Insane Fitness With Victoria Sutton

About Insane Fitness With Victoria Sutton

INSANE FITNESS is not for the faint hearted. . . . but we’ve been building machines and producing awesome results since 2014. . . . . What’s stopping you?



Remember Collette, we did a post a few months back about her INCREDIBLE fitness journey. Well it didn’t stop there!!!!
Collette decided to take part in her first INSANE FITNESS BOOTCAMP and her results are AMAZING!!!
Not only did she lose 20 1/2 inches ūüėĪ she also lost an EYEPOPPING 16lbs AND managed to knock a massive 3 minutes 15 seconds off her fitness test (trust us, this is tough ūüėČ) ūüôĆūüŹľūüôĆūüŹľūüôĆūüŹľ
... We have been bowled over by this girl‚Äôs drive and determination, NOTHING was stopping her ūüĎäūüŹľ
“So I’ve been and completed my first bootcamp and god i’m ready for the next!!
I started bootcamp with a massive personal target of liking the way my body looked. My confidence was down and i hated looking at myself in the mirror. With the massive help of bootcamp i can now say i am not 100% about my body, but i no i put 100% effort into my target.
The muscle is taking over the fat and i am starting to see how i want my body to look.
I am over the moon with the results from bootcamp and i am ever so grateful for the help of my whole team that did it with me, that pushed me when i was giving up and to my instructors that believed in me. I would like to say thank-you to everyone through the whole experience. xxx‚ÄĚ
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You can‚Äôt beat those BODYPUMP faces ūü§™
#pushtothemax #thosefaces #lovethosefaces #nevermissamonday #bodypump


That‚Äôs it folks, another INSANE FITNESS BOOTCAMP done and dusted and what a BOOTCAMP it was!! ‚̧ūüŹÉūüŹĹ‚Äć‚ôÄūüćĀūüí™ūüŹľūüŹÉūüŹĽ‚Äć‚ ôāūüí¶ūüöīūüŹĹ‚Äć‚ôÄūüĆ≥ūüí•ūüŹčūüŹĽ‚Äć‚ ôÄ
AMAZING bunch of Troops, UNBELIEVABLE dedication throughout, REMARKABLE Teamwork and some AWESOME RESULTS!!!ūüĎŹūüŹľ
These Sutton Soldiers have walked away from BOOTCAMP;... ūüí™ūüŹľfitter ūüćŹhealthier ūüĎäūüŹľStronger
And with bags of new knowledge and confidence to take what they‚Äôve learned, and keep on smashing their own goals ūüôĆūüŹľ
So here’s a video to see what they’ve all been up to the last 4 weekends.
Well done Sutton Soldiers.....proud Sergeant Major signing out...until next time ūüėČ
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Have YOU got your classes booked for the week ahead???
If the class you‚Äôre after is FULLY BOOKED, don‚Äôt panic just pop yourself on the waiting list. People do cancel and 90% of the time we manage to get everyone onto class ūüėĀ


Today was the last day of BOOTCAMP and the results are already flying in ūüôĆūüŹľ
You‚Äôre hard work has certainly paid off Amy Jade Wilkins well done ūüĎŹūüŹľ #hardworkpaysoff
‚ÄúToday was the last day at bootcamp ūüė≠
... At the end of August I was at the biggest I‚Äôve ever been, mainly from drinking & eating everything in sight ūü§£ I wasn‚Äôt happy and felt really horrible in my clothes ūüėĘ
So I signed up for ‚ÄėINSANE FITNESS BOOTCAMP ‚Äô I got pushed so far out of comfort zone it was ridiculous!!!!! Never did I imagine I‚Äôd be getting up at 5.15am on Saturday or Sunday morning to run round Darley Park, crawl under cargo nets & be chucking beer barrels over my head ūüôą
My aim at the end of BOOTCAMP was to squeeze my ass back into my size 10‚Äôs....... and not only did I do that, I lost a whole bloody STONE (14lbs) & 11 1/2 INCHES ūüėĪ
So a big Thankyou to Toria Sutton Gail & Jay. For giving me my confidence back & for making me realise I don‚Äôt have to eat like a rabbit every day to lose weight. Now to keep it up ūü홂ÄĚ
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W H A T A S Q U A D!!!!ūüíāūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüíāūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūü íāūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ
So unbelievably proud of this bunch who smashed out the Matlock Finisher!!!! Sad to see the end of this BOOTCAMP.......but all good things have to come to an end.
Thank you for all your hard work throughout, you made our jobs a lot easier ūüėĀ
... Troops it‚Äôs been an absolute pleasure ūüôĆūüŹľ‚̧ԳŹ
#insanefitness #nobootcampquitelikeit #notforthefainthearted
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It's the last weekend of the INSANE FITNESS BOOTCAMP ūüėĘ let's make sure it's a gooden!!!!ūüíāūüŹľūüėąūüí™ūüŹľūüôÖūüŹĽ
Are you ready BOOTCAMPERS??!!!!!ūüĎäūüŹľ
#insanefitness #bootcamp #notforthefainthearted


