Honey Legal Nottingham

About Honey Legal Nottingham

Hi, I'm Michael, an experienced estate planning consultant at The Honey Group



If you're married with one child it's clear that your child will eventually inherit. Isn't it?
A Mirror Will enables you to state your wishes, but it doesn't account for unforeseeable changes in future. One of my Clients got remarried at 80 and put a Trust in place to safeguard against his child being disinherited. If he didn't, it may well be ok, but he wasn't happy to risk their inheritance.
‘I hope this will act as a warning to others - you have to be so careful with mirro...r wills, as they depend on the surviving spouse honouring their wishes.’
https://www.thisismoney.co.uk/…/When-Wi lliam-died-left-300-…
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"I realise how lucky I am that I had such a caring and conscientious father, who spent most of his life planning ahead for my benefit..." https://www.theguardian.com/…/discussin g-inheritance-is-too…


I am able to advise you on Lasting Power of Attorney. Having a Lasting Power of Attorney in place is as vital as having a Will yet few people have theirs prepared in advance of actually needing it. By the time you need one it can be too late. People are often shocked when they find out a loved one’s bank account has been frozen. What would you do if your loved one was the main bread winner, yet their bank account was frozen due to a loss of capacity? How would you pay the mor...tgage or provide the essentials without access to a bank account? The Lasting Power of Attorney is not just for those in later years who may develop dementia. Many younger people rely on them following accidents where there has been brain damage, following a stroke or even losing capacity due to mental illness. Having your Lasting Power of Attorney drafted before you actually need it is like an insurance policy. Contact me to find out more
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As Easter ends we like to put our house back in order our spring clean gets in full force. How about your estate planning, does that need to be put into order? Why not have a consultant come and give you peace of mind that everything is in place to protect your loved ones in their time of need. Pure and simple planning Honey Legal always doing the right thing


Beautifully put.. if you too are going through this we have a guide for dealing with probate and can help you through the process. Honey Legal here for you when you need us.
https://www.facebook.com/amy.peckhamdrive r/posts/10153250408986036


Imagine one of your parents gets ill and the local authority deem, they are not capable of looking after themselves . What if you decided you would support them and they deemed you were not capable of looking after them either. What if irrespective of what your parent wants or what you want, they forcibly put them in to a care home for their own well being against both you and your parents wishes. What if they were now able to use the assets to pay the £1000+ a week care home...
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This is a powerful article, do you have any experience where you have found you have managed to be grateful in these circumstances? Comment below so we can see if you found value from it.
Qhttps://upliftconnect.com/the-gifts-of-g rief/


What a legacy to leave in a Will. What are you leaving for people to remember?
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2 285133038476190&set=a.14397335596828 13&type=3&theater Rebecca Bardess [Photo]


https://www.facebook.com/…/a.1130876080 2…/2646426135373717/…


Yet another way how the cost of dying is rising, contact us to find out how we can help you.
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-47240 151…


“The thought of what might happen to your beloved horse or pony should they outlive you can be very distressing. But there are things you can do to ensure your horse’s future — and one of those is to write them into your will.” Contact us today, and read more at:
https://www.horseandhound.co.uk/fea…/lo ok-horse-will-431919…


Another reason to appoint professional executors - avoiding stress from obstructive financial institutions https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-46617 577


Many of us plan our financial future and make investments such as pensions, without thinking about what happens if we fall ill or have an accident. If you lose mental capacity without a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) in place all your investments can be frozen. Why take the risk? By appointing an Attorney to manage your property and finances through an LPA you are ensuring that your investments will continue to be managed without interruption should you ever lose mental capa...city. Have you got your LPA in place yet? Why not? Message us now to ensure you and your investments are protected. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/…/What-happ ens-dont-lasting-pow…
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Life is all about perspective, and it's important to look at every angle. That's why at Honey Legal Nottingham. We have trained consultants and a regulated legal team to be sure we have checked every possible one. https://www.facebook.com/Golem13.fr/posts /2548005268566713


A lady I saw recently was asking about what rights cohabiting partners have in terms of inheritance, the answer is none! Common law spouse is a myth and it's important to know. This helpful article goes through different aspects of cohabiting that you might find helpful x
"If a couple are living together and one partner dies without leaving a will, the surviving partner will not automatically inherit anything unless the couple owned property jointly.
An unmarried couple need ...to make wills if they wish to make sure that the other partner inherits."
https://www.stokesentinel.co.uk/…/you-a rent-married-your-pa…
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Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA)
What will happen if you lose the ability to make a choice, No longer able to make decisions, legally without a voice, Your mental capacity lacking through illness or just old age,... Your assets all frozen, placed in a financial cage.
Your accounts and investments inaccessible, Your property you can’t remortgage or sell, Medical and care decisions made for you - you could be forced into care as well!
How could you avoid this horrific ordeal? And stop your family facing a stress they don’t need to feel, Select an attorney and legally put them In place, They can act and make decisions for you - your family’s saving grace!
So while you are fit and able do it and don’t delay, Speak to Bina from Honey Legal it’s time to set up your LPA. 07852308182
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