Elite Performance Sports Therapy & Pain Relief Clinic

About Elite Performance Sports Therapy & Pain Relief Clinic

We work with you to provide targeted sports therapy, pain relief, keeping you pain free. from athletes to sports people or just keen gym goers.

Elite Performance Sports Therapy & Pain Relief Clinic Description

Liam Wright, founded Elite Performance Sports Therapy & Pain Relief in 2014 to support people with sports injuries, joint pain and muscle damage, to coach them through recovery and supporting them with injury rehabilitation, enabling them to return physical shape.



There's a handful of appointments available for next week - text me to grab one.There's a handful of appointments available for next week - text me to grab one.


Massive shoutout to my client Zin Jones for coming away with two goals with weekend. Always a pleasure working with you, glad to see your medal hoard growing every weekend. I know personally how hard this sport it's and many martial art at a top level. Not for the faint hearted and massive respect рҹҷҢрҹҸјрҹ’ӘрҹҸҪ. рҹҘҮрҹҘҮ


Wow! What a busy week at the clinic. 51 clients seen. Now it's time to put my feet up and chill out over the weekend and recharge the batteries ready for a just as busy week next week.
Just would like to take this opportunity to thank each and everyone of my awesome clients for their patience, loyalty and perseverance with the bridge closure. рҹҷҢрҹҸјвқӨпёҸ


Big shout out to my client carly for doing another half marathon. Judging by her post I'll be seeing her real soon. рҹ‘ҮрҹҸј
Another Tissington trail half marathon done and dusted, this one was one to remember, cramps and more cramps!! No training beforehand (note to self, shit idea) but all in all quite happy!! Although my legs do not agree!!!


Congratulations juniors! All looked stacked рҹ’ӘрҹҸҪ


One again proud to be at the British BNBF finals as a sponsor along with gym unity. Watching out friends and clients Robert Waterhouse and big Louis Smith smash it up! рҹ’ӘрҹҸҪ
Big night for the lads wishing you all the best of luck and hopefully and new pro will be crowned рҹҸҶрҹҸ…рҹ‘‘


Boom рҹ’Ҙ great write up in the paper about the big fella, gym and clinic got an honourable mention too. Great to see us all blazing a trail and being at the top of what we do! рҹ’ӘрҹҸҪ


Well it's been a busy week in the clinic this week 50 hours plus putting Athletes and the general public back together.
As always a massive thank you to you all and appreciate your efforts to get into burton and loyalty while St. Peter's bridge is shut, I know a lot of you come as far away as Tamworth and Coalville to see me.
This weekend we have a shout out to jamie for coming 3rd in the strongman world champs, massive achievement and a sport not for the faint hearted рҹҘүрҹ’ӘрҹҸҪ
... Also we have had Andy Meadows and Carly Mear attending and taking part in the great north run, both raising money for great and worthwhile causes close to their hearts. Very proud and massive respect for doing it. рҹҷҢрҹҸј
https://www.facebook.com/liam.wright.180/ вҖҰ/10214109365106840
https://www.facebook.com/liam.wright.180/ вҖҰ/10214109383147291
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Back in the paper again! Clinic and the gym getting more and more recognition. Bigger/stronger.....busier рҹ’ӘрҹҸҪ
#doingittight #heavyweightchamp #eliteperformance


Well done to my clients Graham and Maxine Morris for both cementing their places in the England kettle bell team. Very proud of them both and can't wait to see you smash it up in Greece рҹҮ¬рҹҮ· at the world championships.
Wish you all the best, as always behind you рҹ’Ҝрҹ’ӘрҹҸҪ


Big shout out to my client Ashley Hurdman. He can 3rd in the burton 10k on Sunday! рҹҷҢрҹҸј
33 mins 46 seconds


What an amazing show, so proud to be apart of it. Great to sponsor the junior class.


Well just sat here at the BNBF midlands qualifier ready for it all to kick off. Elite Performance is so proud and honoured to be sponsoring this event along with gym unity. with over 50 of you to show our support or big lou and Benita. рҹ’ӘрҹҸҪрҹ’ӘрҹҸҪ


So proud of my client Hollie's result today! She competed today in Birmingham's strongest woman comp and took 3rd place in an open weight category. рҹҸҶрҹҘү
So happy for her and to be part of her journey in such a tough and demanding sport. She's a real inspiration to all women taking up and competing in strongman events.
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... Love this girls dedication and work ethic............. literally takes it to the max 24/7 and kills every workout!
Total badass! рҹ’ӘрҹҸҪ
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Last news from the BNBF....


