
About Intercede

Intercede has been delivering innovative cyber security solutions to real-world digital identity challenges for governments, police, military and multi-nationals for more than 20 years.


Intercede Description

Intercede® is a cybersecurity company specializing in identity, credential management and secure mobility to enable digital trust. It provides software and services that help organizations ensure the safety and security of their employees, customers, facilities, networks and information in an increasingly mobile, digital world.

With offices on both sides of the Atlantic, Intercede® has been delivering solutions to high profile customers, from national governments to some of the world’s largest corporations, telecommunications providers and information technology firms, for over 30 years.



New regulatory technical standards on 'strong customer authentication', which will apply under the EU's second Payment Services Directive (PSD2), are set to be implemented into EU law in the coming days...


With more cybercriminals targeting mobile banking apps with sophisticated clones, it seems even the larger banking organisations aren't safe from the threat...


Would a legislation similar to GDPR ever be implemented in America?


Financial service websites have been found to be 'considerably' more compromised than any internet banking user would hope or expect. Are your cybersecurity measures protecting your customers?


It is now estimated the global economy loses roughly $600 billion every year to cybercrime, what can your organisation do to protect itself?


There are lessons to be learned from Equifax, with the breach now considered to be worse than first thought..…/equifax-hack-sen ate-discl…/index.html


6 Steps your organisation must take now to help ensure GDPR compliancy.


Preparing your organisation for a data breach? The Cipher Brief argue simply having an incident response plan is no longer enough, and instead response should be practised regularly in order to minimize potential damage.


Discovering and investigating data breaches: Why it's always too little, too late. Find out how GDPR non-compliance could cost you...


What CyberSecurity surprises are in store for 2018?


Now only 100 days to go until GDPR, are you ready?


Find out how PSD2 is changing the game with regards to payments competition in European retail banking.


With 69% of consumer respondents suggesting they would completely boycott a company that's known to have poor data protection services, can your brand afford to be complacent when it comes to cyber-security?


We all are now aware of the upcoming GDPR deadline on the 25th May, but is the real deadline sooner than you think? #GDPR


What opportunities will arise for European Banking as a result of PSD2?…/psd2-opens-n ew-doors-european-ba…


2017 set records for the most breaches and data compromised in a year, with over 5,207 breaches recorded. How secure is your organisation?


A survey of 4000 organisations in the UK, US, Germany, Spain and the Netherlands found 73% of businesses to be severely lacking in digital security. Does your organisation have adequate defence measures in place?…/majority-of-busin esses-lack-cyber-se…/


Concerned about the increasing threat of cyber-attacks on your organisation? Integrating security into each aspect of your business could mitigate this stress.


PSD2 has the potential to be a catalyst for disruption in the banking and financial services industry, but there is widespread confusion about it's purpose and benefit to customers. Is your organisation up to speed on the change?

More about Intercede

+44(0)1455 558 111