
About Fit6

Human movement patterns, health & fitness



Risk Vs Reward
When choosing exercises for your clients in the gym do you ever weigh up the risk vs the reward?
What does this even mean?... Well for starters understanding the purpose (The WHY) behind what exercise you select is paramount. For example you know that trainer that is always getting their client to deadlift a 1 rep max in order to post a brag pic for the gram? They are probably not making the best choice of exercise for 90% of their clientele. However, for the majority of people who are focusing on living a longer pain free life having them perform a single leg deadlift might be a better exercise selection? Both are hinge patterns and both have high rewards, but the risk to injury element is totally different, and we have to make a decision as to whether or not that testing someone’s 1RM deadlift is really worth that risk? — Obviously this applies to all movement patterns (squat, push, pull, lunge and rotation), not just the hinge. Having a sound, progressive system of exercise selection is beneficial, as well as a fundamental comprehensive client assessment in order to program for your clients specific needs, rather than following the same generic pattern for everyone. If your client is new to exercise and has a lower skill level, or your client has an injury then lower risk exercises are a far better choice. However if your client has plenty of training experience and a high skill level then sure push the boundaries 👍👊👌 — To summarise, exercise selection should be chosen based on the clients purpose, with a view to protect (reduce RISK) the client and to progress (REWARD) them as quickly as possible. —
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Does your training session serve a purpose? Or does it just leave you in a heap, a puddle of sweat surrounding your limbs which you can barely peel from the floor......because you have just had a ‘great training session’. — If your purpose is just to get beasted and feel battered every training session in some quest to become fitter then fine! —... But, what if there is more to being run ragged within an inch of your life in the gym? What if you trained to make your body stronger and more resilient? What if you improved the way your body moved and you felt more mobile? What if your focus was more about long term health rather than short term aesthetics? — The gym should be an environment to build you up, not break you down. — ‘Train intentionally not habitually’ Naudi Aguilar
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Check out Fit6 Michael’s amazing transformation with just one week training with us! — WELL DONE MICHAEL!!... — If you want to undergo a transformation like this in just one week of our belly busting diet and training plan then go to and speak to our nutrition coach @coachlew_fit6 to sign up. — Not only do u loose the belly you will gain some hair, exclusively with our testosterone enhancing supplements. — Don’t delay buy today! #weightloss #looseweight #gainhair #
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Explaining to a client earlier how to avoid injury...... — Strength trumps endurance, aerobic conditioning, hypertrophy. — Good quality movement trumps strength.... — You can’t build a house on shit foundations — Let’s break the training/injury cycle before it breaks you!!
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Are you stuck in the training/injury/rehab cycle??
Want to know how to break it?
Here Pablo Busby is explaining the Fit6 Pyramid.
... If you want to know more or fed up of being in that cycle feel free to contact myself or Dan.
Posted @withrepost • @paulbusbymartialarts FULL VIDEO ON MY IGTV
Are you stuck in the loop of getting injured, coming back to sport, then getting injured again? Fit6 were the guys that presented this idea to me, and how to break the cycle of constantly getting injured and rehabbing, rather than enjoying the sport or activity you actually want to do.
There’s SO much depth here, but I’ve only got 90 seconds - I’ll do my best just to get the concept across.
Train smarter NOT harder.
Thanks to the Fit6 coaches: @bencauser_fit6 @danjproctor_fit6 @coachlew_fit6 They are amongst the best in the business. 🤙🏻
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Working with @bearphils one of the coaches @genesisgym_marlow — Phil had been complaining of lower back ache that just didn’t seem to shift, no matter how much stretching, foam rolling and sports massage he had. Rather than treat the symptom, I went after the fascia around a scar he had after an operation on his lung. Low and behold, it was all jacked up causing his posterior oblique sling to be outta whack. Hence the lower back ache he had on the opposite side ;-) — Just lov...e solving puzzles, but knowing that pain has a hierarchy, everything is connected and thinking a little out of the box always helps :-) — Cheers for the shout out mate! — Posted @withrepost • @bearphils Great session at Fit6 with @bencauser_fit6 keeping me fresh and injury free for competitions and teaching! Wouldn't trust anyone else, these guys really know there stuff.
#rehab #prehab #injury #injuryfree #body #health #training #progress
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Pics taken from last Saturday’s class @genesisgym_marlow courtesy of my pal @jacksonkickboxing Full mount, to scarf hold then straight arm bar submission — Thanks @chriscleere For a great class! — #bjj #jujitsu #mma #martialarts #training #gi #nogi #bulletproofyourbody #fit6


Pain is a symptom it’s rarely the cause of your problem. — You have had a dull achey pain for sometime now, and every time you foam roll it, go for a massage, or have even seen a therapist who has released the tight area, but yet the issue still comes back! — It’s a common complaint we get from clients. If this is the case, chances are the problem is linked to something else. It could be an issue with another muscle not doing its job properly, or it maybe linked to a stabilit...y issue, so the tight tissue is protecting something. — You see, pain has a hierarchy, and if you are treating just the symptoms then you are basically putting a plaster over it! Pain generally starts with emotion (think stress, anxiety, anger) and then slowly trickles down into other systems:
And then eventually you feel it in your: MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM — I’ll go into more detail on my next post.
