Georgia Foster

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About Georgia Foster

Georgia Fosters Drink Less Mind 7 day program will help you control your drinking. Try Day One completely free at https://www.

Georgia Foster Description

Do you want to KEEP enjoying alcohol without the fear of losing control?

Welcome to ‘The Georgia Foster Drink Less Mind 7 Day Programme’. My self help course does not ask you to give up alcohol completely, in fact it embraces responsible drinking. I have personally developed this revolutionary approach, one that will help you regain your control and get your life back on track.

My name is Georgia Foster and I am a World renowned leader in the field of alcohol control. I have spent years refining and developing my programme to ensure you receive maximum results. I have been in the privileged position of changing thousands of peoples lives affected by alcohol, and I want to do the same for you.



Get your copy of Drink Less in 7 Days now available in Australia
Read about 7 Days to Drink Less Online Alcohol Reduction program kless
Visit to learn about all of Georgia's programs


You can now get your copy of my New Book "Drink Less in 7 Days" in Australia
"Increased alcohol consumption in society today is rarely out of the news. But it seems that most therapies and therapists offer an all-or-nothing solution give up completely or give in to the drink.
However, there is good news for those of us who would like to reduce our intake without giving up completely. Clinical hypnotherapist Georgia Foster offers us a middle way and even better, it takes just days!
Georgia is a world-leading therapist, specialising in overdrinking behaviour (as well as anxiety and self-esteem and other issues). Her drink less courses have a high success rate (95% of attendees report reduced alcohol consumption) and in her new book she shares the secrets of this success.
Georgia uses short questionnaires and tick boxes to help the reader establish how they currently relate to alcohol and then gives simple, practical steps to help the reader take back control of their drinking."
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I recently spent 6 days in Auckland, New Zealand to explore how Kiwis think and feel about drinking too much.
So, what I suspected is true… many New Zealanders, like Australians, the British and the Americans do like their alcohol and sometimes a bit more than they would like to consume.
As you know, my approach is not about abstaining but helping those who know they have got themselves into a bit of drinking rut, to discover how to drink less.
... While I was there I was asked to hypnotise a local celebrity called Anika Moa, who is an amazing singer, whilst on their evening current affairs programme.
Please see the interview here: 0A
I am going back to Auckland and Wellington to run my Drink Less Mind seminars in August, so if you are in that part of the world and would like to attend here are the details:
The Drink Less Mind Auckland - 18th August 2018:
The Drink Less Mind Wellington - 19th August 2018:
Children with Anxiety
I’ve been helping children all over the world with their anxiety issues, so I thought it was time to develop an online version. I will be focusing on children with emotional and social behaviour disorders (ESBD); however, it is open to all children who are highly anxious and have self-esteem issues.
The program will range in ages from 3-16, so watch out for an email soon with more details about how to sign up.
It is going to be a monthly membership plan rather than a one-off price, as I will be constantly adding new content and updates on the latest in the field of anxiety in children.
AND the good news is, there will be an entire section for parents/carers to help them cope with the daily life moments that are uniquely thrown at them in these family situations. If you resonate with this as a parent, rest assured I am here to look after you just as much as your children.
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Find out how news reporter Anika Moa did when she experienced Live Hypnosis to help her reduce her drinking.
Join Georgia Foster this August for her Drink Less Mind Seminars in Auckland and Wellington or in London this September


Join Georgia this May at the Drink Less Seminar Perth on Saturday 26th May. Get tickets here -> minar


Join Georgia at the Drink Less Mind Seminar in Auckland on Monday 21st May 2018. Get your ticket here -> -seminar


My next Drink Less Mind Seminar is in Brisbane this Saturday 28th April and I still have places available. If you'd like to join me you can get more info and buy your ticket here: -seminar

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Victoria Young from the Daily Telegraph sits down with Georgia to discuss "Drink Less in 7 Days"…/drink-less -seven-days-does-re…/


