Fitter Nottingham

Monday: 06:00 - 23:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 23:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 23:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 23:00
Friday: 06:00 - 23:00
Saturday: 06:00 - 23:00
Sunday: -

About Fitter Nottingham

Innovative Individually Tailored Personal Training & Nutritional Guidance For Guaranteed results.
City Centre Based-Private Personal Training

Fitter Nottingham Description

New Private Personal Training Facility:
The Nottingham Park Clinic
36 Regent Street



CALM IS A SUPER POWER . . In our frantic world... what does that even mean?! .. we do the exercise, we eat the food.. well the ‚Äėcalm‚Äô is the feelings of being present in the moment and not in your mind(thinking of your never ending to do list!) .... I‚Äôm sure you have all heard of adrenaline before. This hormone and neurotransmitter has metabolic impacts, that influences nearly every tissue in our body and is important for regulating our heart rate, blood vessel and air passage diameters. However you may also most know about its role in the fight or flight response, i. e. What you would do if a lion appeared in front of you! But when you constantly experience situations that cause you to get into fight or flight mode (chronic stress), your adrenaline levels will be elevated. . . So consequently, what does that mean for your health? Research has shown that due to chronic stress, adrenaline levels are permanently elevated. . . If you are constantly feeling worked up/stressed (in the flight or flight mode) you will never experience the benefits of healthy digestion, repair, rest/recovery, alertness .. you will always be in a frenzied state, tired, moody, susceptible to injury and may also struggle to lower body fat/lose weight... . . If you find you often experience stressful situations ..become aware of your stress triggers and work on minimizing/avoiding them. Find your place of calm, physical and cognitive, and make it a routine to ‚Äėgo‚Äô there regularly! .. start to make a conscious effort each day to come away from everyday stresses that you have become accustomed to.. meditate, go for a walk to break up your day, journal.. (a little goes a long way). . . . I hope you all have had a great week.. and get to switch off and have some calm time & a lovely weekend.‚̧ԳŹ . . #calmisasuperpower #peace #mindfulness #fatloss #weightloss #goal #destress #adrenaline #health #fitness #healthtips #meditate #nottingham #selfempowerment #fitternottingham
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When working with clients with a fat loss/body composition goal- I look to consider many factors other than a calorie deficit alone. There is more to consider to ensure lasting results that includes working towards long term health overall. . . As it is FAT LOSS that we want NOT WEIGHT loss.. there are metabolic processes that we want to be working as efficient as possible. It is not always straight forward‚Ķ and ‚Äėeating less and moving more‚Äô‚Äô is not the only answer. .... . The answer to fat loss is never going to be to diet harder/restrict more and more calories and exercise more! . . If you are finding there is minimal progress even though you are eating nutrient dense foods, in a calorie deficit-and training/exercising appropriately there is likely to be a deeper reason you may not be dropping body fat. . . Some of the things to consider: . . 1. BLOOD SUGAR IMBALANCE - include good healthy fats and a good quality protein source with ALL meals to help maintain a balanced blood sugar. . . 2. HORMONES- imbalances in estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone can all contribute to fat gain(weight gain). . . 3. STRESS- high stress equals cortisol imbalances- which can lead to more fat gain, as opposed to fat loss. . . 4. THYROID- the thyroid helps to control so many processeses in the body one being to regulate your metabolism.. low thyroid function can cause a whole host of issues/symptoms. . . 5. GUT HEALTH- there are certain bacteria in your gut that helps to promote healthy weight/body composition and you can‚Äôt underestimate the importance of having a healthy gut when it comes to your body composition goals. . . So focus on being kind to your body- don‚Äôt try to diet harder, or become frustrated you feel your only option is the latest fat loss fad.. be more aware of present symptoms you may not have noticed before- by tuning into your body- most of all..don‚Äôt get so het up and fixated with the number on the scales! If you are really at your wits end and feel you need answers - consult/seek advice from your health practitioner. . . #health #nutrition #longtermhealth #bloodsugar #fatloss #bodycomposition #fitness #wellbeing #hormonalhealth #diet #nottingham #naturalmedicine
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A few things to put into perspective‚Ķ .. . . ‚Äė‚ÄôIf I only had more ___ (time/money).. I‚Äôd be happier‚Äô‚Äô ... This is a trap! Don‚Äôt fall into it!.. .. .
