Dvrt Fitness Uk

About Dvrt Fitness Uk

Functional Fitness Solutions To Improve Strength, Mobility and Movement

Ultimate Sandbag and DVRT Educational Programs

Dvrt Fitness Uk Description

www. | Ultimate Sandbag Training is home of the BEST SELLING, Ultimate Sandbag and DVRT Educational Programs.



Pure explosiveness from @jared_dyem doing Snatch Lunges. I have so much love for this!
With the increased lever arm during the snatch it’s more demand on the core which requires reactivity. There’s a lot of stability and mobility going on in the upper body to deal with the load doing such a movement. Whereas the feet responsible for decelerating actions!


Rotational Power!⠀ ⠀ ⠀ Training rotational power is truly important if we want to move and perform better for the demands of real life.⠀ Working on the transverse plane is not dangerous if we know how to create rotation. It's all about the pivoting through the feet. It starts from the ground up through the feet and glutes while the core stays stable.⠀... ⠀ ➡ Pivoting action through the feet⠀ ➡ Glutes play active role here⠀ ➡ Rotate through the hips, not the lower back⠀ ➡ Opposite limbs work together (walking, running)⠀
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Do you have it, to keep it together???⠀ ⠀ ⠀ I'm talking about your #core. Is your #sideplank dynamic??⠀ Being strong in general requires to move in different planes of motion and that means also going laterally under load. ⠀... This builds even greater strength that creates better stability in the pelvis and core.⠀ I wanted to give you some ideas to work on the frontal plane in more dynamic way rather than just doing lateral lunges or planks.⠀ ⠀ Funnily the load helps to get into the right position and gives us feedback at the same time.⠀ ⠀ ➡ Leg Threading to Side Plank: great exercise to build Lateral Strength, it could be done without putting the legs together.⠀ ⠀ ➡ Shoulder Loaded Lunge w Balance Arc Press: having the USB on the shoulder is already a different challenge on the core and the single leg arc press works from head to toe.⠀ ⠀ ➡ Offset Load Marches: Marches are so underrated however the feet is being forced to grab the floor and that creates that chain reaction which then work on the whole body. Gripping the suitcase handle of the USB keeps the lats engaged whereas the shoulder load is great at resisting lateral force.⠀ ⠀
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Move Slow Before Going Fast!
The Front Loaded Good Morning is a hip hinging exercise that challenges both the anterior and posterior side of the body. Adding #sandbag Good Mornings to your workout routine is a great way to improve real world strength. Hip hinge is one of the primal movement patterns that we do in life and it teaches us how to lift things off the floor safely. Particularly the Front Loaded Good Morning work on the glutes and hamstrings alongside with the trunk... and it’s very useful for preventing lower back, knee and hip problems. To get better at your Kettlebell Swings do the sandbag Good Morning first and see how much more power you can generate from the glutes and stabilize through the core when performing the more ballistic, fast moving Swing.
@jessicabentopt shows how to do the Good Morning with a Core Strap and resistance band to have great feedback in the core and glutes, hamstrings while the feet are forced to create more stability.
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Take your #lunges to a different level!!!
What I truly love about Dvrt community is that coaches follow their intuition and do what feels good!
Just like the always innovative @larisalotz shows how to challenge everything that you knew about lunges. ... Shoulder loaded Lunge with a figure 4! Intention and pure control 🙌🏼
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My first ever DVRT Program is coming Out Soon!!!⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀... It's called Dynamic Core Warm Ups however it's much more than just warming up. ⠀ The program takes you through progressively getting ready for the main part of your workout while improving hip mobility, knee problems, shoulder issues and core strength. A lot of times do this all at once :O⠀ ⠀ There are 7 X 5 Warm Up Exercises in the program, all of them built on each other to progress step by step. 15 Warm Up Flows are also included in here which are really interesting and highlight the complexity as well as simplicity of the DVRT system.⠀ ⠀ I can't wait to share more with you later. Stay tuned!⠀ ⠀
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Where Do I Start with DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training?⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ Find out why these 5 DVRT drills are game changing and how do you want to incorporate them in your workout. Follow the link in Bio for my latest blog post.


Work on your #plank in the frontal plane!
Shucking Rows are a great way to build that core strength to keep the plank when moving side to side.
I used this as s finisher combined with some speed skaters still staying in the frontal plane.


