Fit Pharm Sports Nutrition- Personal Training Liverpool

About Fit Pharm Sports Nutrition- Personal Training Liverpool

Fitpharm is a personal training facility which runs PT Courses and body transformation training camps!

No games. Just Results



so its week 5 of 8 weeks to shred for my online client Lisa Birchall
Look how amazing she has done so far.
... We have educated lisa on her nutrition and shes been consistent with the home workouts ive set her for the last 5 weeks!
Shes feeling better than ever and now in full control!
One thing i love about doing body transformations is taking a client from being stuck and frustrated for a long time to massive results in a short period of time!
Very proud of your efforts lisa, we dont stop!!!
If you want to train with me online like lisa is doing and strip 15lbs in the next 5 weeks as she has
Simply comment below
Im in!
Ill send you all the details, we only take on 15 clients max and the last 2 intakes have filled straight away.
It really doesnt matter where i train you from and how i train you, what matters is you want results and ill get them for you if you are willing to do what is asked of you.
Dont miss out on another intake!!!!
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@just_loubie and @aestheticallyperfectuk
Finishing off my 16 hour shift with some controlled core and glute work tonight.
We are now taking on ladies for our personal training course
... Drop me a direct message we got x 5 slots to fillπŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈπŸ‘πŸ’ͺ
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LETS Give the selfie queen herself a big round of applause my dudes
Look how amazing her Transformation is!!!
Is it even the same person ?
... I know she will kill me for tagging her but fuck it @amyfagan_nails_ hahaha no games lad.
Amy started at Fit Pharm Sports Nutrition- Personal Training liverpool When i first ever launched the training camps in the first version of fitpharm gym and has been part of it all ever since .
She has really changed her lifestyle over the last few years and been on a mission to better herself since ive known her.
Always a friendly face and good character in the gym From day 1 to even now she still loves a wee moan dont ya mate? Haha and blags the odd rep here and there thinking i wont get onto it But overall she genuinly works her ass off and leads by example in the gym and always has done so i hold her to that level of expectation. She needs told!!! But she knows that.
Thats another great thing about fitpharm theres members who have been there now for years and really know whats expected of them, they get there head down and work when its time to work
Its infectious that shit, working for a partner or team mate will get so much more out of you than you could on your own from yourself I see it all the time! I test them with different challenges every session, they never know whats coming and they work as a team to get through it and complete the whiteboard.
By Challenging each other to better themselves and motivating each other when it gets tough they really get the best out of each other in that short period of time
its priceless
Walk in in a shit mood, moaning about the weather and the cold - amy fagan
Walk out selfies and high fives on cloud nine- amy fagan
If yer ever looking for amy to give her a high five for smashing life and taking back control of her health and fitness Youll find her either 5:55 pm at the back mirror in fitpharm taking selfies or 6:59pm same place same action haha
Lets go amy lad time to take it up a notch for this summers body innit!!!! β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” Ladies out there if your reading this and inspired by amys transformation
Then do what amy done
Apply for the 6 week challenge in our bio @ Fit Pharm Sports Nutrition- Personal Training liverpool
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Who do you have coaching you?
Ive had a online business coach when i was learning to become an online personal trainer.
... I now have a marketing coach helping me with business models and structuring our promotions to grow @fitpharmuk
I hire these people because they are experts in their fieild and they give me very precise specific daily instructions to inplement so i can fast forward to where i am going.
My online coach cost me Β£2000
My marketing team Β£8000
Spenny right??
Not at all because i need the service in which they provide
I see the value in it
And it gets me the results i want guarenteed!
I constantly invest in me and my business to progress myself and my business!
So again, who do you have coaching you?
Teaching you technique to make sure you are doing things properly and getting better each time progressing?
Educating you on training and nutrition so they co incide and take you towards your goal so there is no guesswork?
Are you just going to classes and doing it all wrong without anyone correcting you to the point its right?
Anyone accessing your eating and habits at daily check ins so you are accountable for your actions and on point daily?
Are you getting the results you want?
Then i would advise you to hire a coach, not just a pt because its chesp and you think β€œi got a pt im golden” but a coach who covers every base to transform your life and gets you shit hot results!
I tried the online coaching on my own but i was all over the place seeing no results.
I tried marketing and promos but no real return
Soon as i invested in these areas i seen the results instantly!
Thats the difference.
Pay them for the RESULTS their service provides not to take up their time per hour!
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If there is one thing i love its a client whos committed to the end goal
A client who is willing to put in the time and effort to get to where they need to go!
@domapple92 had 10 weeks for me to get her in shape before she was off on her travels to Australia.
... She started as most people do from scratch.
The great thing about her over the last 10 weeks is she walked to the gym most days for her training.
Her goal was Fatloss and building, shaping her lean muscle.
So by her walking and getting her non exercise activity thermogenesis up a little she has gradually leaned out over the 10 weeks as she progressed with her resistance training @fitpharmuk
Ive watched her confidence grow in her training and watched her body gradually change over the weeks!
@domapple92 Was a pleasure to train always chirpy and willing to have a good go to get to her goal!
Might even keep her as an online client once shes settled abroad!
Surfs up lad!!! No Games......
β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- Click the link in our bio to work with @fitpharmuk. Fill out our application form to come into a consultation, meet me, see the gym and see if you are a good fit for my summer body transformation course FIT-N-6 😊πŸ’ͺπŸ‘ŠπŸ™Œ
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πŸ”·Day 1/ week 1/6πŸ”·
1- RDL 3 x 10... 2- B. Squat/ o.h.squat ( s.b) 3 x 10 3-front/ b.squat 3 x10 4- glute bridge 3 x10 5- rotate shoulder press 3 x 10 6- bicep curls 3 x 10
Run -1.6 mile for time.
Its good to be moving again 😊
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Our brand new Body Transformation course for this summer gets up and running this wednesday the 1st of May!
@fitpharmuk will become a Results making Machine!
THE things i have in the pipeline will change everything!
Ba ba boushaas
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Well done Sara Drury completing her lean project today
Wow has she came along way from the person who walked in the door a couple months ago
... She started from scratch but i could see real potential in her
Think she thought i was a bit tough on her in the beginning haha
But i want the best for you and out of you, thats my job not to let you settle for mediocre.
I have watched her really progress in her training to the point she went from thinking it was hard, to handling it to loving it.
You can see now she enjoys it as shes so much fitter, stronger, mobile and overall seems happier and chirpier in herself
her technique and form has really improved week on week at our lean class.
She knows she hasnt been perfect with her nutrition or 100% on her programming
But it really doesnt have to be, you got to live your life and learn how to manage your nutrition, training, social life etc so its sustainable for the longterm.
Everyday we learn from our actions or lack of.
Im proud of you sara as i know where you came in at and how hard you have worked to be where your at right now!
Keep swimming!
If like sara you need help with accountability and help with nutrition or training please click the link in the bio to apply to fitpharm and come into our consultations to see if we are a good fit for you to do one of our body transformation courses to membership!
No Games.Just Results! @ Fit Pharm Sports Nutrition- Personal Training liverpool
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I have been many versions of myself over the last few years through trialing different methods of manipulating my body composition to see what works best for me and what results i could get out of certain periods of time!
I have done 20 week cut
11 week cut
... 4 week fatloss challenges
And learned from every single one. What to do, what not to do, what works well for me and what doesnt.
Ive started shit and fucked it off because i couldnt be arsed.
I have got to be in the mindset, soon as it clicks im in. But theres been nothing really motivating me to get in top condition so just been plodding along eating what i want training here and there and focusing on building my business and doing work to my house!
Alot of things are about to change at fitpharm as ive been hard at it behind the scenes developing my new business model and courses that will change the way its ran and the results that come out of it! So here i an again at the beginning.
Im about to embark on another body transformation, it will initially be a 6 week program to promote my new 6 week body transformation challenge @fitpharmuk to lose 18lbs or 6% bodyfat.
Its the best program i have ever created. Its all my years of work, study, experience trial and error on myself and clients rolled up into the best possible package to transform your body in the initial 6 weeks.
Recently all ive done is eat for convenience with no care about deficits or macros etc. Ive been a sugar monster for as long as i can remember and recently been injured so this has came at a good time.
I usually work best under pressure. So i have written out my program and plan, tailored my nutrition and have set landmarks to hit along the way.
It will all be documented daily in my online coaching group and i will be filming every workout for my online program aswell as my food preps etc.
Im sitting at 12.1 stone at the moment thats heavy for me.
ButIts not where you are thats important dudes.
Its about are you willing and happy to stay there?
Im after x10 men and woman to do the 6 week challenge with me and transform themselves in 6 weeks then onto fitpharm membership!
Its go time again dudes!
Watch this space!
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πŸ”·Do you want to be at a place where You are just finally happy within yourself again?
Ive been there in my life, ultimate lows struggled with my weight for years but really struggled with my lifestyle and my health, like on deaths door literally thought i was dying.
πŸ”·Have you been dealing with some issues and struggles in your life that result in you being an emotional eater or comfort eater and binge eating on a regular basis?
...Continue Reading


@whenharrymetsalad πŸ‘


Using a GIF.


Any females on our facebook that just need help losing afew Β£ssss

More about Fit Pharm Sports Nutrition- Personal Training Liverpool

Fit Pharm Sports Nutrition- Personal Training Liverpool is located at 14 highgrove business park, l33 7se Kirkby