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The Fit6 Pyramid. — Notice how strength comes before everything else........notice how good quality movement is more important than strength. — Build the foundations first if you want to stop getting injured... — We all know someone who is in a perpetual cycle of training hard, then gets an injury, and then spends god knows how many weeks trying to rehab themselves or working around that particular injury. — It’s a hugely frustrating cycle to be in. Especially if you are dedicated to your training, or even aiming to achieving a specific goal. — The Fit6 Pyramid is a guide to help you to break that cycle. It aims to build you up, not break you down. This will enable you to build a strong and powerful foundation in which to achieve your goals in the long term. — Sure, you may have to regress to progress, and yes it will take more time.......but surely that’s a far better strategy than getting injured and rehabbing for the rest of your life? — @danjproctor_fit6 @strongmamma4 @coachlew_fit6 @paul_pidgeonfitness #fit6 #bulletproofyourbody #pt #fitfam #fitpro #personaltraining #sportstherapy #exercise #training #lifting #injury #rehab #pyramid #bodybuilding #instafit
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What’s more important when weight training....
A) Building muscle on a dysfunctional movement pattern Or B)Building muscle on a good quality movement pattern?
... If it’s part B, why are people in gyms all across the country still doing part A?
Surely as industry ‘experts’ we should be teaching people why building good quality movement on a powerful foundation is more important than purely just loading heavy?
Good quality movement before strength, strength before everything else!
‘You can’t fire a cannon from a canoe’ Paul Chek
Ps the picture I put on was to grab the attention of all those people that probably do option A. 🙂
Think longevity rather than vanity
Build yourself up........don’t break yourself down
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You’ve been training in the gym for sometime now, and have been following different training plans for a while, but have reached a plateau and can’t understand why?
It’s maybe because your Central Nervous system (CNS) is holding you back.
Everything we do is governed by our CNS. If our CNS feels won’t allow us to do certain things until it feels safe to do so.
... Imagine walking out onto a plank of wood that’s flat on the problem at all right??.....then imagine the same plank of wood 20 metres high.....all of a sudden we struggle to walk across it! That’s our CNS letting us know that if we do, there’s a chance we could fall and possibly die. The same thing applies to loading a barbell doing a squat for example. If your CNS doesn’t feel safe it won’t let you initiate the movement or you won’t reach full depth.
So how can we convince the CNS that you are safe to add more load? Well generally this is related to stability! Think about the plank of wood analogy....the difference between the 2 heights is stability.
So focus on developing stability: Do you do any strength work on the intrinsic core (diaphragm, pelvic floor, transversus abdominis and multifidus), or the remaining muscles of the deep core line?
The deep core line is a subsystem of muscles that are like the foundation of a house. Don’t train these and soon that house will come crumbling down
Ps the best place to strengthen these is on the floor.....think about the stages in which a baby develops and learns to move. The floor is our most stable environment 🙂
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80/20 rule?
Is that right? Or is it the 100% rule?
I often read about the magic formula is 80/20.
... That could be being good 80% of the time and being bad 20%. Or It could be 80% diet 20% exercise etc etc.
To me, it’s the 100% rule.
The 100% rule is called lifestyle. If you are training for aesthetics, performance, injury recovery or just to feel better there are so many other factors to consider than just 80/20.
Good quality Sleep, rest and recovery, good stress management strategies, your job, your recreation, social factors, fresh air, having fun and being happy, as well as diet and exercise should all be considered. Life is about balance that’s homeostasis. Everything in the human body is connected through systems.....lymphatic, CNS, endocrine, organs, and musculoskeletal. You can’t effect one without effecting the others.
#bulletproofyourbody #fit6
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We all know that exercise is proven to heal the body both mentally and physically. — But what if the exercise we are doing is actually poisoning our bodies? — Exercise should enhance your life not make it worse.... — Training should be designed to build you up, not break you down. — Exercise should be helping you to reach a goal, not effecting your progress. — It should be an enjoyable process, not a tedious task. — Sometimes more is less.
#bulletproofyourbody #fit6 #exercise #fitness #training #strength #mobility #stability #movement #pt #bodybuilding #personaltraining #sportstherapy #coach
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Strength underpins everything. It should be a part of your training no matter what activity you do.
For all you that use stretching as a way of reducing injuries, you may want to check this out too!