"Hello Georgia and team,
I’ve been meaning to provide feedback for some time. All I can say about the results is ASTOUNDING. My urge to binge has all but disappeared and when that infrequent urge does return I know to ask myself why. What was the “trigger”? By the time I work through the answer the urge has subsided. I began the program in January of this year and have not had a major relapse. I used to buy a quart of hard liquor every week but haven’t had the urge to do tha...t since January. I still drink but just don’t feel the need to drink to excess anymore. I and my family thank you.
Thanks again and God bless you.
Alan N"
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What if indulging in delicious ice cream – every single day – was good for you?
...and what if this mouth-watering ice cream could actually help you lose weight?
Sound too good to be true?
... My good friend Chad Tackett invested 12 years working with top nutrition experts from around the world to create a mind-blowing delicious ice cream.
It’s called FitFreeze and you can enjoy it guilt free because it has…
15 grams of protein and 7 grams of fiber Low in sugar and calories No artificial sweeteners, flavors, or trans fats Gluten-free and diabetic-friendly
It tastes just like real ice cream!
I’m so excited for you to experience FitFreeze. I think it’s revolutionary. It’s definitely delicious. id=4066
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Would you like to be losing weight every single week until you reach your goal?
A team of doctors and weight loss experts are engaging in a study to prove you have a “fat-burning gene” you can turn on with a few simple steps… so you can safely lose weight each week.
I know how frustrating it is when you feel like you’ve tried everything and still never lose weight... I’ve been there. I get it.
... Even if you have...
Practically no time, energy, willpower, or motivation Dietary restrictions, emotional eating, or cravings Pain, injuries, or are just really out of shape Even if your Hormones, Genetics and Metabolism are working against you…
Whatever your personal struggles… You absolutely can lose weight, become fitter and enjoy a healthy lifestyle as a participant in this breakthrough study.
My friend and colleague Chad Tackett is a stickler for science and doing things the right way. For this study he went so far as to bring on an IRB (Institutional Review Board) to ensure your safety and the validity of your results. Chad and his medical team need NEW study results. He’s beyond confident in his system … and your ability to achieve rapid results like thousands of other have.
There is a small, one-time enrollment fee of $6.95 US (the fee covers the cost of the Institutional Review Board). He gets new study results ... you get to lose weight. It’s a perfect WIN-WIN!
Chad does ask though that you only enroll if you’re serious about losing the weight and keeping it off.
There are limited spots available so if you think this is for you then please enroll today.
Just like my programs 100% Money Back Guarantee if you're unhappy with the program, the study, or your results.
Don’t worry, there are no hidden fees, surprise charges, or recurring billing, EVER!
If you would like to participate please click the link below. id=4065
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The truth is, we all have drinking blip moments. It’s called LIFE… and sometimes it throws curve balls we weren’t expecting that may create an over-drinking situation, which I call a lapse. I can assure you it is not a collapse!
I am not expecting you to be perfect with your drinking all of the time and nor should YOU.
This recording is about understanding that lapses do happen and that they shouldn’t infect your self esteem or trust in your ability to drink most of the time healthy ways. One unhelpful drinking moment should not transfer into your healthy drinking future.
There is a whole section in the recording about your future drinking with more confidence. Let’s face it, the Inner Critic loves lapse moments and can be extremely vocal about it. The Inner Critic does not know your drinking future, so when it predicts in the morning after a lapse with statements such as ‘You’ve blown it now….’ or ‘You’ve just ruined all your good drinking moments’ this is just your Inner Critic and not the truth. It doesn’t mean you have gone back to old drinking ways at all… It just means you had a blip moment and it’s time to move on.
I can't emphasize enough how important it is for your drink less mind to know life is about being prepared for the challenges and know that sometimes when there is evidence of drinking too much, it is okay. IT’S ABSOLUTLEY NORMAL. You haven’t blown it... it just is what it is. Let me repeat IT’S TIME TO MOVE ON FROM THIS UNSUPPORTIVE THINKING THAT HINDERS YOUR SUCCESS!
Let me remind you... A Lapse is NOT a Collapse.
There is a 25 minute recording, as well as a mini 5 minute BOOSTER recording too for those moments when you know you don’t have time to listen to the full recording. It’s a quick pick me up and dust yourself off and MOVE ON time. 18-lapse-not-colla…
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We’ve recently been interviewed on radio stations around the country about our special approach to anxiety reduction and why hypnosis and breathing techniques work so well together.
So in brief here is our answer:
We know when someone is anxious and full of negative thoughts, they shallow breath. It’s a scientific fact… NOT our fact. The truth is that anxiety cannot be present in the mind and body if someone is feeling safe and centered.
... The combination of negative thinking and lack of quality in breathing is the duo that needs to be addressed.
Without dealing with these issues, anxiety can restrict the quality of life. Sadly, it also affects relationships with family and friends too. They mean well but… it’s very hard for someone who doesn’t have anxiety to truly understand the depth of it. This makes it very difficult for suffers to talk openly, as they often feel misunderstood and tend to hide their true feelings for fear of it exacerbating.
Anxiety is not a life sentence, although it can feel like it for many people when it becomes a habit.
There is a brilliant study to back up what many neuroscientists know as we do too, that the deeper part of the mind can learn very quickly how to un-learn anxiety and re-learn healthier logical coping strategies.
The study was (and still is) a review of psychotherapy literature by Dr Barrios, which was originally featured in the The Psychotherapy Journal of the American Psychiatric Association which showed some impressive findings indeed.
After surveying over 2000 journal articles, Dr. Alfred Barrios came up with the following recovery rates:
Hypnotherapy - Sessions 6 - Recovery Rates 93% Behavior Therapy - Sessions 22 - Recovery Rates 72% Psychoanalysis - Sessions 600 - Recovery Rates 38%
THE GOOD NEWS is: Our program "The 3 Minute Anxiety Fix" gives you the right hypnotic tools to reduce anxiety in 25 minutes. PLUS: 6 x 3 minute key breathing techniques that work instantly to bring your anxiety levels down.
Nobody needs to suffer with anxiety. Life can be so much better when you work with the clever part of the mind. It does know how to tune out of negativity. It just needs the right guidance and support. xiety-fix/
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Join me LIVE at the Drink Less Mind Seminar London


Join me LIVE at the Drink Less Mind Seminar Brisbane


Join me LIVE at the Drink Less Mind Seminar Perth


Join me LIVE at the Drink Less Mind Seminar Melbourne


Join me LIVE at the Drink Less Mind Seminar Sydney


One of the biggest demographics who buy The 7 Days To Drink Less online program are mothers... I am familiar with their theme of drinking... They open the bottle of wine once the kids have gone to bed and before they know it, the whole bottle is gone. Then the sneaky extra glass is opened from the second bottle. This all sounds like a great idea until the morning when they wake up feeling awful... guilty and angry at themselves because they know it’s too much wine to drink on... a regular basis.
Let’s not forget the fathers too. They also know the guilty pleasure of drinking too much in the evening. One client said to me recently "I actually drink more now my kids are older, because there isn’t the responsibility like there used to be. My kids are driving and they are not home as much as they used to be. The embarrassing thing is, I feel I have to hide my drinking from them because they are starting to become critical of it. Oddly, it can often make me drink more. What is my problem?"
Children as they get older want their parents to be perfect. They want their parents to portray good citizens of society and don’t like them to look like they are not managing their life. We all know that life doesn’t necessary get easier for many as they get older. There are the pressures of money, perhaps realizing that there isn’t a pension plan or if there is, it isn’t going to stretch as far as once did. Job insecurities, along with adult children living at home for longer as getting on the property ladder is getting harder and harder all add to the stresses and strains. Alcohol can seem like a good quick fix to run away from these pressures.
I believe more than ever before parental responsibilities are huge. If alcohol is your "Mothers Milk" as a parent, rest assured you are by no means alone.
As many of you may know, my approach is about reducing the regular habitual drinking that isn’t working anymore emotionally or physically.
I am suggesting getting your mind into a better thinking space before you drink is a habit you can learn, irrespective of the pressures of parenthood. This is possible. Please trust, you have an amazing mind.
Here is an interview below I did on breakfast TV about mothers drinking.
You can learn more about my online alcohol reduction program 7 Days to Drink Less here:
If you decide to go ahead and purchase the program you rest assured with my 60 day money back guarantee.
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More about Georgia Foster