I can’t think of anyone that wouldn’t benefit from a stronger C O R E!
The amount of times I hear ‚Äėmy core is my weakest part‚Äô ūü§¶ūüŹĽ‚Äć‚ôÄ
Whether you love to run, lift or do burpees ūüėú a stronger C O R E will not only help you to perform better, but will MASSIVELY reduce your risk of injury along the way ūüôĆūüŹľ
... C O R E only started a few months ago and my regular crew are ALREADY feeling and seeing the benefits ūüôĆūüŹľūüôĆūüŹľūüôĆūüŹľ
What’s stopping you booking on next week????
CORE - 7:15pm - Abbey Studios - Derby
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This is me in CORE ūü§£ūüôąūü§£ #ithurtstoomuch #letsjustsnooze
Have you got your space booked for tonight’s 7:15pm CORE class??? #absofsteel #letsdothis


W H A T A C L A S S!!!!!
WACKY WEDNESDAY......Blood, sweat and tears!!!! Just the way we like it ūü§™ūüí¶ūüí™ūüŹľ
#insanity #suttonsoldiers #didmeproud




Ladies....... we‚Äôre sure you‚Äôve noticed how there‚Äôs usually at least a few days in EVERY month when you feel a bit crap! ūüėŹūüĎéūüŹľūüė©
You could eat everything put in front of you, your training goes out the window and you could cry (or murder someone!) at the drop of a hat! ūüĎäūüŹľūüôąūüė§
We all know that this is down to our hormones. ... But.... ūü§∑ūüŹĽ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹWhat actually are hormones? ūü§∑ūüŹĽ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹWhat is the point of them? ūü§∑ūüŹĽ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹWhy are they so up and down? ūü§∑ūüŹĽ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹCan you do anything about it? ūü§∑ūüŹĽ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹAnd could they be affecting your ability to lose fat? ūü§∑ūüŹĽ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹAnd reach your fitness and strength goals??
Your hormones are a reflection of YOU! Your lifestyle, your habits and your diet ALL affect how they behave.
Imagine how AWESOME it would be to understand exactly how you could take control. To rebalance your body, instead of dreading those days every month when your hormones take over ūüôĆūüŹľūüôĆūüŹľūüôĆūüŹľ
Well you CAN ūüĎŹūüŹľūüĎŹūüŹľūüĎŹūüŹľūüĎŹūüŹľ
Join us as we welcome FITTER FOOD back to Derby for the second time this year to learn all about Women‚Äôs health, hormones and happiness ūüôĆūüŹľūüôĆūüŹľūüôĆūüŹľūüôĆūüŹľ
You will learn about:
‚ě°ÔłŹ The role of hormones ‚ě°ÔłŹ The implications of contraceptive pill, injection etc ‚ě°ÔłŹ How to optimise YOUR hormone health ‚ě°ÔłŹ How you can change your nutrition and exercise for healthy hormones ‚ě°ÔłŹ The best nutrients and supplements to balance your hormones ‚ě°ÔłŹ How all of this will support and help you to reach your fat loss and health goals
When: Saturday 24th November Where: Derby Moor Academy
Simply go to the Fitter Food website and search ‚Äėevents‚Äô to book your ticket (or click on the link in the comments) ūü§ď
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Peanut Butter Fudge is the PERFECT sugar free treat ūüėćūüėćūüėć
Make these EASY PEASY yummy treats and keep them stocked in the freezer for those sweet craving emergencies ūüĎĆūüŹľūüĎĆūüŹľūüĎĆūüŹľ
... For the fudge: ūüíó 1/2 cup smooth peanut butter ūüíó 1/3 cup coconut oil ūüíó 1/4 cup pure maple syrup
For the chocolate topping: ūüíó 50g coconut oil ūüíó 30g cacao powder ūüíó 1tsp pure vanilla extract ūüíó 2 tbsp pure maple syrup ūüíó pinch salt
ūüć¨Place mini petit four cases on a baking tray. ūüć¨Place all the fudge ingredients into a saucepan and heat gently to melt. Mix to combine. ūüć¨Pour into each case until they are 3/4 full. ūüć¨Place in the freezer to set.
ūüć¨Place all the chocolate topping ingredients in a pan over a low heat to melt. Then stir to combine. ūüć¨Pour over the peanut fudge, then place back in the freezer for an hour to set.
#gailsgrub #cravings #sweettreats
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How‚Äôs your shoulders BODYPUMPERS??!!!ūüėú
Feel the BURN ūüĒ•ūüĒ•ūüĒ• learn to love the BURN ūüĒ•ūüĒ•ūüĒ•#suttonsoldiershoulders #spotthemamileoff
What a way to start the week ūüôĆūüŹľūüĎäūüŹľūüôĆūüŹľ BODYPUMP followed by INSANITY!!!#mondaymadness #onlyatinsanefitness