Posted @withrepost • @thestrengthcontinuum Good training shouldn’t hurt you, but can it be good enough to prevent you from getting hurt?... .. The short answer is no, it can’t. There are way too many things that go into getting injured - both acutely and chronically. .. The long answer, however, is that while it cannot necessarily prevent you from getting injured, it can likely minimize the potential or risk for you to get injured. .. So, what exactly is good training when you are looking to decrease injury risk? .. This meta-analysis from 2014 took a look at a variety of studies looking at different training programs and how they related to decreasing injury risk. .. The findings are pretty clear in showing that the narrative of stretching pre and/or post activity is needed to not get hurt aren’t really supported in the slightest. .. Call us a broken record, but strength training does a whole lot more for you than make you ‘big and bulky’. .. Stay tuned for later when we dive into more research on strength training to minimize injury risk. .. ng .. #strength #strengthtraining #sportsperformance #weights #agility #gym #workout #fitness #rehab #physio #crossfit #gym #muscle #injury
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Squat, Press and Deadlift Workshops. — You have been squatting, pressing and deadlifting for sometime now, you have put a lot of time and effort into your lifting, and you want to progress further. You have often wondered what the secret is to all those people who you see working out in the gym that are able to lift really heavy without ever injuring themselves. You feel inspired by these people and want to learn more. — You have read books and watched countless videos on soc...ial media, but just feel that having someone with you to guide you through the lifts would be far more helpful and you learn much better through practical experiences. You feel that having someone assess your lifting technique to make sure it is safe and effective would also be extremely beneficial. — As coaches of a combined 50+ years of experience in powerlifting, Olympic lifting, body building, strength training and sports injury rehab, Ben Causer of Fit6 and Jamie Chivers JC Fitness Coach and JC Nutrition are combining their knowledge and expertise to bring you this workshop in order to help you improve your lifting ability. — These workshops are for gym junkies keen to develop their strength and improve their technique , Personal Trainers who want to develop their knowledge in order to pass onto their clients, or athletes wanting to improve their performance and also reduce their risk of injury. — We will dissect in detail the squat, the bench press, the overhead press and the deadlift. You will learn how to create intra-abdominal pressure to increase stability, learn how to dial up and dial down tension to become more efficient and effective in your lifting, what the processes are for the set up and performing the lifts, how to overcome mobility issues in order to reduce the risk of injury while lifting, as well as improving your overall performance. — The Venue: The Gym Joint 3 Wessex Rd, Wooburn Green, Bourne End. SL8 5DT
Date: Saturday 16th March 11-3.30pm SQUAT & DEADLIFT
Sunday 17th March 9.30-2.30pm BENCH & OVERHEAD PRESS — Prices are: £225pp for both days. Or You can choose to attend either day for £125pp. — There are only 10 spaces available per workshop as we want to be able to help maximise each participants learning potential. — To book your space on the workshop click here: If you would like to attend both workshops and take advantage of the £25 discount for doing so, just enter LIFTHEAVY when you book Day 2 (the Press & Bench day).
Any questions please feel free to contact Ben ( Or Jamie ( Or Leave a message here and we’ll get back to you.
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Flexibility Vs Mobility
Flexibility and Mobility are often used interchangeably and have a very close relationship. — Flexibility refers to the ability of your soft tissue (muscles) to stretch. Mobility, on the other hand, is an umbrella term for the many elements that contribute to movement with full range of motion, including restricted muscle tissue, joints, the joint capsules, motor control, and your soft tissue.... — Therefore, Mobility is basically applied flexibility. You are using the new range of motion (flexibility), and are working towards developing strength in that new ROM of that movement pattern. — With regards to movement, especially trying to increase your flexibility, you must have a goal in mind with your practice where increasing flexibility will be beneficial. You don’t want to stretch just to be flexible. This will lead to a lack of control of your joints and actually increase your risk of injury. Think about becoming Flexible steel 🙂 — #bulletproofyourbody #fit6 #mobility #flexibilty
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Pain is the bodies request for change.
Jumping on the back of what Gareth Riddy Movement Therapist had mentioned in a post yesterday, and something that really resonates with what we do at Fit6.
He heard a quote off of a guy called Jean-Pierre De Villiers:
... He said "suffering is when someone is in pain & does nothing about it"
Pain can come about in many different forms. It can be physical or emotional.
Pain has a hierarchy, and it stems from emotion, and it effects the lymphatic, central nervous system, endocrine system, your organs and then generally we end up feeling it as musculoskeletal.
However, no matter what pain you are in, you shouldn’t suffer with it. Remember pain is your bodies request for change. It could be a lifestyle change, it could be to move more, it could be to not overtrain, it could be anything........there is a saying, ‘the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again to get the same response’.
Maybe it’s time to change and not suffer in pain anymore?
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More about Fit6

Fit6 is located at 97 Roberts Ride, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire