Hucknall Central Methodist Church

About Hucknall Central Methodist Church

We are a friendly Methodist church in the centre of Hucknall, opposite the parish church. We welcome all comers and hope you will feel at home : )



Details for Good Friday walk of witness - all Hucknall, Linby & Papplewick churches together


Day 34 of our Lent challenge - we all have different views and perspectives which come from our different experiences. It's good to share these but sometimes we might feel like we have nothing in common. Start a conversation with someone from a different generation, and see where it leads you :)


Day 33 of our Lent challenge is about sharing. It’s great to treat ourselves but even better when we can share it with someone else!


Day 32 of the 40acts Lent family challenge - reduce, reuse, recycle! We all have a lot of β€˜stuff’ but by passing on your preloved possessions they might find another lease of life!


Day 31 of the 40acts Lent family challenge - homelessness. There are many reasons people end up sleeping on the streets, usually due to complex issues. It may seem like a problem too big for us to solve, but read more about the work of Nottingham Nightstop ( or Shelter( and see how you can help. Praying is a good start πŸ™


Day 30 of our Lent challenge and this is a good one for a holiday project! Plan it yourself or involve some friends, research some charities and choose one to support.


Day 29 of the 40acts Lent family challenge and we are in a queue! Wait your turn with patience, you could even let someone in front if they are in a hurry! A little patience goes a long way!


Day 28 of the 40 acts Lent family challenge and there's only 2 weeks till Easter! We have thought alot about being generous with our money and time but today we consider being generous with our feelings.....β™₯️


Day 27 of our Lent challenge requires stealth! It's really easy to be generous towards people when they are full of appreciation. It gives us a warm feeling inside! But what if they didn't know it was us? What if we'd got no recognition for our kindness? Would we still want to be generous? πŸ’


Day 26 of the 40acts Lent challenge - do you know where your local food bank is? Many families rely on food banks to help them through each month. Engage run a food bank from Under One Roof in Hucknall ( Find out if your church or school collects for them, and drop off some food donations. If not, you could have a one-off collection, or start a regular one πŸžπŸŽπŸ‰πŸ–πŸ


Last nights messy church.


Day 25 of our Lent challenge and it's all about bedrooms! Doing chores can be tedious, but we all have to do them, and by helping someone else do their chores, you will be going that step further :)


There will be a bring and share lunch following the 10.30 service (which also includes JMA awards and communion) this Sunday, 7th of April - please join us, all are welcome! 🧁πŸ₯ͺπŸ—πŸ₯—


Day 24 of the 40 acts Lent family challenge - deepening connections! In this age of online living, we have various 'followers' or 'friends', this number of 'likes', that many 'messages'. The challenge today is to connect in real time and talk to some of your friends you may have lost touch with. πŸ“ž


Day 23 of our 40acts Lent family challenge and we are over halfway! How are you doing? Have you picked up a few ideas you could carry forward? Perhaps you have only managed to do 1 or 2 of the challenges. No matter, today is one everybody should be able to complete! Get smiling! πŸ™‚πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜€πŸ˜„πŸ˜


Don't forget to move your clocks forward tonight, or you may be late for our Mothering Sunday Service tomorrow! See you at 10.30am :)


How amazing is God!


Day 22 of our Lent challenge recognises the people who have cared for and nurtured us. Plan a special treat for those people in your life whether they are your mother, grandmother, aunt, stepmother, family friend, or may mean multiple treats! :)


Learn more about Jesus through stories, songs, craft, games and enjoy a meal with us. Special guest this week Rev Sue Edwards will be leading a family style communion. Come and be part of our growing Messy Church family and discover what God's all about.


Brilliant way for children (and adults) to learn about God and what he has to say to us. Fantastic!

More about Hucknall Central Methodist Church

Hucknall Central Methodist Church is located at Baker Street, NG15 7AS Hucknall, Nottinghamshire