflowing ,and as stated,I was driving the motorhome. To attempt to park in Aaron 8 foot space would have caused an obstruction,so I parked in an empty coach space . We enjoyed looking around Matlock,but on return to the vehicle, found a parking ticket issued by DH152 for parking in a non designated area. Where is the logic in issuing this?????I have paid the £35 and would suggest that more parking be made available for caravans/motorhomes,and employ someone that has some common sense.


Reported a street light on 27th September. Cul de sac top end of it. It's pitch black when my hubbie leaves for work at midnight. I've phoned twice and also emailed for an update. Phone calls... was told different things. Excuses. Cannot believe there is only one guy on the council that does lights and he has been on holiday. Confirmed by the 2nd call there is more than one team that do the lightning. Email today.. it will be done asap. Derbyshire council. Your services are diabolical. Give me the go ahead to collect the bulb and I'll change it myself.


You should be ashamed of yourselves you put my dad's Residential home by two and a half thousand pounds last October and now you've just put up another £1,200 tonight were is all this money supposed to come from it's ridiculous �


You are a waste of space, our children and others have been walking out into the road on hillside Linton for months because you are arguing over responsibility about cutting back an over grown footpath. My wife with our 1yr old in buggy walking in front of speeding cars etc because we cannot use path. It's been reported a million times but obviously children's lives and other pedestrians font matter. Kath Louro seems to be hiding from the complaint and I have full backing from the Parish. I suggest unless you do not want me to have you in court you will get the idiot in charge of Highways to sort it. No bot answers to this please. We want Real human response. Don't mess with childrens lives over a few quid. Pay your boss less and use it more effectively! Worse Council in Uk.


Well Derbyshire County Council you are now £120 better off following my payment of school penalty fines. All I will say is that I hope the money is well spent.... a couple of tips.... maybe ensure my child gets consistent teaching at the school where they attend ( not naming the school publicly) Maybe spend the money and look into the lack of permanent teaching staff. Maybe investigate why year 11 children are attending saturday sessions to be taught the curriculum the school have missed to be able to sit their GCSE. My child learnt a lot more in the week they were taken out of school then a week with supply teachers who don't even know the subject they are teaching!!!!


Thanks for removing the bus service I need to work. You should be ashamed, your mission statement says you're about improving lives well ain't that the biggest lie ever told. The cutting of bus services are leaving thousands with no transport. You will happily give gold card users free travel but you won't subsidise the buses. Whats the point giving free travel with no buses to use it on.


Such a shame DCC pick and choose which small businesses trying to get off the ground they want to support. Found a perfect space, but because my Valeting/ Detailing business is technically motor trade... I’m not welcome. Even though there’s already a mechanics garage and a motorcycle workshop sited there.


Living in a little village and no gritters or snow ploughs have come through even on bus routes its disgusting that we pay all our council tax and we get nothing back.


If there was a zero I would have chosen it! If you don't work, don't contribute to society then you get looked after! If you have worked fir the council for 30 odd years you get refused financial help for an old lady with dementia and Parkinsons and told to "get a loan" absolutely disgusting! Our MP is now involved and I will be going to the papers!


I appear to be getting the runaround after complaining about free central heating my parents who are in their 80's had put in. I'm visiting from Australia to find pipe work done by these cowboys on the outside of the walls over electrical sockets ( which is against building regulations) and left a large hole in the floorboards near the front door, my mum who has dementia & is bent double with oestroporosis has tripped over. Erewash Borough Council was no help & gave me 01629 533190 to call they gave me a number that no longer works but apparently the only one they have 0346 5040501. Any help to put a complaint in to the right department appreciate as I'm getting nowhere.


I am appalled I have to fork out £160 of damage to my car because a huge pothole had already been reported a few days earlier! I think you should make people aware and cone it off so they don’t drive over them and cause this much damage!! Good job I had someone to change the flat tyre while I was at work!!! Was an expensive trip to the shop for a quick bit of lunch! Horrendous service it’s taken 6 weeks to decline claim- thanks!


I am absolutely disgusted and in shock. As a career for a young child with severe autism I often visit new places, today I visited Bakewell where I was extremely surprised to have received a PCN, this is due to the poorly placed, inadequate and lack of signage that was displayed in the Granby Road pay and display car park. I displayed by blue badge very clearly and proceeded, I did not see the sign that displayed very small writing that payment is still needed even with a blue badge. I have never seen this before and do not have this problem when using car parks in the South Yorkshire Council area. When we first arrived I was shocked by how small the disabled bays were, in fact I struggled to get the child's wheelchair from the car and this resulted in an injury to my back as I was concerned I would hit the car next to me with my door, secondly the bays were not accessible from a foot path and very poorly placed as I had to dodge cars that were driving in and out of the car park, because I was thinking about the safety of the child in my care I did not walk closely enough to the pay and display machine for the sign to be noticeable as I assumed I would not be paying. As the disabled bays were the exact same as a regular bay I do not see the point in having them if you still have to pay, it really is a puzzle to me, it is disgusting and I don't know how you can justify treated people that have disabilities in this way. I will be expecting a reply with a serious apology if not more.