See this in the gym almost everyday and even from people who should know better.......рҹҷ„
This exercise doesn't build your abs, you may think it does because everyone does it for abs, following like sheep. рҹҗ‘
Fact is almost 90% of this movement works the illiopsoas group not the abs. Wonder why you get back pain when doing other exercises???
... Here's why.....
Illiopsoas group are a group of muscles called hip flexors. If you flex a muscle you reduce the angle of the limb it is attached to. Extensors do the opposite . In the case of the hips the extensors are the glutes. Over tightening of the illiopsoas group can cause an anterior posterior bias of the hip. If the hip rotates anteriorly (to the front) the hamstrings become tight due to their origin moving further away from their insertion point. The QL shortens causing lower back pain due the facet joint in L1/S1 being compressed forming a lordotic curve weakening the lower back.
Wonder why squatting hurts, seated leg press hurts, bent over rows etc
Well there's your problem...........рҹҷ„
Educate and dominate people!!
Don't do stuff because other people do it, do it because it works!!
рҹҗ‘рҹҗ‘рҹҗ‘рҹҗ‘рҹҗ‘рҹҗ‘рҹҗ‘рҹҗ‘рҹҗ‘рҹҗ‘р ҹҗ‘рҹҗ‘рҹҗ‘рҹҗ‘рҹҗ‘рҹҗ‘рҹҗ‘
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Went to Liam with my back in agony and after 3 sessions it is so much better! He talks you through what he's doing so you understand how it's helping you and is very professional. Would recommend it to anyone that is suffering from injury or wanting to improve their performance!


Sometimes you just know when people have the passion for what they do and the skill to back it up. I told Liam my goals, and he helped me establish what was holding me back and begin on the journey of full recovery. Highly recommend to anyone serious about what they do!


So not only have I been coming to Liam for a while now regarding a reoccurring shoulder injury from a mix of weight sessions and my job, since my first session with Liam iv not had any injurys for 5months at least, but the biggest praise has got todo with my wrist with being a hairdresser with Arthritis mainly in my wrist the swelling gets very painful, tho yesterday Liam had a go over my forearm, wrist and hand and today after a long day in the salon it's barely hurt at all, it's been amazing compared to the last couple of weeks. Liam is so professional and so good at his job. So thanks again


So I've been training for 6 months and for the last couple reached a point where I could not feel the benefits. My chest wasn't firing right, my biceps and triceps where not getting any bigger and was generally aching in the wrong places and not feeling it. I booked in with Liam for a full chest, arm and leg massage. All I can say is WOW Liam sorted me out and a couple of day after I was training better and feeling better. I now have regular treatments with Liam and can really feel the benefits 5*. I cannot recommend Elite Performance enough.


Liam is very professional and passionate about what he does and helping his clients achieve their goals. From easing tight and aching muscles from training to preparing me for my first ultra marathon. Liam is a wealth of knowledge who is happy to share what he does outside of the clinic to keep his clients on top form!


Liam got me through my first ever marathon and I couldn't of done it without him! Full of knowledge, passion, and professionalism. If you are a serious participant in any sport and want to augment training with sports therapy, then I can honestly say Liam is the best I know.


LeamвҖҷs great , been going to him couple of years now . Keeps me in tip top shape n keeps me moving пҝҪпҝҪпҝҪ


I studied sports massage with Liam at Loughborough and immediatel go along well with from the very first class. Even before we started our learning pathways he displayed great knowledge and enthusiasm of human anatomy and performance optimisation. Liam always had a smile and his voice could be heard during every classs, he would talk to every class member the same freindly way.

So when my shoulder problem reoccured I thought I would contact Liam to have a look at what he could do to help me on my road to recovery. Despite him living an hour away I can safely say I made the right decision. Liam has developed himself into a great therapist and added so much extra know how. He made us feel very welcome, his treatment room was spotless. We had a quick chat about the injury and Liam did a few tests and felt the injured area before he started his treatment.

I can safelt say i was the best and most thorough massage I have had in the UK. I left Elite performance with much improved movement across the shoulder and I was back training as normal a week later. I performed the stretches he gave me and have noticed a big difference in the over all feeling of both shoulders.