How to be successful in your Clean to Fists 👊🏼
Clean to Fists is one of the most exciting things when it comes to DVRT @ultimatesandbag Once it’s done correctly it leads to some great things and opens up doors to more possibilities.
... Here’s how to nail this to have fluid movement:
✅ Tension in The Handles ✅ Shoulders Back ✅ Lead The Movement: Feet, Hips then Arms ✅ Scooping Motion to Punch 🤛 the USB ✅ Sandbag comes Straight Up and Goes Straight Down ✅ Catch The Bag with Hips Not Arms
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It’s not about Sandbags, it’s about how we move!
Check out these awesome coaches how they create fluid movement with power, grace and control using the @ultimatesandbag. Moving into to different planes of motion, accelerating and decelerating nicely. Being dynamic or other times slow and deliberate having total control over their body. This is what #functionaltraining about!
... @seanlettero @larisalotz @coach_evan_sups @gailfitness @ultimate_lady_badass @fitnesslyingdown
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I love recovery days!
This is when I allow myself to play and explore and listen to my body. This was one of the exercises I did yesterday amongst other things.
This Leg Threading combination with a Sit Through is fantastic to work on lateral core strength in a different way. ... Additional benefits: Shoulder strength ✅ Hip Mobility ✅ Safe on the Spine ✅ Stabilise the Pelvis ✅ Builds Real World Strength ✅
I’ve used Core Straps from @ultimatesandbag and @perform_better Super Band.
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Rotational Core exercises for building better movement!
Confused? 🤷‍♂️
The thing is that rotation occurs all the time!!!
... ➡️ It’s a fundamental movement and we do it outside of the gym all the time ➡️ Dvrt system teaches it in a structured program to build better movement ⠀ ➡️ It starts with the feet and proper ground engagement ⠀ ➡️ Move through the hips and not the lower back ⠀ ➡️ Provides great hip mobility and stability through the spine ➡️ Whole body movement that works through the kinetic chains of the body ➡️ Keep the core stable and use the feet
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Is Your Plank Dynamic???⠀ ⠀ ⠀ Planks are part of quality movement. They don't need to stay on the floor. ⠀ ⠀... Did you know that having the Ultimate Sandbag in the Front Loaded position replicates the front #plank? ⠀ Brace the core to connect with the rest of the body allows us to produce better movement.⠀ Keeping an upright torso whilst moving in different planes of motion makes the core stiff and protects the spine.⠀ ⠀ Possibilities are endless when it comes to dynamic planking. It could be any of the primal movement patterns. Today however, I'd like to share 3 great ways to dynamic plank.⠀ ⠀ Walking Good Morning - It's amazing hinge exercise that works on both posterior and anterior chain while doing a walking hip hinge.⠀ ⠀ Drop MAX Lunge to Side Lunge - Quality single leg work with lots of core and glute engagement that replicates walking when the thoracic twist is added.⠀ ⠀ Up Down with Press - Having the USB in Fists Load makes this more challenging on the core, plus there's an additional hip mobility element when wrapping the legs around challenges lateral stability. ⠀ ⠀
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Own the #plank with the Lateral Bag Drag!
Bag Drag is probably the most powerful DVRT exercise when it’s done right ✅
The secret found in the small details (just like in any other exercises)
... Grab the floor with the hands 🖐🏼 Feet pushed into the ground 👣 Knees are locked 🔒 glutes are engaged No movement in the torso ✅ Sandbag is below waistline, pulling arm is straight ✅ Slow It Down ⏱
Use an @ultimatesandbag as the bag creates friction on the ground so doing it with a kettlebell there’s no lats and core engagement therefore less effective!
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Before DVRT- couldn’t lift his right leg up higher than knee height, constantly having back pain and afraid of hip hinge that might hurt his back!
After DVRT- right leg lifts up properly, glutes are firing, much stronger, no back pain and feels better than ever before!
Meet David, one of my personal clients who’s been using DVRT @ultimatesandbag principles to have better results!!


Why do you have to feel the burn???
If something hurts that must be good for you, right!? I’m always amazed when I hear statements like this.
... Core training doesn’t mean #situps and #planks all the time! In fact teaching the body to create better connections is what core training should be doing. After all the core muscles are responsible for connecting the upper body to the lower body.
Diagonal Lifts/Chop result in greater core activation as they work on chains of muscles as opposed to one place!
Gripping the @ultimatesandbag apart creates that core tension through the hands, lats and core.
This concept can be applied in more dynamic position as a lateral step or even a lunge.
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Find Your Better!⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ There's a way of building #strength, #mobility, core stability and keep things fun and interesting at the same time where people can succeed with simple solutions. ⠀... ⠀ I wanted to showcase some of the eye catchy movements that is possible when training with DVRT. It's about creating better movement patterns with fluidity, coordination to train the #core and glutes in 3 dimensions. ⠀ ⠀ Yes some most of these movements are more advanced however through step by step progressions we can train rotational #power and strength that build real life fitness.⠀ ⠀ If you're interested we offer 4 hours workshop that can come to your gym. DM me for more information!⠀ ⠀ ⠀ Change the way you think about exercising and start training!
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There’s something exciting coming soon.....;)

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