Derbyshire county council, you are a let down. Grass cutting and ground maintenance at your properties you own throughout Chesterfield is poor. S41 8EE where Derwent house used to be has some grass and land around it and has been left neglected by Derbyshire County Council. Nit yet cut this year and when I called to complain just get told that they will get around to it soon.


DISPOSAL OF FENCE PANELS. After hearing conflicting stories of problems disposing of damaged fence panels, I loaded six old panels in my van and took them to Glossop tip. Even though the sign clearly states “YES PLEASE

Wood and timber - Offcuts, Fences, Solid Wood Doors and Furniture”, my broken fence panels were refused and I was issued a Waste Rejection Notice! I was told they haven’t taken fence panels for six months, although this was irrelevant to me as I haven’t tried to dispose of any for about 15 years!

I now have a van full of fence panels with no suggestion as to what I’m supposed to do with them. If HPBC or DCC would offer a solution I will happily listen.


DCC are set to put parking meters on the streets of castleton without consulting the residents, businesses or parish council.

I say without consulting parish council, to be fair they begrudgingly sent two of their staff to put their bottoms on some seats in the same room while ignoring public transport concerns, the elderly, the disabled and also general safety for visitors.

They will destroy the conservation zone with parking meters.

For more comment on these poorly planned and I'll thought out proposals, please refer to Twitter @CURB_hopeV_park


Cheers Derbyshire Council for not having the balls to talk to me and discuss my fine you were more than happy to issue to me for going into a bus lane. It was 2am, buses weren't running, I was lost and on my way to retrieve my Damsel in Distress from sadlergate. A taxi driver had given me directions to use the bus lane; signs were not clear. You were quick to respond with the fine, yet everybody on your team has seemed to disappear now I would like to discuss it further. We're from Nottingham and from now on we intend on staying our side of the boarder!



Any chance of telling your bin men that the public do not like being woken at 6.20 on a bank holiday. Like every other Monday the noise wakes the dead. Sort the pot holes and noise out in hadfield plse


Applying for a junior school place not very helpful at all and they decided to apply for a place where I didn’t want my child to go. Surely I should have been asked first!! �


Thank you to all the council employees who are working so hard to keep going in such tough situations. The vast majority of us do appreciate it !


On a recent tour of England and Wales ,we stopped in Matlock to take in the sights. As I was driving a 28 foot motorhome, the only car park I could find to accommodate us was in StationYard. The car park was full and overflowing ,and as stated,I was driving the motorhome. To attempt to park in Aaron 8 foot space would have caused an obstruction,so I parked in an empty coach space . We enjoyed looking around Matlock,but on return to the vehicle, found a parking ticket issued by DH152 for parking in a non designated area. Where is the logic in issuing this?????I have paid the £35 and would suggest that more parking be made available for caravans/motorhomes,and employ someone that has some common sense.


Reported a street light on 27th September. Cul de sac top end of it. It's pitch black when my hubbie leaves for work at midnight. I've phoned twice and also emailed for an update. Phone calls... was told different things. Excuses. Cannot believe there is only one guy on the council that does lights and he has been on holiday. Confirmed by the 2nd call there is more than one team that do the lightning. Email today.. it will be done asap. Derbyshire council. Your services are diabolical. Give me the go ahead to collect the bulb and I'll change it myself.


You should be ashamed of yourselves you put my dad's Residential home by two and a half thousand pounds last October and now you've just put up another £1,200 tonight were is all this money supposed to come from it's ridiculous �


You are a waste of space, our children and others have been walking out into the road on hillside Linton for months because you are arguing over responsibility about cutting back an over grown footpath. My wife with our 1yr old in buggy walking in front of speeding cars etc because we cannot use path. It's been reported a million times but obviously children's lives and other pedestrians font matter. Kath Louro seems to be hiding from the complaint and I have full backing from the Parish. I suggest unless you do not want me to have you in court you will get the idiot in charge of Highways to sort it. No bot answers to this please. We want Real human response. Don't mess with childrens lives over a few quid. Pay your boss less and use it more effectively! Worse Council in Uk.


Well Derbyshire County Council you are now £120 better off following my payment of school penalty fines. All I will say is that I hope the money is well spent.... a couple of tips.... maybe ensure my child gets consistent teaching at the school where they attend ( not naming the school publicly) Maybe spend the money and look into the lack of permanent teaching staff. Maybe investigate why year 11 children are attending saturday sessions to be taught the curriculum the school have missed to be able to sit their GCSE. My child learnt a lot more in the week they were taken out of school then a week with supply teachers who don't even know the subject they are teaching!!!!


Thanks for removing the bus service I need to work. You should be ashamed, your mission statement says you're about improving lives well ain't that the biggest lie ever told. The cutting of bus services are leaving thousands with no transport. You will happily give gold card users free travel but you won't subsidise the buses. Whats the point giving free travel with no buses to use it on.