Learn to appreciate what you have (gratitude)‚Ķ understand that obtaining more from the external world really won‚Äôt heal what is going on inside- as MORE really doesnt equate to happiness. . fixing whats within does. .. . When people or circumstances in your life are not bringing you PEACE - its times to close those chapters - and don‚Äôt waste anymore of your energy. There is a clear message here..exit the mental roundabout ASAP! .. . DON‚ÄôT GIVE UP OR Don‚Äôt NEVER START TRYING‚Ķ 2020 will be here in just over 6 months time!! ūüė≥keep waiting for something to happen and you will lose sight of 1. What you have right now 2. Opportunities that may be silently knocking STOP wasting time and dawdling from one month to the next‚Ķ I can honestly tell you that time is flying by quicker than ever,, .. and there is no time like the present! . . . #perspective #deep #mindset #positivity #doyou #empowerment #selfempowerment #health #fitness #thejourney #trusttheprocess
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‚ÄúSometimes the progress you have made is not so obvious until you look back at where you started!‚ÄĚ . . Kat has been working with me for 4 months- she has had a holiday in that time, had weekends away with her partner and various social events with friends- she‚Äôs young and likes to get out and socialise. .... Of-course the journey has not always been easy.. she is a grafter and puts the hard work in. Like many was completely new to weight training and following a gym programme.. however her consistency outside of these social events has been paramount... keeping her nutrient dense foods in, water intake, keeping a check on her daily step count and getting adequate amounts of sleep/rest - balance ūüĎĆūüŹĺ.. The journey continues.. . . My job is awesome! I love to help people feel more confident, healthier and overall to top it off ..enjoy getting this type of response when I show them their results ūüėÜ... it makes me so happy. (swipe>) . . If you are trying to get in shape.. and tired of not making progress.. get in touch and let me give you the guidance and support you may need on your journey ‚̧ԳŹūüí• . . . . #health #fitness #fatloss #bodycomposition #goals #training #nutrition #motivation #inspiration #nottingham #personaltrainingnottingham #fitternottingham #lovemyjob @ Nottingham, United Kingdom
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When growing up did you ever have a dog? Whether you did or not, the rules for keeping it healthy and it‚Äôs tail wagging were common sense. . ‚úÖFeed it a protein rich diet- no breads or cakes! .... ‚úÖGive it plenty of water- no fizzy pop or beer!ūüėŹ . ‚úÖAnd take it on plenty of walks and runs. . If you didn‚Äôt have the time to walk your pooch, you would feel really guilty.. and then would probably give it away to someone who could. After all fat dogs beget overweight owners. What I‚Äôm getting at is your body is a lot like your dogs- feed it well, water it and make sure it gets plenty of exercise... but for life long health you don‚Äôt need to ‚Äúwork like a dog‚ÄĚ .. you just need to be clever and keep a check on yourself by implementing ways YOU can keep active and day to day have a balanced healthy lifestyle. ‚̧ԳŹ . . Need help with the best strategies for keeping fit, healthy and lowering body fat? Drop me a PM .. ūüėä . . @willow__thefrenchie . . . . . #health #fitness #exercise #nutrition #diet #fatloss #weightloss #nottingham #active #fitnessmotivation #lifestyle #dogsofinstagram #frenchiesofinstagram #instadog
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Whilst you are probably fixated with: . ‚ÄĘThe perfect gym programme . ‚ÄĘGetting lean/fat loss/weighing less... . ‚ÄĘBeing in a calorie deficit
You NEED to be focussed on: . ‚ÄĘGetting optimal sleep . ‚ÄĘEating enough vegetables/plant based foods . ‚ÄĘBeing active outside the gym . . The basics of looking good, feeling good, & performing better include getting enough of the following- Sleep, Protein, Fibre, Hydration, Micronutrients and Neat on a daily basis. Let me explain.. . ‚ÄĘSLEEP- You need to sleep 8 hours min a night, be a grown up and get to bed earlier!.. nutrition and exercise means nothing if you don‚Äôt get enough rest! SERIOUSLY! Lack of it impacts your health & results. . . ‚ÄĘPROTEIN- amounts will vary from person to person - nearly everything in the body requires protein - & its a necessity for building muscle and for body composition- eat protein in every meal! . . ‚ÄĘFIBRE- Vital for proper digestion- examples to include are: fibrous veggies (I.e. broccoli, cabbage) avocados, pulses, berries.. all great easy sources. . . ‚ÄĘHYDRATION- don‚Äôt be an idiot and just drink sugary or caffeinated drinks all day- water is one of the most important nutrients required for so many processes in the body.. aim for 2-3 litres a day.. don‚Äôt like plain water? add a slice of lemon or lime. . . ‚ÄĘEAT YOUR VEGGIES- protein/fat/carbs are important but getting a sufficient amount of micronutrients in your meals is importanter!ūüėí (Think Vitamins,minerals, antioxidantsūüĎĆūüŹĹ) 8-10 portions a day. . . ‚ÄĘNEAT- aka daily step count- have you ever tracked it before? Hitting the gym for an hours session is fab however if you‚Äôre sat on your botty for the rest of the day then you need to be moving some more- aim for a min of 7500-10000 per day. Our bodies need movement- movement equals health! Lack of movement means poor circulation/blood flow- which will also mean poor nutrient availability to our tissues.
Start to focus on the bigger picture & above all health. Rant over..ūüėÜ Any questions on the above please comment below.. ‚̧ԳŹ . . . #health #fitness #healthtips #fatloss #results #goal #selfempowerment #nottingham #sleep #nutrition #diet #weightloss #healthiskey
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This is what setting a New Year goal... & sticking to the plan looks like... . Consistency! . . .... Malc came to me with the goal to be able to fit in his old designer jeans and suits.. above all improve his HEALTH and feel better about himself... it was his surprise 50th Birthday Party at the weekend (right photo) and he was more than ready and looking fantastic!ūüėćūüĎĆūüŹĺ . . Well done Malc ūü§úūüŹĹ the journey continues .. . . Whatever your personal goal is.. make a plan and stick to it ‚ú® . . . #realresults #goals #progress #health #fitness #fitternottingham #fatloss #selfempowerment #makingadifference #nottingham #personaltrainer #theparknottingham
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‚ėÄÔłŹCurrent situation ... after the biggest lie in I have had in a long time (8.40am- so needed) soaking up some rays with @willow__thefrenchie .. . Going over all my notes from the last 3 days of intense learning with @musclenerds_health, spent with so many likeminded coaches and trainers..ūüĎĆūüŹĹūüďö . .... It has to be one of the best bank holidays I have had, gutted it came to an end- but all I can say is it has left me with a hunger and drive to keep learning more and more. . . The course covered the physiological effects of stress on the body and how this can impact health and achieving any physical results within training.. . We explored thyroid physiology, insulin, digestion absorption and assimilation, covering bioenergetics and how food we eat is broken down and how energy is utilised from our cells- the importance of understanding and knowing this information in order to apply it and help improve our clients health and not just achieving aesthetic results.. which is paramount to me and the make up of Fitter Nottingham when working with all clients. . . My brain ūü߆ is completely fried- from soaking up some invaluable content and information. . . investing in myself so I have the ability to help so many more people - the biggest and main reason why I entered the industry. . . Thank you so much @musclenerds_health @lukeleaman @shaneolearyfitness for such amazing value ...Catch up with you guys again soon ‚̧ԳŹūüĎĆūüŹĺūü§úūüŹĺ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #health #fitness #training #education #stress #digestion #energy #physicalhealth #wellbeing #nutrition #hormonalhealth #mitochondria #nottingham #fitternottingham #musclenerds
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Hey all! Apologies for the recent lack of posts - it has been an incredibly busy time juggling ūü§Į. I have not long reached London for a full 3 days of learning with @musclenerds_health ...really looking forward to obtaining some valuable mind blowing information to come away and use to continue to help my clients achieve better results! . . . ‚ÄúSeek first to understand.. then be understood‚ÄĚ .... .