I cannor recommend the Elite service enough. For anybody with a performance or work related injury he would be my first port of call! I will be visiting him regularly for maintainance.

Thanks Liam


I had been struggling with a strain in my left bicep for the last 4-5 months and I eventually booked an appointment with Liam after a friend recommended him.

Having had physio in the past I didnвҖҷt really hold out much hope in getting my arm back to full strength but I was pleasantly surprised. After the first session there was a noticeable difference and after the second session the issue was more or less cured. Liam has now started treating a long standing back problem and I am looking forward to getting back to full strength.

I canвҖҷt recommend Liam enough, he is a true professional and a genuinely nice guy.

His knowledge about the human anatomy is excellent and I felt assured that he knew exactly what he was doing throughout my treatment. Even after my treatment I will be returning for some maintenance on my lower back. Thanks Liam!


I came to see Liam 3 weeks ago with a sore lower back which stopped my training in the gym and was restricting me at work.

Liam has been a friend for over 5 years but he carries out his work very professionally! What I like most about being treated by Liam is that he makes you feel comfortable from the first minute. Liam explains in detail everything he is doing to you in a methodical and non-patronising manner. I am not only being treated for my injuries but I am being educated at the same time which is an excellent prevention and recovery tool.

I have had 3 sessions with Liam and I can honesty say that I am on the road to recovery. I am back in the gym on a restricted regime and I can get through my 14-hour shifts at work a lot easier now a lot more pain free.

I would thoroughly recommend Liam to anyone who has any aches, pains, niggles or injuries.

5* service - thanks Liam!


I came to Liam about 4 months ago with problems in my lower back, shoulders, and neck, which were affecting both my professional life and training in the gym. After a brief assessment, I was advised to have a block of massages to resolve the issues and relieve the pain.

Liam is highly professional - he immediately identified a number of issues and thoroughly explained what they were and the process he would use to resolve them. I am now on my fifth massage, I am pain free, and I feel that Liam has provided me with the knowledge to keep the issues at bay.

I am continuing to have massages with Liam each month, and I would highly recommend anyone to invest in treatments with Liam.


Have been suffering for a few weeks now with injury, visited Liam and after an hour with him feel great. Not only has he helped my injury, but given me an explanation into the cause of it. His knowledge and enthusiasm are amazing, he Ioves what he does and that shows in the treatment you get. Most definitely would recommend and I'll be using him more regularly now not just for injury but body management. Thanks Liam


Had a Shoulder injury for a number of years, 2 visits to liam and treatment he sorted it right out. Got brilliant knowledge and also explained ways to stop it reoccurring highly recommend


Can not describe how brilliant this guy is!

Totally professional, knows exactly what he is doing, felt incredibly comfortable with him straight away and every time I step out of one of our sessions I feel like a new woman in a new body.

I can already feel my lifts improving after only 2 sessions and the price is incredibly affordable considering the fact that I walked in on my first session hobbled by a trapped nerve in my back, and now IвҖҷm back to cartwheeling around the gym like a lunatic.

Back in every 4 weeks indefinitely - lifetime customer made right here пҝҪ


Being 55 years old I always thought that all my aches and pains went with the territory. How wrong was I? A few months ago after being recommended by my son I made an appointment to see Liam at Elite performance. Liam listened to me moaning and groaning for a while and set about trying to straighten me out. After a few sessions I can honestly say this is the best money I have spent in long time. Liam also gave me some simple exercises to do each day in between sessions which I feel have speeded up my recovery. I am now able to train legs again which I thought would never happen. So any older dudes out there who`s driving their Mrs. mad with their constant moaning, get round to see Liam, you wont regret it. Thanks Liam. Carl.


Been seeing Liam for over 2 years now . ItвҖҷs been game changer for my triathlon . Keeping me injury and healthy week in week out . By far best physio IV seen by a long way .


As a regular client of Liam at Elite performance I booked in with him yesterday for a full body treatment. The condition of my body/muscle, flexibility and posture has improved massively since working with him. He has also helped me in avoiding injury whilst training and went the extra mile late last night to take me through some exercises to get the best out of them. His knowledge the overall service is the best in the area, regardless of your sporting interest. Big thumbs up to Liam!


As a professional golfer, I have been seeing Liam for 3 years now and the difference in my golf game is massive.

I now wake up with no aches and pains, which entitles me to swing freely.

I highly recommend Liam and Elite Performance due to his experience and knowledge in his field of work!


Amazing service, super knowledgeable and very educational. Liam took the time to educate me on so much, how things work, why things move the way they do and helped me to understand the problems I was having. Really outstanding service. He went above and beyond what I was expecting. On top of this, he worked wonders on my lower back, glutes and hamstrings. I left thanking that I have finally found someone who knows what they are doing. Even though I live in a totally different city. It is worth the 50 minute motorway drive. You will be seeing me again shortly. Thank you :) пҝҪпҝҪпҝҪпҝҪпҝҪпҝҪ


Went to Liam with my back in agony and after 3 sessions it is so much better! He talks you through what he's doing so you understand how it's helping you and is very professional. Would recommend it to anyone that is suffering from injury or wanting to improve their performance!


Sometimes you just know when people have the passion for what they do and the skill to back it up. I told Liam my goals, and he helped me establish what was holding me back and begin on the journey of full recovery. Highly recommend to anyone serious about what they do!


So not only have I been coming to Liam for a while now regarding a reoccurring shoulder injury from a mix of weight sessions and my job, since my first session with Liam iv not had any injurys for 5months at least, but the biggest praise has got todo with my wrist with being a hairdresser with Arthritis mainly in my wrist the swelling gets very painful, tho yesterday Liam had a go over my forearm, wrist and hand and today after a long day in the salon it's barely hurt at all, it's been amazing compared to the last couple of weeks. Liam is so professional and so good at his job. So thanks again


So I've been training for 6 months and for the last couple reached a point where I could not feel the benefits. My chest wasn't firing right, my biceps and triceps where not getting any bigger and was generally aching in the wrong places and not feeling it. I booked in with Liam for a full chest, arm and leg massage. All I can say is WOW Liam sorted me out and a couple of day after I was training better and feeling better. I now have regular treatments with Liam and can really feel the benefits 5*. I cannot recommend Elite Performance enough.


Liam is very professional and passionate about what he does and helping his clients achieve their goals. From easing tight and aching muscles from training to preparing me for my first ultra marathon. Liam is a wealth of knowledge who is happy to share what he does outside of the clinic to keep his clients on top form!


Liam got me through my first ever marathon and I couldn't of done it without him! Full of knowledge, passion, and professionalism. If you are a serious participant in any sport and want to augment training with sports therapy, then I can honestly say Liam is the best I know.


LeamвҖҷs great , been going to him couple of years now . Keeps me in tip top shape n keeps me moving пҝҪпҝҪпҝҪ


I studied sports massage with Liam at Loughborough and immediatel go along well with from the very first class. Even before we started our learning pathways he displayed great knowledge and enthusiasm of human anatomy and performance optimisation. Liam always had a smile and his voice could be heard during every classs, he would talk to every class member the same freindly way.

So when my shoulder problem reoccured I thought I would contact Liam to have a look at what he could do to help me on my road to recovery. Despite him living an hour away I can safely say I made the right decision. Liam has developed himself into a great therapist and added so much extra know how. He made us feel very welcome, his treatment room was spotless. We had a quick chat about the injury and Liam did a few tests and felt the injured area before he started his treatment.

I can safelt say i was the best and most thorough massage I have had in the UK. I left Elite performance with much improved movement across the shoulder and I was back training as normal a week later. I performed the stretches he gave me and have noticed a big difference in the over all feeling of both shoulders.

I cannor recommend the Elite service enough. For anybody with a performance or work related injury he would be my first port of call! I will be visiting him regularly for maintainance.

Thanks Liam


I had been struggling with a strain in my left bicep for the last 4-5 months and I eventually booked an appointment with Liam after a friend recommended him.

Having had physio in the past I didnвҖҷt really hold out much hope in getting my arm back to full strength but I was pleasantly surprised. After the first session there was a noticeable difference and after the second session the issue was more or less cured. Liam has now started treating a long standing back problem and I am looking forward to getting back to full strength.

I canвҖҷt recommend Liam enough, he is a true professional and a genuinely nice guy.

His knowledge about the human anatomy is excellent and I felt assured that he knew exactly what he was doing throughout my treatment. Even after my treatment I will be returning for some maintenance on my lower back. Thanks Liam!