Monday‚Äôs thoughts ūüí≠ūü§ĒūüėāūüĎĺ


I‚Äôm not an expert when it comes to mental health, but I do believe that a problem shared can feel like a problem halved ūüôĆūüŹľ Bootcamp isn‚Äôt always about physical goals ūüĎäūüŹľ and I‚Äôm here to support and motivate you whatever your goals. #mentalhealthawareness
“I have been struggling with severe anxiety and depression for the past 18 months. For such a long time I have been consumed by feelings of worthlessness and self doubt, I was completely lost within myself and had zero confi...dence. I slowly stopped socialising and turned to food for comfort. During this time I stopped going to my classes at Insane Fitness entirely, but Toria never wrote me off. She would send me messages and check in to make sure I was okay and she never gave up on me.
Fast forward to September, and after some encouragement, I signed up to BOOTCAMP. Day One was really daunting and I nearly didn’t make it. But by the end, when I had completed the fitness test, I immediately felt such a sense of achievement. Something clicked inside me and I was excited for the next morning.
I had forgotten what it felt like to be me again, to be part of something and to have that passion. To get that buzz from exercise, to challenge and push yourself, it is so addictive and intoxicating.
After that first weekend, I realised that for the first in months, several days had passed where I had felt good about myself and not woken up feeling a sense of dread and self hate.
Taking part in bootcamp has given me the boost I needed to believe in myself again. Depression and anxiety had made me forget the girl that I used to be. But week by week I am slowly regaining my confidence and becoming my old self again. My husband, close friends and family can’t believe the difference in me.
This has been a very emotional journey for me and I know that it will be a long time before I can overcome my mental health issues. I know there will be bad days and challenges to overcome along the way, but I FINALLY feel like it is getting better, it is achievable and I am strong enough to get there.
I literally cannot thank Toria enough, this bootcamp has changed my life.
If anyone out there is suffering with their mental health please please give Insane Fitness a try. Give yourself that chance to believe in you xx‚ÄĚ
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You know it!!!! ūü§™ūüôĆūüŹľūüėė


Let's do this BOOTCAMPERS!!!ūüĎäūüŹľ
3rd weekend of craziness is ready and waiting for you!!!!ūüíāūüŹľūüí™ūüŹľūüôÖūüŹĽūüėą
#insanefitness #bootcamp #notforthefainthearted


Too real ūü§£


Well a Saturday morning Raise the Barre class puts me a in a great mood and mindset for the rest of the weekend! An amazing class for all shapes, sizes and fitness levels for a great bum, leg and tum workout!! Gail is a fantastic instructor who encourages and pushes you! I would definitely recommend this class to anybody! You don't know what it's like until you have a go! Never judge a book so never judge a class by its name!! ÔŅĹÔŅĹ

Thank you Gail you are amazing at what you do and a great instructor!! Keep it up!! Anymore classes and I'll be there!!


This evening I donned my gym gear and went to my very first class at Insane fitness this evening, after so many recommendations it was about time I did... it lived up to all my expectations! Yes, it was hard BUT I LOVED IT ÔŅĹ Toria makes it so exciting- I literally felt buzzing afterwards. Famous last words... I‚Äôll be back ÔŅĹ P.S My legs are already like jelly, mentally preparing myself for the morning ÔŅĹÔŅĹ (Why I left it so long I will never know) Thankyou, Toria ÔŅĹ


This class is brilliant! When first starting insanity I was really nervous and thought I would fall flat on my face but Toria and the gang have made me feel right at home. The classes are hard work but worth the effort and just only after a few classes I can already start to see the changes to my fitness and shape. If you're wanting to join and feel nervous about it, please don't! It's a great class to get in to and you'll feel amazing afterwards! It's all thanks to Toria and the group! Xx


Only been going for 4/5 weeks and already lost 11lbs!


My friend had been trying to get me to go for months, I eventually went along not knowing what to expect as I wasn't very fit. From the first session I was hooked love it, You get pushed to your limits but I leave there buzzing. I've come a long way in only a short amount of time and I'm starting to see my shape change. Love it


Just did my first Fitness Pilates with Gail and I absolutely loved it!

I struggle with my core and think by focussing on my weakest ability within Insane Fitness, is only going to make me perform better in other classes too.

Gail is amazing!, she talks and demonstrates the moves beforehand so your not sat looking puzzled. It also make a nice change to letting your body and mind relax after along week.

Also the music is on point!


I’ve just finished another, yes ANOTHER, body blast! Now getting up at 5am to train at 6, is not what I’d normally do! But then that’s what Toria, Gail and Jay do, they get you to do things you wouldn’t normally dream of doing! They push you to your limits and somehow make you want more!!!!!

If your unsure whether to do one, or even try insanity, then don’t think just do!!!

You won’t regret it!

You’ll be made to feel comfortable whatever your fitness levels are!!

And you will have the best fun ever, whilst getting fit!!!


Try it!!!


I‚Äôm soo glad my friend introduced me to the classes I love them and the body blast ūüí™ūüí™ and boot camp sessions are amazing ūüėČ tori and Gail are amazing instructors and inspirational.


Insane fitness is amazing and highly recommended!! Both Victoria and Gail are fantastic instructors.. they are motivational and push you to your limits! Can‚Äôt wait for my next classes ÔŅĹÔŅĹ


I'm a newbe to insane fitness, after being recommended by my friend I thought I'd give it a go. I've just had my second session at Raise the barre with Gail and it was amazing! She pushes you to your limit but makes sure you don't feel pressured into doing anything you don't want to! Such a great instructor would definitely recommend. Would love there to be some ballet lessons in the future!


