Jttherapies.Co.Uk Lincolnshire Bowen And Reiki

About Jttherapies.Co.Uk Lincolnshire Bowen And Reiki

JT Therapies offers the Bowen Technique & Reiki (Usui, Celtic, and Reiki Drum) in the heart of the Lincolnshire Wolds

Jttherapies.Co.Uk Lincolnshire Bowen And Reiki Description

Are you in pain?
Experiencing reduced mobility?
Injured? Tired? Stressed?
Feeling generally out of sorts?
Perhaps I can help.

The Bowen Technique is a highly effective therapy which consists of a series of gentle rolling moves made primarily over muscles with frequent pauses between moves giving the body time to benefit.

A Bowen treatment may include the body as a whole, or a specific problem can be targeted.

Treatments are very gentle, making it a suitable therapy for people of all ages, from the newly-born to the elderly.
There is no attempt within a Bowen treatment to force the body to change. Rather, through releasing stress at a very deep level, via its deep, calming effect on the Autonomic Nervous System, Bowen encourages and enables the body to heal itself.

Might Bowen Help YOU?

Please do consider Bowen for any of the following:

Back Pain
Frozen Shoulder
Sports Injuries
Menstrual Problems
Fertility Problems
Headache /Migraine
Mobility Problems
Digestive Problems

This list is just a brief guide to how Bowen might be of help.

Please do phone to discuss your health needs, whether acute or chronic in origin.

I am now trained in Fascia Bowen - based on the work of Howard Plummer. Using an even lighter, feather-weight touch, this can either be incorporated into a normal Bowen treatment, or used on its own, depending on the need of the client.

I am registered with the BTPA and with the CNHC for my work as a Bowen Therapist

Contact Jenny
01507 343964
www. jttherapies. co. uk

More about Jttherapies.Co.Uk Lincolnshire Bowen And Reiki

Jttherapies.Co.Uk Lincolnshire Bowen And Reiki is located at Scamblesby, LN11 9XG Louth, Lincolnshire
01507 343964