I came to see Liam 3 weeks ago with a sore lower back which stopped my training in the gym and was restricting me at work.

Liam has been a friend for over 5 years but he carries out his work very professionally! What I like most about being treated by Liam is that he makes you feel comfortable from the first minute. Liam explains in detail everything he is doing to you in a methodical and non-patronising manner. I am not only being treated for my injuries but I am being educated at the same time which is an excellent prevention and recovery tool.

I have had 3 sessions with Liam and I can honesty say that I am on the road to recovery. I am back in the gym on a restricted regime and I can get through my 14-hour shifts at work a lot easier now a lot more pain free.

I would thoroughly recommend Liam to anyone who has any aches, pains, niggles or injuries.

5* service - thanks Liam!


I came to Liam about 4 months ago with problems in my lower back, shoulders, and neck, which were affecting both my professional life and training in the gym. After a brief assessment, I was advised to have a block of massages to resolve the issues and relieve the pain.

Liam is highly professional - he immediately identified a number of issues and thoroughly explained what they were and the process he would use to resolve them. I am now on my fifth massage, I am pain free, and I feel that Liam has provided me with the knowledge to keep the issues at bay.

I am continuing to have massages with Liam each month, and I would highly recommend anyone to invest in treatments with Liam.


Have been suffering for a few weeks now with injury, visited Liam and after an hour with him feel great. Not only has he helped my injury, but given me an explanation into the cause of it. His knowledge and enthusiasm are amazing, he Ioves what he does and that shows in the treatment you get. Most definitely would recommend and I'll be using him more regularly now not just for injury but body management. Thanks Liam


Had a Shoulder injury for a number of years, 2 visits to liam and treatment he sorted it right out. Got brilliant knowledge and also explained ways to stop it reoccurring highly recommend


Can not describe how brilliant this guy is!

Totally professional, knows exactly what he is doing, felt incredibly comfortable with him straight away and every time I step out of one of our sessions I feel like a new woman in a new body.

I can already feel my lifts improving after only 2 sessions and the price is incredibly affordable considering the fact that I walked in on my first session hobbled by a trapped nerve in my back, and now IвҖҷm back to cartwheeling around the gym like a lunatic.

Back in every 4 weeks indefinitely - lifetime customer made right here пҝҪ


Being 55 years old I always thought that all my aches and pains went with the territory. How wrong was I? A few months ago after being recommended by my son I made an appointment to see Liam at Elite performance. Liam listened to me moaning and groaning for a while and set about trying to straighten me out. After a few sessions I can honestly say this is the best money I have spent in long time. Liam also gave me some simple exercises to do each day in between sessions which I feel have speeded up my recovery. I am now able to train legs again which I thought would never happen. So any older dudes out there who`s driving their Mrs. mad with their constant moaning, get round to see Liam, you wont regret it. Thanks Liam. Carl.


Been seeing Liam for over 2 years now . ItвҖҷs been game changer for my triathlon . Keeping me injury and healthy week in week out . By far best physio IV seen by a long way .


As a regular client of Liam at Elite performance I booked in with him yesterday for a full body treatment. The condition of my body/muscle, flexibility and posture has improved massively since working with him. He has also helped me in avoiding injury whilst training and went the extra mile late last night to take me through some exercises to get the best out of them. His knowledge the overall service is the best in the area, regardless of your sporting interest. Big thumbs up to Liam!


As a professional golfer, I have been seeing Liam for 3 years now and the difference in my golf game is massive.

I now wake up with no aches and pains, which entitles me to swing freely.

I highly recommend Liam and Elite Performance due to his experience and knowledge in his field of work!


Amazing service, super knowledgeable and very educational. Liam took the time to educate me on so much, how things work, why things move the way they do and helped me to understand the problems I was having. Really outstanding service. He went above and beyond what I was expecting. On top of this, he worked wonders on my lower back, glutes and hamstrings. I left thanking that I have finally found someone who knows what they are doing. Even though I live in a totally different city. It is worth the 50 minute motorway drive. You will be seeing me again shortly. Thank you :) пҝҪпҝҪпҝҪпҝҪпҝҪпҝҪ

More about Elite Performance Sports Therapy & Pain Relief Clinic

Elite Performance Sports Therapy & Pain Relief Clinic is located at Unit 4 Oxford Street, De14 3pg Burton upon Trent