Such a shame DCC pick and choose which small businesses trying to get off the ground they want to support. Found a perfect space, but because my Valeting/ Detailing business is technically motor trade... I’m not welcome. Even though there’s already a mechanics garage and a motorcycle workshop sited there.


Living in a little village and no gritters or snow ploughs have come through even on bus routes its disgusting that we pay all our council tax and we get nothing back.


If there was a zero I would have chosen it! If you don't work, don't contribute to society then you get looked after! If you have worked fir the council for 30 odd years you get refused financial help for an old lady with dementia and Parkinsons and told to "get a loan" absolutely disgusting! Our MP is now involved and I will be going to the papers!


I appear to be getting the runaround after complaining about free central heating my parents who are in their 80's had put in. I'm visiting from Australia to find pipe work done by these cowboys on the outside of the walls over electrical sockets ( which is against building regulations) and left a large hole in the floorboards near the front door, my mum who has dementia & is bent double with oestroporosis has tripped over. Erewash Borough Council was no help & gave me 01629 533190 to call they gave me a number that no longer works but apparently the only one they have 0346 5040501. Any help to put a complaint in to the right department appreciate as I'm getting nowhere.


I am appalled I have to fork out £160 of damage to my car because a huge pothole had already been reported a few days earlier! I think you should make people aware and cone it off so they don’t drive over them and cause this much damage!! Good job I had someone to change the flat tyre while I was at work!!! Was an expensive trip to the shop for a quick bit of lunch! Horrendous service it’s taken 6 weeks to decline claim- thanks!


I am absolutely disgusted and in shock. As a career for a young child with severe autism I often visit new places, today I visited Bakewell where I was extremely surprised to have received a PCN, this is due to the poorly placed, inadequate and lack of signage that was displayed in the Granby Road pay and display car park. I displayed by blue badge very clearly and proceeded, I did not see the sign that displayed very small writing that payment is still needed even with a blue badge. I have never seen this before and do not have this problem when using car parks in the South Yorkshire Council area. When we first arrived I was shocked by how small the disabled bays were, in fact I struggled to get the child's wheelchair from the car and this resulted in an injury to my back as I was concerned I would hit the car next to me with my door, secondly the bays were not accessible from a foot path and very poorly placed as I had to dodge cars that were driving in and out of the car park, because I was thinking about the safety of the child in my care I did not walk closely enough to the pay and display machine for the sign to be noticeable as I assumed I would not be paying. As the disabled bays were the exact same as a regular bay I do not see the point in having them if you still have to pay, it really is a puzzle to me, it is disgusting and I don't know how you can justify treated people that have disabilities in this way. I will be expecting a reply with a serious apology if not more.


Derbyshire county council, you are a let down. Grass cutting and ground maintenance at your properties you own throughout Chesterfield is poor. S41 8EE where Derwent house used to be has some grass and land around it and has been left neglected by Derbyshire County Council. Nit yet cut this year and when I called to complain just get told that they will get around to it soon.


DISPOSAL OF FENCE PANELS. After hearing conflicting stories of problems disposing of damaged fence panels, I loaded six old panels in my van and took them to Glossop tip. Even though the sign clearly states “YES PLEASE

Wood and timber - Offcuts, Fences, Solid Wood Doors and Furniture”, my broken fence panels were refused and I was issued a Waste Rejection Notice! I was told they haven’t taken fence panels for six months, although this was irrelevant to me as I haven’t tried to dispose of any for about 15 years!

I now have a van full of fence panels with no suggestion as to what I’m supposed to do with them. If HPBC or DCC would offer a solution I will happily listen.


DCC are set to put parking meters on the streets of castleton without consulting the residents, businesses or parish council.

I say without consulting parish council, to be fair they begrudgingly sent two of their staff to put their bottoms on some seats in the same room while ignoring public transport concerns, the elderly, the disabled and also general safety for visitors.

They will destroy the conservation zone with parking meters.

For more comment on these poorly planned and I'll thought out proposals, please refer to Twitter @CURB_hopeV_park


Cheers Derbyshire Council for not having the balls to talk to me and discuss my fine you were more than happy to issue to me for going into a bus lane. It was 2am, buses weren't running, I was lost and on my way to retrieve my Damsel in Distress from sadlergate. A taxi driver had given me directions to use the bus lane; signs were not clear. You were quick to respond with the fine, yet everybody on your team has seemed to disappear now I would like to discuss it further. We're from Nottingham and from now on we intend on staying our side of the boarder!



Any chance of telling your bin men that the public do not like being woken at 6.20 on a bank holiday. Like every other Monday the noise wakes the dead. Sort the pot holes and noise out in hadfield plse


Applying for a junior school place not very helpful at all and they decided to apply for a place where I didn’t want my child to go. Surely I should have been asked first!! �

More about Derbyshire County Council

Derbyshire County Council is located at County Hall, Smedley Street, DE43 Matlock, Derbyshire
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -