G.A.L Guerrilla Art Lab

About G.A.L Guerrilla Art Lab

Collective of Artists - Curators - Producers - arts educators, working with challenging contemporary art, theatre and live /performance art.

G.A.L Guerrilla Art Lab Description

G. A. L / / GuerillArtLab is a new Nottingham city centre space in the heart of the Creative Quarter.

Based on small multi-changing arts venues in Berlin and NYC - out of a need for support for experimental artists here in Nottingham. We respond to the needs of the artists and hope to connect and support their development. We are on the doorstep of Hockley - bringing contemporary art to the people.

Sometimes we are a Gallery space, sometimes we are private rehearsal for members, sometimes we host workshops and masterclasses, sometimes we
bring events via our sisters at Little Wolf Parade events and beyond.

We have experts members in many creative fields who are here to help you develop - want an exhibition? Come in and have a chat. Need help developing your ideas - come to FRIDAYHOWL and gain feedback that nurtures and provides practical information not critical assassination!

Between us we have travelled the world and toured our artwork.

Organically out of the gathering of a group of artists came G. A. L Collective - you can apply to be a part of this. The group has performed locally and nationally thus far.

Additionally we do many other things and we hope you can come along to things we do, your support means a lot to us.