I wanted to rewrite my review as I have done so much more now since I first started at Insane Fitness.

There are so many different classes I go to now and I enjoy each one as they’re so variable and focus on separate unique ways to get lean and fit.

Body Pump - A fantastic class that gets your heart pumping out of your chest by shifting serious weights to some fab tunes! When you feel you can’t get that last rep out, you somehow find the energy to do it and it feels out of this world.

Insanity - Exactly what it says on the tin. Every insanity class feels like a party! With disco lights and Insane music! I’m literally slipping in my own sweat for the last part!

Turbo - Like a spin class, but better! There’s no other class that makes me sweat like pedalling like a mad woman on those bikes for 45 minutes.

Raise The Barre - I just love this class. It works on so many tiny muscles in your legs and bum that you didn’t know you had! Warning: Gail makes it look a lot easier than it is!

Core: One of the newest classes and certainly one of the hardest! A whole hour working on my weakest part, my core! It’s a killer but so good!

Pilates: This class is just incredible. Like I said, my core is my weakest spot and I know that I have to keep working on it. Pilates not only helps your abs, but your bum and legs also. One of my favourite parts of Pilates? The long (and painful!) stretch at the end.

I can’t do a review without mentioning the two fantastic instructors who make the classes what they are. Toria and Gail are just amazing and know EXACTLY what they’re talking about. Somehow they know everyone’s name (which means you can’t skive!) and hammer you with the correct technique so you can achieve your goals.

Each class is so different but the atmosphere, support and general camaraderie never changes. The guys and gals who go to Insane Fitness are incredible people. Not once have I heard any bitchiness in the two years I’ve been going. I’ve met some lovely friends there and I always look forward to coming back.

I wouldn’t want to train anywhere else.


I recently completed the 12 day Bodyblast Bootcamp. This Bodyblast was amazing, with such a fantastic group of people who have encouraged and supported each other along the way!! As always the Insane Fitness Team which consisted of Toria, Gail and Jay put on a fantastic bootcamp and believe me having completed several bootcamps they never disappoint by mixing up the sessions!!

I really am going to miss it!! The past 12 days have helped me in more ways then just my fitness levels!! Thanks again you lovely lot for being so bloody awesome ÔŅĹ


I love all of the classes that I've done wit them snake fitness. I tried Fitness Pilates for the first time yesterday and as a result I have booked onto more because it worked my body much harder than I initially thought it would. It also worked areas that I hadn't ever Worked before!

I've seen improvements to my body and strength already ÔŅĹÔŅĹ ÔŅĹ


I joined after having a baby. I had no core muscles at all and I was pretty unfit. It's easy to say no to exercise; I've given up every time. Pilates is the only thing I haven't given up on and I even try to do some at home. I've done about a dozen Pilates sessions now and I feel stronger, more flexible and toned. I can even feel abs forming under my mum tum. (I've still got a way to go). It empowers me and gives me a way to release; it's my little bit of me time that I look forward to every week. The familiarity of the exercises helps me know that I'm getting stronger and better; it helps having an amazing teacher, who goes out of her way, to help us push ourselves and makes us work for it!


I have been taking classes with Toria for just over a year now, and insanity is definitely my sanity! Toria is a fantastic instructor; she is motivating and encouraging and truly an inspiration and always has time for you whether in class or via dm's. I do a variety of the classes on offer and have done bootcamp too, and would highly recommend them to anyone, no matter your fitness or your size. I started classes 4 stone heavier, unfit and very self conscious about my size and even though my journey is far from over, I know I will get to my goal in the end alongside my fellow insaniacs and Toria.


I am so glad my sister introduced me to these classes! I feel fitter and healthier than I ever have before! I have completed 3 boot camps and a body blast as well as attending regular classes during the week. Toria and Gail are brilliant and as they get to know everyone individually they know what you are capable of and push you to reach your goals. Everyone that attends the classes are lovely and so supportive too. It’s a lovely place to train and they also listen to what people want and put on classes to suit all. 100% the best classes I have ever attended.


Have been going to classes for almost 12 months and boy can I tell the difference! I have become stronger, leaner and lost extra weight I was carrying after having my children. The classes are well thought out and Toria is amazing - encouraging and a great role model. No where else do I feel I get pushed out of my comfort zone. I have gained the confidence to try new challenges - just completed the 7 day body blast and am lined up to take part in the month long bootcamp soon.

The atmosphere in the classes is brilliant - everyone is super friendly, non judgemental and all encourage each other along.

Just super. If you have any doubts, I would just encourage you to try it out for yourself, what have you got to lose?!!


Earlier this week I finished my first ever body blast with Insane Fitness. I booked this at the end of February after not being able to train for 3 months due to a foot injury & had fell off the wagon..big time!!

I’ve been following Toria on Instagram for a while and thinking how good the vibe looks in the classes and also knowing someone who goes to the classes and boot camps and has had amazing results!

I didn‚Äôt really know what to expect..but what an AMAZING 12 days! Being pushed to your absolute limits and encouraged; but what made it so much easier was a lovely, friendly bunch of girls who totally supported, pushed and motivated each other. Not forgetting the amazing trainers Toria, Gail & Jay who put this all together and worked tirelessly to make every day different, making you wonder what you were in for the next day! ÔŅĹÔŅĹ

I’ve also been doing the classes for the last month and I can honestly say they are the best classes I’ve ever been to. There’s such a mixture of classes for all abilities. I actually look forward to a crazy way!

I can‚Äôt recommend Insane Fitness highly enough!! ÔŅĹ


Bootcamp = ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!! I've just completed my 3rd bootcamp this year and honestly I can't speak anymore highly of them than I already do. They push you way past your comfort zones to the point where you can't even remember what a comfort zone is anymore, you think there's no way your going to be able to get through it but Toria and Jay encourage, support and push you to the end. Toria and the team make each session so different but always FUN and you finish each session with a massive smile on your face and wanting to start the session again. Gail's knowledge and advice on nutrition is the best and she's a huge asset to the team. Finally, the rest of the bootcampers are also a massive support and everyone is there to encourage and motivate eachother!! Oh and the results everyone gets are AMAZING. I would 100% recommend these bootcamps to anyone and everyone. ÔŅĹÔŅĹ


Well a Saturday morning Raise the Barre class puts me a in a great mood and mindset for the rest of the weekend! An amazing class for all shapes, sizes and fitness levels for a great bum, leg and tum workout!! Gail is a fantastic instructor who encourages and pushes you! I would definitely recommend this class to anybody! You don't know what it's like until you have a go! Never judge a book so never judge a class by its name!! ÔŅĹÔŅĹ

Thank you Gail you are amazing at what you do and a great instructor!! Keep it up!! Anymore classes and I'll be there!!


This evening I donned my gym gear and went to my very first class at Insane fitness this evening, after so many recommendations it was about time I did... it lived up to all my expectations! Yes, it was hard BUT I LOVED IT ÔŅĹ Toria makes it so exciting- I literally felt buzzing afterwards. Famous last words... I‚Äôll be back ÔŅĹ P.S My legs are already like jelly, mentally preparing myself for the morning ÔŅĹÔŅĹ (Why I left it so long I will never know) Thankyou, Toria ÔŅĹ


This class is brilliant! When first starting insanity I was really nervous and thought I would fall flat on my face but Toria and the gang have made me feel right at home. The classes are hard work but worth the effort and just only after a few classes I can already start to see the changes to my fitness and shape. If you're wanting to join and feel nervous about it, please don't! It's a great class to get in to and you'll feel amazing afterwards! It's all thanks to Toria and the group! Xx


Only been going for 4/5 weeks and already lost 11lbs!


My friend had been trying to get me to go for months, I eventually went along not knowing what to expect as I wasn't very fit. From the first session I was hooked love it, You get pushed to your limits but I leave there buzzing. I've come a long way in only a short amount of time and I'm starting to see my shape change. Love it


Just did my first Fitness Pilates with Gail and I absolutely loved it!

I struggle with my core and think by focussing on my weakest ability within Insane Fitness, is only going to make me perform better in other classes too.

Gail is amazing!, she talks and demonstrates the moves beforehand so your not sat looking puzzled. It also make a nice change to letting your body and mind relax after along week.

Also the music is on point!


I’ve just finished another, yes ANOTHER, body blast! Now getting up at 5am to train at 6, is not what I’d normally do! But then that’s what Toria, Gail and Jay do, they get you to do things you wouldn’t normally dream of doing! They push you to your limits and somehow make you want more!!!!!

If your unsure whether to do one, or even try insanity, then don’t think just do!!!

You won’t regret it!

You’ll be made to feel comfortable whatever your fitness levels are!!

And you will have the best fun ever, whilst getting fit!!!


Try it!!!


I‚Äôm soo glad my friend introduced me to the classes I love them and the body blast ūüí™ūüí™ and boot camp sessions are amazing ūüėČ tori and Gail are amazing instructors and inspirational.


Insane fitness is amazing and highly recommended!! Both Victoria and Gail are fantastic instructors.. they are motivational and push you to your limits! Can‚Äôt wait for my next classes ÔŅĹÔŅĹ


I'm a newbe to insane fitness, after being recommended by my friend I thought I'd give it a go. I've just had my second session at Raise the barre with Gail and it was amazing! She pushes you to your limit but makes sure you don't feel pressured into doing anything you don't want to! Such a great instructor would definitely recommend. Would love there to be some ballet lessons in the future!


I wanted to rewrite my review as I have done so much more now since I first started at Insane Fitness.

There are so many different classes I go to now and I enjoy each one as they’re so variable and focus on separate unique ways to get lean and fit.

Body Pump - A fantastic class that gets your heart pumping out of your chest by shifting serious weights to some fab tunes! When you feel you can’t get that last rep out, you somehow find the energy to do it and it feels out of this world.

Insanity - Exactly what it says on the tin. Every insanity class feels like a party! With disco lights and Insane music! I’m literally slipping in my own sweat for the last part!

Turbo - Like a spin class, but better! There’s no other class that makes me sweat like pedalling like a mad woman on those bikes for 45 minutes.

Raise The Barre - I just love this class. It works on so many tiny muscles in your legs and bum that you didn’t know you had! Warning: Gail makes it look a lot easier than it is!

Core: One of the newest classes and certainly one of the hardest! A whole hour working on my weakest part, my core! It’s a killer but so good!

Pilates: This class is just incredible. Like I said, my core is my weakest spot and I know that I have to keep working on it. Pilates not only helps your abs, but your bum and legs also. One of my favourite parts of Pilates? The long (and painful!) stretch at the end.

I can’t do a review without mentioning the two fantastic instructors who make the classes what they are. Toria and Gail are just amazing and know EXACTLY what they’re talking about. Somehow they know everyone’s name (which means you can’t skive!) and hammer you with the correct technique so you can achieve your goals.

Each class is so different but the atmosphere, support and general camaraderie never changes. The guys and gals who go to Insane Fitness are incredible people. Not once have I heard any bitchiness in the two years I’ve been going. I’ve met some lovely friends there and I always look forward to coming back.

I wouldn’t want to train anywhere else.


I recently completed the 12 day Bodyblast Bootcamp. This Bodyblast was amazing, with such a fantastic group of people who have encouraged and supported each other along the way!! As always the Insane Fitness Team which consisted of Toria, Gail and Jay put on a fantastic bootcamp and believe me having completed several bootcamps they never disappoint by mixing up the sessions!!

I really am going to miss it!! The past 12 days have helped me in more ways then just my fitness levels!! Thanks again you lovely lot for being so bloody awesome ÔŅĹ


I love all of the classes that I've done wit them snake fitness. I tried Fitness Pilates for the first time yesterday and as a result I have booked onto more because it worked my body much harder than I initially thought it would. It also worked areas that I hadn't ever Worked before!

I've seen improvements to my body and strength already ÔŅĹÔŅĹ ÔŅĹ


I joined after having a baby. I had no core muscles at all and I was pretty unfit. It's easy to say no to exercise; I've given up every time. Pilates is the only thing I haven't given up on and I even try to do some at home. I've done about a dozen Pilates sessions now and I feel stronger, more flexible and toned. I can even feel abs forming under my mum tum. (I've still got a way to go). It empowers me and gives me a way to release; it's my little bit of me time that I look forward to every week. The familiarity of the exercises helps me know that I'm getting stronger and better; it helps having an amazing teacher, who goes out of her way, to help us push ourselves and makes us work for it!


I have been taking classes with Toria for just over a year now, and insanity is definitely my sanity! Toria is a fantastic instructor; she is motivating and encouraging and truly an inspiration and always has time for you whether in class or via dm's. I do a variety of the classes on offer and have done bootcamp too, and would highly recommend them to anyone, no matter your fitness or your size. I started classes 4 stone heavier, unfit and very self conscious about my size and even though my journey is far from over, I know I will get to my goal in the end alongside my fellow insaniacs and Toria.


I am so glad my sister introduced me to these classes! I feel fitter and healthier than I ever have before! I have completed 3 boot camps and a body blast as well as attending regular classes during the week. Toria and Gail are brilliant and as they get to know everyone individually they know what you are capable of and push you to reach your goals. Everyone that attends the classes are lovely and so supportive too. It’s a lovely place to train and they also listen to what people want and put on classes to suit all. 100% the best classes I have ever attended.


Have been going to classes for almost 12 months and boy can I tell the difference! I have become stronger, leaner and lost extra weight I was carrying after having my children. The classes are well thought out and Toria is amazing - encouraging and a great role model. No where else do I feel I get pushed out of my comfort zone. I have gained the confidence to try new challenges - just completed the 7 day body blast and am lined up to take part in the month long bootcamp soon.

The atmosphere in the classes is brilliant - everyone is super friendly, non judgemental and all encourage each other along.

Just super. If you have any doubts, I would just encourage you to try it out for yourself, what have you got to lose?!!


Earlier this week I finished my first ever body blast with Insane Fitness. I booked this at the end of February after not being able to train for 3 months due to a foot injury & had fell off the wagon..big time!!

I’ve been following Toria on Instagram for a while and thinking how good the vibe looks in the classes and also knowing someone who goes to the classes and boot camps and has had amazing results!

I didn‚Äôt really know what to expect..but what an AMAZING 12 days! Being pushed to your absolute limits and encouraged; but what made it so much easier was a lovely, friendly bunch of girls who totally supported, pushed and motivated each other. Not forgetting the amazing trainers Toria, Gail & Jay who put this all together and worked tirelessly to make every day different, making you wonder what you were in for the next day! ÔŅĹÔŅĹ

I’ve also been doing the classes for the last month and I can honestly say they are the best classes I’ve ever been to. There’s such a mixture of classes for all abilities. I actually look forward to a crazy way!

I can‚Äôt recommend Insane Fitness highly enough!! ÔŅĹ


Bootcamp = ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!! I've just completed my 3rd bootcamp this year and honestly I can't speak anymore highly of them than I already do. They push you way past your comfort zones to the point where you can't even remember what a comfort zone is anymore, you think there's no way your going to be able to get through it but Toria and Jay encourage, support and push you to the end. Toria and the team make each session so different but always FUN and you finish each session with a massive smile on your face and wanting to start the session again. Gail's knowledge and advice on nutrition is the best and she's a huge asset to the team. Finally, the rest of the bootcampers are also a massive support and everyone is there to encourage and motivate eachother!! Oh and the results everyone gets are AMAZING. I would 100% recommend these bootcamps to anyone and everyone. ÔŅĹÔŅĹ


Well a Saturday morning Raise the Barre class puts me a in a great mood and mindset for the rest of the weekend! An amazing class for all shapes, sizes and fitness levels for a great bum, leg and tum workout!! Gail is a fantastic instructor who encourages and pushes you! I would definitely recommend this class to anybody! You don't know what it's like until you have a go! Never judge a book so never judge a class by its name!! ÔŅĹÔŅĹ

Thank you Gail you are amazing at what you do and a great instructor!! Keep it up!! Anymore classes and I'll be there!!


This evening I donned my gym gear and went to my very first class at Insane fitness this evening, after so many recommendations it was about time I did... it lived up to all my expectations! Yes, it was hard BUT I LOVED IT ÔŅĹ Toria makes it so exciting- I literally felt buzzing afterwards. Famous last words... I‚Äôll be back ÔŅĹ P.S My legs are already like jelly, mentally preparing myself for the morning ÔŅĹÔŅĹ (Why I left it so long I will never know) Thankyou, Toria ÔŅĹ


This class is brilliant! When first starting insanity I was really nervous and thought I would fall flat on my face but Toria and the gang have made me feel right at home. The classes are hard work but worth the effort and just only after a few classes I can already start to see the changes to my fitness and shape. If you're wanting to join and feel nervous about it, please don't! It's a great class to get in to and you'll feel amazing afterwards! It's all thanks to Toria and the group! Xx


Only been going for 4/5 weeks and already lost 11lbs!


My friend had been trying to get me to go for months, I eventually went along not knowing what to expect as I wasn't very fit. From the first session I was hooked love it, You get pushed to your limits but I leave there buzzing. I've come a long way in only a short amount of time and I'm starting to see my shape change. Love it


Just did my first Fitness Pilates with Gail and I absolutely loved it!

I struggle with my core and think by focussing on my weakest ability within Insane Fitness, is only going to make me perform better in other classes too.

Gail is amazing!, she talks and demonstrates the moves beforehand so your not sat looking puzzled. It also make a nice change to letting your body and mind relax after along week.

Also the music is on point!


I’ve just finished another, yes ANOTHER, body blast! Now getting up at 5am to train at 6, is not what I’d normally do! But then that’s what Toria, Gail and Jay do, they get you to do things you wouldn’t normally dream of doing! They push you to your limits and somehow make you want more!!!!!

If your unsure whether to do one, or even try insanity, then don’t think just do!!!

You won’t regret it!

You’ll be made to feel comfortable whatever your fitness levels are!!

And you will have the best fun ever, whilst getting fit!!!


Try it!!!


I‚Äôm soo glad my friend introduced me to the classes I love them and the body blast ūüí™ūüí™ and boot camp sessions are amazing ūüėČ tori and Gail are amazing instructors and inspirational.


Insane fitness is amazing and highly recommended!! Both Victoria and Gail are fantastic instructors.. they are motivational and push you to your limits! Can‚Äôt wait for my next classes ÔŅĹÔŅĹ


I'm a newbe to insane fitness, after being recommended by my friend I thought I'd give it a go. I've just had my second session at Raise the barre with Gail and it was amazing! She pushes you to your limit but makes sure you don't feel pressured into doing anything you don't want to! Such a great instructor would definitely recommend. Would love there to be some ballet lessons in the future!


I wanted to rewrite my review as I have done so much more now since I first started at Insane Fitness.

There are so many different classes I go to now and I enjoy each one as they’re so variable and focus on separate unique ways to get lean and fit.

Body Pump - A fantastic class that gets your heart pumping out of your chest by shifting serious weights to some fab tunes! When you feel you can’t get that last rep out, you somehow find the energy to do it and it feels out of this world.

Insanity - Exactly what it says on the tin. Every insanity class feels like a party! With disco lights and Insane music! I’m literally slipping in my own sweat for the last part!

Turbo - Like a spin class, but better! There’s no other class that makes me sweat like pedalling like a mad woman on those bikes for 45 minutes.

Raise The Barre - I just love this class. It works on so many tiny muscles in your legs and bum that you didn’t know you had! Warning: Gail makes it look a lot easier than it is!

Core: One of the newest classes and certainly one of the hardest! A whole hour working on my weakest part, my core! It’s a killer but so good!

Pilates: This class is just incredible. Like I said, my core is my weakest spot and I know that I have to keep working on it. Pilates not only helps your abs, but your bum and legs also. One of my favourite parts of Pilates? The long (and painful!) stretch at the end.

I can’t do a review without mentioning the two fantastic instructors who make the classes what they are. Toria and Gail are just amazing and know EXACTLY what they’re talking about. Somehow they know everyone’s name (which means you can’t skive!) and hammer you with the correct technique so you can achieve your goals.

Each class is so different but the atmosphere, support and general camaraderie never changes. The guys and gals who go to Insane Fitness are incredible people. Not once have I heard any bitchiness in the two years I’ve been going. I’ve met some lovely friends there and I always look forward to coming back.

I wouldn’t want to train anywhere else.


I recently completed the 12 day Bodyblast Bootcamp. This Bodyblast was amazing, with such a fantastic group of people who have encouraged and supported each other along the way!! As always the Insane Fitness Team which consisted of Toria, Gail and Jay put on a fantastic bootcamp and believe me having completed several bootcamps they never disappoint by mixing up the sessions!!

I really am going to miss it!! The past 12 days have helped me in more ways then just my fitness levels!! Thanks again you lovely lot for being so bloody awesome ÔŅĹ


I love all of the classes that I've done wit them snake fitness. I tried Fitness Pilates for the first time yesterday and as a result I have booked onto more because it worked my body much harder than I initially thought it would. It also worked areas that I hadn't ever Worked before!

I've seen improvements to my body and strength already ÔŅĹÔŅĹ ÔŅĹ


I joined after having a baby. I had no core muscles at all and I was pretty unfit. It's easy to say no to exercise; I've given up every time. Pilates is the only thing I haven't given up on and I even try to do some at home. I've done about a dozen Pilates sessions now and I feel stronger, more flexible and toned. I can even feel abs forming under my mum tum. (I've still got a way to go). It empowers me and gives me a way to release; it's my little bit of me time that I look forward to every week. The familiarity of the exercises helps me know that I'm getting stronger and better; it helps having an amazing teacher, who goes out of her way, to help us push ourselves and makes us work for it!


I have been taking classes with Toria for just over a year now, and insanity is definitely my sanity! Toria is a fantastic instructor; she is motivating and encouraging and truly an inspiration and always has time for you whether in class or via dm's. I do a variety of the classes on offer and have done bootcamp too, and would highly recommend them to anyone, no matter your fitness or your size. I started classes 4 stone heavier, unfit and very self conscious about my size and even though my journey is far from over, I know I will get to my goal in the end alongside my fellow insaniacs and Toria.


I am so glad my sister introduced me to these classes! I feel fitter and healthier than I ever have before! I have completed 3 boot camps and a body blast as well as attending regular classes during the week. Toria and Gail are brilliant and as they get to know everyone individually they know what you are capable of and push you to reach your goals. Everyone that attends the classes are lovely and so supportive too. It’s a lovely place to train and they also listen to what people want and put on classes to suit all. 100% the best classes I have ever attended.


Have been going to classes for almost 12 months and boy can I tell the difference! I have become stronger, leaner and lost extra weight I was carrying after having my children. The classes are well thought out and Toria is amazing - encouraging and a great role model. No where else do I feel I get pushed out of my comfort zone. I have gained the confidence to try new challenges - just completed the 7 day body blast and am lined up to take part in the month long bootcamp soon.

The atmosphere in the classes is brilliant - everyone is super friendly, non judgemental and all encourage each other along.

Just super. If you have any doubts, I would just encourage you to try it out for yourself, what have you got to lose?!!


Earlier this week I finished my first ever body blast with Insane Fitness. I booked this at the end of February after not being able to train for 3 months due to a foot injury & had fell off the wagon..big time!!

I’ve been following Toria on Instagram for a while and thinking how good the vibe looks in the classes and also knowing someone who goes to the classes and boot camps and has had amazing results!

I didn‚Äôt really know what to expect..but what an AMAZING 12 days! Being pushed to your absolute limits and encouraged; but what made it so much easier was a lovely, friendly bunch of girls who totally supported, pushed and motivated each other. Not forgetting the amazing trainers Toria, Gail & Jay who put this all together and worked tirelessly to make every day different, making you wonder what you were in for the next day! ÔŅĹÔŅĹ

I’ve also been doing the classes for the last month and I can honestly say they are the best classes I’ve ever been to. There’s such a mixture of classes for all abilities. I actually look forward to a crazy way!

I can‚Äôt recommend Insane Fitness highly enough!! ÔŅĹ


Bootcamp = ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!! I've just completed my 3rd bootcamp this year and honestly I can't speak anymore highly of them than I already do. They push you way past your comfort zones to the point where you can't even remember what a comfort zone is anymore, you think there's no way your going to be able to get through it but Toria and Jay encourage, support and push you to the end. Toria and the team make each session so different but always FUN and you finish each session with a massive smile on your face and wanting to start the session again. Gail's knowledge and advice on nutrition is the best and she's a huge asset to the team. Finally, the rest of the bootcampers are also a massive support and everyone is there to encourage and motivate eachother!! Oh and the results everyone gets are AMAZING. I would 100% recommend these bootcamps to anyone and everyone. ÔŅĹÔŅĹ

More about Insane Fitness With Victoria Sutton

Insane Fitness With Victoria Sutton is located at Abbey Studios, 253 Abbey Street, DE22 3SW Derby