
About Dovetails

Quality handmade wooden Dovecotes, Beehive inspired garden storage boxes and composter units, Obelisks and birdtables. Please visit our website - www. dovetailsonline. co. uk for further information about us or our products.



I don't normally manage to keep any stock as everything flies out of the door but a lovely customer has ordered 4 composters all different colours so I took some photos to share!


Just finished a special commission beehive store. Based on one of my normal stores but on steroids. 15cm wider, 15cm deeper and 15cm taller. Doesn’t sound much but significantly heavier and too big to get your arms round to lift. Renamed it as ‘The Backbreaker’! Couriers delivering it all the way down to Devon. Hope the customer is happy - always a concern that you have interpreted the requirements correctly.


Lovely photo from one of our customers last week - they had a unpainted store unit which they have painted themselves and a sage painted composter - both looking splendid in their garden!


Congratulations to The Cottage Garden Society for winning a RHS Silver Medal at Malvern 2018 featuring a Dovetails composter!!


Lovely email received tonight -
'Dear Andrew Just to let you know that it arrived safely and is now up and looking beautiful. I'm so pleased with it - such a lovely shape, and a real feature of our teeny tiny garden. Looking forward to filling it up with compost!
... With thanks and best wishes,'
Always good to get comment like this - makes it worthwhile :)
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Received this note and photo over the weekend who bought a willow painted composter - appears to fit in well with her garden!
Hello Andrew Just to let you know that the Beehive Composter arrived as arranged by courier. Now installed in the garden & looking quite at home. The colour blends in really well with the surroundings. Many thanks... Liz
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Received this email this morning from a customer who ordered a Willow painted composter on the 16/8 and received it on the 24/8 - catching up on my delivery times after being inundated since last Christmas!
Dear Andrew I just wanted to say thank you for my bee hive composter received last week. It is beautifully made and will be an asset to my garden. It is in the process if being landscaped at the moment which will hopefully be completed this week - rain permitting. My new g...reenhouse arrived yesterday and is being installed on Friday so once that is up my bee hive will be placed appropriately in the "growing area". Once again thank you very much. The service and delivery were great (the courier thought it was a real bee hive!) and I will recommend you to anyone who would like one if your products. Best wishes Marion Hind
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I don't usually post much on this facebook page as business is 'brisk' and there is no lack of orders. But today I received the feedback comment below and the photo from a customer who has returned three times so far and appears to be quite happy so I wanted to shout about it!
Thank you so much. Delivered this morning, assembled & put in the garden, ready for my clematis. I am so pleased with your service. ... Helen E Morton
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Brilliant start of the New Year - received the email below from a customer who bought two unpainted composters just before Christmas and we managed to get them delivered in time!
Andrew Dovetail beehive composter boxes arrived a short while ago as an early Christmas present to myself and I absolutely love them. They are easy to use with the hinged lid and chain and the shape and proportions are very pleasing. Looks easy when you have successfully done it but I imagine they t...ook a bit of getting right. And of course the beehive shape is one of those feel good shapes that feed straight away into some tap root in our souls of peacefulness and calm which is a lovely atmosphere for the veg garden. So am delighted and working out if I can afford a third!
Happy new year to you and congrats again.
Kindest regards Gillie Shaw
Ready for the New Year now. :)
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A lovely e-mail received this afternoon -
Just to say how pleased I am with my Beehive Composter that arrived safely this morning. Apart from composting, I know it will great in my new 'cottage garden'. Thank you Paula Smith


Feedback received from another customer who bought a painted obelisk last week -
Dear Andrew of Dovetails Many, many thanks for my obelisk. I am so pleased with it. The colour, the delivery, everything. ( I have a shed painted in the same paint & colour.) I may buy another one at a later date.... It was delivered as you said, no problems at all. I shall recommend you to all my friends. Thank you very much Helen E Morton.
Makes it all worth while!
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Really busy at the moment but thought I would post a couple of customer reviews for hexagonal dovecotes sold through e-bay:
Judy sent 'Absolutely delighted with the dovecote it will be fabulous in our garden thanks'
... Laurence Wood wrote 'Excellent seller !!!!!! Excellent quality item !!!!! First class'
Need to be busy in the workshop as I have outstanding orders for two beehive stores and two composters plus a hexagonal feeding table to go to a customer that has already bought a hexagonal dovecote. Think I will be working the weekend again!
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Received a lovely photo and comment from a customer who bought one of our smaller wall mounted dovecotes. Good to see one being used!


Lovely comment and photos received from a repeat customer yesterday -
'Dear Andrew, Thank you for the very quick delivery of the doors for our Dovecote. They arrived today (Friday midday). The doves are being too prolific so we are going to restrict their access! Thanks again,... Charles.'
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Feedback received this evening from a ebay customer who bought a 'home re-assembly' 1.8m high obelisk painted bluebell:
'Absolutely gorgeous, love the colour too. Great ebayer, very quick delivery. TY.'
Happy days!


Another satisfied customer! -
'We are delighted with the composters, thank you so much. They look beautiful in the garden and I am sure will be admired by all.'


A note received from a happy customer that bought a couple of beehive composters and a beehive store unit -
Hi, Many thanks for the deliveries all received as we returned from a short break. Thank you also for the unsolicited bird box. A nice touch.... You asked for a photo of the garden store painted and in situ and as a temporary measure here is one. It is copyright free. Kind regards, John Barber
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More about Dovetails

07795 173400