Hope you all have a great bank holiday weekend ‚̧ԳŹ‚ėÄÔłŹūüĎĆūüŹĹ . . . . #learning #neverstoplearning #musclenerds #education #health #fitness #fitness #fatloss #bodycomposition #nottingham #nutrition #digestion #bioenergetics #training
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Switching up my training today with this kettle bell flow... tough - and got my heart racing for sure.. . . Majority of my training is strength based.. however I like to keep it varied too..challenging myself with different modes of exercise and disciplines of training.. in-which I love. I‚Äôve always enjoyed training that involved using explosive power..sprinting, martial arts/kick boxing it‚Äôs what most of my early years of training consisted of. . So I will always fall back i...nto it again and again and for as long as my body allows me to of-course. . . Remember exercise should involve things you enjoy too.. exercise is different for what everyone prefers.. Weights, Aerobics, Yoga, Pilates, dance- it‚Äôs all movement and if it‚Äôs getting you off that sofa then ūüĎćūüŹĹ . . Keep smashing it and doing your thing all! ūüėė‚̧ԳŹ . . . . . . #health #fitness #training #strength #power #endurance #goals #kettlebell #fitat40 #selfempowerment #traininginspo #motivation #ladieswholift #strongwomen #nottingham
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Serious Post PLEASE READ ladies... .. . Funny? not a joke really.. ūü§Ē I‚Äôm yet to meet a motivated career driven woman who isn‚Äôt struggling with her health. ūüė© .... . The pressure that you must do it all.. be super mums, entrepreneurs, business women... don‚Äôt complain... just get on with it and look professional.. hold it together sister!ūüôą Too often I see- women who are balancing success and responsibilities of home life PLUS you‚Äôve got to look good and fit in right!?ūüφūüĎóūüíÖūüŹĺ....this pressure can be so overwhelming! . . Then what do we have -stress overload, hormonal imbalances, anxiety etc... leading to health complications, auto immune diseases, PCOS, endometriosis, IBS and so much more... . . . So ladies My advice: . . ‚úÖEat a healthy balanced diet full of nutrient dense Whole Foods! Protein, Good Fats, carbs.. including plenty of veggies. .fuel yourself right. . ‚úÖMake time for yourself - mindfulness is so powerful, I‚Äôm a huge huge fan of meditation and yoga. Switch off! . . ‚úÖDon‚Äôt feel Ike you must do it all! It‚Äôs ok to say ‚Äúno‚ÄĚ. Or if needs must focus on the most important and work your way back- or delegate what you can. . . ‚úÖIf it won‚Äôt matter in 5 years time then don‚Äôt let it bother you! Don‚Äôt allow anything with little importance take up too much of your energy. The less energy you use on the minor things the more energy you‚Äôll have for the bigger and most important decisions/things. . . ūüí•Take care of you ‚̧ԳŹūüėė‚̧ԳŹ . . #health #fitness #professionals #businesswomen #entrepreneurs #strongwomen #womenrock #selfempowerment #mindfulness #mentalhealth #supermums #womenshealth #hormonalhealth #stress #autoimmune #nottingham
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How do you warm up before a training session? .. . Movement through as many planes of motion as possible is key. The Aim is to move all joints through their full R.O.M. .. Not to say everybody should be doing these movements but it is a great way to begin your sessions & more effective to warm up instead of using a piece of cardio kit.......Increase blood flow, your heart rate not to mention recruitment from your trunk/core and glutes. Also actively stretching through hips a...nd hamstrings. .. . Perform drill 4-6 sets .. hold for 1-3 seconds at each stageūüôĆūüŹĹ‚̧ԳŹ (Clip speeds up slightly so not in real time‚ėļÔłŹ). .. . A few CUES: Start with feet hip width apart, keep your core engaged throughout. When you get to plank position ensure your wrists are directly under shoulders (protract to stabilise shoulders). Chin tucked. Keep a neutral spine ..From bear crawl position to bridge head and eyes follow driving hips up (posterior tilt to keep glutes fired) becareful of your lumbar here.(lower back) .. .. #shouldermobility #hipmobility #core #glutes #dynamicstretch #mobilitydrill #flexibility #warmup #trainingtips #fitspo #fitfam #training #strengthtraining #nottingham #health #fitness
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Super proud of what this lady has achieved so far and in such a short time...ūüôĆūüŹĺ Her journey began with me just under 3 months we have the progress photos of around 9 weeks apart. . She was completely new to training, working long hours in a typical office type role, merely surviving on caffeine to get through the day with zero food substance... ūüė©..but consuming majority of calories of an evening. . But Since her lifestyle change -she is eating more nutrient dense f...oods (frequently throughout the day) and feeling better than ever! Her skin is glowing, she is fitter, and as a whole feeling like a stronger healthier person inside and out.ūüŹÜ . I AM so happy as she is beaming with confidence, and feeling motivated to keep on with her health and fitness journey/lifestyle ... and that is all I am interested in‚̧ԳŹūüôŹūüŹĺnot the weight loss, not the number on the scales... the progress that can also instil positive LASTING changes- that is a result. . . . What this also shows is what is achievable - when you put your efforts in and stay consistent. . . If you do one thing today -please show this fab client of mine some love to boost her confidence some more ūüĎŹūüŹĺ . . . . . . . . . . . . . #nottingham #progress #results #hardworkpaysoff #consistency #fitnessmotivation #strongwomen #healthier #positivechanges #lifestyle #goals #fatloss #selfempowerment #motivation #iamsoproud #happy #confidence @ Nottingham, United Kingdom
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Morning read ūü§ďūüĎĆūüŹĺ‚ėÄÔłŹ . . . Sunshine - Peace- and a good read perfect Sunday morning ‚ėēÔłŹūüėć... . . . . . . . #sundays #relax #bookwormproblems #love #peace #mindfulness #meditation #sunshine #thegoldensequence #1giantmind #selfempowerment #health #fitness @ Nottingham, United Kingdom
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Some clips from my push session this week- Working to progressively load and drive strength up which will work to build(aka Tone) muscle. . . When we are weight training and continuously developing strength- we are at risk of developing muscular imbalances.. strength in one range is no good if we are becoming weak(er) in another. ... . . However If you are a student or work in corporate and sit at a desk all day or a clown that only bench presses at the gym - this heightens the risk of developing shoulder injuries. As explained in a previous post mid back flexibility and recruitment are crucial for shoulder mobility/stability. ūü§Ē . . Work on continuing to improve your mobility in this area and strength through your mid to lower traps doing activation and mobility drills prior to all upper body sessions. ūüĎĆūüŹĺ‚ú® . . . Apologies for the groans ūüôą and poor facial expressions ūüė©ūüė• . . Have a great weekend my lovelies ‚̧ԳŹ . . . . . #health #fitness #strength #muscle #bodycomposition #muscularbalances #fitnessmotivation #selfempowerment #strongwomen #fitat40 #power #nottingham #nottslife #chestday #pushsession
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We all must exercise- this is very true, to have a healthy body & healthy brain- movement everyday is key, and getting our blood flowing helps to give our energy levels a good boost. However It really doesnt just ball down to you having the ability to do insane amounts of exercise..or creating a calorie deficit- to maintain/decrease weight/body fat. It is determined by so many other contributing factors: Hormones are one of them, what we eat is another part of it, the mo...vement aspect is just one part of it, and then lifestyle choices are of course another a big part of the picture and learning to slow things down a little is very important too ..switching off does wonders for our body and mental health. Fitness & health is rooted in balance, and we need to look after each factor equally to make sure we maintain our energy levels and overall health. What I mean is don‚Äôt just focus on one factor I.e. being in a flipping calorie deficit- or the number on the scales. Pay attention to how you‚Äôre feeling as a whole- be mindful of the whole bigger picture. . . Just trying to pass on helpful tips - I hope you all are finding they help.. don‚Äôt be blinded by the perceived perfection & body beautiful images you see all over the media. Health & Fitness is so much more than just aesthetics ‚̧ԳŹūüėė . . . . . . . #healthandwellness #healthandfitness #health #mentalhealth #fitness #progressnotperfection #mindfulness #strongwomen #fitat40 #selfempowerment #keepwatchonthewholepicture #nottingham #nutrition #balance #motivation #inspiration
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Yes! Positive vibes only.. Thank you ūüėĄ . . ūüôŹūüŹĹūüíÜūüŹĹ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüßėūüŹĹ‚Äć‚ôÄÔł Ź .... . . Apparently Last nights Full ūüĆĎ... symbolised a time to release any bad energy that doesn‚Äôt belong to you- it was a Libra moon which rules balance & harmony ‚öĖÔłŹ .. . . Are you still aligned with the goals you set out from the beginning of the year? . . If not this is the perfect time to plant new seeds, start new projects, take action, and put yourself out there. It is also a great time to take ownership and responsibility of your life and begin releasing things that may be blocking you from getting where you want to be... ūüĎčūüŹĺ bye! . . . . . . #balanceandharmony #fullmoon #takeaction #supermoon #creativity #peace #goals #positivevibesonly #fitnessmotivation #selfempowerment #mothernature #astrology #nottingham #nottslife
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Hump day lovers... Try this double banded glute/booty blaster. . . .Using 2 resistance bands (small loop band just above knees, & the other band hooked under your feet and up around the front of your hips. ... . *Brace and engage lower abs . *Lie flat on your back with your legs bent and your feet flat on the floor and hip-width apart, arms by your sides. . *Push your heels into the floor as you lift your pelvis up off the floor- make sure to anteriorly tilt pelvis as you squeeze your glutes (tuck tailbone under) and at the same push knees out at the top movement. . *Hold for 2 seconds at the top, lower down slowly, and repeat 8 to 12 times. . .Great at the start of a lower body/ glute session or as a finisher at the end - enjoy ūüćĎ .ūüė• . . @willow_thefrenchie interrupting me to tell me hurry mummy I need to go ūüźíūüôąūüėÜ . . . . . #fitspo #glutes #humpday #inspo #training #fitness #strengthtraining #muscle #fitfam #nottingham #gymdog #frenchiesofinstagram #health
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More about Fitter Nottingham

Fitter Nottingham is located at 36 Regent Street, NG1 5BT Nottingham, United Kingdom
Monday: 06:00 - 23:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 23:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 23:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 23:00
Friday: 06:00 - 23:00
Saturday: 06:00 - 23:00
Sunday: -